991 resultados para Italy. Esercito. Artiglieria
The eclogite facies assemblage K-feldspar-jadeite-quartz in metagranites and metapelites from the Sesia-Lanzo Zone (Western Alps, Italy) records the equilibration pressure by dilution of the reaction jadeite + quartz = albite. The metapelites show partial transformation from a pre-Alpine assemblage of garnet (Alm(63)Prp(26)Grs(10))-K-feldspar-plagioclase-biotite +/- sillimanite to the Eo-Alpine high-pressure assemblage garnet (Alm(50)Prp(14)Grs(35))-jadeite (Jd(80-97)Di(0-4)Hd(0-8)Acm(0-7))=zoisite-phengite. Plagioclase is replaced by jadeite-zoisite-kyanite-K-feldspar-quartz and biotite is replaced by garnet-phengite or omphacite-kyanite-phengite. Equilibrium was attained only in local domains in the metapelites and therefore the K-feldspar-jadeite-quartz (KJQ) barometer was applied only to the plagioclase pseudomorphs and K-feldspar domains. The albite content of K-feldspar ranges from 4 to 11 mol% in less equilibrated assemblages from Val Savenca and from 4 to 7 mol% in the partially equilibrated samples from Monte Mucrone and the equilibrated samples from Montestrutto and Tavagnasco. Thermodynamic calculations on the stability of the assemblage K-feldspar-jadeite-quartz using available mixing data for K-feldspar and pyroxene indicate pressures of 15-21 kbar (+/- 1.6-1.9 kbar) at 550 +/- 50 degrees C. This barometer yields direct pressure estimates in high-pressure rocks where pressures are seldom otherwise fixed, although it is sensitive to analytical precision and the choice of thermodynamic mixing model for K-feldspar. Moreover, the KJQ barometer is independent of the ratio P-H2O/P-T. The inferred limiting a(H2O) for the assemblage jadeite-kyanite in the metapelites from Val Savenca is low and varies from 0.2 to 0.6.
Ground clutter caused by anomalous propagation (anaprop) can affect seriously radar rain rate estimates, particularly in fully automatic radar processing systems, and, if not filtered, can produce frequent false alarms. A statistical study of anomalous propagation detected from two operational C-band radars in the northern Italian region of Emilia Romagna is discussed, paying particular attention to its diurnal and seasonal variability. The analysis shows a high incidence of anaprop in summer, mainly in the morning and evening, due to the humid and hot summer climate of the Po Valley, particularly in the coastal zone. Thereafter, a comparison between different techniques and datasets to retrieve the vertical profile of the refractive index gradient in the boundary layer is also presented. In particular, their capability to detect anomalous propagation conditions is compared. Furthermore, beam path trajectories are simulated using a multilayer ray-tracing model and the influence of the propagation conditions on the beam trajectory and shape is examined. High resolution radiosounding data are identified as the best available dataset to reproduce accurately the local propagation conditions, while lower resolution standard TEMP data suffers from interpolation degradation and Numerical Weather Prediction model data (Lokal Model) are able to retrieve a tendency to superrefraction but not to detect ducting conditions. Observing the ray tracing of the centre, lower and upper limits of the radar antenna 3-dB half-power main beam lobe it is concluded that ducting layers produce a change in the measured volume and in the power distribution that can lead to an additional error in the reflectivity estimate and, subsequently, in the estimated rainfall rate.
