200 resultados para Juvenal


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The cause of the conflict in Burundi is not only that of ethnicity but also poverty.


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Este trabalho aborda a experiência das feiras livres existentes na província de Misiones, Argentina. Em toda a província existem 31 feiras onde aproximadamente 2.000 agricultores familiares vendem produtos da “chácara” (produtos in-natura e com um mínimo grau de processamento). Em torno das feiras se formou uma rede da qual participam, além dos agricultores, técnicos de diferentes instituições e organizações que atuam no meio rural, os municípios, o governo provincial, organizações civis e consumidores. O trabalho visa compreender o que leva os atores sociais a confluírem na experiência das feiras livres, a captar as inter-relações, interesses e significados e identificar no imaginário dos atores, elementos que indiquem a visão sobre o meio rural que está se construindo na rede. A coleta dos dados foi feita através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas aplicadas a um informante qualificado e a quatro grupos de atores: os mediadores técnicos das instituições, os representantes do poder público municipal e provincial, os agricultores e os consumidores. Também foram coletados dados a partir da observação direta e da análise do material produzido pelos próprios atores. Na primeira parte da análise as feiras livres foram consideradas como uma rede de poder formada pelos seguintes atores coletivos: a “Asociación de Ferias Francas de Misiones”, o “Programa Social Agropecuario” o “Movimiento Agrario Misionero” a “Red de Agricultura Orgánica de Misiones”, o Instituto de Desarrollo y Promosión Humana”, os Municípios e o Governo provincial. Na segunda parte da análise trabalhou-se com as noções sobre o mundo rural e consideraram-se os atores individuais que trabalham em três feiras escolhidas, mas que possuem uma visão da experiência no geral, e os que representam os atores coletivos Com relação à rede de poder foram enfocadas as inter-relações entre os atores, o acordo dos seus interesses e o intercâmbio de recursos de poder, chegando-se à governança da rede, caracterizada como de autoorganização onde todos atores possuem uma certa porção dos recursos de poder não existindo nenhum deles capaz de ser hegemônico. Com todos estes elementos se determinou que esta rede tem a característica de uma “Rede Difusa”. Em relação à idéia de meio rural, mesmo que mais ou menos homogênea, mais ou menos clara, percebe-se a construção de uma noção de meio rural como um espaço multidimensional, caracterizado pela presença de agricultores familiares pluriativos, pela existência de mercados socialmente construídos e pela articulação entre diversos setores da sociedade. Assim, esta noção se diferencia da tradicional idéia do rural vinculado exclusivamente ao agrícola.


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Resumo não disponível.


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Esta tese pretende recuperar a incorporação da questão de gênero na trajetória intelectual de Heloneida Studart através de sua literatura de ficção, tendo por objeto a maneira como a questão de gênero foi tematizada nos romances da escritora durante os anos de 1952 a 1978. Portanto, foi almejado analisar a forma como Heloneida se inseriu nos debates sobre a mulher e as relações de gênero no período. Minhas preocupações foram menos buscar se a literata produziu ou reproduziu imagens estereotipadas das relações entre mulheres e homens e mais entender os recursos que lançou mão e os sentidos próprios que procurou imprimir ao construir tal imagem ajustada aos debates e categorias que norteavam seu projeto literário o qual foi se desenvolvendo a partir tanto de sua vivência subjetiva, quanto a partir dos contatos que travou, a saber: a casa de Juvenal Galeno, o Partido Comunista, o movimento feminista e o Centro da Mulher Brasileira. Deste enlace, vivência subjetiva e lugar social, teriam nascido formulações teóricas não só para seus romances, como também para sua posterior prática política em prol da mulher.


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This thesis proposes that the idea expressed in Juvenal s quotation Mens Sana in Corpore Sano, produced in the Ancient Greek-Roman civilization includes undestandings of body, heath and education that were reapropriated and reorganized by scientific and pedagogical theories in the XIX and XX centuries. These theories, especially the ones that received contributions from the biomedical sciences, have influenced Physical Education in the search of becoming a science. In order to realize this reapropriation, we have analyzed the transformations in the concepts of body, health and education produced in the area discourse, aiming at pointing out elements to the configuration of a theory that is being called Corpore Sano. The theory constitutes in possible systematization of scientific, philosophical and pedagogical concepts, and as such, an understanding of the scientific fundaments of Physical Education. The corpus of this analysis was composed by 148 articles that were published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte digitalized in the period between 1979 and 2003 and selected according to theme: body, biology, physical activity, effort physiology and health. The analysis of the content and the referential interpretation allowed the combination of philosophical reflection with attention to the empiric field as a comprehensive dimension. Based on the corpus of the analysis it is possible to configure meta-arguments about the concepts of body, health and education in the scientific production of Physical Education. As a metaresearch. Our study did not intend to judge the analyzed production, but look for theoretical elements that may generate a reflection about the scientific rationality in Physical Education and developments in the pedagogical field and in body practices. Such a reflection might be recognized as a theory of the living body, susceptible to modifications and interrogations that are proper of knowledge and practices of Physical Education. It is a theory rejects the idea of the complete truth and holds the comprehension that the truth is built historically through relations among different kinds of knowledge and Physical Education practices


