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A number of tests for non-linear dependence in time series are presented and implemented on a set of 10 daily sterling exchange rates covering the entire post Bretton-Woods era until the present day. Irrefutable evidence of non-linearity is shown in many of the series, but most of this dependence can apparently be explained by reference to the GARCH family of models. It is suggested that the literature in this area has reached an impasse, with the presence of ARCH effects clearly demonstrated in a large number of papers, but with the tests for non-linearity which are currently available being unable to classify any additional non-linear structure.


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We present a catalogue of galaxy photometric redshifts and k-corrections for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (SDSS-DR7), available on the World Wide Web. The photometric redshifts were estimated with an artificial neural network using five ugriz bands, concentration indices and Petrosian radii in the g and r bands. We have explored our redshift estimates with different training sets, thus concluding that the best choice for improving redshift accuracy comprises the main galaxy sample (MGS), the luminous red galaxies and the galaxies of active galactic nuclei covering the redshift range 0 < z < 0.3. For the MGS, the photometric redshift estimates agree with the spectroscopic values within rms = 0.0227. The distribution of photometric redshifts derived in the range 0 < z(phot) < 0.6 agrees well with the model predictions. k-corrections were derived by calibration of the k-correct_v4.2 code results for the MGS with the reference-frame (z = 0.1) (g - r) colours. We adopt a linear dependence of k-corrections on redshift and (g - r) colours that provide suitable distributions of luminosity and colours for galaxies up to redshift z(phot) = 0.6 comparable to the results in the literature. Thus, our k-correction estimate procedure is a powerful, low computational time algorithm capable of reproducing suitable results that can be used for testing galaxy properties at intermediate redshifts using the large SDSS data base.


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The magnetic response of the near-band-edge optical properties is studied in EuTe layers. In several magneto-optical experiments, the absorption and emission are described as well as the related Stokes shift. Specifically, we present the first experimental report of the photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectrum in Faraday configuration. The PLE spectra shows to be related with the absorption spectra through the observation of resonance between the excitation light and the zero-field band-gap. A new emission line appears at 1.6 eV at a moderate magnetic field in the photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Furthermore, we examine the absorption and PL red-shift induced by the magnetic field in the light of the d-f exchange interaction energy involved in these processes. Whereas the absorption red-shift shows a quadratic dependence on the field, the PL red-shift shows a linear dependence which is explained by spin relaxation of the excited state.


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The electrostatic layer-by-layer technique has been exploited as an useful strategy for fabrication of nanostructured thin films, in which specific properties can be controlled at the molecular level. Ferrofluids consist of a colloidal suspension of magnetic grains (with only a few nanometers of diameter) with present interesting physical properties and applications, ranging from telecommunication to drug delivery systems. In this article, we developed a new strategy to manipulate ferrofluids upon their immobilization in nanostructured layered films in conjunction with conventional polyelectrolytes using the layer-by-layer technique. We investigated the morphological, optical, and magnetic properties of the immobilized ferrofluid as a function of number of bilayers presented in the films. Ferrofluid/polyelectrolyte multilayers homogeneously covered the substrates surface, and the magnetic and optical properties of films exhibited a linear dependence on the number of bilayers adsorbed.


