899 resultados para Jens Eder


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yhtä kansainvälisten suhteiden ja diplomatian lähihistorian pulmallisinta haastetta, kysymystä Kosovon asemasta vuosina 1998–2010. Se oli yksi keskeisimmistä 1990-luvun Jugoslavian hajoamissotien solmukohdista ja suhtautuminen siihen jakaa edelleen kansainvälisen yhteisön rivejä maailmanlaajuisesti. Tapaus on erityisen mielenkiintoinen myös nationalismin ja historiapolitiikan kannalta, sillä Kosovo on sekä albaanien että serbien kansallisen identiteetin ydinaluetta. Varhaishistorian myytit ja etnohistorialliset kertomukset ovat olleet tärkeässä asemassa lukuisissa aluetta koetelleissa konflikteissa. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on historiapolitiikan lähestymistavan välttämättömyys kansainvälisesti politisoituneen ”Kosovon kysymyksen” ymmärtämisessä. Historiapolitiikan teoreettisen viitekehyksen soveltuvuuden koettelu diplomatian argumentaation ja kansainvälisten suhteiden analysoinnissa on olennainen osa tutkimuksen tehtävänasettelua, sillä varsinkaan Suomessa ei vastaavaa tutkimusta ole ennen tehty. Samalla tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luokitella, analysoida ja vertailla eri valtioiden diplomaattisten historia-argumenttien käyttöä Kosovon kysymyksen yhteydessä sekä tarkastella näiden argumenttien kautta suhtautumista kansallisiin etnohistorian tulkintoihin ja niiden käyttöön 1990-luvun retoriikassa. Tutkielman tärkeimpiä alkuperäislähteitä ovat YK:n turvallisuusneuvoston Kosovoa käsittelevien istuntojen pöytäkirjat vuosilta 1998–2010 sekä huhti- ja heinäkuussa 2009 YK:n kansainväliselle tuomioistuimelle (ICJ) toimitetut, Kosovon itsenäisyysjulistuksen lainmukaisuutta käsittelevät, kirjalliset lausunnot ja kommentit. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden osalta tutkielman tärkeimpiä lähteitä ovat muun muassa Oliver Jens Schmittin, Marc Wellerin ja Pekka Visurin teokset sekä monet albaanien ja serbien kansallisia historiakäsityksiä ilmentävät teokset. Tutkielman metodologisena apuvälineenä on sovellettu suomalaisessa tutkimuksessa aikaisemmin hyvin vähän käytettyä Karl-Georg Faberin mallia historian poliitisen käytön kategorisoimiseksi. Faberin mallia käytetään paitsi historia-argumenttien luokittelun kehikkona, myös ajattelua ohjaavana historianfilosofisena kolmitasoisena mallina. Sitä on täydennytty Chaïm Perelmanin ja Lucie Olbrechts-Tytecan retoriikan tutkimuksen teorialla. Tutkimuksen tärkeimpiä johtopäätöksiä on historiapolitiikan näkökulman ja Faberin mallin hedelmällisyyden toteaminen diplomatian argumentaation analysoinnissa. Samalla tutkimus osoittaa, että historia-argumenteilla oli (ja on edelleen) Kosovon kysymyksessä oma erityinen roolinsa, joka vaihteli ajallisesti ja teemoittain. Toisaalta kansalliset historiakäsitykset, kuten käsitys omasta kansasta uhrina, näkyivät argumenteissa selvästi, toisaalta pyrkimyksenä oli vältellä nationalistiseksi tulkittavia historia-argumentteja. Lisäksi monissa argumenteissa vaaditiin väkivaltaisen historian jättämistä taakse eurooppalaisen tulevaisuuden toivossa.


