992 resultados para K-CL COTRANSPORTER
Background: Despite advances in supportive care, sepsis-related mortality remains high, especially in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). Erythropoietin can protect organs against ischemia and sepsis. This effect has been linked to activation of intracellular survival pathways, although the mechanism remains unclear. Continuous erythropoietin receptor activator (CERA) is an erythropoietin with a unique pharmacologic profile and long half-life. We hypothesized that pretreatment with CERA would be renoprotective in the cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model of sepsis-induced AKI. Methods: Rats were randomized into three groups: control; CLP; and CLP+CERA (5 mu g/kg body weight, i.p. administered 24 h before CLP). At 24 hours after CLP, we measured creatinine clearance, biochemical variables, and hemodynamic parameters. In kidney tissue, we performed immunoblotting-to quantify expression of the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter (NKCC2), aquaporin 2 (AQP2), Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), erythropoietin receptor (EpoR), and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B)-and immunohistochemical staining for CD68 (macrophage infiltration). Plasma interleukin (IL)-2, IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-10, interferon gamma, and tumor necrosis factor alpha were measured by multiplex detection. Results: Pretreatment with CERA preserved creatinine clearance and tubular function, as well as the expression of NKCC2 and AQP2. In addition, CERA maintained plasma lactate at normal levels, as well as preserving plasma levels of transaminases and lactate dehydrogenase. Renal expression of TLR4 and NF-kappa B was lower in CLP+CERA rats than in CLP rats (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively), as were CD68-positive cell counts (p<0.01), whereas renal EpoR expression was higher (p<0.05). Plasma levels of all measured cytokines were lower in CLP+CERA rats than in CLP rats. Conclusion: CERA protects against sepsis-induced AKI. This protective effect is, in part, attributable to suppression of the inflammatory response.
Data on concentrations of the major ions (Cl, SO4, Alk, Na, K, Ca, Mg, NH4) in interstitial waters from sediments of three brine-bearing deeps of the Red Sea rift zone are reported. Interstitial waters of the Atlantis-II Deep have the highest salinity (310.1 g/l), of the Discovery Deep - slightly lower (298.8 g/l), and of the Suakin Deep - the lowest (159.9 g/l). Interstitial waters of all three deeps are characterized by low, compared with sea water, absolute and relative concentrations of Mg and SO4 ions and have extremely low alkaline reserve (0.15-0.64 meq/l). Concentrations of K, Ca and especially Na and Cl ions, as compared with sea water, are highly increased. Interstitial waters from the deeps in study have high, compared with sea water, concentrations of NH4 (12-62 mg/l).
George V Land (Antarctica) includes the boundary between Late Archean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic terrains of the East Antarctic craton and the intrusive and metasedimentary rocks of the Early Paleozoic Ross-Delamerian Orogen. This therefore represents a key region for understanding the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the East Antarctic Craton and the Ross Orogen and for defining their structural relationship in East Antarctica, with potential implications for Gondwana reconstructions. In the East Antarctic Craton the outcrops closest to the Ross orogenic belt form the Mertz Shear Zone, a prominent ductile shear zone up to 5 km wide. Its deformation fabric includes a series of progressive, overprinting shear structures developed under different metamorphic conditions: from an early medium-P granulite-facies metamorphism, through amphibolite-facies to late greenschist-facies conditions. 40Ar-39Ar laserprobe data on biotite in mylonitic rocks from the Mertz Shear Zone indicate that the minimum age for ductile deformation under greenschist-facies conditions is 1502 ± 9 Ma and reveal no evidence of reactivation processes linked to the Ross Orogeny. 40Ar-39Ar laserprobe data on amphibole, although plagued by excess argon, suggest the presence of a ~1.7 Ga old phase of regional-scale retrogression under amphibolite-facies conditions. Results support the correlation between the East Antarctic Craton in the Mertz Glacier area and the Sleaford Complex of the Gawler Craton in southern Australia, and suggest that the Mertz Shear Zone may be considered a correlative of the Kalinjala Shear Zone. An erratic immature metasandstone collected east of Ninnis Glacier (~180 km east of the Mertz Glacier) and petrographically similar to metasedimentary rocks enclosed as xenoliths in Cambro-Ordovician granites cropping out along the western side of Ninnis Glacier, yielded detrital white-mica 40Ar-39Ar ages from ~530 to 640 Ma and a minimum age of 518 ± 5 Ma. This pattern compares remarkably well with those previously obtained for the Kanmantoo Group from the Adelaide Rift Complex of southern Australia, thereby suggesting that the segment of the Ross Orogen exposed east of the Mertz Glacier may represent a continuation of the eastern part of the Delamerian Orogen.
