998 resultados para Krylov subspace methods


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We propose in this paper a novel sparse subspace clustering method that regularizes sparse subspace representation by exploiting the structural sharing between tasks and data points via group sparse coding. We derive simple, provably convergent, and computationally efficient algorithms for solving the proposed group formulations. We demonstrate the advantage of the framework on three challenging benchmark datasets ranging from medical record data to image and text clustering and show that they consistently outperforms rival methods.


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Graph plays an important role in graph-based semi-supervised classification. However, due to noisy and redundant features in high-dimensional data, it is not a trivial job to construct a well-structured graph on high-dimensional samples. In this paper, we take advantage of sparse representation in random subspaces for graph construction and propose a method called Semi-Supervised Classification based on Subspace Sparse Representation, SSC-SSR in short. SSC-SSR first generates several random subspaces from the original space and then seeks sparse representation coefficients in these subspaces. Next, it trains semi-supervised linear classifiers on graphs that are constructed by these coefficients. Finally, it combines these classifiers into an ensemble classifier by minimizing a linear regression problem. Unlike traditional graph-based semi-supervised classification methods, the graphs of SSC-SSR are data-driven instead of man-made in advance. Empirical study on face images classification tasks demonstrates that SSC-SSR not only has superior recognition performance with respect to competitive methods, but also has wide ranges of effective input parameters.