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To investigate the use of centre of gravity location on reducing cyclic pitch control for helicopter UAV's (unmanned air vehicles) and MAV's (micro air vehicles). Low cyclic pitch is a necessity to implement the swashplateless rotor concept using trailing edge flaps or active twist using current generation low authority piezoceramic actuators. Design/methodology/approach – An aeroelastic analysis of the helicopter rotor with elastic blades is used to perform parametric and sensitivity studies of the effects of longitudinal and lateral center of gravity (cg) movements on the main rotor cyclic pitch. An optimization approach is then used to find cg locations which reduce the cyclic pitch at a given forward speed. Findings – It is found that the longitudinal cyclic pitch and lateral cyclic pitch can be driven to zero at a given forward speed by shifting the cg forward and to the port side, respectively. There also exist pairs of numbers for the longitudinal and lateral cg locations which drive both the cyclic pitch components to zero at a given forward speed. Based on these results, a compromise optimal cg location is obtained such that the cyclic pitch is bounded within ±5° for a BO105 helicopter rotor. Originality/value – The reduction in the cyclic pitch due to helicopter cg location is found to significantly reduce the maximum magnitudes of the control angles in flight, facilitating the swashplateless rotor concept. In addition, the existence of cg locations which drive the cyclic pitches to zero allows for the use of active cg movement as a way to replace the cyclic pitch control for helicopter MAV's.


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Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) pattern formation in carbon nanotube-polymer composite films yields well-defined patterns on the micrometer scale along with the alignment of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) within these patterns. Conductive pathways in nanotube networks formed during EHD patterning of nanocomposite films results in a substantial increase in the composites' conductivity at loadings exceeding the percolation threshold. The degree of nanotube alignment can be tuned by adjusting the EHD parameters and the degree of alignment is mirrored by the conductivity across the film. Using etching techniques or by embedding relatively long nanotubes, patterned surfaces decorated by CNT brushes were generated. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Along with the vast progress in experimental quantum technologies there is an increasing demand for the quantification of entanglement between three or more quantum systems. Theory still does not provide adequate tools for this purpose. The objective is, besides the quest for exact results, to develop operational methods that allow for efficient entanglement quantification. Here we put forward an analytical approach that serves both these goals. We provide a simple procedure to quantify Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-type multipartite entanglement in arbitrary three-qubit states. For two qubits this method is equivalent to Wootters' seminal result for the concurrence. It establishes a close link between entanglement quantification and entanglement detection by witnesses, and can be generalised both to higher dimensions and to more than three parties.


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Within the frame of the EU Data Collection Regulation (DCR), Germany is obliged since 2002 to collect basic fisheries data to support the Common Fisheries Policy. Various governmental institutions are involved in the collection of landings and effort data, biological and economic data of the German fisheries. About 200 trips on commercial fishery vessels were sampled from 2002 to 2006. Additional stock data are collected on research surveys. The landings of cod in the recreational fisheries in the North and Baltic Seas were recorded within a pilot study. In order to assess the economic situation of the fishing fleet and processing industry, economic data were collected. The collected data are being stored in a national database and being made available for scientific working groups. At present, the legal regulations within the DCR framework are being reviewed and adapted to the changing requirements of fisheries management.


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Since 2002 Germany is obliged to collect fishery data to support the European Common Fishery Policy. Sampling of the com-mercial fishery under German flag is one duty within the EU fisheries data collection programme. During the past 6 years, 148 fishing trips were sampled by scientific observers onboard commercial fishing vessels to collect data on catch composi-tions with special emphasis on the proportions of landed and discarded fish. The results show that the proportion of discard is depending on the fishery. Highest discard rates were observed on beam trawl fishing trips. At the level of individual fishing trips, discard rates varied extremely within a fishery segment. Highest variations were found in the beam and bottom otter trawl fishery. In contrast, the discard rates in high-seas fisheries were low.


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Since 1990 North-east Atlantic fish species – arctic cod, saithe, haddock, redfish and Greenland halibut – have been investigated by on-board observers on the German commercial trawler FMS Kiel. These investigations are part of the national data collection regulation established by the European Union in recent years. Collected data are basic data for the scientific assessment of these important fish stocks of the European fisheries. The results of the observed cruises are used by the Arctic Fisheries Working Group of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES). Biological investigations were carried out in Norwegian waters and the Barents Sea (ICES Divisions IIa and IIb) on board FMS Kiel in January to March and in August/September 2004. This report presents results of these cruises and an overview about the general fishery situation in 2004.


