178 resultados para Ixodes scapularis
During an ecological study, carried out between 1994 and 1996 with Streptoprocne biscutata (Sclater) (Apodiformes: Apodidae) birds, that inhabit caves in the Quatro Barras County, State of Paraná, Southern Brazil, a new tick species of the subgenus Multidentatus was observed. The female, male, nymph, and larva of Ixodes (Multidentatus) paranaensis n. sp., are described. Of the 12 known species of the subgenus Multidentatus, only I. (M.) auritulus Neumann, 1904 and I. (M.) murreleti Cooley and Kohls, 1945 occur in the Neartic region and only I. (M.) auritulus occurs in the Neotropical region. As such, I. (M.) paranaensis n. sp. increases the number of species and the distribution area of the subgenus Multidentatus in the Americas.
En el año 2013, el Laboratorio de Cultivo de Peces del Centro de Investigaciones Acuícolas Alexander von Humboldt, de la Dirección General de Investigaciones en Acuicultura (DGIA) del IMARPE dio inicio a las investigaciones de esta especie, con la captura de ejemplares silvestres para su acondicionamiento al cautiverio en sistemas de recirculación de agua, en el marco del Programa Presupuesto por Resultados “Ordenamiento y Desarrollo de la Acuicultura” del Ministerio de la Producción.
The Chlamydiales order is composed of nine families of strictly intracellular bacteria. Among them, Chlamydia trachomatis, C. pneumoniae, and C. psittaci are established human pathogens, whereas Waddlia chondrophila and Parachlamydia acanthamoebae have emerged as new pathogens in humans. However, despite their medical importance, their biodiversity and ecology remain to be studied. Even if arthropods and, particularly, ticks are well known to be vectors of numerous infectious agents such as viruses and bacteria, virtually nothing is known about ticks and chlamydia. This study investigated the prevalence of Chlamydiae in ticks. Specifically, 62,889 Ixodes ricinus ticks, consolidated into 8,534 pools, were sampled in 172 collection sites throughout Switzerland and were investigated using pan-Chlamydiales quantitative PCR (qPCR) for the presence of Chlamydiales DNA. Among the pools, 543 (6.4%) gave positive results and the estimated prevalence in individual ticks was 0.89%. Among those pools with positive results, we obtained 16S rRNA sequences for 359 samples, allowing classification of Chlamydiales DNA at the family level. A high level of biodiversity was observed, since six of the nine families belonging to the Chlamydiales order were detected. Those most common were Parachlamydiaceae (33.1%) and Rhabdochlamydiaceae (29.2%). "Unclassified Chlamydiales" (31.8%) were also often detected. Thanks to the huge amount of Chlamydiales DNA recovered from ticks, this report opens up new perspectives on further work focusing on whole-genome sequencing to increase our knowledge about Chlamydiales biodiversity. This report of an epidemiological study also demonstrates the presence of Chlamydia-related bacteria within Ixodes ricinus ticks and suggests a role for ticks in the transmission of and as a reservoir for these emerging pathogenic Chlamydia-related bacteria.
Tutkimuksen päätarkoituksena oli selvittää puutiaisten (Ixodes spp.) levinneisyyttä Suomessa vuonna 2014. Tarkoituksena oli samalla selvittää puutiaisten mahdollista runsastumista ja esiintyvyyttä ennakoivia tekijöitä sekä puutiaislevitteisten tautien (borrelioosin ja puutiaisaivokuumeen) esiintyvyyttä. Menetelmänä käytettiin valtakunnallista kyselytutkimusta, jossa ihmiset kertoivat internetissä olleelle kyselytutkimuslomakkeelle puutiaishavainnoistaan vuonna 2014. Kyselylomakkeeseen oli mahdollista vastata touko–marraskuun välisenä aikana. Vastauksista analysoitua puutiaistilannetta verrattiin viimeiseen kattavaan puutiaisten levinneisyyttä koskevaan tutkimukseen Suomessa vuosilta 1956–1958. Vertailun avulla saatiin tietoa puutiaisten levinneisyysalueen muutoksista. Tulokset osoittivat, että puutiaiset ovat levinneet yhä pohjoisemmaksi Suomessa viimeisen viidenkymmenen vuoden aikana. Havaintojen ja ihmisten kertomien kokemusten perusteella voitiin olettaa, että puutiaiskanta on myös paikoin runsastunut Suomessa. Puolet puutiaishavainnoista oli tehty eläimestä, joista suurin osa oli koirasta. Eniten havaintoja kertyi niityiltä ja heinikoilta, ja suurin osa näistä oli eläimestä tehtyjä havaintoja. Ihmisistä tehtyjä havaintoja tehtiin eniten puistoilta tai pihoilta. Eniten puutiaishavaintoja tehtiin touko–kesäkuussa, jonka jälkeen havaintomäärät vähenivät. Puutiaishavaintojen määrät eri säätiloissa ja kellonaikoina olivat todennäköisesti yhteydessä ihmisten aktiivisuuteen, sillä havaintoja kertyi eniten päiväsaikaan aurinkoisella ja puolipilvisellä säällä. Borrelioosin diagnoosin oli ilmoittanut saaneensa 110 havainnoitsijaa ja puutiaisaivokuumeen diagnoosin 1 havainnoitsija. Eniten diagnoosiin johtaneita havaintoja tehtiin niinä kuukausina ja niissä ympäristöissä, joissa puutiaishavaintojakin tehtiin eniten. Syyksi puutiaisen yleistymiseen on epäilty ilmastonmuutosta ja sen vaikutuksia suoraan puutiaisiin tai välillisesti isäntäeläimiin. Ilmaston yhä lämmetessä ja kasvukauden pidentyessä, puutiaiset todennäköisesti jatkavat levittäytymistä pohjoisemmaksi ja puutiaisten vuosittainen aktiivinen aika pidentyy. Tämän myötä voidaan myös olettaa, että puutiaisten levittämät taudit yleistyvät ja leviävät yhä laajemmalle Suomessa.