In situ UV-Iaser ablation Ar-40/(39) Ar geochronological and geochemical data, together with rock and mineral compositional data, have been determined from pseudotachylyte and surrounding mylonitic gneiss associated with the UHP whiteschists of the Dora Maira Massif, Italy. Several generations of fresh pseudotachylyte occur as irregular veins up to a few cur thick both parallel and at high angles to the foliation. Whole rock XRF data collected from representative lithologies of mylonitic gneiss are uniformly consistent with a mildly alkalic granitic protolith. Minimal compositional variation is observed between the pseudotachylyte and its surrounding mylonitic gneiss. The pseudotachylyte contains newly crystallized grains of biotite and K-feldspar in a matrix of glass with partially fused grains of quartz, zircon, apatite, and titanite. Electron microprobe analyses of the glass show significant compositional variation that is probably strongly influenced by micrometer-scale changes in mineralogy. UV-Iaser ablation ICP-MS traverses across the mylonitic gneiss-pseudotachylyte contact are consistent with cataclastic communition of REE carriers such as epidote, monazite, allanite, zircon, and apatite before melting as an efficient mechanism of REE homogenization in the pseudotachylyte. The 40Ar/39Ar data from one band of pseudotachylyte indicate formation at 20.1 +/- 0.5 Ma, when the mylonitic gneisses were already in a near surface position. The variable effects of top-to-the-west shear deformation within outcrops of the coesite-bearing unit are reflected in localized zones of protomylonite, cataclasite, ultracataclasite, and pseudotachylyte. Preservation of several generations of pseudotachylyte suggests that seismic events may have played a significant role in triggering late unroofing of the UHP rocks. It is speculated that deeper crustal seismic events potentially played a role in the unroofing of the UHP rocks at earlier stages in their exhumation history. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study was performed to analyse the prevalence of obesity in children living in six different areas of the north-east of Italy. The study included 1523 children (749 male, 774 female), divided into four age categories (4, 8, 10, 12 +/- 0.5 years of age, respectively). The physical characteristics of the children were measured by trained and standardized examiners. In accordance with the guidelines on the Italian Consensus Conference on Obesity (Rome, 4-6 June 1991), a child was defined as obese when his weight was higher than 120% of the weight predicted for height, as calculated from the Tanner's tables. On average, the prevalence of obesity was higher in males than in females (15.7% vs. 11%). The highest prevalence was seen in 10-year-old males (23.4%). The prevalence increased with age both in males (4 years = 3.6%, 8 years = 11.2%, 10 years = 23.4%, 12 years = 17.3%) and in females (4 years = 2%, 8 years = 13.3%, 10 years = 12.7%, 12 years = 11.9%). This tendency was maintained when calculating the obesity prevalence by other methods, such as BMI, triceps skinfold and fat mass, although the magnitude of the prevalence was different depending on the criteria used to define it. A consensus on more precise criteria to define obesity is needed for a better diagnosis of obesity in childhood and to allow a more reliable measurement and comparison of the prevalence of obesity among populations.
[spa] El estudio de los procesos a través de los cuales la economía política se ha transformado en una disciplina académica es un área de creciente interés en la historia del pensamiento económico. Dicho estudio se ha abordado a través del análisis de la importancia de la economía política en un conjunto de instituciones, consideradas clave en la expansión de la economía en las sociedades occidentales en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y primeras décadas del XX: universidades, sociedades económicas, publicaciones periódicas de contenido económico y los parlamentos nacionales. Este papel presenta una comparación entre los desarrollos del proceso de institutionalización de la economía política en España e Italia, a través del estudio de la presencia de esta disciplina en las instituciones mencionadas para el periodo 1860-1900. El objetivo es medir la posible existencia de una vía común en la institucionalización de la economía política en ambos países, como un primer paso hacia la elaboración de un modelo supranacional de institucionalización de la economía en este periodo.
The First privatization : selling SOEs and privatizing public monopolies in fascist Italy, 1922-1925
[cat] El primer govern feixista d’Itàlia va aplicar una política de privatització a gran escala entre 1922 i 1925. El govern va privatitzar el monopoli estatal de llumins, el monopoli estatal d’assegurances de vida, va vendre la major part de la xarxa i serveis de telefònica pública a empreses privades, va reprivatitzar el major productor de productes metàl·lics, i va atorgar concessions a empreses privades per construir i explotar autopistes de peatge. Tot i que algunes consideracions ideològiques van poder tenir alguna influència, la privatització va ser usada sobre tot com un instrument polític per construir confiança amb els grans industrials i per augmentar el suport al govern i al Partito Nazionale Fascista. La privatització també va contribuir a equilibrar el pressupost públic, qüestió aquesta que va ser el principal objectiu de la primera fase de la política econòmica feixista.
This study presents new evidence concerning the uneven processes of industrialization innineteenth century Spain and Italy based on a disaggregate analysis of the productivesectors from which the behaviour of the aggregate indices is comprised. The use of multivariate time-series analysis techniques can aid our understanding and characterization of these two processes of industrialization. The identification of those sectors with key rolesin leading industrial growth provides new evidence concerning the factors that governed thebehaviour of the aggregates in the two economies. In addition, the analysis of the existenceof interindustry linkages reveals the scale of the industrialization process, and wheresignificant differences exist, accounts for many of the divergences recorded in the historiography for the period 1850-1913.