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Extracellular adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) is an agonist for the P2Z receptor of human leukaemic lymphocytes and opens a Ca 2+-selective ion channel, which also conducts Ba2+, Sr2+ and the small fluorescent dye, ethidium+. A wide range of receptor agonists, many of which raise cytosolic [Ca2+] activate phospholipase D (PLD). In the present study, it was shown that both ATP and 3′-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)-ATP (BzATP) stimulated PLD activity in a concentration-dependent manner, and the inhibitory effects of suramin, oxidised ATP, extracellular Na+ and Mg2+ suggested that the effect of these agonists is mediated by P2Z receptors. The role of divalent cations in ATP-stimulated PLD activity was investigated. Several agonists (eg ATP, thapsigargin, ionomycin) stimulated a rise in cytosolic [Ca2+] in human lymphocytes, but only ATP and ionomycin stimulated PLD activity. When Ca2+ influx was prevented by EGTA, the majority of ATP-stimulated and all of ionomycin-stimulated PLD activity was inhibited. Preloading cells with the Ca2+ chelator, BAPTA, reduced cytosolic [Ca2+] and, paradoxically, ATP-stimulated PLD activity was potentiated. ATP-stimulated PLD activity was supported by both Ba2+ and Sr2+ when they were substituted for extracellular Ca2+. Furthermore, both ATP-stimulated PLD activity and ATP-stimulated 133Ba2+ influx showed a linear dependence on extracellular [Ba2+]. Thus it was concluded that ATP stimulated PLD activity in direct proportion to the influx of divalent cations through the P2Z ion channel and this PLD activity was insensitive to changes in bulk cytosolic [Ca2+]. The calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM) inhibitor, trifluoperazine (TFP) inhibited ionomycin- and ATP-stimulated PLD activity and ATP-stimulated apoptosis, but had no effect on PLD activity already activated by ATP. However, TFP inhibited ATP-stimulated Ca2+, Ba2+ and ethidium+ fluxes, at concentrations below those which inhibit Ca2+/CaM, suggesting that TFP inhibits the P2Z receptor. Similarly, the isoquinolinesulphonamide, KN-62, a selective inhibitor of Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), also prevented ATP-stimulated apoptosis, but had no effect on pre-activated PLD. In addition, KN-62, and an analogue, KN-04, which has no effect on CaMKII, potently inhibited ATP-stimulated Ba2+ influx (IC50 12.7 ± 1.5 and 17.3 ± 2.7 nM, respectively), ATP-stimulated ethidium+ uptake (IC50 13.1 ± 2.6 and 37.2 ± 8.9 nM, respectively), ATP-stimulated phospholipase D activity (50% inhibition 5.9 ± 1.2 and 9.7 ± 2.8 nM, respectively) and ATP-induced shedding of the surface adhesion molecule, L-selectin (IC50 31.5 ± 4.5 and 78.7 ± 10.8 nM, respectively). They did not inhibit phorbol ester- or ionomycin-stimulated PLD activity or phorbol ester-induced L-selectin shedding. Neither KN-62 nor KN-04 (both 500 nM) have any effect on UTP-stimulated Ca2+ transients in fura-2-loaded human neutrophils, a response which is mediated by the P2Y2 receptor, neither did they inhibit ATP-stimulated contractile responses mediated by the P2X1 receptor of guinea pig urinary bladder. Thus, KN-62 and KN-04 are almost equipotent as P2Z inhibitors with IC50s in the nanomolar, indicating that their actions cannot be due to CaMKII inhibition, but rather that they are potent and direct inhibitors of the P2Z receptor. Extracellular ATP-induced shedding of L-selectin from lymphocytes into the medium is a Ca2+-independent response. L-selectin is either cleaved by a metalloproteinase or a PLD with specificity for glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI). The novel hydroxamic acid-based zinc chelator, Ro-31-9790 blocks ATP-induced L-selectin shedding, but was without effect on ATP-induced Ba2+ influx or ATP-stimulated PLD activity. Furthermore, another zinc chelator, 1,10-phenanthroline, an inhibitor of a GPI-PLD, potentiated rather than inhibited ATP-stimulated PLD activity, suggesting that ATP-induced L-selectin shedding and ATP-stimulated PLD activity are independent of each other. Although extracellular ATP is the natural ligand for the lymphocyte P2Z receptor, it is less potent than BzATP in stimulating Ba2+ influx. Concentration-response curves for BzATP- and ATP-stimulated ethidium+ influx gave EC50s 15.4 ± 1.4 µM and 85.6 ± 8.8 µM, respectively. The maximal response to ATP was only 69.8 ± 1.9% of that for BzATP. Hill coefficients were 3.17 ± 0.24 and 2.09 ± 0.45 for BzATP and ATP respectively, suggesting greater positive cooperativity for BzATP than for ATP in opening the P2Z-operated ion channel. A rank order of agonist potency of BzATP > ATP = 2MeSATP > ATPγS was observed for agonist-stimulated ethidium+ influx, while maximal influxes followed a rank order of BzATP > ATP > 2MeSATP > ATPγS. When ATP (300 -1000 µM) was added simultaneously with 30 µM BzATP (EC90), it reduced both ethidium+ and Ba2+ fluxes by 30 - 40% relative to values observed with BzATP alone. KN-62, previously shown to be a specific inhibitor of the lymphocyte P2Z receptor, was a less potent antagonist of BzATP-induced fluxes than ATP, when maximal concentrations of both agonists (50 and 500 µM respectively) were used. However, when BzATP (18 µM) was used at a concentration equiactive with a maximally effective ATP concentration, KN-62 showed the same inhibitory potency for both agonists. The ecto-ATPase antagonist, ARL-67156, inhibited both ATP- and BzATP-stimulated Ba2+ influx, suggesting that the lower efficacy of ATP compared with BzATP was not due to preferential hydrolysis of ATP. Thus, the natural ligand, ATP, is a partial agonist for the P2Z receptor while BzATP is a full agonist. Moreover the competitive studies show that only a single class of P2-receptor (P2Z class) is expressed on human leukaemic lymphocytes. Both ATP- and BzATP-stimulated PLD activity were significantly inhibited (P < 0.05) when cells were suspended in iso-osmotic choline Cl medium. Choline+ was found to be a permeant for the P2Z ion channel, since ATP induced a large uptake of [14C]choline+ (60 to 150 µmol/ml intracellular water) during a 5 min incubation, which remained in the cells for several hours, and ATP was used to load cells with these levels of choline+. Intracellular choline+ inhibited ATP-, BzATP-, PMA- and ionomycin-stimulated PLD activity. Brief exposure of lymphocytes to ATP increased the subsequent basal rate of ethidium+ uptake, and this was prevented by intracellular choline+. It is proposed that P2Z-mediated Ca2+ influx in lymphocytes activates PLD leading to significantly changes of the phospholipid composition of the plasma membrane, which subsequently produces a permeability lesion, which in turn contributes to cell death.


