977 resultados para LACUNY Membership Brochure


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With the United Kingdom’s continued membership of the EU being increasingly questioned and the Prime Minister, David Cameron, committed to 're-negotiate’ the terms of membership, consideration is being given to what forms alternatives to [full] membership may take. While much current discussion focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of particular existing arrangements (e.g. European Economic Area, Swiss bilateralism), this paper examines the broader principles and practices that have to date underpinned – and undermined – EU’s attempts to develop alternatives to [full] EU membership. Drawing on an analysis of the evolution of association as an alternative to membership, the paper assesses the principled, practical and political limitations the EU faces – and imposes on itself – in offering an acceptable balance of rights and obligations to states not wishing to assume the mantle of full membership. In its assessment the paper considers various proposed models of affiliate and associate membership. It also situates consideration of the UK case in the broader context of the EU’s relations with other European non-member states for which membership may not be achievable and for which alternatives to membership (e.g. a form of privileged partnership) have been proposed. In doing so, the paper reflects on the precedent-setting consequences of any arrangement that the EU might reach with any state re-negotiating membership or withdrawing.


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Few states have been less uncomfortable with the relationship they have with the EU than the United Kingdom as a member and Turkey as an associate and would-be member. Both states currently find themselves questioning the substance and future of these relationships with domestic actors and, notably in the Turkish case, external EU voices actively advocating alternatives. While much discussion, particularly in the UK case, has focused on the advantages and disadvantages of particular existing arrangements (e.g. European Economic Area, Swiss bilateralism), this paper considers the broader principles and practices that the EU has to date either explicitly developed or implicitly established to govern the nature and substance of alternatives to [full] EU membership. It assesses the principled, practical and political limitations that exist in establishing alternatives to full membership for states seeking – or having sought for them – the accommodation of their exceptionalism. In doing so the paper considers the potential limits to a renegotiated EU membership for the UK and to an alternative short of full membership for Turkey. It also reflects on the precedent-setting consequences of any new arrangements that the EU might reach with either state for what forms membership and a relationship short of membership might take in the future.


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In previous papers from the authors fuzzy model identification methods were discussed. The bacterial algorithm for extracting fuzzy rule base from a training set was presented. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was also proposed for determining membership functions in fuzzy systems. In this paper the Levenberg-Marquardt technique is improved to optimise the membership functions in the fuzzy rules without Ruspini-partition. The class of membership functions investigated is the trapezoidal one as it is general enough and widely used. The method can be easily extended to arbitrary piecewise linear functions as well.


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Muitas vezes é necessário trabalhar com variáveis categóricas, porem há um número restrito de análisesque as abordam. Uma boa técnica de segmentação é a grade of membership (GoM), muito utilizada na área médica, em psicologia e em sociologia. Essa metodologia possui uma interpretação interessante baseada em perfis extremos (segmentos) e grau de pertencimento. Porém o modelo possui grande complexidade de estimação dos parâmetros pormáxima verossimilhança. Assim, neste trabalho propõe-se o uso de algoritmos genéticos para diminuir a complexidade e o tempo de cálculo, e aumentar a acurácia. A técnica é nomeada de Genetics Algorithms grade of membership (GA-GoM). Para averiguar a efetividade, o modelo foi primeiramente abordado por simulação – foi executado um experimento fatorial levando em conta o número de segmentos e variáveis trabalhadas. Em seguida, foi abordado um caso prático de segmentação de engajamento em redes sociais. Os resultados são superiores para modelos de maior complexidade. Conclui-se, assim, que é útil a abordagem para grandes bases de dados que contenham dados categóricos.