Basic chemical composition of interstitial water in sediments of the Northwestern Pacific along a profile from the continental shelf of the Japan Trench to the ocean bed is discussed. Transformation of interstitial water in sediments rich in organic matter on the continental shelf and at the bottom of the Japan Trench is indicated. Variation in the vertical direction of elementary constituents of interstitial salt solution and variations in certain biogenic elements permit to make conclusions concerning processes taking place in sediments during sedimentation and diagenesis. These processes cause both metamorphism of water and transformation of organic and mineral content of sediments.
The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and microbiological processes. Microbiological studies deal with different groups of bacteria. Regularities of quantitative distribution and the role of microorganisms in geochemical processes are under consideration. Geochemical studies highlight redox processes of the early stages of sediment diagenesis, alterations of interstitial waters, regularities of variations in chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules.
Cellular compartmentation of Zn in the leaves of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens was investigated using energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis and single-cell sap extraction. Energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis of frozen, hydrated leaf tissues showed greatly enhanced Zn accumulation in the epidermis compared with the mesophyll cells. The relative Zn concentration in the epidermal cells correlated linearly with cell length in both young and mature leaves, suggesting that vacuolation of epidermal cells may promote the preferential Zn accumulation. The results from single-cell sap sampling showed that the Zn concentrations in the epidermal vacuolar sap were 5 to 6.5 times higher than those in the mesophyll sap and reached an average of 385 mm in plants with 20,000 μg Zn g−1 dry weight of shoots. Even when the growth medium contained no elevated Zn, preferential Zn accumulation in the epidermal vacuoles was still evident. The concentrations of K, Cl, P, and Ca in the epidermal sap generally decreased with increasing Zn. There was no evidence of association of Zn with either P or S. The present study demonstrates that Zn is sequestered in a soluble form predominantly in the epidermal vacuoles in T. caerulescens leaves and that mesophyll cells are able to tolerate up to at least 60 mm Zn in their sap.
We have used suspension-cultured parsley cells (Petroselinum crispum) and an oligopeptide elicitor derived from a surface glycoprotein of the phytopathogenic fungus Phytophthora megasperma f.sp. glycinea to study the signaling pathway from elicitor recognition to defense gene activation. Immediately after specific binding of the elicitor by a receptor in the plasma membrane, large and transient increases in several inorganic ion fluxes (Ca2+, H+, K+, Cl-) and H2O2 formation are the first detectable plant cell responses. These are rapidly followed by transient changes in the phosphorylation status of various proteins and by the activation of numerous defense-related genes, concomitant with the inactivation of several other, non-defense-related genes. A great diversity of cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors appears to be involved in elicitor-mediated gene regulation, similar to the apparently complex nature of the signal transduced intracellularly. With few exceptions, all individual defense responses analyzed in fungus-infected parsley leaves have been found to be closely mimicked in elicitor-treated, cultured parsley cells, thus validating the use of the elicitor/cell culture system as a valuable model system for these types of study.
The presence of sedimentary organic matter blanketing midocean ridge crests has a potentially strong impact on metal transport in hydrothermal vent fluids. To constrain the role of organic matter in metal mobility during hydrothermal sediment alteration, we reacted organic-rich diatomaceous ooze from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, and organic-poor hemipelagic mud from Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, with seawater and a Na-Ca-K-Cl fluid of seawater chlorinity, at 275° to 400°C, 350 to 500 bars, and initial fluid: sediment mass ratios ranging from 1.6 to 9.8. Reaction of these fluids with both sediment types released CO2 and high concentrations of ore-forming metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb) to solution. Relatively low concentrations of Cu were observed in solution and likely reflect the reducing conditions that resulted from the presence of sedimentary organic matter. Both the concentrations of CO2 and dissolved metals were lower in fluids reacted with Middle Valley sediment compared with aqueous concentrations in fluids reacted with Guaymas Basin sediment. During alteration of both sediment types, metal concentrations varied strongly as a function of temperature, increasing by up to an order of magnitude over the 75°C range of each experiment. Major element fluid chemistry and observed alteration assemblages suggest that during hydrothermal alteration of organic-lean sediment from Middle Valley a feldspar-quartz-illite mineral assemblage buffered in situ pH. In contrast, data from the experimental alteration of organic-rich Guaymas Basin sediment suggest that a calcite-plagioclase-quartz assemblage regulated in situ pH. Fluid speciation calculations suggest that in situ pH during Guaymas Basin sediment alteration was lower than during alteration of Middle Valley sediment and accounts for the substantially greater metal mobility at a given temperature and pressure during the former experiment. Comparison of our results with the results of basalt alteration experiments indicate that except for Cu, hydrothermal sediment alteration results in equal or greater concentrations of ore-forming metals at a given temperature and pressure. Accordingly, the presence of ore-forming metals in fluids currently venting from sediment-covered hydrothermal systems at concentrations substantially lower than in fluids from bare-rock systems may reflect chemical reequilibration during subsurface cooling within the sediment pile.