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Based on the EU Regulation 1543/2000 for the improvement of quantity and quality of fishery data the Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture has initiated a national data collection programme, executed by three institutions, Federal Research Centre for Fisheries (BFAFi), Federal Agency for Ariculture and Food and the Federal Research Centre Agriculture, co-ordinated by BFAFi. In 2004 samples have been taken from 943 hauls during 29 commercial fishing trips; 357 000 fish have been measured. From 2002 to 2004 the number of length and weight and measurements, and age determinations could increased by 32, 65 and 156 % resp. Pilot inquiries have been carried out to prepare also the collection of economical date of fishing vessels and of fish processing plants from 2006.


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Seasampling of the important northeast Arctic fish stocks cod, saithe, haddock, redfish and Greenland halibut was continued in 2003. The sampling is part of the European data sampling directive on commercial fisheries established in recent years. This directive is relevant for European waters as well as for other areas where quotas have been assigned for European community member states. Furthermore, the results of these samplings are used as German basic data for stock assessments of the “Arctic Fisheries Working Group” of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES). This report presents results of biological investigations which were carried out in ICES divisions IIa and IIb on board FMS “KIEL” in January/February and July/August 2003. The last section summarizes results and recommendations on the scientific assessment of the northeast Arctic fish stocks.


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CASTELLANO: El proyecto realizado es un plan de marketing para la empresa Normandya reparaciones S.L.. El plan de marketing es la herramienta básica de gestión que debe utilizar toda empresa orientada al mercado que quiera ser competitiva. En su puesta en marcha quedarán fijadas las diferentes actuaciones que deben realizarse en el área del marketing, para alcanzar los objetivos establecidos tras haber realizado un análisis previo de la situación en la que se encuentra la empresa.


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Essa dissertação é uma proposta de releitura do conjunto de murais no interior da Capela de Chapingo, México. Tal releitura de crítica artística relaciona-se à apropriação de uma metodologia derivada da própria noção de capela, metodologia essa que compactua com o ambiente artístico em questão e com a fenomenologia do contemplador desse conjunto. O objetivo dessa proposta é apresentar as nuances envolvidas no conceito-chave, por parte da historiografia artístico-religiosa, de suporte-capela, isto é, a capela não apenas como ambiente religioso, mas como ocasião artística


