527 resultados para Isometric
Com o principal objetivo de fornecer ferramentas para auxiliar na implementação do manejo sustentável de peixes ornamentais na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Amanã, Amazonas, foi realizado o estudo da biologia reprodutiva de Heros efasciatus Heckel, 1840, um ciclídeo com potencial ornamental e com poucos trabalhos sobre a sua biologia e ecologia, apesar de já ser comercializado em algumas regiões amazônicas. Coletas bimestrais foram realizadas de fevereiro de 2006 a janeiro de 2007 em dez igarapés contribuintes do Lago Amanã e Urini, sendo utilizados três aparelhos de pesca (rede de arrasto, rapiché e armadilha tipo matapi) e ainda galhadas artificiais nas amostragens realizadas próximas aos lagos. Foram capturados 140 exemplares de H. efasciatus, sendo 50 fêmeas, 42 machos, e 46 indivíduos cujo sexo não foi identificado devido ao pequeno tamanho. O tipo de crescimento encontrado foi isométrico, sendo que o maior indivíduo observado apresentava 174 mm e o menor 14 mm. Os resultados encontrados auxiliarão na adoção de medidas de manejo, como a determinação de tamanhos mínimos de captura, superiores aos tamanhos médios de maturação (97 mm para as fêmeas) e o estabelecimento de períodos de defeso durante a época de sua reprodução (outubro a janeiro). A pequena abundância de indivíduos da espécie, quando comparada com o total de exemplares capturados (apenas 0,07%) e a baixa fecundidade média, de 2502 ovócitos, indica que se deve trabalhar anualmente apenas com um pequeno número de indivíduos, a fim de garantir a continuidade do estoque.
This study examined forearm vasodilatation during mental challenge and exercise in 72 obese children (OC; age = 10 +/- 0.1 years) homozygous with polymorphism in the allele 27 of the beta(2)-adrenoceptors: Gln27 (n = 61) and Glu27 (n = 11). Forearm blood flow was recorded during 3 min of each using the Stroop color-word test (MS) and handgrip isometric exercise. Baseline hemodynamic and vascular measurements were similar. During the MS, peak forearm vascular conductance was significantly greater in group Glu27 (Delta = 0.35 +/- 0.4 vs. 0.12 +/- 0.1 units, respectively, p = .042). Similar results were found during exercise (Delta = 0.64 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.13 +/- 0.1 units, respectively, p = .035). Glu27 OC increased muscle vasodilatory responsiveness upon the MS and exercise.
In order to understand the potential selective activation of the rectus abdominis muscle, we conducted two experiments. In the first, subjects performed two controlled isometric exercises: the curl up (supine trunk raise) and the leg raise (supine bent leg raise) at low intensity (in which only a few motor units are recruited). In the second experiment, subjects performed the same exercises, but they were required to maintain a certain force level in order to induce fatigue. We recorded the electromyographic (EMG) activities of the lower and upper portions of the rectus abdominis muscle during the exercises and used spatial-temporal and frequency analyses to describe muscle activation patterns. At low-intensity contractions, the ratio between the EMG intensities of the upper and lower portions during the curl up exercise was significantly larger than during the leg raise exercise (p = 0.02). A cross-correlation analysis indicated that the signals of the abdominal portions were related to each other and this relation did not differ between the tasks (p = 0.12). In the fatiguing condition, fatigue for the upper portion was higher than for the lower portion during the curl up exercise (p = 0.008). We conclude that different exercises evoked, to a certain degree, individualized activation of each part of the rectus abdominis muscle, but different portions of the rectus abdominis muscle contributed to the same task, acting like a functional unit. These results corroborate the relevance of varying exercise to modify activation patterns of the rectus abdominis muscle.
