1000 resultados para Jorge Silva Melo


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Four colonies of the ant Pachycondyla striata were used to analyze the specie behavioral repertoire. Forty-six behavioral acts were recorded in laboratory. Here, we present the record the division of labor between the castes and the temporal polyethism of monomorphic workers. The queens carried out many of the behavioral traits recorded in this work however; they performed them less frequently compared to the worker. The workers activity involved chasing and feeding on fresh insects and usingthem to nourish larvae besides laying eggs in the C-posture, an activity also performed by queens, which is similar to that of wasps of the subfamily Stenogastrinae. The young workers were involved in activities of brood care, sexuate care, and nest maintenance, and the older workers were involved in defense, exploration, and foraging. © 2012 Adolfo da Silva-Melo and Edilberto Giannotti.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Das folhas de Deguelia utilis foram isolados cinco flavonoides: 5,3'-di-hidróxi-4'-metóxi2'',2''-dimetilcromeno-(5'',6'':6,7)-di-hidroflavonol (1), 5,3'-di-hidróxi-7,4'-dimetóxi-6,8dimetilalil-di-hidroflavonol (2), 5,3'-di-hidróxi-4'-metóxi-8-prenil-2'',2''-dimetilcromeno(5'',6'':6,7)-flavanona (3), 5,3'-di-hidróxi-7,4'-dimetóxi-6,8-dimetilalil-flavanona (4), 3,5,3'-tri-hidróxi-7,4'-dimetóxi-6,8-dimetilalil-flavanol (5), juntamente com os estilbenos: 4-metoxilonchocarpeno (6) e lonchocarpeno (7). Suas estruturas químicas foram elucidadas com base nos seus dados de NMR (ressonância magnética nuclear) e HRESITOF-MS (espectrometria de massas de alta resolução por tempo de vôo, com ionização por eletrospray). Além disso, a fim de investigar o potencial efeito citoprotetor desses flavonoides, foi utilizada uma fração eluída com hexano:AcOEt contendo os sete flavonoides, em um modelo in vitro de neurodegeneração, utilizando culturas primárias do hipocampo de ratos neonatal (PND2-P3) expostos à rotenona, um inibidor mitocondrial do complexo I. Houve uma redução significativa da viabilidade celular (19,4 ± 1,6%), quando as culturas foram expostas à rotenona 30 nmol L-1 por 72 h. A exposição concomitante das culturas a FR3 (5 µg mL-1) e rotenona 30 nmol L-1 resultou em valores de viabilidade celular semelhante ao grupo controle (99,6 ± 4,8%), sugerindo um efeito citoprotetor para essa fração.