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Machine learning techniques are used for extracting valuable knowledge from data. Nowa¬days, these techniques are becoming even more important due to the evolution in data ac¬quisition and storage, which is leading to data with different characteristics that must be exploited. Therefore, advances in data collection must be accompanied with advances in machine learning techniques to solve new challenges that might arise, on both academic and real applications. There are several machine learning techniques depending on both data characteristics and purpose. Unsupervised classification or clustering is one of the most known techniques when data lack of supervision (unlabeled data) and the aim is to discover data groups (clusters) according to their similarity. On the other hand, supervised classification needs data with supervision (labeled data) and its aim is to make predictions about labels of new data. The presence of data labels is a very important characteristic that guides not only the learning task but also other related tasks such as validation. When only some of the available data are labeled whereas the others remain unlabeled (partially labeled data), neither clustering nor supervised classification can be used. This scenario, which is becoming common nowadays because of labeling process ignorance or cost, is tackled with semi-supervised learning techniques. This thesis focuses on the branch of semi-supervised learning closest to clustering, i.e., to discover clusters using available labels as support to guide and improve the clustering process. Another important data characteristic, different from the presence of data labels, is the relevance or not of data features. Data are characterized by features, but it is possible that not all of them are relevant, or equally relevant, for the learning process. A recent clustering tendency, related to data relevance and called subspace clustering, claims that different clusters might be described by different feature subsets. This differs from traditional solutions to data relevance problem, where a single feature subset (usually the complete set of original features) is found and used to perform the clustering process. The proximity of this work to clustering leads to the first goal of this thesis. As commented above, clustering validation is a difficult task due to the absence of data labels. Although there are many indices that can be used to assess the quality of clustering solutions, these validations depend on clustering algorithms and data characteristics. Hence, in the first goal three known clustering algorithms are used to cluster data with outliers and noise, to critically study how some of the most known validation indices behave. The main goal of this work is however to combine semi-supervised clustering with subspace clustering to obtain clustering solutions that can be correctly validated by using either known indices or expert opinions. Two different algorithms are proposed from different points of view to discover clusters characterized by different subspaces. For the first algorithm, available data labels are used for searching for subspaces firstly, before searching for clusters. This algorithm assigns each instance to only one cluster (hard clustering) and is based on mapping known labels to subspaces using supervised classification techniques. Subspaces are then used to find clusters using traditional clustering techniques. The second algorithm uses available data labels to search for subspaces and clusters at the same time in an iterative process. This algorithm assigns each instance to each cluster based on a membership probability (soft clustering) and is based on integrating known labels and the search for subspaces into a model-based clustering approach. The different proposals are tested using different real and synthetic databases, and comparisons to other methods are also included when appropriate. Finally, as an example of real and current application, different machine learning tech¬niques, including one of the proposals of this work (the most sophisticated one) are applied to a task of one of the most challenging biological problems nowadays, the human brain model¬ing. Specifically, expert neuroscientists do not agree with a neuron classification for the brain cortex, which makes impossible not only any modeling attempt but also the day-to-day work without a common way to name neurons. Therefore, machine learning techniques may help to get an accepted solution to this problem, which can be an important milestone for future research in neuroscience. Resumen Las técnicas de aprendizaje automático se usan para extraer información valiosa de datos. Hoy en día, la importancia de estas técnicas está siendo incluso mayor, debido a que la evolución en la adquisición y almacenamiento de datos está llevando a datos con diferentes características que deben ser explotadas. Por lo tanto, los avances en la recolección de datos deben ir ligados a avances en las técnicas de aprendizaje automático para resolver nuevos retos que pueden aparecer, tanto en aplicaciones académicas como reales. Existen varias técnicas de aprendizaje automático dependiendo de las características de los datos y del propósito. La clasificación no supervisada o clustering es una de las técnicas más conocidas cuando los datos carecen de supervisión (datos sin etiqueta), siendo el objetivo descubrir nuevos grupos (agrupaciones) dependiendo de la similitud de los datos. Por otra parte, la clasificación supervisada necesita datos con supervisión (datos etiquetados) y su objetivo es realizar predicciones sobre las etiquetas de nuevos datos. La presencia de las etiquetas es una característica muy importante que guía no solo el aprendizaje sino también otras tareas relacionadas como la validación. Cuando solo algunos de los datos disponibles están etiquetados, mientras que el resto permanece sin etiqueta (datos parcialmente etiquetados), ni el clustering ni la clasificación supervisada se pueden utilizar. Este escenario, que está llegando a ser común hoy en día debido a la ignorancia o el coste del proceso de etiquetado, es abordado utilizando técnicas de aprendizaje semi-supervisadas. Esta tesis trata la rama del aprendizaje semi-supervisado más cercana al clustering, es decir, descubrir agrupaciones utilizando las etiquetas disponibles como apoyo para guiar y mejorar el proceso de clustering. Otra característica importante de los datos, distinta de la presencia de etiquetas, es la relevancia o no de los atributos de los datos. Los datos se caracterizan por atributos, pero es posible que no todos ellos sean relevantes, o igualmente relevantes, para el proceso de aprendizaje. Una tendencia reciente en clustering, relacionada con la relevancia de los datos y llamada clustering en subespacios, afirma que agrupaciones diferentes pueden estar descritas por subconjuntos de atributos diferentes. Esto difiere de las soluciones tradicionales para el problema de la relevancia de los datos, en las que se busca un único subconjunto de atributos (normalmente el conjunto original de atributos) y se utiliza para realizar el proceso de clustering. La cercanía de este trabajo con el clustering lleva al primer objetivo de la tesis. Como se ha comentado previamente, la validación en clustering es una tarea difícil debido a la ausencia de etiquetas. Aunque existen muchos índices que pueden usarse para evaluar la calidad de las soluciones de clustering, estas validaciones dependen de los algoritmos de clustering utilizados y de las características de los datos. Por lo tanto, en el primer objetivo tres conocidos algoritmos se usan para agrupar datos con valores atípicos y ruido para estudiar de forma crítica cómo se comportan algunos de los índices de validación más conocidos. El objetivo principal de este trabajo sin embargo es combinar clustering semi-supervisado con clustering en subespacios para obtener soluciones de clustering que puedan ser validadas de forma correcta utilizando índices conocidos u opiniones expertas. Se proponen dos algoritmos desde dos puntos de vista diferentes para descubrir agrupaciones caracterizadas por diferentes subespacios. Para el primer algoritmo, las etiquetas disponibles se usan para bus¬car en primer lugar los subespacios antes de buscar las agrupaciones. Este algoritmo asigna cada instancia a un único cluster (hard clustering) y se basa en mapear las etiquetas cono-cidas a subespacios utilizando técnicas de clasificación supervisada. El segundo algoritmo utiliza las etiquetas disponibles para buscar de forma simultánea los subespacios y las agru¬paciones en un proceso iterativo. Este algoritmo asigna cada instancia a cada cluster con una probabilidad de pertenencia (soft clustering) y se basa en integrar las etiquetas conocidas y la búsqueda en subespacios dentro de clustering basado en modelos. Las propuestas son probadas utilizando diferentes bases de datos reales y sintéticas, incluyendo comparaciones con otros métodos cuando resulten apropiadas. Finalmente, a modo de ejemplo de una aplicación real y actual, se aplican diferentes técnicas de aprendizaje automático, incluyendo una de las propuestas de este trabajo (la más sofisticada) a una tarea de uno de los problemas biológicos más desafiantes hoy en día, el modelado del cerebro humano. Específicamente, expertos neurocientíficos no se ponen de acuerdo en una clasificación de neuronas para la corteza cerebral, lo que imposibilita no sólo cualquier intento de modelado sino también el trabajo del día a día al no tener una forma estándar de llamar a las neuronas. Por lo tanto, las técnicas de aprendizaje automático pueden ayudar a conseguir una solución aceptada para este problema, lo cual puede ser un importante hito para investigaciones futuras en neurociencia.