Changes in blood-gas, acid-base, and plasma-ion status were investigated in the bimodally respiring turtle, Rheodytes leukops, during prolonged dives of up to 12 h. Given that R. leukops routinely submerges for several hours, the objective of this study was to determine whether voluntarily diving turtles remain aerobic and simultaneously avoid hypercapnic conditions over increasing dive lengths. Blood PO2, PCO2, and pH, as well as plasma concentrations of lactate, glucose, Na+, K+, Cl-, total Ca, and total Mg were determined in venous blood collected from the occipital sinus. Blood PO2 declined significantly with dive length; however, oxy-haemoglobin saturation remained greater than 30% for all R. leukops sampled. No changes were observed in blood PCO2, pH, [HCO3-], or plasma glucose, with increasing dive length. Despite repeated dives lasting more than 2 h, plasma lactate remained less than 3 mmol l(-1) for all R. leukops sampled, indicating the absence of anaerobiosis. Compensatory acid-base adjustments associated with anaerobiosis (e.g. declining [Cl-], increasing total [Ca] and [Mg]) were likewise absent, with plasma-ion concentrations remaining stable with increasing dive length. Results indicate that R. leukops utilises aquatic respiration to remain aerobic during prolonged dives, thus effectively avoiding the development of a metabolic and respiratory acidosis.
The antitumour bifunctional alkylating agent nitrogen mustard (HN2) inhibited the unidirectional influx of the potassium congener, 86 rubidium, into murine PC6A plasmacytoma cells and L1210 leukaemia cells. The proliferation of L1210 cells in vitro was characterised and shown to be sentitive to HN2. 86Rubidium influx into cells from rapidly-dividing cultures was more sensitive to inhibition by HN2 than that of cells from stationary cultures. Three components of unidirectional 86Rb+ & K+ influx into proliferating L1210 cells were identified pharmacologically: approximately 40% was active to the Na+ K+ ATPase inhibitor ouabain (10-3M), 40% was sensitive to the `loop' diuretics bumetanide (10-4M) and furosemide (10-3M) and the remainder was insensitive to both ouabain and furosemide. HN2 (10-5M) selectively inhibited the diuretic-sensitive component, which was entirely dependent upon extracellular Na+ and Cl- ions, and was presumed to represent Na+ K+ Cl- cotransport activity. The system did not mediate K+ /K+ exchange or unidirectional 86Rb+ efflux; accordingly, 86Rb+ efflux was insensitive to HN2. Inhibition of 86Rb & K+ influx by 10-5M HN2 was accompanied by approximately 35% of cell volume under isosmotic conditions; thus intracellular Na+ and K+ concentrations remained unchanged. These effects followed lethal damage to the cells but preceded actual cell death; other cellular functions were maintained including accumulation of cycloleucine, transmembrane potential, permeability to trypan blue, intracellular pH, total intracellular glutathione and calcium concentrations. No evidence was found that elevated cAMP levels or reduced ATP levels were involved in modulation of 86Rb+ & K+ influx. However, the Na+ - depedent transport of an amino acid was inhibited in a manner which appeared to be independent of 86Rb & K+ influx. An HN2-resistant L1210R cell line was also resistant to furosemide, and lacked a component of 86Rb+ & K+ influx which was sensitive to furosemide (10-3M). The results strongly suggest that the Na+ K+ Cl- costransporter of L1210 cells is a cellular target for HN2. This lesion is discussed with reference to the cytotoxic effects of the agent.