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A mina Bom Futuro situa-se na região centro-norte de Rondônia e inclui dois morros denominados de Palanqueta e Bom Futuro e as áreas aplainadas adjacentes. As principais lavras de extração de cassiterita ocorrem nos placeres circunvizinhos ao morro Bom Futuro, bem como nos depósitos primários situados no próprio morro. Esses depósitos primários restringem-se aos corpos de pegmatito formados em pelo menos dois eventos distintos. O pegmatito Cascavel pertence ao evento mais antigo e é composto por uma lente principal e um enxame de diques, veios e vênulas com atitude geral NNW/35oENE. Os corpos são maciços ou zonados, sendo que na lente principal foram reconhecidas três zonas distintas, sob a forma de leitos subparalelos entre si e com as paredes da lente. Do muro para o teto tem-se: zona do quartzo e topázio, zona do feldspato alcalino e Li-mica e zona granítica. Os minerais principais do pegmatito Cascavel são quartzo, feldspato alcalino (microclínio pertítico), topázio e Li-mica e os minerais subordinados ou acessórios são cassiterita, sulfetos (esfalerita, calcopirita, pirita, galena e estanita), zircão, monazita, wolframita, uraninita, columbita-tantalita e rutilo niobífero. O pegmatito Cascavel é do tipo complexo e pode ser incluído na família LCT dos pegmatitos a elemento-raro. O pegmatito Cascavel é de natureza subvulcânica e mostra relações espacial e temporal com os granitos peraluminosos tardios da Suíte Intrusiva Granitos Últimos de Rondônia.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A qualidade física do solo é um dos fatores determinantes da sustentabilidade agronômica, econômica e ambiental no sistema plantio direto (SPD). A compactação do solo tem sido apontada como um dos fatores de redução da qualidade física em solos sob SPD. Contudo, com a utilização do SPD, pode haver o incremento de matéria orgânica do solo e o desenvolvimento de um sistema poroso contínuo e estável, que atenuam os impactos negativos da compactação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade física de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico sob SPD durante 30 anos, utilizando o intervalo hídrico ótimo (IHO) e o grau de compactação do solo (GC). Em uma área comercial com histórico de altas produtividades sob SPD, foram coletadas amostras de solo com estrutura preservada e deformada, para determinação da densidade do solo (Ds), do IHO e do GC. As amostras com estrutura preservada foram obtidas em três posições, relativas às linhas (L), entrelinhas (E) e posição intermediária entre as linhas e entrelinhas (PI) da cultura do milho. Foram determinadas as curvas de retenção de água e resistência do solo à penetração, bem como a Ds. A amostra de solo com estrutura deformada foi usada para obter a curva de compactação, utilizando o teste de Proctor. A Dmax foi obtida a partir da curva de compactação, e o GC foi determinado pela razão entre a Ds e a Dmax. Independentemente dos limites críticos de resistência à penetração (RP), verifica-se redução do IHO com o aumento da Ds. Os maiores valores do IHO foram verificados na posição de amostragem L, e a utilização de RP crítica maior que 2,0 MPa resultou em IHO condizente com a qualidade física desse solo sob SPD de longo tempo. A Dmax foi de 1,52 kg dm-3, e o GC variou de 64 a 87 %, sendo os maiores valores obtidos nas posições E e PI. Os valores de IHO e GC obtidos neste estudo indicam que a qualidade física desse solo não é limitante à produção das culturas após 30 anos de utilização do SPD.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of circuit-based exercise on the body composition in obese older women by focusing on physical exercise and body weight (BW) gain control in older people. Methods: Seventy older women (>60 years old) voluntarily took part in the study. Participants were randomized into six different groups according to body mass index (BMI): appropriate weight (AW) control (AWC) and trained (AWT) groups, overweight (OW) control (OWC) and trained (OWT) groups, and obesity (O) control (OC) and trained (OT) groups. The exercise program consisted of 50 minutes of exercise three times per week for 12 weeks. The exercises were alternated between upper and lower body using rest between sets for 40 seconds with intensity controlled by heart rate (70% of work). The contraction time established was 5 seconds to eccentric and concentric muscular action phase. The following anthropometric parameters were evaluated: height (m), body weight (BW, kg), body fat (BF, %), fat mass (FM, kg), lean mass (LM, kg), and BMI (kg/m(2)). Results: The values (mean +/- standard deviation [SD]) of relative changes to BW (-8.0% +/- 0.8%), BF (-21.4% +/- 2.1%), LM (3.0% +/- 0.3%), and FM (-31.2% +/- 3.0%) to the OT group were higher (P < .05) than in the AWT (BW: -2.0% +/- 1.1%; BF: -4.6% +/- 1.8%; FM: -7.0% +/- 2.8%; LM: 0.2% +/- 1.1%) and OWT (BW: -4.5% +/- 1.0%; BF: -11.0% +/- 2.2%; FM: -16.1% +/- 3.2%; LM: -0.2% +/- 1.0%) groups; additionally, no differences were found for C groups. While reduction (P < .03) in BMI according to absolute values was observed for all trained groups (AWT: 22 +/- 1 versus 21 +/- 1; OWT: 27 +/- 1 versus 25 +/- 1, OT: 34 +/- 1 versus 30 +/- 1) after training, no differences were found for C groups. Conclusion: In summary, circuit-based exercise is an effective method for promoting reduction in anthropometrics parameters in obese older women.


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Background: Tospoviruses (Genus Tospovirus, Family Bunyaviridae) are phytopathogens responsible for significant worldwide crop losses. They have a tripartite negative and ambisense RNA genome segments, termed S (Small), M (Medium) and L (Large) RNA. The vector-transmission is mediated by thrips in a circulative-propagative manner. For new tospovirus species acceptance, several analyses are needed, e. g., the determination of the viral protein sequences for enlightenment of their evolutionary history. Methodology/Principal Findings: Biological (host range and symptomatology), serological, and molecular (S and M RNA sequencing and evolutionary studies) experiments were performed to characterize and differentiate a new tospovirus species, Bean necrotic mosaic virus (BeNMV), which naturally infects common beans in Brazil. Based upon the results, BeNMV can be classified as a novel species and, together with Soybean vein necrosis-associated virus (SVNaV), they represent members of a new evolutionary lineage within the genus Tospovirus. Conclusion/Significances: Taken together, these evidences suggest that two divergent lineages of tospoviruses are circulating in the American continent and, based on the main clades diversity (American and Eurasian lineages), new tospovirus species related to the BeNMV-SVNaV clade remain to be discovered. This possible greater diversity of tospoviruses may be reflected in a higher number of crops as natural hosts, increasing the economic impact on agriculture. This idea also is supported since BeNMV and SVNaV were discovered naturally infecting atypical hosts (common bean and soybean, respectively), indicating, in this case, a preference for leguminous species. Further studies, for instance a survey focusing on crops, specifically of leguminous plants, may reveal a greater tospovirus diversity not only in the Americas (where both viruses were reported), but throughout the world.