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The aim of this work is to analyze the spatial frames of reference of the Seridó a region Iocated in the hinterlands of Rio Grande do Norte state from the following texts: Homens de Outrora (1941), by Manuel Dantas; Seridó (1954), by José Augusto Bezerra de Medeiros; Velhos Costumes do Meu Sertão (1965), by Juvenal Lamartine de Faria; and Sertões do Seridó (1980), by Oswaldo Lamartine de Faria. The historiographical discourse will be investigated as to representations of space and the frames of reference that demarcate it. We highlight the space of 1 as delimited by the subjectivity and significances expressed by each author, considering closely the relation between author, writing and body, either in historiography or in the subjects that give shape to the Seridó region in their writings. The Seridó is particularly framed in the relevant historiography as the hinterland (sertão) space, where the drought is a representation referred to recurrently, and as a space of fight , in which man and nature would be in constant struggle, challenging each other. Spatial frames of reference are then situated between the 1 and notions of hinterland and fight with nature


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Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the rat alveolar socket response to implanted polyethylene tubes filled with a light-cured MTA or Angelus MTA.Study design. Fifty-seven Wistar rats received an implant filled with one of the materials in the dental socket of the right central incisor. After 30, 60, and 90 days, animals were killed, and the right hemimaxillas were removed and processed to be analyzed on light microscopy. After embedding in paraffin, 6-mu m-thick sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the reaction were performed.Results. It was observed that the light-cured MTA presented a similar response compared with Angelus MTA, characterized by the reduction of the chronic inflammatory response and organization of the alveolar bone close to the materials, especially at the 90th day of observation.Conclusions. It was concluded that both materials were well accepted by the alveolar tissue of rats, with the formation of mineralized tissue close to the materials. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110:e93-e97)


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INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento endodôntico é de fundamental importância para abolir a infecção presente em dentes que apresentam necrose pulpar. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar clínica e radiograficamente a eficácia dos tratamentos de canais radiculares de dentes com lesão periapical crônica, efetuados pelos graduandos em Odontologia, da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba - UNESP. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram selecionados 100 pacientes que possuíam dentes com lesão periapical crônica para serem tratados. Após o preparo biomecânico, os canais radiculares receberam uma medicação intracanal de hidróxido de cálcio durante o período de 14 dias. Os canais radiculares foram obturados com cimento endodôntico à base de hidróxido de cálcio. Foi realizada a proservação por um período entre oito e 11 meses. RESULTADO: A análise dos resultados permitiu constatar a porcentagem de 78,46% dos casos com reparo total da lesão periapical e de 21,54% dos casos em que não houve evidências de reparo. CONCLUSÃO: Ocorreu reparo das lesões periapicais nos dentes tratados pelos graduandos da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba - UNESP.


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Foi propósito deste trabalho observar o processo de reparo de dentes de cães após obturação dos canais com dois cimentos diferentes, fazendo ou não a patência apical. Após uma sobreinstrumentação, os canais receberam um curativo de uma solução de corticosteróide-antibiótico por 7 dias, com o objetivo de obter invaginação de tecido conjuntivo para dentro dos canais. Após esse período, esse tecido foi totalmente removido em metade dos casos (grupos com patência apical) e preservados no restante dos casos (grupos sem patência apical). Os canais foram obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral empregando um cimento a base de hidróxido de cálcio (Sealer Plus) ou um cimento de Grossman (Fill Canal). Os animais foram sacrificados por overdose anestésica 60 dias após o tratamento endodôntico e as peças anatômicas foram obtidas e preparadas para análise histológica. Os dados obtidos foram analisados com base em diversos parâmetros histomorfológicos. Os resultados foram melhores nos grupos sem patência apical (p=0,01) do que nos grupos com patência. Dentre os cimentos estudados, os melhores resultados foram observados com o cimento Sealer Plus (p=0,01). em conclusão, tanto a patência apical (presença ou ausência) quanto o tipo de material obturador de canal influíram no processo de reparo apical de dentes de cães com polpas vitais após tratamento endodôntico. O emprego de um cimento a base de hidróxido de cálcio em dentes sem patência apical promoveu os melhores resultados, dentre as condições experimentais propostas.


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Foi propósito deste estudo analisar a influência da infiltração marginal coronária no comportamento dos tecidos periapicais de dentes de cães após obturação de canal e preparo para pino. Quarenta canais de dentes de cães foram instrumentados e obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral com cones de guta percha e os cimentos Roth e Sealer 26. Após preparo para pino, o remanescente da obturação foi protegido ou não com um plug do cimento temporário Lumicon. Após exposição ao meio oral por 90 dias, os animais foram sacrificados e as peças preparadas para análise histomorfológica. A técnica de Brown e Brenn mostrou 70% de casos com infiltração de microrganismos para o cimento Roth e 20% com o Sealer 26. Quando um plug de Lumicon foi empregado ocorreu 30% de casos de infiltração de microrganismos com o cimento Roth e 0,0% com o cimento Sealer 26. Reação inflamatória crônica foi mais freqüentemente observada com o cimento Roth do que com o Sealer 26. Foi concluído que o plug de Lumicon é eficiente no controle da infiltração coronária (p=0.05) e que o Sealer 26 foi mais biocompatível e selou melhor os canais radiculares do que o cimento Roth (p=0.01).