The carbon isotopic signature of carbonates depends on secular variations of organic carbon and carbonate carbon production/burial rates. A decrease in carbonate productivity makes the organic/carbonate carbon ratio unstable up to the point that even minor variations in the organic carbon reservoirs can provoke carbon isotopic shifts. The delta(13)C positive shifts of the middle Carixian (early Pliensbachian) and the early Bajocian recorded in the Umbria-Marche-Sabina domain represent a good example of this mechanism. Both sedimentology and lithostratigraphy of pelagic platform-basin carbonate systems in this area show that important changes in the source of carbonates correspond to the observed isotopic shifts. The middle Carixian event is in fact well correlatable to the drastic reduction of benthic carbonate production on rift-related intrabasinal highs, which then became pelagic carbonate platforms. The early Bajocian event is concomitant with the beginning of a long hiatus on the pelagic carbonate platforms and with a drop of the biodiversity of calcareous organisms followed by the onset of biosiliceous sedimentation in basins. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Only limited data is available on the relationship between family history of laryngeal and other neoplasms and laryngeal cancer risk. We investigated the issue using data from a multicentre case-control study conducted in Italy and Switzerland between 1992 and 2009 including 852 cases with histologically confirmed laryngeal cancer and 1970 controls admitted to hospital for acute, non neoplastic conditions. Unconditional logistic regression models adjusted for age, sex, study center, education, tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking and number of siblings were used to estimate the odds ratios (ORs) of laryngeal cancer. The multivariate OR was 2.8 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.5-5.3) in subjects reporting a first-degree relative with laryngeal cancer, as compared to subjects with no family history. The OR was higher when the relative was diagnosed before 60 years of age (OR = 3.5, 95% CI 1.4-8.8). As compared to subjects without family history, non-smokers, and moderate drinkers, the OR was 37.1 (95% CI 9.9-139.4) for current smokers, heavy drinkers, with family history of laryngeal cancer. Family history of colorectal (OR = 1.5, 95% CI 1.0-2.3) and kidney (OR = 3.8, 95% CI 1.2-12.1) cancer were also associated to an increased risk of laryngeal cancer, while no significant increase in risk was found for family history of cancer at all sites, excluding the larynx (OR = 1.1).
An eclogite facies meta-plagiogranite from the Lanzo massif (western Alps, Italy) contains crystals of zircon intimately associated with allanite. Zircon displays different microtextures ranging from pristine, euhedral, and magmatic to fractured, porous varieties with mosaic zoning, and pervasive recrystallization into euhedral microcrystals. Fractures and voids in the recrystallized zircon microcrystals are mainly filled by high-pressure Na-rich pyroxene. Electron backscattered diffraction analysis revealed a similar crystallographic orientation for primary magmatic zircon crystals and microcrystals, with less than 2 degrees misorientation among neighboring microdomains. The textural change is coupled with chemical and isotopic modifications: recrystallized zircon domains contain significantly less Th and light- to mid-REE, but are richer in Sr than magmatic zircon crystals. Magmatic zircon preserves the protolith U-Pb age of 163.5 +/- 1.7 Ma, whereas zircon microcrystals have a mean age of 55 +/- 1 Ma. The coexisting allanite also contains inclusions of Na-rich pyroxene and has chemical features (elevated Sr and Ni contents and lack of Eu anomaly) indicating formation at high pressure. Despite being associated texturally with zircon, allanite yields a younger Th-Pb age of 46.5 +/- 3.0 Ma, suggesting that the Lanzo unit remained at relatively high pressure conditions for similar to 8 m.y. Zircon recrystallization proceeded with volume reduction and loss of material to an alkaline metamorphic fluid that acted as the agent for a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation process. Recrystallization occurred with minimum transport, in a low-strain environment, and was not significantly enhanced by metamictization. The source of the fluid for zircon recrystallization is most probably related to prograde devolatilization reactions in the surrounding serpentinite.
[spa] El estudio de los procesos a través de los cuales la economía política se ha transformado en una disciplina académica es un área de creciente interés en la historia del pensamiento económico. Dicho estudio se ha abordado a través del análisis de la importancia de la economía política en un conjunto de instituciones, consideradas clave en la expansión de la economía en las sociedades occidentales en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y primeras décadas del XX: universidades, sociedades económicas, publicaciones periódicas de contenido económico y los parlamentos nacionales. Este papel presenta una comparación entre los desarrollos del proceso de institutionalización de la economía política en España e Italia, a través del estudio de la presencia de esta disciplina en las instituciones mencionadas para el periodo 1860-1900. El objetivo es medir la posible existencia de una vía común en la institucionalización de la economía política en ambos países, como un primer paso hacia la elaboración de un modelo supranacional de institucionalización de la economía en este periodo.