Brazil is among the largest cashew nut producers of the world. However, the roasting process is still carried out artisanally, especially in the Brazilian semiarid region. In face of this occupational problem, the aim of this study was to perform a physical-chemical characterization of the particulate matter (PM) emitted by the roasting of cashew nuts, as well as to determine the occupational risk and molecular mechanisms associated. The most evident PM characteristics were the prevalence of fine particles, typical biomass burning morphologies such as tar ball and the presence of the elements K, Cl, S, Ca and Fe. In addition, atmospheric modeling analyses suggest that these particles can reach neighboring regions of the emission source. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with carcinogenic potential, such as benzo[a]pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene, benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, chrysene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene were the most abundant PAHs found in the two air monitoring campaigns. Among the identified oxy-PAH the benzanthrone (7H-benz[d,e]anthracen-7-one) had the highest concentration and the evaluation of lifetime cancer risk showed an increase of 12 to 37 cases of cancer for every 10,000 exposed people. Chemical analysis of roasted cashew nuts identified the PAHs: phenanthrene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene, besides the 3-pentadecilfenol allergen (urushiol analogue) as prevalent. Occupational exposure to PAHs was confirmed by the increase of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene levels and genotoxic effects were evidenced by the increase on micronuclei and nuclear bud frequency in exfoliated buccal mucosa cells among the exposed workers. Other biomarkers of effects such as karyorrhexis, pyknotic, karyolytic, condensed chromatin and binucleated cells also have their frequencies increased when compared to an unexposed control group. The investigation of the molecular mechanisms associated with the PM organic extract showed cytotoxicity in human lung cell lines (A549) at concentrations ≥ 4 nM BaPeq. Using non-cytotoxic doses the extract was able to activate proteins involved in the DNA damage response pathway (Chk1 and p53). Moreover, the specific contribution of the four most representative PAHs in the cashew nut roasting sample showed that benzo[a]pyrene was the most efficient to activate Chk1 and p53. Finally, the organic extract was able to increase persistently the mRNA expression involved in the PAHs metabolism (CYP1A1 and CYP1B1), inflammatory response (IL-8 and TNF-α) and cell cycle arrest (CDKN1A) for DNA repair (DDB2). The high PM concentrations and its biological effects associated warn of the serious harmful effects of artisanal cashew nut roasting and urgent actions should be taken to the sustainable development of this activity.
Brazil is among the largest cashew nut producers of the world. However, the roasting process is still carried out artisanally, especially in the Brazilian semiarid region. In face of this occupational problem, the aim of this study was to perform a physical-chemical characterization of the particulate matter (PM) emitted by the roasting of cashew nuts, as well as to determine the occupational risk and molecular mechanisms associated. The most evident PM characteristics were the prevalence of fine particles, typical biomass burning morphologies such as tar ball and the presence of the elements K, Cl, S, Ca and Fe. In addition, atmospheric modeling analyses suggest that these particles can reach neighboring regions of the emission source. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with carcinogenic potential, such as benzo[a]pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene, benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, chrysene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene were the most abundant PAHs found in the two air monitoring campaigns. Among the identified oxy-PAH the benzanthrone (7H-benz[d,e]anthracen-7-one) had the highest concentration and the evaluation of lifetime cancer risk showed an increase of 12 to 37 cases of cancer for every 10,000 exposed people. Chemical analysis of roasted cashew nuts identified the PAHs: phenanthrene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene, besides the 3-pentadecilfenol allergen (urushiol analogue) as prevalent. Occupational exposure to PAHs was confirmed by the increase of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene levels and genotoxic effects were evidenced by the increase on micronuclei and nuclear bud frequency in exfoliated buccal mucosa cells among the exposed workers. Other biomarkers of effects such as karyorrhexis, pyknotic, karyolytic, condensed chromatin and binucleated cells also have their frequencies increased when compared to an unexposed control group. The investigation of the molecular mechanisms associated with the PM organic extract showed cytotoxicity in human lung cell lines (A549) at concentrations ≥ 4 nM BaPeq. Using non-cytotoxic doses the extract was able to activate proteins involved in the DNA damage response pathway (Chk1 and p53). Moreover, the specific contribution of the four most representative PAHs in the cashew nut roasting sample showed that benzo[a]pyrene was the most efficient to activate Chk1 and p53. Finally, the organic extract was able to increase persistently the mRNA expression involved in the PAHs metabolism (CYP1A1 and CYP1B1), inflammatory response (IL-8 and TNF-α) and cell cycle arrest (CDKN1A) for DNA repair (DDB2). The high PM concentrations and its biological effects associated warn of the serious harmful effects of artisanal cashew nut roasting and urgent actions should be taken to the sustainable development of this activity.