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System identification deals with the problem of building mathematical models of dynamical systems based on observed data from the system" [1]. In the context of civil engineering, the system refers to a large scale structure such as a building, bridge, or an offshore structure, and identification mostly involves the determination of modal parameters (the natural frequencies, damping ratios, and mode shapes). This paper presents some modal identification results obtained using a state-of-the-art time domain system identification method (data-driven stochastic subspace algorithms [2]) applied to the output-only data measured in a steel arch bridge. First, a three dimensional finite element model was developed for the numerical analysis of the structure using ANSYS. Modal analysis was carried out and modal parameters were extracted in the frequency range of interest, 0-10 Hz. The results obtained from the finite element modal analysis were used to determine the location of the sensors. After that, ambient vibration tests were conducted during April 23-24, 2009. The response of the structure was measured using eight accelerometers. Two stations of three sensors were formed (triaxial stations). These sensors were held stationary for reference during the test. The two remaining sensors were placed at the different measurement points along the bridge deck, in which only vertical and transversal measurements were conducted (biaxial stations). Point estimate and interval estimate have been carried out in the state space model using these ambient vibration measurements. In the case of parametric models (like state space), the dynamic behaviour of a system is described using mathematical models. Then, mathematical relationships can be established between modal parameters and estimated point parameters (thus, it is common to use experimental modal analysis as a synonym for system identification). Stable modal parameters are found using a stabilization diagram. Furthermore, this paper proposes a method for assessing the precision of estimates of the parameters of state-space models (confidence interval). This approach employs the nonparametric bootstrap procedure [3] and is applied to subspace parameter estimation algorithm. Using bootstrap results, a plot similar to a stabilization diagram is developed. These graphics differentiate system modes from spurious noise modes for a given order system. Additionally, using the modal assurance criterion, the experimental modes obtained have been compared with those evaluated from a finite element analysis. A quite good agreement between numerical and experimental results is observed.