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the rat subcutaneous tissue reaction to implanted polyethylene tubes filled with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) FILLAPEX (R) compared to the reaction to tubes filled with Sealapex (R) or Angelus MTA (R). These materials were placed in polyethylene tubes and implanted into the dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days. The specimens were stained with hematoxylin and eosin or Von Kossa or left unstained for examination under polarized light. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the reaction were performed. All materials caused moderate reactions after 7 days, which decreased with time. The reactions were moderate and similar to that evoked by the control and Sealapex (R) on the 15th day. MTA FILLAPEX (R) and Angelus MTA caused mild reactions beginning after 15 days. Mineralization and granulation birefringent to polarized light were observed with all materials. It was concluded that MTA FILLAPEX (R) was biocompatible and stimulated mineralization.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the apical sealability of Fillapex (R), Endo-CPM-Sealer (R) and Sealapex (R). Material and Methods: Ninety-four freshly extracted single-rooted teeth were selected and decoronated. All teeth were radiographed to confirm the existence of a single and straight root canal, which was prepared using Protaper Universal and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite. The teeth were randomly divided in groups of 10 specimens each according to the sealer, and the canals were filled using the single cone technique and one of the sealers. Four additional teeth were used as controls. The teeth were submitted to dye leakage with Rhodamine B for 24 h but using vacuum on the initial 15 min. Thereafter, they were cut longitudinally and the leakage was measured in a linear fashion from apex to crown. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's tests at 5% significance level. Results: Fillapex (R) and Sealapex (R) showed significantly less dye leakage than Endo-CPM-Sealer (R) (p<0.05). Conclusions: It was concluded that Fillapex (R) and Sealapex (R) were able to prevent apical dye leakage differently from Endo-CPM-Sealer (R).


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The aim of this study was to evaluate two root canal filling techniques used in teeth that had their apical foramen disrupted and compare the apical infiltration with an ideal clinical situation. Twenty-seven freshly extracted single-rooted teeth were selected and radiographed to confirm the existence of a single and straight root canal. The crowns were removed at a mean distance of 11 mm from the apex. The teeth had the root canals instrumented and were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=9): ND group-root canals were filled using the lateral compaction technique and no disruption was performed; DRF group-the apical constriction was disrupted by advancing a #40 K-file 1 mm beyond the original working length, the canals were reinstrumented to create an apical ledge at 1 mm from the apical foramen and were obturated with a master gutta-percha cone with same size as the last file used for reinstrumentation; DF group - the teeth had the apical constriction disrupted and the canals were obturated with a master gutta-percha cone that fit at 1 mm from the apex. The teeth were submitted to dye leakage test with Rhodamine B for 7 days, using vaccum on the initial 5 min. The teeth were sectioned longitudinally and the leakage was measured in a linear fashion from apex to crown. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the groups that had the apical foramen disrupted (DF, DRF), but significant difference was found between the disrupted groups and the non-disrupted one (p<0.01). In conclusion, none of the evaluated techniques was able to prevent apical infiltration, so working length so the working length determination has to be established and maintained carefully.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the subcutaneous response of rat connective tissue to light-cure MTA and Angelus MTA. These materials were placed in polyethylene and dentin tubes and implanted into dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 30 and 60 days. The specimens were prepared to be stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Von Kossa, and without stain for polarized light and evaluated in an optic microscope. The Angelus MTA showed a mild inflammatory response at 30 days and none at 60 days, characterized by organized connective tissue, presence of some chronic inflammatory cells, and induction of mineralized tissue formation. Light-cure MTA presented a moderate chronic inflammatory response at 30 days that decreased at 60 days but was more intense than with Angelus MTA and without dystrophic calcifications. It was possible to conclude that light-cure MTA was similar to MTA at 60 days, but it did not stimulate mineralization.


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The aim of this study was to histopathologically examine the reaction of the connective tissue of rats to 2 calcium hydroxide-based sealers, Acroseal and Sealapex. Dentin tubes containing the materials and empty control tubes were implanted into the dorsal connective tissue of 36 Wistar albino rats. The animals were killed after 7 or 30 days, and the specimens were prepared for histologic analysis with hematoxylin and eosin, Von Kossa technique, and polarized light. Results were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test. Both materials caused mild or moderate inflammatory reactions on the 7th day, but these reactions decreased by the 30th day with no significant difference at any time (P > .05). Mineralization of the subcutaneous tissue of the rats was observed only with Sealapex.