981 resultados para Iyenaga, T. (Toyokichi), 1862-1936
Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo
[EUS] 1936 arte egin ziren euskal liburu zaharren berrargitalpenak euren bereizgarrien arabera sailkatu ditugu, lehen hurbilketa modura. Gehienak tentuz erabiltzekoak dira, jatorrizko testuarekiko leialak ez diren heinean, baina bestalde datu jakingarriak eskaintzen dituzte garaian garaiko asmoez, joerez eta euskararen gaineko pentsamoldeaz.
Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo
7 cartas (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 180x130mm y 214x139mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 82
Este trabalho trata do projeto pedagógico do Monsenhor Álvaro Negromonte, a partir de um conjunto de impressos pedagógicos publicados entre 1936 e 1964, destinados a públicos distintos. Reconhecido, entre seus pares, como um dos grandes líderes da renovação do ensino religioso, nos anos de 1930, Álvaro Negromonte envolveu-se profundamente nos debates educacionais de ento, produzindo um conjunto variado de impressos pedagógicos que elegiam como alvos privilegiados a escola e as famílias. Organizados em diferentes formatos, os impressos publicados pelo Monsenhor Álvaro Negromonte para as professoras e para as famílias são analisados, nesta pesquisa, como parte de uma Biblioteca Pedagógica que foi sendo construída ao longo de dezoito anos, voltada, também, para a renovação do ensino religioso. O objetivo é de buscar compreender os pontos de contato que entrelaçavam esses projetos, de formação de professoras-catequistas e educação das famílias, articulando-os entre si e a outro maior, voltado para a recatolicização da sociedade. As duas classes de impressos utilizadas pelo padre, livros e boletins, endereçadas às escolas e às famílias são entendidas nesta pesquisa como objetos culturais, tomados como unidades de análise em sua produção, considerando suas formas e conteúdos. As práticas educativas analisadas nesta pesquisa foram entendidas como práticas culturais que visaram estabelecer novos códigos de valores e comportamentos, criaram outras representações para o educador, associando as contribuições pedagógicas dos novos tempos aos saberes elementares da fé catlica. Os dois projetos aqui analisados se complementam e apontam para a importncia que a figura da mulher assumiu no trabalho de Negromonte. Fomentado no bojo da Ação Catlica, o trabalho desenvolvido pelo padre passava, primeiramente, pela educação da fé das mulheres que, estivessem exercendo sua função de professoras, na escola, ou de mães, em suas casas, iam sendo formadas para atuar na vida eclesial e social brasileira.
Este trabalho problematiza um tipo específico de racionalidade que emergiu nos fins do século XIX e avançou no século XX, implicando na constituição de uma política mundial destinada à regulamentação de determinadas substncias psicoativas. Tais práticas foram possíveis em virtude de uma produção discursiva cujos enunciados médico-sanitrios reivindicavam a intervenção dos Estados Nacionais em assegurar a saúde coletiva. No caso do uso de psicoativos, tais discursos fizeram emergir uma série de tratados internacionais, leis nacionais, normas e regulações que modificaram o comércio e os hábitos de consumo de tais substncias, criminalizando qualquer uso que não estivesse de acordo com a legislação vigente. O recorte que esta dissertação procura fazer tem por foco analisar como esse processo se deu no Brasil, mais especificamente a partir da criação da Comissão Nacional de Fiscalização de Entorpecentes CNFE, organização esta de caráter governamental, que após sua criação passou a centralizar as políticas sociais sobre drogas no país. A CNFE foi constituída por meio do Decreto-Lei n 780em 28 de abril de 1936, vinculada ao Ministrio das Relações Exteriores em conjunto com o Departamento Nacional de Saúde, através do Serviço de Fiscalização do Exercício Profissional. Neste caso, utilizando a documentação encontrada no Arquivo Histrico do Itamaraty, na Biblioteca de Saúde Pública da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação da Fundação Getlio Vargas, dentre outras. Procurei delimitar esta pesquisa nos primeiros dez anos de atuação da Comissão, isto é, entre 1936 e 1946, para tanto, utilizo como instrumento de análise teórico-metodológico duas noções que serviram às reflexões do pensador francês Michel Foucault; biopolítica e governamentalidade. Desta forma, procuro acionar tais noções para localizar as estratgias de poder que culminaram na governamentalização do Estado voltadas para a gesto da vida das populações, tendo como pano de fundo os interditos das políticas sociais sobre drogas.
Sex ratio data of two species of penaeid prawns Metapenaues kutchensis George, George and Rao, 1963 and Parapenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller, 1862), occurring in the Gulf of Kachchh, were statistically analysed. A preponderance of females was observed in both the species and the ratio of male to female for both years combined for M. kutchensis and P. sculptilis was found to be 1:15 and 1:2.7, respectively. Chi-square analysis revealed significant difference in the sex ratio of the two species.