Background: High-frequency trains of electrical stimulation applied over the lower limb muscles can generate forces higher than would be expected from a peripheral mechanism (i.e. by direct activation of motor axons). This phenomenon is presumably originated within the central nervous system by synaptic input from Ia afferents to motoneurons and is consistent with the development of plateau potentials. The first objective of this work was to investigate if vibration (sinusoidal or random) applied to the Achilles tendon is also able to generate large magnitude extra torques in the triceps surae muscle group. The second objective was to verify if the extra torques that were found were accompanied by increases in motoneuron excitability. Methods: Subjects (n = 6) were seated on a chair and the right foot was strapped to a pedal attached to a torque meter. The isometric ankle torque was measured in response to different patterns of coupled electrical (20-Hz, rectangular 1-ms pulses) and mechanical stimuli (either 100-Hz sinusoid or gaussian white noise) applied to the triceps surae muscle group. In an additional investigation, M(max) and F-waves were elicited at different times before or after the vibratory stimulation. Results: The vibratory bursts could generate substantial self-sustained extra torques, either with or without the background 20-Hz electrical stimulation applied simultaneously with the vibration. The extra torque generation was accompanied by increased motoneuron excitability, since an increase in the peak-to-peak amplitude of soleus F waves was observed. The delivery of electrical stimulation following the vibration was essential to keep the maintained extra torques and increased F-waves. Conclusions: These results show that vibratory stimuli applied with a background electrical stimulation generate considerable force levels (up to about 50% MVC) due to the spinal recruitment of motoneurons. The association of vibration and electrical stimulation could be beneficial for many therapeutic interventions and vibration-based exercise programs. The command for the vibration-induced extra torques presumably activates spinal motoneurons following the size principle, which is a desirable feature for stimulation paradigms.
Purpose: To evaluate patellar kinematics of volunteers Without knee pain at rest and during isometric contraction in open- and closed-kinetic-chain exercises. Methods: Twenty individuals took part in this study. All were submitted to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during rest and voluntary isometric contraction (VIC) in the open anti closed kinetic chain at 15 degrees, 30 degrees, and 45 degrees of knee flexion. Through MRI and using medical e-film software, the following measurements were evaluated: sulcus angle, patellar-tilt angle, and bisect offset. The mixed-effects linear model was used for comparison between knee positions, between rest and isometric contractions, and between (he exercises. Results: Data analysis revealed that the sulcus angle decreased as knee flexion increased and revealed increases with isometric contractions in both the open and closed kinetic chain for all knee-flexion angles. The patellar-tilt angle decreased with isometric contractions in both the open and closed kinetic chain for every knee position. However, in the closed kinetic chain, patellar tilt increased significantly with the knee flexed at 15 degrees. The bisect offset increased with the knee flexed at 15 degrees during isometric contractions and decreased as knee flexion increased during both exercises. Conclusion: VIC in the last degrees of knee extension may compromise patellar dynamics. On the other hand, it is possible to favor patellar stability by performing muscle contractions with the knee flexed at 30 degrees and 45 degrees in either the open or closed kinetic chain.
A singular foliation on a complete Riemannian manifold M is said to be Riemannian if each geodesic that is perpendicular to a leaf at one point remains perpendicular to every leaf it meets. We prove that the regular leaves are equifocal, i.e., the end point map of a normal foliated vector field has constant rank. This implies that we can reconstruct the singular foliation by taking all parallel submanifolds of a regular leaf with trivial holonomy. In addition, the end point map of a normal foliated vector field on a leaf with trivial holonomy is a covering map. These results generalize previous results of the authors on singular Riemannian foliations with sections.
The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) on myoelectrical activity and on joint torque during isometric plantar flexion contraction. Ten healthy young adult subjects participate in this study. The electrodes for NMES are placed along posterior thigh along ciatic nerve trajectory. It is measured the myoelectrical activity and the isometric torque generated by ankle plantar flexion with an isokinetic dynamometer. The conditions of isometric contractions are maximum isometric voluntary contraction (MIVC), NMES, and association of both (MIVC+NMES). The results show lower torque during NMES and larger SOL activity compare to the others. Besides, in order to keep the same objective task (to produce the same level of torque), neuromuscular adaptations are necessary on the common drive.
center dot Dynamic resistance exercise promotes a sizeable increase in blood pressure during its execution in non medicated hypertensives. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS center dot Atenolol not only decreases blood pressure level but also mitigates the increase of blood pressure during dynamic resistance exercise in hypertensive patients. An increase in blood pressure during resistance exercise might be at least in part attributed to an increase in cardiac output. AIMS This study was conducted to determine whether atenolol was able to decrease BP level and mitigate BP increase during dynamic resistance exercise performed at three different intensities in hypertensives. METHODS Ten essential hypertensives (systolic/diastolic BP between 140/90 and 160/105 mmHg) were blindly studied after 6 weeks of placebo and atenolol. In each phase, volunteers executed, in a random order, three protocols of knee-extension exercises to fatigue: (i) one set at 100% of 1 RM; (ii) three sets at 80% of 1 RM; and (iii) three sets at 40% of 1 RM. Intra-arterial radial blood pressure was measured throughout the protocols. RESULTS Atenolol decreased systolic BP maximum values achieved during the three exercise protocols (100% = 186 +/- 4 vs. 215 +/- 7, 80% = 224 +/- 7 vs. 247 +/- 9 and 40% = 223 +/- 7 vs. 252 +/- 16 mmHg, P < 0.05). Atenolol also mitigated an increase in systolic BP in the first set of exercises (100% = +38 +/- 5 vs. +54 +/- 9; 80% = +68 +/- 11 vs. +84 +/- 13 and 40% = +69 +/- 7 vs. +84 +/- 14, mmHg, P < 0.05). Atenolol decreased diastolic BP values and mitigated its increase during exercise performed at 100% of 1 RM (126 +/- 6 vs. 145 +/- 6 and +41 +/- 6 vs. +52 +/- 6, mmHg, P < 0.05), but not at the other exercise intensities. CONCLUSIONS Atenolol was effective in both reducing systolic BP maximum values and mitigating BP increase during resistance exercise performed at different intensities in hypertensive subjects.
