969 resultados para Jornalismo digital


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Este projeto tem como proposta principal a produção de um website que consolide informações, pesquisas, artigos, teses, notícias e produções audiovisuais que abordem a temática da Televisão Digital. A concepção deve ser construir com as bases de um modelo transdisciplinar de informações, já que pretende condensar e reunir inúmeras áreas correlatas à temática citada. O website LabTVD! – www.labtvd.com.br, é voltado a um público de estratos sociais e faixa etária flexíveis, constituído por estudantes universitários, pesquisadores, profissionais da área, professores ou qualquer interessado na evolução do Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital Terrestre - SBTVD-T


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This study proposes to present the process of implementation of Digital TV, the available resources found in the Japanese standard employed in the country and the form in which news programs will adapt to the new technology. Following the presentation of the technological tools, the current state of Brazilian television is discussed, focusing on two nationally broadcast programs, Jornal da Band on Bandeirantes channel and Jornal da Record on Record channel. As a case study, three editions of each show are evaluated with an individual and comparative analysis. Following the analyses, perspectives on the future of television journalism in the digital TV age are given. Additionally, the possibilities for interaction between the TV viewer and the channel and the forms of interaction that may exist within particular programs are discussed, thus allowing for active participation from the part of the viewer. The newly developed functions of journalists in the digital age are also broken down in the research. In order to gain a full understanding of the phases of this process of technological convergence and how programs will adapt to these tools, interviews with professionals who work in the production of televised news programs are conducted in the study


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This work aims to investigate more deeply the concept of Newsgame in order to map essencial features for this new type of media product. Based on several examples, we will analyze the different ways in which a game can behave journalistically. We shall seek the author who coined the term “newsgame”, Gonzalo Frasca, and other international authors, based or not on the first, that attempt to point out limits for these electronic games that aspire Journalism. Some models are harsh, while others are more embracing, but all are intended to achieve a new paradigm in communication that releases itself from static representation stemmed from analog media and ventures into the potential of simulation brought from the digital platform. Examples of newsgames and its theories set forth herein also include Brazilian cases, which we will try to prove to be the most laymen on the subject


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This paper is an exploratory research based on bibliography which aims to establish relationships between the concepts of TV Journalism in the Digital TV with characteristics of Infotainment genre, defined as the model program that adopts the formula of a hybrid production. It follows a concept which is between the information and the entertainment. From this study, it is argued the possibility of the elaboration of news program to the Digital TV that transmits information with through entertainment (Infotainment)


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Since the decade of 1990's, a debate has grown about the so called creative industries. The creatives industries are build for sectors where the creativity emerges as a main input for the products elaboration which are valued by intellectual property statutes. The present monograph intends to describe Journalism as a creative activity, expose how intellectual property works in this area and analyze the function of news aggregators, like Google News, both in author rights matter terms, as about on the recent news mediator and distributor role on digital platforms


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This article is based on research which has been developed in partnership with Unesp TV, a university TV broadcast station of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Bauru campus/SP. The study aims to identify convergent and divergent aspects in the design of audiovisual journalistic content for TV and other media such as the internet and mobile communication systems. The results presented here are the considerations obtained from the first stage of the research. In this phase, the basic steps which should guide the design of the content to feed broadcasting time are outlined, as well as the online audiovisual news broadcast and business management of a TV station, compared to the model which has been followed by internet TV broadcasters.


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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of e-sports (or electronic sports) in sports journalism in transmedia context. To achieve this goal are performed refl ections on the current concept of sport, the strong presence of game culture in contemporary society and their implications in the media ecosystem through the presentation of an on-line platform for electronic sports, called Twitch. Th is thread moves into a new media ecosystem created in interdisciplinary sphere that encompasses sports and media & technology. In this environment sports and video games seek merge into the concept of e-sport (electronic sport), a phenomenon of contemporary digital culture.


