972 resultados para LASER SPECTROSCOPY


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Only a few studies have examined the variation of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of seawater in NE Atlantic water masses, and data are especially sparse for intermediate and deep-water masses. The current study greatly expands this record with 527 d18O values from 47 stations located throughout the mid- to low-latitude NE Atlantic. In addition, dD was analyzed in the 192 samples collected along the GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect GA03 (GA03_e=KN199-4) and the 115 Iberia-Forams cruise samples from the western and southern Iberian margin. An intercomparison study between the two stable isotope measurement techniques (cavity ring-down laser spectroscopy and magnetic-sector isotope ratio mass spectrometry) used to analyze GA03_e samples reveals relatively good agreement for both hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios. The surface (0-100 m) and central (100-500 m) water isotope data show the typical, evaporation related trend of increasing values equatorward with the exception for the zonal transect off Cape Blanc, NW Africa. Off Cape Blanc, surface water isotope signatures are modified by the upwelling of fresher Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) that generally has isotopic values of 0.0 to 0.5 per mil for d18O and 0 to 2 per mil for dD. Along the Iberian margin the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) is clearly distinguished by its high d18O (0.5-1.1 per mil) and dD (3-6 per mil) values that can be traced into the open Atlantic. Isotopic values in the NE Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW) are relatively low (d18O: -0.1 to 0.5 per mil; dD: -1 to 4 per mil) and show a broader range than observed previously in the northern and southern convection areas. The NEADW is best observed at GA03_e Stations 5 and 7 in the central NE Atlantic basin. Antarctic Bottom Water isotope values are relatively high indicating modification of the original Antarctic source water along the flow path. The reconstructed d18O-salinity relationship for the complete data set has a slope of 0.51, i.e., slightly steeper than the 0.46 described previously by Pierre et al. (1994, J. Mar. Syst. 5 (2), 159-170.) for the tropical to subtropical Northeast Atlantic. This slope decreases to 0.46 for the subtropical North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) and the MOW and to 0.32 for the surface waters of the upper 50 m. The dD-salinity mixing lines have estimated slopes of 3.01 for the complete data, 1.26 for the MOW, 3.47 for the NACW, and 2.63 for the surface waters. The slopes of the d18O-dD relationship are significantly lower than the one for the Global Meteoric Water Line with 5.6 for the complete data set, 2.30 for the MOW, 4.79 for the NACW, and 3.99 for the surface waters. The lower slopes in all the relationships clearly reflect the impact of the evaporation surplus in the subtropics.


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Die Validität des Sensorkonzeptes aus dem Patent von Prof. H. Hillmer wird unter Verwendung einer gasförmigen Testsubstanz gezeigt. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein bestehender Messaufbau durch zahlreiche Verbesserungen optimiert. Die optischen Eigenschaften der verwendeten Komponenten und der resultierenden modifizierten Aufbauten werden dargelegt. Die bisherigen faserbasierter Messaufbauten werden zu einem symmetrischen Messaufbau mit verbesserter spektraler Auflösung und vereinfachter Handhabung erweitert. Die Vorlaufzeiten, die zuvor ein maßgebliches Problem darstellte, wurde deutlich reduziert. Die spektralen Eigenschaften des überarbeiteten Lasersystems werden detailliert erfasst und dargestellt. Der asymmetrische Messaufbau erreicht minimale Halbwertsbreiten von 0,04 ± 0,02 nm, bei einem Seitenmodenunterdrückungsverhältnis von 26,9 ± 0,9 dB und weist einen Schwellstrom von 361,55 mA auf. Der symmetrische Aufbau erreicht Halbwertsbreiten von 0,04 ± 0,02 nm, ein Seitenmodenunterdrückungsverhältnis von 49,45 ± 0,05 nm und weist einen Schwellstrom von 261,25 mA auf. Durch die Erweiterung des Systems zum symmetrischen Messaufbau wird es möglich, die Positionen der Wellenlängen frei zu wählen, wohingegen im asymmetrischen Messaufbau die Wellenlänge der äußeren Kavität immer näher am Maximum der Verstärkungskurve des SOA gewählt werden muss. Mit beiden System werden Messungen mit unterschiedlichen Stoffmengen von Acetylen mit unterschiedlichen Abständen zwischen den Laserlinien durchgeführt. Obwohl eine vergleichsweise schwache Absorptionslinie von Acetylen für die Messungen gewählt wurde, zeigen beide Systeme eine instantane Änderung der Intensitäten der Laserlinien bei einer Änderung der Stoffmenge im Resonator. Die Laserlinie, die von der Absorption von Acetylen betroffen ist, nimmt ab, wohingegen die Intensität der zweiten Laserlinie zunimmt. Es wird erstmals gezeigt, dass eine Leistungsübertragung zwischen den Laserlinien stattfindet. Die Reaktion beider Systeme ist stark vom Abstand der Laserlinien zueinander abhängig, wodurch eine genaue Bestimmung der Sensitivität nicht durchgeführt wird.