Background and Study Aim: The ability to develop a strong grip and maintain it during a judo match has become an important element for judo athletes. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to examine differences between measurements of maximal isometric time on judogi pull-up, and number of repetitions during dynamic judogi pull-up. Material/Methods: The sample was composed by two groups: 16 high-level judo athletes from the male Brazilian National Team and 12 male state-level judo athletes, with at least one athlete per weight category. The tests were compared through analysis of co-variance (body mass as co-variable), followed by a post-hoc test (Scheffe). Significance level was set at 5%. Results: No difference was found in the isometric test: Brazilian Team: 35 +/- 18s; Regional: 39 +/- 14s. However, the Brazilian Team performed a high number of repetitions (12 +/- 5 rep) compared to regional group (9 +/- 4 rep) during the dynamic grip strength endurance test. Conclusions: Thus, dynamic grip strength endurance seems to be a discriminating variable between judo athletes, probably because judo combat involves many elbow extensions and flexions in order to avoid the opponent`s grip and to subdue them.
Effect of eccentric contraction velocity on muscle damage in repeated bouts of elbow flexor exercise
Eccentric exercise induces muscle damage, but controversy exists concerning the effect of contraction velocity on the magnitude of muscle damage, and little is known about the effect of contraction velocity on the repeated-bout effect. This study examined slow (60 degrees.s(-1)) and fast (180 degrees.s(-1)) velocity eccentric exercises for changes in indirect markers of muscle damage following 3 exercise bouts that were performed every 2 weeks. Fifteen young men were divided into 2 groups based on the velocity of eccentric exercise: 7 in the Ecc60 (60 degrees.s(-1)) group, and 8 in the Ecc180 (180 degrees.s(-1)) group. The exercise consisted of 30 maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors at each velocity, in which the elbow joint was forcibly extended from 60 degrees to 180 degrees (full extension) on an isokinetic dynamometer. Changes in maximal voluntary isometric contraction strength, range of motion, muscle soreness, and plasma creatine kinase activity before and for 4 days after the exercise were compared in the 2 groups using a mixed-model analysis (group x bout x time). No significant differences between groups were evident for changes in any variables following exercise bouts; however, the changes were significantly smaller (p < 0.05) after the second and third bouts than after the first bout. These results indicate that the contraction velocity does not influence muscle damage or the repeated-bout effect.
