967 resultados para LABOR SUPERFICIAL
O objetivo deste trabalho é a aplicação de um Planejamento Fatorial Completo, ferramenta estatística que auxiliará a obter dados empíricos para otimizar um tratamento termoquímico, a cementação. Partindo-se de um levantamento da profundidade de camada cementada e da dureza de uma corrente de aço de baixo teor de carbono, usada para amarração, e para resistir à abrasão reproduziu-se uma nova cementação, variando-se seus parâmetros de influência, para se alcançar o ponto ótimo, definindo o melhor aço e o melhor processo. Foram realizados dois planejamentos, um fatorial 2 e dois 2, comparando o comportamento do processo na prática em relação aos resultados teóricos de uma simulação computacional, que permite a obtenção das curvas de enriquecimento de carbono, baseado na segunda Lei de Fick, para várias condições de contorno. Os perfis teóricos de cementação apresentaram valores de profundidade efetiva próximos aos valores obtidos experimentalmente, evidenciando o planejamento realizado.
Fish production on Malawian smallholdings is generally limited by the quantity and quality of inputs to the pond (Brummett and Noble 1995). The timing of labor availability and other farm activities limit the amount farmers put into their ponds resulting in lower growth rates and yields. There is potential for improving production and yields through modifications of production schedules to accommodate other farming activities. Limited material and labor inputs among farming system enterprises can be better allocated by considering seasonal availability of inputs and adapting the pond and fish farming technology to the farming system. This case from Malawi demonstrates that aquaculture technology that neglects the annual cycle of events and constraints on the farm will not be easily integrated into the farming system. Focusing on technology that maximizes fish production rather than facilitation of adoption and integration has been a feature of the majority of African smallholder agriculture/aquaculture projects. Farming Systems Research (FSR) must identify niches and opportunities for system improvement for it to be worth supporting as a development intervention.
Esta dissertação apresenta um novo modelo criado para a previsão do valor da tensão superficial de misturas de hidrocarbonetos. Pode ser utilizado na forma preditiva ou correlativa. Este modelo foi baseado no modelo preditivo para soluções ideais de HildebrandScott (1950) e no modelo correlativo de JouybanAcree (2004). Outras regras de mistura foram avaliadas e comparadas com o modelo proposto, incluindo abordagens clássicas como de Sprow e Prausnitz, parácoro e estados correspondentes. Foram avaliados os desempenhos dos modelos escolhidos na previsão e na correlação da tensão superficial de misturas de hidrocarbonetos em diferentes temperaturas que continham diferentes assimetrias na mistura, tanto em natureza química (e.g., parafínicos, naftênicos e aromáticos) quanto em tamanho de cadeia. No total foram empregados 773 dados experimentais. Dentre os modelos preditivos, o modelo proposto foi o de melhor desempenho. Para sistemas com comportamento próximo da idealidade, esse modelo apresentou desvios em relação aos dados experimentais compatíveis com o erro experimental. Todos os modelos correlativos estudados apresentaram desvios essencialmente da ordem do erro experimental. O modelo proposto é importante, pois é capaz de prever a tensão superficial de misturas binárias aproximadamente ideais de hidrocarbonetos com elevada acurácia, além de permitir a correlação eficiente dos dados de todas as misturas estudadas
BACKGROUND: Ritonavir inhibition of cytochrome P450 3A4 decreases the elimination clearance of fentanyl by 67%. We used a pharmacokinetic model developed from published data to simulate the effect of sample patient-controlled epidural labor analgesic regimens on plasma fentanyl concentrations in the absence and presence of ritonavir-induced cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition. METHODS: Fentanyl absorption from the epidural space was modeled using tanks-in-series delay elements. Systemic fentanyl disposition was described using a three-compartment pharmacokinetic model. Parameters for epidural drug absorption were estimated by fitting the model to reported plasma fentanyl concentrations measured after epidural administration. The validity of the model was assessed by comparing predicted plasma concentrations after epidural administration to published data. The effect of ritonavir was modeled as a 67% decrease in fentanyl elimination clearance. Plasma fentanyl concentrations were simulated for six sample patient-controlled epidural labor analgesic regimens over 24 h using ritonavir and control models. Simulated data were analyzed to determine if plasma fentanyl concentrations producing a 50% decrease in minute ventilation (6.1 ng/mL) were achieved. RESULTS: Simulated plasma fentanyl concentrations in the ritonavir group were higher than those in the control group for all sample labor analgesic regimens. Maximum plasma fentanyl concentrations were 1.8 ng/mL and 3.4 ng/mL for the normal and ritonavir simulations, respectively, and did not reach concentrations associated with 50% decrease in minute ventilation. CONCLUSION: Our model predicts that even with maximal clinical dosing regimens of epidural fentanyl over 24 h, ritonavir-induced cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition is unlikely to produce plasma fentanyl concentrations associated with a decrease in minute ventilation.
Our percept of visual stability across saccadic eye movements may be mediated by presaccadic remapping. Just before a saccade, neurons that remap become visually responsive at a future field (FF), which anticipates the saccade vector. Hence, the neurons use corollary discharge of saccades. Many of the neurons also decrease their response at the receptive field (RF). Presaccadic remapping occurs in several brain areas including the frontal eye field (FEF), which receives corollary discharge of saccades in its layer IV from a collicular-thalamic pathway. We studied, at two levels, the microcircuitry of remapping in the FEF. At the laminar level, we compared remapping between layers IV and V. At the cellular level, we compared remapping between different neuron types of layer IV. In the FEF in four monkeys (Macaca mulatta), we identified 27 layer IV neurons with orthodromic stimulation and 57 layer V neurons with antidromic stimulation from the superior colliculus. With the use of established criteria, we classified the layer IV neurons as putative excitatory (n = 11), putative inhibitory (n = 12), or ambiguous (n = 4). We found that just before a saccade, putative excitatory neurons increased their visual response at the RF, putative inhibitory neurons showed no change, and ambiguous neurons increased their visual response at the FF. None of the neurons showed presaccadic visual changes at both RF and FF. In contrast, neurons in layer V showed full remapping (at both the RF and FF). Our data suggest that elemental signals for remapping are distributed across neuron types in early cortical processing and combined in later stages of cortical microcircuitry.