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This article seeks to contribute to the debate on the importance of cultural collective producers of anti-capitalist content, ownership of digital ecology by subaltern segments, the creation of the opposition media to exclusionary globalization and the articulation of alternative and radical public sphere for the recent demonstrations policies in planetary scale. Data were collected in the first half of 2013, on a course completion project in vehicles with citizen journalism characteristics ["Portal Fórum", "Outras Palavras" and "Observatório da Imprensa"]. Partial these mapping results indicate that these manifestations inherited anti-capitalist demands of previous decades, and amplified in [by digitally pathways] in political demonstrations that swept those abrasive months in major cities worldwide.


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Esta tesis es resultado de un intenso trabajo de investigación realizado de agosto de 2014 a agosto de 2015, con financiación de la Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp). El objetivo se centró en la realización de un análisis, aunque preliminar, del papel de la TV pública con tecnología digital, como también de las tendencias, desafíos y perspectivas para consolidarla, tanto en Brasil como en Argentina, países con diversas similitudes en contextos económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales. Para cumplir los objetivos, estudiamos los recientes proyectos gubernamentales de televisión pública en los dos países suramericanos. El gobierno argentino invirtió en modernización en Canal 7 (antiguo Argentina Televisora Color-ATC), una emisora de casi seis décadas de funcionamiento, que ha sido prácticamente refundada a partir de los investimentos públicos del gobierno nacional argentino, realizados para digitalizar los sistemas de transmisión y de recepción de televisión abierta. El nuevo Canal 7 pasó a servir de cabeza de red del sistema de televisión pública de Argentina. En Brasil, el gobierno creó a fines del 2007, la Empresa Brasil de Comunicación (EBC), estructura administrativa que opera la red de televisión pública de TV Brasil. Ambos proyectos prometen construir y gestionar sistemas nacionales abiertos, modernos y competitivos de TV Pública Digital Abierta (TVPDA). Esta tesis también describe y compara de modo sucinto el desarrollo histórico de la radiodifusión - evidenciando la televisión como una plataforma en permanente disputa comunicacional, política, ideológica, publicitaria, cultural y económica -, tal como los modelos de televisión pública y comercial en cada uno de los dos países analizados (no entiendo la expresión). La estudiante de periodismo pretende confrontar el desarrollo de una estructura nacional de televisión pública iniciada en el...


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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A evolução tecnológica na comunicação contemporânea estrutura sistemas digitais via redes de computadores conectados e exploração maciça de dispositivos tecnológicos. Os dados digitais captados e distribuídos via aplicativos instalados em smartphones criam ambiente dinâmico comunicacional. O Jornalismo e a Comunicação tentam se adaptar ao novo ecossistema informacional impetrado pelas constantes inovações tecnológicas que possibilitam a criação de novos ambientes e sistemas para acesso à informação de relevância social. Surgem novas ferramentas para produção e distribuição de conteúdos jornalísticos, produtos baseados em dados e interações inteligentes, algoritmos usados em diversos processos, plataformas hiperlocais e sistemas de narrativas e produção digitais. Nesse contexto, o objetivo da pesquisa foi elaborar uma análise e comparação entre produtos de mídia e tecnologia específicos. Se as novas tecnologias acrescentam atributos às produções e narrativas jornalísticas, seus impactos na prática da atividade e também se há modificação nos processos de produção de informação de relevância social em relação aos processos jornalísticos tradicionais e consolidados. Investiga se o uso de informações insertadas pelos usuários, em tempo real, melhora a qualidade das narrativas emergentes através de dispositivos móveis e se a gamificação ou ludificação altera a percepção de credibilidade do jornalismo. Para que assim seja repensado a forma de se produzir e gerar informação e conhecimento para os públicos que demandam conteúdo


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This article presents results of two research projects that explored the coverage of the Student Movement 2011 carried out by two chains of newspaper of Chile: El Mercurio S.A.P and Diarios Mi Voz, in three regions of the country. These press chains correspond to paper and digital press, respectively. In this research, we analyze information and photographs allowed to establish changes in journalistic practices as well as similarities in the ways of representing the student movement.