964 resultados para Könkkölä, Justus
Invokaatio: Σὺν Θεω̣̃.
Variantti B.
Äänisignaali ja ääniaallot ovat perusluonteeltaan analogisia. Jotta niitä pystyttäisiin käsittelemään digitaalisesti, ne tulee tallentaa samplausperiaatteiden mukaisesti digitaaliseen muotoon. Äänisignaaleja voidaan myös luoda digitaalisesti ja muuntaa vastaavasti analogiseen muotoon. Tällä äänen digitaalisella syntetisoinnilla tarkoitetaan tämän tutkielman yhteydessä sitä, miten äänen syntetisointia voidaan toteuttaa digitaalisilla työkaluilla tietokoneella tai vastaavalla laitteella. Emme pureudu syvemmin siihen, miten äänisignaali muunnetaan digitaalisesta analogiseksi. Itse syntetisoinnilla viitataan tässä tutkielmassa erilaisiin äänen luomissynteeseihin. Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään neljä teoreettista syntetisointitekniikkaa: lisäävä synteesi, vähentävä synteesi, raesynteesi sekä FM-synteesi. Lisäksi esitellään kuusi erilaista äänen luontiin tarkoitettua ohjelmistoa, ja tutkitaan niiden mahdollisuuksia toteuttaa näitä äänen syntetisoinnin teoreettisia malleja. Ohjelmistot ovat jonkin käyttöjärjestelmän päällä suoritettavia ohjelmia. Ohjelmistot eroavat toisistaan erinäisin tavoin, esimerkiksi ohjelmointitapojensa suhteen. Tutkielmassa selviää, miten kutakin ohjelmistoa käytetään ja millaiset ovat niiden syntetisointivalmiudet. Erityisesti kerrotaan siitä, miten kullakin ohjelmistolla olisi mahdollista toteuttaa esitellyt synteesit, ja esitellään esimerkiksi erilaisia objekteja, joilla synteesit pystytään rakentamaan.
Abraham recluses (126). Affra (24). Alexander et Herculanus (38). Ascla (102). Austremonius (65v). Babillas (103v). Benignus (57). Cesarius (79). Clemens papa (167). Donatus episcopus Ariciensis (26). Eusebius Vercellensis (11v). Eusicius (169v). Ferreolus (36v). Fiacrius (231). Fides (52v). Fides, Spes, Caritas (9). Florentinus et Hilarius (41v). Furseus (91v). Genesius Arelatensis (31v). Genovefa (225, 261). Gregorius papa, auctore Johanne diacono (266). Gregorius Turonensis (119v). Guillelmus subprior Sancte Genovefe (242). Isicius (136). Johannes evang. (81v). Johannes Os Aureum (106). Julianus (32v). Justus (187). Justus et Pastor (25). Laurianus (75v). Lucianus (188). Ludovicus rex (220, 229v). Marcellus Cabillonensis (33v). Maria (236v). Maria Magdalene (233). Maurilius Andegavensis (183). Maurus (161). Maximus (160v). Maximus Regensis (162). Nazarius et Celsus (1). Odo Cluniacensis (136v). Petrus Celestinus (205v). Priscus (74). Romanus et Baralis (133v). Savinianus (175). Savinus (172v). Silvester Cabillonensis (161). Simplicius episcopus (167v). Simpronius, Claudius, Nicolaus etc. (69v). Taracus, Probus et Andronicus (44v). Valentinus, Marius, etc. (98v). Valerianus (35). Veranus (115). Viventius (195v). Sermon d'Etienne de Tournai sur les chanoines réguliers (262)
Transcript: New York Jan. 14. 1813. My dear uncle, I had nearly concluded to have made my [jaunt?] earlier than I had mentioned in my last letter to you, for Swartout had intended to have written by me to Father & yourself; having [Louisa?] concluded not so soon to depart he sends me his letters which I forward in mail, I shall hope to have letters from home soon, it is a great pleasure to hear from any of you. I said last week in Hollands letter mentioning [bladeworth?] account, I have explained to him. It is a mistake about me agreeing to pay Mr. [Dening?] [their?] account. Caroline mentions to me your jaunt to [Sophia?], but I regret our friend there should be unpleasantly situated. I have not yet seen Col. Willett but will see him as mentioned. I have neglected to go there for some time which has been remiss in me. We have nothing new I believe unless it be that Armstrong & Jones of Philadelphia have been nominated as Secretarys of War & the Navy & [cer?] this in all probability may be appointed. There may be room for speculation, but perhaps it is not probable that Canada will be ceded to American Valor in the year 1813. There is a Bill before congress by which it may be made penal to enter on board American vessels, either British subjects or naturalized Americans, which it is presoomed by many will [spon?] the accommodation of Peace – may be yes may be no – the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it. I imagine pacification is not so near at hand although it is much to be desired. Whatever might be for the honor & prosperity of the Country I would strenuously advocate, aloof from partial & party considerations. We have not a word as yet what the Council at Albany may be thinking of as yet. I suppose these things will come in time, perhaps untimely to many. I desire for the present not to be found among the untimely. I am your sincerely, with love to all. John Adams Smith
The potential benefit of indigenous chicken (Gallus domesticus) production is still under-exploited in Kenya despite the efforts by different stakeholders to mainstream this production system as a pathway to rural development. The production system is often characterized by low input-low output productivity and low commercialization of the enterprise. This study which dwells on the current management practices and challenges faced by smallholder indigenous chicken farmers was conducted to gain insights into the underlying causes of production constraints. In Western Kenya women (76%) dominate the indigenous chicken production system. The flock composition consists mainly of chicks, hens and pullets (80%) which reflects their retention for production purposes. Less than half of the farmers access institutional support services such as extension, training, credit and veterinary services. In addition, indigenous chicken is largely reared in a low input-low output free-range system with only few farmers (24.2%) adopting management interventions as disseminated by extension service. To improve production and attain increased productivity, policy should focus on repackaging extension messages that considers farmers economic situations and strengthens collective action initiatives. Accessing joint input purchase and collective marketing of chicken products may further assist the farmers to increase profit margins.
En el actual contexto de globalización y con el comienzo de la era de la información, cada vez más Estados han buscado proyectar una imagen favorable con el objetivo de atraer atención y crear una reputación que permitan cumplir objetivos de política exterior y fomentar el desarrollo económico, logrando de esta manera un posicionamiento en el sistema internacional mediante estrategias novedosas, que incluyen elementos tanto diplomáticos, políticos, económicos, como comerciales y culturales. Para Japón, Nation Branding y la diplomacia pública han sido dos de las principales herramientas para lograr este reposicionamiento internacional, resaltando atractivos como las tradiciones culturales, el turismo, los incentivos para negocios, y trabajando en conjunto entre el gobierno nacional, el sector privado y la sociedad civil para crear relaciones entre el país y gobiernos y sociedades a nivel internacional.