For ticks, phoretic behaviour using insects associated with vertebrates might offer an alternative strategy to host-seeking. Here we report for the first time the presence of immature stages of the most widespread tick species in Western Europe, Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae), on three beetle species belonging to families Silphidae and Geotrupidae (Coleoptera). Specimens were collected while performing fieldwork surveys on insect diversity during the peak of tick’s questing behaviour, therefore, in July and August of 2009 and 2010. The collections took place in two Natural Parks, the Aiako Harria, Guipúzcoa in Northern Spain and Wellington Country Park, Berkshire, in England. The silphid species Nicrophorus vespilloides, together with the geotrupid Trypocopris pyrenaeus were both collected from pig-carcasses and both carried nymphs of I. ricinus; while, the geotrupid Anoplotrupes stercorosus was carrying a tick larva while feeding on Red deer dung. These findings revealed an unnoticed but common relation of ticks not only with decomposed animals but also with insect scavengers. We discuss the rationale of this phenomenon.
We have designed and performed a new PCR method based on the 18S rRNA in order to individuate the presence and the identity of Babesia parasites. Out of 1159 Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks collected in four areas of Switzerland, nine were found to contain Babesia DNA. Sequencing of the short amplicon obtained (411-452 bp) allowed the identification of three human pathogenic species: Babesia microti, B. divergens, for the first time in Switzerland, Babesia sp. EU1. We also report coinfections with B. sp. EU1-Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto and Babesia sp. EU1-B. afzelii.
Includes index.
"Abdruck aus den Zoologischen jahrbüchern. Hrsg. von prof. dr. J. W. Spengel ... Abteilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere. 25. Bd., Hft. 4, 1908".
No Abstract
To investigate the evolution pattern and phylogenetic utility of duplicate control regions (CRs) in mitochondrial (mt) genomes, we sequenced the entire mt genomes of three Ixodes species and part of the mt genomes of another I I species. All the species from the Australasian lineage have duplicate CRs, whereas the other species have one CR. Sequence analyses indicate that the two CRs of the Australasian Ixodes ticks have evolved in concert in each species. In addition to the Australasian Ixodes ticks, species from seven other lineages of metazoa also have mt genomes with duplicate CRs. Accumulated mtDNA sequence data from these metazoans and two recent experiments on replication of mt genomes in human cell lines with duplicate CRs allowed us to re-examine four intriguing questions about the presence of duplicate CRs in the mt genomes of metazoa: (1) Why do some mt genomes, but not others, have duplicate CRs? (2) How did mt genomes with duplicate CRs evolve? (3) How could the nucleotide sequences of duplicate CRs remain identical or very similar over evolutionary time? (4) Are duplicate CRs phylogenetic markers? It appears that mt genomes with duplicate CRs have a selective advantage in replication over mt genomes with one CR. Tandem duplication followed by deletion of genes is the most plausible mechanism for the generation of mt genomes with duplicate CRs. Once duplicate CRs occur in an mt genome, they tend to evolve in concert, probably by gene conversion. However, there are lineages where gene conversion may not always occur, and, thus, the two CRs may evolve independently in these lineages. Duplicate CRs have much potential as phylogenetic markers at low taxonomic levels, such as within genera, within families, or among families, but not at high taxonomic levels, such as among orders.
The change of ambient temperature plays a key role in determining the run of the annual Lyme season. Our aim was to explain the apparent contradiction between the annual unimodal Lyme borreliosis incidence and the bimodal Ixodes ricinus tick activity run – both observed in Hungary – by distinguishing the temperaturedependent seasonal human and tick activity, the temperature-independent factors, and the multiplicative effect of human outdoor activity in summer holiday, using data from Hungary in the period of 1998–2012. This separation was verified by modeling the Lyme incidence based on the separated factors, and comparing the run of the observed and modeled incidence. We demonstrated the bimodality of tick season by using the originally unimodal Lyme incidence data. To model the outdoor human activity, the amount of camping guest nights was used, which showed an irregular run from mid-June to September. The human outdoor activity showed a similar exponential correlation with ambient temperature to that what the relative incidence did. It was proved that summer holiday has great influence on Lyme incidence.
The change of ambient temperature plays a key role in determining the run of the annual Lyme season. Our aim was to explain the apparent contradiction between the annual unimodal Lyme borreliosis incidence and the bimodal Ixodes ricinus tick activity run – both observed in Hungary – by distinguishing the temperaturedependent seasonal human and tick activity, the temperature-independent factors, and the multiplicative effect of human outdoor activity in summer holiday, using data from Hungary in the period of 1998–2012. This separation was verified by modeling the Lyme incidence based on the separated factors, and comparing the run of the observed and modeled incidence. We demonstrated the bimodality of tick season by using the originally unimodal Lyme incidence data. To model the outdoor human activity, the amount of camping guest nights was used, which showed an irregular run from mid-June to September. The human outdoor activity showed a similar exponential correlation with ambient temperature to that what the relative incidence did. It was proved that summer holiday has great influence on Lyme incidence.