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Since the analysis of the lunar rocks and soil samples, brought to Earth by the Apollo missions, it is believed that the Moon has a waterless nature and also other volatile species are strongly depleted. Advancement in analysis techniques helped to identify water and other volatile species in lunar volcanic glasses. Additionally, recent lunar space missions detected water and volatile organic compounds in the region of the lunar poles where permanently shadowed craters are existing. All known lunar soil samples available on Earth come from the lunar near side, close to the equator. To verify the most recent measurement results and to enhance the knowledge of the geological history of the Moon it is of high interest to perform in situ measurements on the lunar poles. For this reason the Russian space agency, Roskosmos, developed aprogram for the scientific exploration of the lunar poles. The Gas Analysis Package (GAP) is part of the selected scientific payload aboard the Luna-Resurs Lander. This instrument uses pyrolytic cells and will apply laser spectroscopy, gas chromatography and mass spectrometry to detect and analyze volatile components trapped in the lunar soil. An existing ion optical design of a compact reflectron type time-of-flight mass spectrometer, originally built for the MEAP/P-BACE balloon mission, was chosen as a part of the GAP instrument. The scope of this thesis is the development of the interface between gas chromatography (GC) and this Neutral Gas Mass Spectrometer (NGMS) to perform coupled GC-MS measurements. In the first part of this thesis the interfacing concept was developed and verified by coupling the NGMS prototype to gas chromatography. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the development of the NGMS flight version.


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To correlate the Raman frequencies of the amide I and III bands to beta-turn structures, three peptides shown to contain beta-turn structure by x-ray diffraction and NMR were examined. The compounds examined were tertiary (formula: see text). The amide I band of these compounds is seen at 1,668, 1,665, and 1,677 cm-1, and the amide III band appears at 1,267, 1,265, and 1,286 cm-1, respectively. Thus, it is concluded that the amide I band for type III beta-turn structure appears in the range between 1,665 and 1,677 cm-1 and the amide III band between 1,265 and 1,286 cm-1.


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Lanthanum doped lead titanate (PLT) thin films were identified as the most potential candidates for the pyroelectric and memory applications. PLT thin films were deposited on Pt coated Si by excimer laser ablation technique. The polarization behavior of PLT thin films has been studied over a temperature range of 300 K to 550 K. A universal power law relation was brought into picture to explain the frequency dependence of ac conductivity. At higher frequency region ac conductivity of PLT thin films become temperature independent. The temperature dependence of ac conductivity and the relaxation time is analyzed in detail. The activation energy obtained from the ac conductivity was attributed to the shallow trap controlled space charge conduction in the bulk of the sample. The impedance analysis for PLT thin films were also performed to get insight of the microscopic parameters, like grain, grain boundary, and film-electrode interface etc. The imaginary component of impedance Z" exhibited different peak maxima at different temperatures. Different types of mechanisms were analyzed in detail to explain the dielectric relaxation behavior in the PLT thin films.


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The potential merit of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been demonstrated for detection and quantification of trace pollutants trapped in snow/ice samples. In this technique, a high-power pulsed laser beam from Nd:YAG Laser (Model no. Surelite III-10, Continuum, Santa Clara, CA, USA) is focused on the surface of the target to generate plasma. The characteristic emissions from laser-generated plasma are collected and recorded by a fiber-coupled LIBS 2000+ (Ocean Optics, Santa Clara, CA, USA) spectrometer. The fingerprint of the constituents present in the sample is obtained by analyzing the spectral lines by using OOI LIBS software. Reliable detection of several elements like Zn, Al, Mg, Fe, Ca, C, N, H, and O in snow/ice samples collected from different locations (elevation) of Manali and several snow samples collected from the Greater Himalayan region (from a cold lab in Manali, India) in different months has been demonstrated. The calibration curve approach has been adopted for the quantitative analysis of these elements like Zn, Al, Fe, and Mg. Our results clearly demonstrate that the level of contamination is higher in those samples that were collected in the month of January in comparison to those collected in February and March.