Ionic (Na+, K+, Cl-, PO43-, pH), total CO2, total calcium and protein concentrations in the plasma and endolymph of the inner ear were compared in trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and turbot Scophthalmus maximus. In both species, saccular endolymph was characterized by high levels of K+ and total CO2 and in trout by an alkaline pH, The kinetic characteristics of proton secretion across the saccular epithelium of trout were investigated using a titration technique in which isolated saccules were mounted as closed sacs. The rate of proton secretion depends strongly on the pH of the Ringer's solution and secretion stops at a pH below 7.2, Proton secretion is driven by an energy-dependent mechanism involving basolateral ouabain-sensitive Na+/K+ exchangers. Proton secretion was partially inhibited by acetazolamide and completely inhibited in Na+-free Ringer or in the presence of 1 mmol l(-1) amiloride. A cellular model stressing the importance of proton exchange through the saccular epithelium is proposed to explain the regulation of endolymph pH, a crucial factor for the deposition of otolith calcium.
Introducción. El estado hídrico previo al inicio de un ejercicio (hiperhidratación-deshidratación o hipohidratación y euhidratación) modifica la respuesta neurohumoral. En personas, la deshidratación origina una liberación incrementada de las hormonas implicadas en el mantenimiento de la volemia y del estado hidroelectrolítico, tales como la renina (REN), angiotensina (ANG) y aldosterona (ALD). La testosterona (T) es una hormona anabólica, mientras que el cortisol (C) es una hormona de estrés, con funciones catabólicas. El cociente T/C es un reflejo de la intensidad anabólica/catabólica de un ejercicio y en atletas humanos, se ve afectada por el estado hídrico. Objetivos. 1) Describir las variaciones en las concentraciones de REN, ANG, ALD, T, C y ratio T/C en caballos durante un ejercicio de tiro y arrastre, en relación con otros marcadores de equilibrio hidroelectrolítico y en función de la carga arrastrada; 2) Analizar si la respuesta de estas hormonas al ejercicio difiere entre animales con deshidratación hipertónica y euhidratados; Hipótesis: 1) Que las concentraciones de REN, ANG, ALD, T, C serán más elevadas en los caballos deshidratados que en los euhidratados; 2) Que el ejercicio de tiro y arrastre, particularmente en los animales de mayor peso corporal, inducirá una mayor activación del eje REN, ANG, ALD y una liberación superior de T; 3) Que los animales deshidratados experimentarán un incremento más intenso de estas hormonas en respuesta al ejercicio. Material y métodos. Se han llevado a cabo dos estudios simultáneos. En el estudio I, se han analizado los siguientes parámetros: valor hematócrito (HTO), albúmina (ALB), sodio (Na), potasio (K), cloro (Cl), lactato (LA) y concentraciones séricas de REN, ANG y ALD y en el estudio II, se han determinado las concentraciones de ALB, T, C y ratio T/C. En el estudio I, se han incluido 64 caballos machos, enteros y castrados, divididos en dos grupos según su estado hídrico: grupo control o euhidratado (CTR, n=11) y grupo deshidratado (DH; n=53), con deshidratación hipertónica inducida por restricción de agua y comida. Además, según su peso corporal, los animales se han dividido en 3 categorías de peso: I (<350 kg; n=3 para grupo CTR; n=23 para DH), II (351-450 kg; n=3 para CTR; n=18 para DH) y III (>451 kg; n=5 para CTR; n=12 para DH). En el estudio II, se han incluido los mismos animales, con excepción de la categoría de peso III para el grupo CTR, que solo está constituida por 3 animales, en lugar de 5, al descartar a los machos castrados, debido a la medición de T. Todos los animales, realizaron un ejercicio consistente en recorrer una pista de arena de playa de 60 m de longitud, tirando de un carruaje, con 2, 2,25 y 2,5 veces su peso corporal para las tres categorías de peso. La pista de arena se dividió en cuatro áreas de 15 m, en cada una de las cuales, el animal hizo una parada obligatoria, de duración decidida por el acompañante, y que se incluyó como tiempo de carrera. Los animales eran eliminados si se superan los 5 min de duración. En los dos estudios, se tomaron muestras de sangre en los siguientes tiempos: en reposo, antes del ejercicio (R), dentro