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This paper is concerned with the energy decay for a class of plate equations with memory and lower order perturbation of p-Laplacian type, utt+?2u-?pu+?0tg(t-s)?u(s)ds-?ut+f(u)=0inOXR+, with simply supported boundary condition, where O is a bounded domain of RN, g?>?0 is a memory kernel that decays exponentially and f(u) is a nonlinear perturbation. This kind of problem without the memory term models elastoplastic flows.


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Several predatory mites have been found in association with the coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer, in northeast Brazil. However, the latter still causes damage to coconut in that region. The objectives of this work were to compare the frequencies of occurrence of Neoseiulus (Phytoseiidae) and Proctolaelaps (Melicharidae) species on standing and aborted coconuts in coastal Pernambuco State, northeast Brazil and to analyze their possible limitations as control agents of the coconut mite, based on evaluations of the restrictions they may have to access the microhabitat inhabited by the pest and their functional and reproductive responses to increasing densities of the latter. Neoseiulus baraki (Athias-Henriot) was found mostly on standing coconuts whereas Proctolaelaps bickleyi (Bram) was found mostly on aborted coconuts. Measurements of the entrance to the microhabitat occupied by the coconut mite, between the bracts and the subjacent fruit surface, showed that this different pattern of predator prevalence could be related to predator sizes, although other environmental factors could not be disregarded. Progressively higher predation rate of N. baraki was observed up to an experimental density that corresponded to 1,200 coconut mites per fruit, which is close to the average number determined in northeast Brazil, reducing slightly afterwards. Predation rate of P. bickleyi reduced consistently but slightly with increasing prey densities, but in absolute values, rates were always much higher than determined for N. baraki. The excessively high killing capacity of P. bickleyi, probably related to its high feeding requirement, may be detrimental in terms of stability. In fact, such high requirement for food suggests that P. bickleyi might not have a strong relation with the coconut mite and that the latter may not be its main food source under natural conditions. It is concluded that body sizes of both predators and the exceedingly high feeding requirement of P. bickleyi may limit their performance as control agents of the coconut mite.


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Purpose: To validate a monitoring questionnaire about hearing and language development applied by community health agents in the first year of life. Methods: Seventy six community health agents, previously trained on infant hearing health, administered a questionnaire to the families of 304 children with ages from 0 to 1 year. The questionnaire contains questions regarding hearing and language development and, for all age groups, the question “Does your child hear well?” was presented. The validity of the questionnaire was assessed by analyzing false positive and false negative rates of the identified children. A double-blind study was conducted so that all children assessed by the questionnaire were submitted to hearing evaluation performed by audiologists. Results: Four children (1.32%) were diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss (two unilateral), and 69 (22.7%) with conductive hearing loss. The monitoring questionnaire showed specificity of 96% and sensitivity of 67%, with a false-negative rate of 33% for not identifying the unilateral hearing loss, and a false-positive rate of 4%. Conclusion: The questionnaire used has shown to be feasible and relevant to actions of the community health agents of the Family Health Strategy program, with high specificity and moderate sensitivity. The use of the validated instrument should be considered to complement Newborn Hearing Screening Programs, in order to identify late onset or acquired hearing loss.


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O estudo químico das folhas e dos frutos de P. richardiaefolium resultou no isolamento de oito lignanas, sendo duas lignanas furofurânicas (sesamina e kobusina), quatro lignanas dibenzilbutirolactônicas (hinokinina, kusunokinina, arctigenina e haplomirfolina), duas lignanas dibenzilbutirolactólicas (cubebina e 3,4- dimetoxi-3,4-desmetilenodioxicubebina), dois cinamatos de bornila (ferulato de bornila e cumarato de bornila) e na identificação de duas amidas (piplartina e diidropiplartina). Das folhas de P. richardiaefolium foi extraído e analisado o óleo volátil. As estruturas das substâncias isoladas foram identificadas através de métodos espectroscópicos (RMN de 1H e de 13C e espectrometria de massas). O estudo de análise de componentes principais (PCA) das espécies Piper (P. truncatum - k 616, P. richardiaefolium - k 290, P. richardiaefolium - k 350, P. richardiaefolium - k 593, P. truncatum - k 597, P. pseudopotifolium - k 598, P. richardiaefolium - k 854, P. richardiaefolium - k 610, P. truncatum - k 112, P. pseudopotifolium - k 211 e P. cernuum - k 137) permitiu agrupar as espécies em dois grandes grupos e quatro subgrupos em relação à similaridade entre elas. Ligninas do caule de seis espécies de Piper foram extraídas utilizando o método de degradação de Klason e método de Bjorkman, e analisadas por métodos espectroscópicos (IV, RMN de 1H e de 13C). O método de degradação por oxidação por nitrobenzeno foi o escolhido para determinar a relação entre os monolignóis siringila e guaiacila. Os principais metabólitos das espécies estudadas foram comparados com os tipos de ligninas das mesmas espécies e os resultados sugeriram uma independência entre as vias biossintéticas de ligninas e lignanas.