A total of 38 Amiota (s. str.) species (about 40% of the world total) are reported from southern China, with descriptions of 23 new species, i.e. sinuata species-group: aculeata Chen and Aotsuka, sp. nov., subsinuata Chen and Aotsuka, sp. nov., xishuangbanna Chen and Aotsuka, sp. nov.; basdeni species-group: brevipartita Chen and Gao, sp. nov., curvispina Chen and Gao, sp. nov., lipingae Chen and Gao, sp. nov., huae Chen and Gao, sp. nov., longispina Chen and Gao, sp. nov.; taurusata species-group: asymmetrica Chen and Takamori, sp. nov.; femorata Chen and Takamori, sp. nov., yixiangensis Chen and Takamori, sp. nov.; alboguttata species-group: ailaoshanensis Chen and Watabe, sp. nov., arcuata Chen and Watabe, sp. nov., dehiscentia Chen and Watabe, sp. nov., jizushanensis Chen and Watabe, sp. nov., latitabula Chen and Watabe, sp. nov., luguhuensis Chen and Watabe, sp. nov., nozawai Chen and Watabe, sp. nov., paraspinata Chen and Watabe, sp. nov., shangrila Chen and Watabe, sp. nov.; and ungrouped: fuscicata Chen and Zhang, sp. nov., wangi Chen and Zhang, sp. nov., wuyishanensis Chen and Zhang, sp. nov. A key to all species from southern China is provided. The Amiota fauna of southern China at the species-group level is compared with that of six geographic regions. The subgenus Amiota is assumed to have originated and produced many species-groups in the Oriental region of East Asia, and then the basdeni, alboguttata and rufescens species-groups might have spread to Europe and North-Central America throughout the Palearctic region of East Asia and both the apodemata, sinuata and nagatai species-groups to tropical regions of South-East Asia.
瘦尾细额溞是一种出现数量极其稀少的枝角类。关于它的生物学特征尚未见诸文献。本文测量了一次采自云南永胜一池塘的本种300个两性个体的体长和怀卵量,就其幼体与成体的数量、体长与怀卵量、雄性以及性比等问题探讨了种群的生物学状况。 详细观察比较了这个种的重要分类特征——雌体后腹部,并描述了变异范围。对卵鞍和雄体也作了描述。
The Edmund Irwin Gordon papers document Gordon’s studies and professional work. The collection contains correspondence, EIG’s writings for publication and otherwise, course materials from the University of Pennsylvania and teaching at Harvard University, photographs of tablets and from digs, translations and notes from writings and tablets in ancient languages, forms and papers related to various grants, and materials from EIG’s work in Signal Intelligence during World War II.
This project investigates how religious music, invested with symbolic and cultural meaning, provided African Americans in border city churches with a way to negotiate conflict, assert individual values, and establish a collective identity in the post- emancipation era. In order to focus on the encounter between former slaves and free Blacks, the dissertation examines black churches that received large numbers of southern migrants during and after the Civil War. Primarily a work of history, the study also employs insights and conceptual frameworks from other disciplines including anthropology and ritual studies, African American studies, aesthetic theory, and musicology. It is a work of historical reconstruction in the tradition of scholarship that some have called "lived religion." Chapter 1 introduces the dissertation topic and explains how it contributes to scholarship. Chapter 2 examines social and religious conditions African Americans faced in Baltimore, MD, Philadelphia, PA, and Washington, DC to show why the Black Church played a key role in African Americans' adjustment to post-emancipation life. Chapter 3 compares religious slave music and free black church music to identify differences and continuities between them, as well as their functions in religious settings. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 present case studies on Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church (Baltimore), Zoar Methodist Episcopal Church (Philadelphia), and St. Luke’s Protestant Episcopal Church (Washington, DC), respectively. Informed by fresh archival materials, the dissertation shows how each congregation used its musical life to uphold values like education and community, to come to terms with a shared experience, and to confront or avert authority when cultural priorities were threatened. By arguing over musical choices or performance practices, or agreeing on mutually appealing musical forms like the gospel songs of the Sunday school movement, African Americans forged lively faith communities and distinctive cultures in otherwise adverse environments. The study concludes that religious music was a crucial form of African American discourse and expression in the post-emancipation era. In the Black Church, it nurtured an atmosphere of exchange, gave structure and voice to conflict, helped create a public sphere, and upheld the values of black people.
Given the economic and social importance of agriculture in the early years of the Irish Free State, it is surprising that the development of organisations representing farmers has not received the attention it deserves from historians. While the issues of government agricultural policy and the land question have been extensively studied in the historiography, the autonomous response by farmers to agricultural policies and the detailed study of the farmers’ organisations has simply been ignored in spite of the existence of a range of relevant primary sources. Farmers’ organisations have only received cursory treatment in these studies; they have been presented as passive spectators, responding in a Pavlovian manner to outside events. The existing historiography has only studied farmers’ organisations during periods when they impinged on national politics, epecially during the War of Independence and the Economic War. Therefore chronological gaps exist which has led to much misinterpretation of farmers’ activities. This thesis will redress this imbalance by studying the formation and continuous development of farmers’ organisations within the twenty-six county area and the reaction of farmers to changing government agricultural policies, over the period 1919 to 1936. The period under review entailed many attempts by farmers to form representative organisations and encompassed differing policy regimes. The thesis will open in 1919, when the first national organisation representing farmers, the Irish Farmers’ Union, was formed. In 1922, the union established the Farmers’ Party. By the mid- 1920’s, a number of protectionist agricultural associations had been formed. While the Farmers’ Party was eventually absorbed by Cumann na nGaedheal, local associations of independent farmers occupied the resultant vacuum and contested the 1932 election. These organisations formed the nucleus of a new national organisation; the National Farmers’ and Ratepayers’ League. The agricultural crisis caused by both the Great Depression and the Economic War facilitated the expansion of the league. The league formed a political party, the Centre Party, to contest the 1933 election. While the Centre Party was absorbed by the newly-formed Fine Gael, activists from the former farmer organisations led the campaign against the payment of annuities and rates. Many of them continued this campaign after 1934, when the Fine Gael leadership opposed the violent resistance to the collection of annuities. New farmer organisations were formed to co-ordinate this campaign which continued until 1936, the closing point of the thesis.