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In this paper, we report the laser-induced periodic structure with different spatial characteristics on the surface of polished ZnO single-crystalline by high repetition rate femtosecond laser pulses. This study demonstrates that, using different laser parameters and irradiation conditions, ZnO nanoripples and nanorods were successfully prepared. We have investigated the surface by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM), Raman scattering and photoluminescence (PL). We propose that second-order harmonic has a strong influence on the formation of nanostructures. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Raman spectroscopy on single, living epithelial cells captured in a laser trap is shown to have diagnostic power over colorectal cancer. This new single-cell technology comprises three major components: primary culture processing of human tissue samples to produce single-cell suspensions, Raman detection on singly trapped cells, and diagnoses of the cells by artificial neural network classifications. it is compared with DNA flow cytometry for similarities and differences. Its advantages over tissue Raman spectroscopy are also discussed. In the actual construction of a diagnostic model for colorectal cancer, real patient data were taken to generate a training set of 320 Raman spectra and, a test set of 80. By incorporating outlier corrections to a conventional binary neural classifier, our network accomplished significantly better predictions than logistic regressions, with sensitivity improved from 77.5% to 86.3% and specificity improved from 81.3% to 86.3% for the training set and moderate improvements for the test set. Most important, the network approach enables a sensitivity map analysis to quantitate the relevance of each Raman band to the normal-to-cancer transform at the cell level. Our technique has direct clinic applications for diagnosing cancers and basic science potential in the study of cell dynamics of carcinogenesis. (C) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The effect of alcohol solution on single human red blood Cells (RBCs) was investigated using near-infrared laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS). In our system, a low-power diode laser at 785 nm was applied for the trapping of a living cell and the excitation of its Raman spectrum. Such a design could simultaneously reduce the photo-damage to the cell and suppress the interference from the fluorescence on the Raman signal. The denaturation process of single RBCs in 20% alcohol solution was investigated by detecting the time evolution of the Raman spectra at the single-cell level. The vitality of RBCs was characterized by the Raman band at 752 cm(-1), which corresponds to the porphyrin breathing mode. We found that the intensity of this band decreased by 34.1% over a period of 25 min after the administration of alcohol. In a further study of the dependence of denaturation on alcohol concentration, we discovered that the decrease in the intensity of the 752 cm(-1) band became more rapid and more prominent as the alcohol concentration increased. The present LTRS technique may have several potential applications in cell biology and medicine, including probing dynamic cellular processes at the single cell level and diagnosing cell disorders in real time. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley T Sons, Ltd.


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A single-cell diagnostic technique for epithelial cancers is developed by utilizing laser trapping and Raman spectroscopy to differentiate cancerous and normal epithelial cells. Single-cell suspensions were prepared from surgically removed human colorectal tissues following standard primary culture protocols and examined in a near-infrared laser-trapping Raman spectroscopy system, where living epithelial cells were investigated one by one. A diagnostic model was built on the spectral data obtained from 8 patients and validated by the data from 2 new patients. Our technique has potential applications from epithelial cancer diagnosis to the study of cell dynamics of carcinogenesis. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Raman spectroscopy on single, living epithelial cells captured in a laser trap is shown to have diagnostic power over colorectal cancer. This new single-cell technology comprises three major components: primary culture processing of human tissue samples to produce single-cell suspensions, Raman detection on singly trapped cells, and diagnoses of the cells by artificial neural network classifications. it is compared with DNA flow cytometry for similarities and differences. Its advantages over tissue Raman spectroscopy are also discussed. In the actual construction of a diagnostic model for colorectal cancer, real patient data were taken to generate a training set of 320 Raman spectra and, a test set of 80. By incorporating outlier corrections to a conventional binary neural classifier, our network accomplished significantly better predictions than logistic regressions, with sensitivity improved from 77.5% to 86.3% and specificity improved from 81.3% to 86.3% for the training set and moderate improvements for the test set. Most important, the network approach enables a sensitivity map analysis to quantitate the relevance of each Raman band to the normal-to-cancer transform at the cell level. Our technique has direct clinic applications for diagnosing cancers and basic science potential in the study of cell dynamics of carcinogenesis. (C) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The nonlinear spectroscopy of cold atoms in the diffuse laser cooling system is studied in this paper. We present the theoretical models of the recoil-induced resonances (RIR) and the electromagnetically-induced absorption (EIA) of cold atoms in diffuse laser light, and show their signals in an experiment of cooling Rb-87 atomic vapor in an integrating sphere. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental ones when the light intensity distribution in the integrating sphere is considered. The differences between nonlinear spectra of cold atoms in the diffuse laser light and in the optical molasses are also discussed. (c) 2009 Optical Society of America


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kinds of Yb3+- and Na+-codoped CaF2 laser crystal with different Na:Yb ratios of 0, 1.5, and 10 are grown by the temperature gradient technique. Room-temperature absorption, photoluminescence spectra, and fluorescence lifetimes belonging to the transitions between ground state F-2(7/2) and excited state F-2(5/2) of Yb3+ ions in the three crystals are measured to study the effect of Na+. Experimental results show that codoping Na+ ions in different Na:Yb ratios can modulate the spectroscopy and photoluminescence properties of Yb3+ ions in a CaF2 lattice in a large scope. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America