1000 resultados para Joan de Ribera Sant, 1532-1611-Canonización


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The main goal of this paper is to obtain a granular material formulated with Municipal Solid Waste Incinerarion (MSWI) bottom ash (BA) and air pollution control (APC) ash to be used as secondary building material. Previously, an optimum concrete mixture using both MSWI residues as aggregates was formulated. A compromise between the environmental behaviour and the economy of the process was considered. Unconfined compressive strength and abrasion resistance values were measured in order to evaluate the mechanical properties. From these results, the granular mixture was not suited for certain applications owing to the high BA/APC content and low cement percentages used to reduce the costs of the final product. Nevertheless, the leaching test performed showed that the concentrations of all heavy metals were below the limits established by the current Catalan legislation for their reutilization. Therefore, the material studied might be mainly used in embankments, where high mechanical properties are not needed and environmental safety is assured.


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The main goal of this paper is to obtain a granular material formulated with Municipal Solid Waste Incinerarion (MSWI) bottom ash (BA) and air pollution control (APC) ash to be used as secondary building material. Previously, an optimum concrete mixture using both MSWI residues as aggregates was formulated. A compromise between the environmental behaviour and the economy of the process was considered. Unconfined compressive strength and abrasion resistance values were measured in order to evaluate the mechanical properties. From these results, the granular mixture was not suited for certain applications owing to the high BA/APC content and low cement percentages used to reduce the costs of the final product. Nevertheless, the leaching test performed showed that the concentrations of all heavy metals were below the limits established by the current Catalan legislation for their reutilization. Therefore, the material studied might be mainly used in embankments, where high mechanical properties are not needed and environmental safety is assured.


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Port. con grab. xil


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Según Palau, XVII, 371516, no se puede admitir la catalogación del British Museum y la n.


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El riu Canaletes va resultar afectat per l’ incendi que es va produir a Horta de Sant Joan el juliol de l’any 2009. El foc va malmetre bona part de la flora i fauna de la zona, però un dels ecosistemes que en va sortir més perjudicat va ser el del bosc de ribera, ecosistema molt fràgil en front de pertorbacions d’aquest tipus, ja que la seva capacitat de regeneració no és tant senzilla ni ràpida com en altres ecosistemes mediterranis com podrien ser els boscos de pi blanc. No obstant, si que existeixen algunes espècies de ribera que presenten una ràpida resposta als incendis com és el cas dels salzes o alguns pollancres o àlbers, que en aquest cas, poc temps després del foc ja presentaven rebrots, segons observacions realitzades al camp. Per comprovar l’evolució de la recuperació del bosc de ribera en la zona afectada per l’incendi, es van realitzar diverses sortides de camp. D’aquestes observacions, es va poder deduir que actualment el bosc de ribera de la zona estudiada, evoluciona segons les previsions realitzades en estudis immediatament posteriors al foc, de manera que hi estan proliferant de manera ràpida bardisses amb esbarzer, gavarrera, roldor i sanguinyol, en aquells llocs que abans de l’incendi eren ocupats per arbres caducifolis.


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Més enllà d'extraure dels grans fons arxivístics dades sobre grans epidèmies i figures rellevants de la medicina, aquesta tesi explora també arxius locals, parroquials, notarials, etc, en aquest treball concretament, l'arxiu de la parròquia de Sant Joan de Lleida. D'aquí en treu dades sobre la vida quotidiana dels professionals de la medicina, des de cirurgians a apotecaris i adroguers.