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La inmensa mayoría de los flujos de relevancia ingenieril permanecen sin estudiar en el marco de la teoría de estabilidad global. Esto es debido a dos razones fundamentalmente, las dificultades asociadas con el análisis de los flujos turbulentos y los inmensos recursos computacionales requeridos para obtener la solución del problema de autovalores asociado al análisis de inestabilidad de flujos tridimensionales, también conocido como problema TriGlobal. En esta tesis se aborda el problema asociado con la tridimensionalidad. Se ha desarrollado una metodología general para obtener soluciones de problemas de análisis modal de las inestabilidades lineales globales mediante el acoplamiento de métodos de evolución temporal, desarrollados en este trabajo, con códigos de mecánica de fluidos computacional de segundo orden, utilizados de forma general en la industria. Esta metodología consiste en la resolución del problema de autovalores asociado al análisis de inestabilidad mediante métodos de proyección en subespacios de Krylov, con la particularidad de que dichos subespacios son generados por medio de la integración temporal de un vector inicial usando cualquier código de mecánica de fluidos computacional. Se han elegido tres problemas desafiantes en función de la exigencia de recursos computacionales necesarios y de la complejidad física para la demostración de la presente metodología: (i) el flujo en el interior de una cavidad tridimensional impulsada por una de sus tapas, (ii) el flujo alrededor de un cilindro equipado con aletas helicoidales a lo largo su envergadura y (iii) el flujo a través de una cavidad abierta tridimensinal en ausencia de homogeneidades espaciales. Para la validación de la tecnología se ha obtenido la solución del problema TriGlobal asociado al flujo en la cavidad tridimensional, utilizando el método de evolución temporal desarrollado acoplado con los operadores numéricos de flujo incompresible del código CFD OpenFOAM (código libre). Los resultados obtenidos coinciden plentamente con la literatura. La aplicación de esta metodología al estudio de inestabilidades globales de flujos abiertos tridimensionales ha proporcionado por primera vez, información sobre la transición tridimensional de estos flujos. Además, la metodología ha sido adaptada para resolver problemas adjuntos TriGlobales, permitiendo el control de flujo basado en modificaciones de las inestabilidades globales. Finalmente, se ha demostrado que la cantidad moderada de los recursos computacionales requeridos para la solución del problema de valor propio TriGlobal usando este método numérico, junto a su versatilidad al poder acoplarse a cualquier código aerodinámico, permite la realización de análisis de inestabilidad global y control de flujos complejos de relevancia industrial. Abstract Most flows of engineering relevance still remain unexplored in a global instability theory context for two reasons. First, because of the difficulties associated with the analysis of turbulent flows and, second, for the formidable computational resources required for the solution of the eigenvalue problem associated with the instability analysis of three-dimensional base flows, also known as TriGlobal problem. In this thesis, the problem associated with the three-dimensionality is addressed by means of the development of a general approach to the solution of large-scale global linear instability analysis by coupling a time-stepping approach with second order aerodynamic codes employed in industry. Three challenging flows in the terms of required computational resources and physical complexity have been chosen for demonstration of the present methodology; (i) the flow inside a wall-bounded three-dimensional lid-driven cavity, (ii) the flow past a cylinder fitted with helical strakes and (iii) the flow over a inhomogeneous three-dimensional open cavity. Results in excellent agreement with the literature have been obtained for the three-dimensional lid-driven cavity by using this methodology coupled with the incompressible solver of the open-source toolbox OpenFOAM®, which has served as validation. Moreover, significant physical insight of the instability of three-dimensional open flows has been gained through the application of the present time-stepping methodology to the other two cases. In addition, modifications to the present approach have been proposed in order to perform adjoint instability analysis of three-dimensional base flows and flow control; validation and TriGlobal examples are presented. Finally, it has been demonstrated that the moderate amount of computational resources required for the solution of the TriGlobal eigenvalue problem using this method enables the performance of instability analysis and control of flows of industrial relevance.


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Nearest feature line-based subspace analysis is first proposed in this paper. Compared with conventional methods, the newly proposed one brings better generalization performance and incremental analysis. The projection point and feature line distance are expressed as a function of a subspace, which is obtained by minimizing the mean square feature line distance. Moreover, by adopting stochastic approximation rule to minimize the objective function in a gradient manner, the new method can be performed in an incremental mode, which makes it working well upon future data. Experimental results on the FERET face database and the UCI satellite image database demonstrate the effectiveness.


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This paper aims to reducing difference between sketches and photos by synthesizing sketches from photos, and vice versa, and then performing sketch-sketch/photo-photo recognition with subspace learning based methods. Pseudo-sketch/pseudo-photo patches are synthesized with embedded hidden Markov model. Because these patches are assembled by averaging their overlapping area in most of the local strategy based methods, which leads to blurring effect to the resulted pseudo-sketch/pseudo-photo, we integrate the patches with image quilting. Experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the proposed method is effective to produce pseudo-sketch/pseudo-photo with high quality and achieve promising recognition results. © 2009.