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This article reports the nonisothermal crystallization behavior of MXD6 and its clay nanocomposite system (MXD6/MMT) using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC experimental data were analyzed by theoretical modeling of the crystallization kinetics using the Avrami, Ozawa, Jeziorny, and the combined Avrami―Ozawa semiempirical models. It has been determined that these models adequately described the crystallization behavior of the MXD6 nanocomposite at cooling rates below 20 °C/min, but there was a deviation from linear dependence at higher cooling rates. This was attributed to changes of both the free energy and the cooling crystallization function K(T) over the entire crystallization process, as well as possible relaxation effects leading to structural rearrangements. In addition, the activation energy determined using the differential isoconversional method of Friedman was also found to vary, indicating changes in both the free energy and crystallization mechanism. Despite the lack of a reliable theoretical model, the heterogeneous nucleating activity of the MMT nanoparticles was demonstrated and quantified using Dobreva's method (Φ = 0.71), and the crystallization rate for the nanocomposite system was found to be greater than pure MXD6 by up to 79% at 40 °C/min.


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Nesta tese estudamos as derivações de ordem superior (DOS) em anéis não-comutativos. Inicialmente, mostramos que toda derivação tripla de Jordan de ordem superior em um anel semiprimo livre de 2-torção é uma DOS. Em particular, toda derivação de Jordan de ordem superior (DJOS) num anel deste tipo é uma DOS. Estendemos também o resultado a ideais de Lie U, provando que se R é um anel primo livre de 2-torção e D é uma DJOS de U em R onde U ct Z(R) é tal que U2E U para todo u E U, então D é uma DOS de U em R. Nestas condições, se U C Z(R), então o resultado não é válido. Estudamos ainda as DOS cujas componentes satisfazem relações de dependência linear sobre R ou Q (o anel de quocientes à direita de M artindale de R). Caracterizamos tais DOS, e mostramos que as relações de dependência linear são preservadas ao estendermos uma DOS de R a Q.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were grown from radiofrequency plasmas of acetylene-argon mixtures, at different excitation powers, P. The effects of this parameter on the plasma potential, electron density, electron temperature, and plasma activity were investigated using a Langmuir probe. The mean electron temperature increased from about 0.5 to about 7.0 eV while the mean electron density decreased from about 1.2x10(9) to about 0.2x10(9) cm(-3) as P was increased from 25 to 150 W. Both the plasma potential and the plasma activity were found to increase with increasing P. Through actinometric optical emission spectrometry, the relative concentrations of CH, [CH], and H, [H], in the discharge were mapped as a function of the applied power. A rise in [H] and a fall in [CH] with increasing P were observed and are discussed in relation to the plasma characteristics and the subimplantation model. The optical properties of the films were calculated from ultraviolet-visible spectroscopic data; the surface resistivity was measured by the two-point probe method. The optical gap, E(G), and the surface resistivity, rho(s), fall with increasing P. E(G) and rho(s) are in the ranges of about 2.0-1.3 eV and 10(14)-10(16) Omega/square, respectively. The plasma power also influences the film self-bias, V(b), via a linear dependence, and the effect of V(b) on ion bombardment during growth is addressed together with variation in the relative densities of sp(2) and sp(3) bonds in the films as determined by Raman spectroscopy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work presents a methodology for iron determination in fuel ethanol using a modified carbon paste electrode with 1.10 fenantroline/nafion. The electrochemical parameters were optimized for the proposed system and the voltammetric technique of square wave was employed for iron determination. An accumulation time of 5 minutes, such as a 100 mV of pulse magnitude (E(sw)) and frequency (f) of 25 Hz were used as optimized experimental conditions. The modified carbon paste electrode presented linear dependence of amperometric signal with iron concentration in a work range from 6.0x10(-6) until 2.0x10(-5) mol L(-1) of iron, exhibiting a linear correlation coefficient of 0.9884, a detection limit of 2.4 x10(-6) mol L(-1) (n = 3) and amperometric sensibility of 4.5x10(5) mu A/mol L(-1). Analytical curve method was used for iron determination at a commercial fuel sample. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy was employed as comparative technique.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)