del primer minuto tras finalizar el ejercicio (E) y a los 5, 10, 15 y 30 minutos de una recuperación pasiva (5REC, 10REC, 15REC y 30REC). Resultados. Estudio I. La diferencia de peso de los caballos tuvo una influencia mínima en los valores basales y en la respuesta al ejercicio. En reposo, los caballos DH tuvieron valores superiores de HTO, ALB, LA, Na, K y ANG en comparación con los CTR. El ejercicio condicionó una elevación de HTO, ALB, LA y Na, tanto en los caballos CTR como en los DH. Se encontró un incremento de ANG en los caballos DH y de ALD en los caballos CTR. La elevación con el ejercicio experimentada por los parámetros analizados fue de magnitud similar en los grupos CTR y DH, con excepción del LA (incrementó más en DH) y ALD (aumentó más en CTR). Estudio II. El ejercicio dio lugar a un aumento de T en las categorías I y III de los grupos CTR y DH, así como un descenso en la categoría II del grupo CTR. El C mostró un aumento progresivo en las tres categorías y en los dos grupos de estado hídrico, con los valores máximos en el tiempo 30REC. El ratio T/C aumentó en la categoría III del grupo DH, descendió en la categoría II del grupo CTR y no varió en los otros casos. Los animales DH, independientemente de la categoría de peso, tuvieron valores superiores de T y C, en la mayoría de los tiempos de extracción de muestras. Sin embargo, si se consideran los cambios experimentados por estas hormonas durante el ejercicio o en la recuperación, en relación a los valores basales, el aumento del C fue más marcado en el grupo CTR que en el DH, para las tres categorías de peso. Las variaciones de la concentración de T fueron superiores en las categorías de peso I y III del grupo CTR que en el grupo DH. El ratio T/C fue estadísticamente igual entre caballos CTR y DH en las categorías I y III, mientras que en la categoría II, los caballos DH presentaron cocientes T/C mayores. Conclusiones. La deshidratación hipertónica altera la concentración de las hormonas implicadas en la regulación del equilibrio hidro-electrolítico, de la presión sanguínea y del metabolismo. Sin embargo, el estado hídrico previo al ejercicio tiene una acción mínima sobre la magnitud de estos cambios en respuesta a un ejercicio de tiro y arrastre de corta duración (inferior a 5 min). Relevancia. Se ha demostrado que la respuesta neurohumoral, determinada en base a las concentraciones circulantes de las hormonas REN, ANG, ALD, T y C, se ve afectada por el ejercicio cuando el animal empieza el mismo en estado de euhidratación o de deshidratación.
Electrolyte transport in the mouse trachea: No evidence for a contribution of luminal K+ conductance
Recent studies on frog skin acini have challenged the question whether Cl- secretion or Na+ absorption in the airways is driven by luminal K+ channels in series to a basolateral K+ conductance. We examined the possible role of luminal K+ channels in electrolyte transport in mouse trachea in Ussing-chamber experiments. Tracheas of both normal and CFTR (-/-) mice showed a dominant amiloride-sensitive Na+ absorption under both, control conditions and after cAMP-dependent stimulation. The lumen-negative transepithelial voltage was enhanced after application of IBMX and forskolin and Cl- secretion was activated. Electrolyte secretion induced by IBMX and forskolin was inhibited by luminal glibenclamide and the blocker of basolateral Na(+)2Cl(-)K(+) cotransporter azosemide. Similarly, the compound 29313, a blocker of basolateral KCNQ1/KCNE3 K+ channels effectively blocked Cl- secretion when applied to either the luminal or basolateral side of the epithelium. RT-PCR analysis suggested expression of additional K+ channels in tracheal epithelial cells such as Slo1 and Kir6.2. However, we did not detect any functional evidence for expression of luminal K+ channels in mouse airways, using luminal 29313, clotrimazole and Ba2+ or different K+ channel toxins such as charybdotoxin, apamin and alpha-dendrotoxin. Thus, the present study demonstrates Cl- secretion in mouse airways, which depends on basolateral Na(+)2Cl(-)K(+) cotransport and luminal CFTR and non-CFTR Cl- channels. Cl- secretion is maintained by the activity of basolateral K+ channels, while no clear evidence was found for the presence of a luminal K+ conductance.