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Txikiegia, agian. Euskarazko Kazetaritzaren mundua oraindik ere txikiegia izan daiteke, bai behintzat inguruan dituen erdarazko kazetaritzekin alderatuz gero: ur tanta apala ozeanoaren erdian, kimu txiker lañoa basoaren handitasunean. Handiak zeharka begiratu izan dio beti txikiari, eta txikiak, inbidiaz, handiari. Txikitasunetik datozkio arazo gehien Euskarazko Kazetaritzari. Hala ere, bere txikitasunean handia da, eta maitagarria. Unibertso zabala biltzeko gai izan da, itsasoak eskaintzen duen kolore-aniztasunaren pareko, basoak opa digun joritasunaren kideko. Itsasoan eta basoan, ordea, den-dena ez da eder eta kolore bizi. Batean zein bestean, alde ilun eta ezezagun ugari daude, baita mehatxu franko ere. Esku artean duzun liburua dibertsitate horren isla da, lagun. Horixe du helburu, behintzat. Alde horretatik, oso pozgarria da ondorengo orrialdeetan bildu diren adituen ekarpenen maila zein jasoa den egiaztatzea. Euskarazko Kazetaritzaren inguruan ez da inoiz horrenbeste gogoetarik egin, ezta ere horrenbeste iritzi eta azterketarik bildu testu bakar batean. Mundu hau dezente aldatu dela azken hamarkadetan. Duela hogeita hamar bat urte, esaterako, Euskal Herrian oso gutxi ziren euskaraz jarduten zuten profesionalak. Orduko kazetari euskaldunek oso aukera gutxi zeuzkaten: Herria, Zeruko Argia, Anaitasuna, Goiz Argi, Herri Irratiak… eta ezer gutxi gehiago. Gaur egun, ordea, Euskarazko Kazetaritza Euskal Herri osoan presentzia duen errealitatea da: 700 profesional inguru eta 250etik gora hedabide dira horren lekuko. Baditugu Euskal Herri osoan eta euskaraz diharduten egunkari, atari elektroniko, astekari, irrati eta telebistak. Horretaz gain, badugu, herriz herri, eta sektorez sektore, osatzen joan den hedabide txiki berri eta ertainen sare zabala: zortzi herri telebista, 30 irrati, 60 herri aldizkari, 61 aldizkari espezializatu, 60 berripaper, 34 eskoletako argitalpen eta hamarnaka hedabide elektroniko. Hori guztia 779.788 hiztun dituen komunitate batean. Bistan denez, Euskarazko Kazetaritza izugarri hazi da, oso handia baita mundu honek berezkoa duen indar-sortzailea. Errealitate hori makina bat pertsona, elkarte, gizarte-mugimendu eta erakunderen ahalegin eta elkarlanaren ondorioa izan da. Orobat, hazkunde ikaragarri horrek agerian utzi ditu sektorean dauden hainbat ahulezia: egoera soziolinguistikoa, merkatu txikiak, lan-baldintza makurrak eta dirulaguntza-politika definitu gabeak, besteak beste. Euskarazko Kazetaritza beregaintasuna lortzetik urrun da, oraindik ere. Horretaz guztiaz hitz egiten da liburu honetan. Hemen Euskarazko Kazetaritzaren baitan edo inguruan dabiltzan 50 inguru profesional eta adituk hartu dute hitza beren ikuspuntua plazaratzeko, beren ikerketak azaltzeko, beren kezkak agertzeko eta, etorkizunari begira, planteatzen diren erronkez beren gogoetak egiteko. Iraganari erreparatu zaio, baina indar gehien orainean eta geroan jarri nahi izan dugu. Ondorengo orriotan Euskarazko Kazetaritzaren diagnostikoa egiten da, testu zientifiko batek exijitzen dituen zehaztasun eta zintzotasunez. Lehen atala Euskarazko Komunikazioaren Esparrua definitzeari eskaini diogu, oso garrantzitsua baita zer garen edota zer ez garen hasiera-hasieratik jakitea. Baina ez gaude soilik geure zilborrari begira egoteko. Horregatik txertatu ditugu hemen George Jones galestarrak, Günther Rautz tiroldarrak eta Logi Bergmann Eiösson islandiarrak ekarri dizkiguten ikuspuntuak eta esperientzia aberasgarriak. Bigarren atala -”Euskarazko hedabideak” izenekoa- da gizenena. Euskaraz diharduten hedabide garrantzitsuenek dute hemen beren esperientziak eta erronkak plazaratzeko agertokia, baita Internet bidez zabaltzen direnek ere. Berton euskarazko publizitatearen inguruan dauden gabeziez ere egiten da gogoeta. “Bideak eraikitzeko ahaleginean” da hirugarren atalari eman zaion izenburu nagusia. Euskarazko Kazetaritza gaur egun errealitate emankorra bada, neurri handi batean berton diharduten eragileek historikoki elkarlanerako erakutsi duten prestutasun nabarmenari esker izan da. Gizarte-eragile esanguratsuek hartu dute hitza beren ikuspuntuak eta premiak agertzeko, beren kezkak gizarteratzeko. Guztion ahotan gogoeta bera: sinergiak sustatu eta baliabideen erabilera optimizatu egin behar dira. Laugarren atala etorkizunari begira jarri dugu, handiak baitira ate joka ditugun erronka eta jomugak; ez soilik teknologia berriei begira, baita hizkuntza eta kazetari euskaldunon lan-baldintza hobetzeari erreparatuta ere. Azken atalean ondorio nagusiak bildu ditugu. Gure uste apalean, liburu honetatik atera daitezkeen gogoetarik funtsezkoenak dira. Behar-beharrezkoa da horiei arretaz erreparatzea, Euskarazko Kazetaritzak aurrera egin nahi badu behintzat. Mardula da, zalantzarik gabe, esku artean duzun liburua. Hasieran azpimarratu ditugun aniztasuna eta joritasuna islatu nahi izan ditugu hemen. Euskarazko Kazetaritzare


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Presentación de power point. Comunicación oral presentada en el 1er Simposium sobre Propiedades y Aplicaciones de MOFs y COFs, celebrado en Granada en abril de 2015