Background Falls are one of the greatest concerns among the elderly A number of studies have described peak torque as one of the best fall-related predictor. No studies have comprehensively focused on the rate of torque development of the lower limb muscles among elderly fallers. Then, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between muscle peak torque and rate of torque development of the lower limb joints in elderly with and without fall history It was also aimed to determine whether these parameters of muscle performance (i e, peak torque and rate of torque development) are related to the number of falls. Methods: Thirty-one women volunteered to participate in the study and were assigned in one of the groups according to the number of falls over the 12 months that preceded the present Then, participants with no fall history (Cl; n = 13; 67.6[7.5] years-old), one fall (GII; n = 8, 66 0[4 91 years-old) and two or more falls (GIII, n = 10; 67.8[8.8] years-old) performed a number of lower limb maximal isometric voluntary contractions from which peak torque and rate of torque development were quantified Findings. Primary outcomes indicated no peak torque differences between experimental groups in any lower limb joint. The rate of torque development of the knee flexor muscles observed in the non-fallers (Cl) was greater than that observed in the fallers (P < 0.05) and had a significant relationship with the number of falls (P < 0 05) Interpretation. The greater knee flexor muscles` rate of torque development found in the non-fallers in comparison to the fallers indicated that the ability of the elderly to rapidly reorganise the arrangement of the lower limb may play a significant role in allowing the elderly to recover balance after a trip. Thus, training stimulus aimed to improve the rate of torque development may be more beneficial to prevent falls among the elderly than other training stimulus, which are not specifically designed to improve the ability to rapidly produce large amounts of torque (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd
Background: Falls are one of the greatest concerns among the elderly. Among a number of strategies proposed to reduce the risk of falls, improving muscle strength has been applied as a successful preventive strategy. Although it has been suggested as a relevant strategy, no studies have analyzed how muscle strength improvements affect the gait pattern. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a lower limb strength training program on gait kinematics parameters associated with the risk of falls in elderly women. Methods: Twenty seven elderly women were assigned in a balance and randomized order into an experimental (n = 14: age = 61.1 (4.3) years, BMI = 26.4 (2.8) kg m(-2)) and a control (n = 13; age = 61.6 (6.6) years; BMI = 25.9 (3.0) kg m(-2)) group. The EG performed lower limb strength training during 12 weeks (3 days per week), being training load increased weekly. Findings: Primary outcomes were gait kinematics parameters and maximum voluntary isometric contractions at pre- and post-training period. Secondary outcomes were training load improvement weekly and one repetition maximum every two weeks. The I maximal repetition increment ranged from 32% to 97% and was the best predictor of changes in gait parameters (spatial, temporal and angular variables) after training for the experimental group. Z-score analysis revealed that the strength training was effective in reversing age-related changes in gait speed, stride length, cadence and toe clearance, approaching the elderly to reference values for healthy young women. Interpretation: Lower limb strength training improves fall-related gait kinematic parameters. Thus, strength training programs should be recommended to the elderly women in order to change their gait pattern towards young adults. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to directly compare the causes of fatigue after a short- and a long-rest interval between consecutive stretch-shortening cycle exercises. Eleven healthy males jumped with different resting period lengths (short = 6.1 +/- 1 s, long = 8.6 +/- 0.9 s), performing countermovement jumps at 95% of their maximal jump height until they were unable to sustain the target height. After short- and long-rest, the maximal voluntary isometric contraction knee extension torque decreased (-7%; p = 0.04), comparing to values obtained before exercise protocols. No change was seen from pre- to post-exercise, for either short- or long-rest, in biceps femoris coactivation (-1%; p = 0.95), peak-to-peak amplitude (1%; p = 0.95) and duration (-8%; p = 0.92) of the compound muscle action potential of the vastus lateralis. Evoked peak twitch torque reduced after both exercise protocols (short = -26%, long = -32%; p = 0.003) indicating peripheral fatigue. However, central fatigue occurred only after short-rest evidenced by a reduction in voluntary activation of the quadriceps muscle (-14%; p = 0.013) measured using the interpolated twitch technique. In conclusion, after Stretch-shortening cycle exercise using short rest period length, the cause of fatigue was central and peripheral, while after using long rest period length, the cause of fatigue was peripheral.
Batista, MAB, Roschel, H, Barroso, R, Ugrinowitsch, C, and Tricoli, V. Influence of strength training background on postactivation potentiation response. J Strength Cond Res 25(9): 2496-2502, 2011-The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the subjects` level of maximal dynamic strength and training background on postactivation potentiation (PAP). A group of 23 subjects, composed of power track-and-field athletes (PT = 8), bodybuilders (BB = 7), and physically active subjects (PA = 8), participated in the study. Maximal dynamic strength (1 repetition maximum test) was assessed in the leg press exercise for subjects` characterization. Their countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) performance was assessed before and after 2 different conditioning activity (CA) protocols (1 or 3 maximum voluntary isometric contractions [MVICs] of 5-second duration in the leg press exercise) or after control (no CA), performed on separate days. No significant differences among groups were found for CMJ height or take-off velocity after any of the CA protocols (p <= 0.05). However, individual analysis showed that some subjects increased performance in response to the CA, despite their previous training history. We concluded that subjects` level of maximal dynamic strength and training background have no influence on PAP manifestation. Our data suggest that coaches should individually identify the athletes that are PAP responders before introducing MVICs as part of their warm-up routines.
Artioli, GG, Gualano, B, Franchini, E, Batista, RN, Polacow, VO, and Lancha, AH Jr. Physiological, performance, and nutritional profile of the Brazilian Olympic Wushu (kung-fu) team. J Strength Cond Res 23(1): 20-25, 2009-The purpose of the present study was to determine physiological, nutritional, and performance profiles of elite Olympic Wushu (kung-fu) athletes. Ten men and four women elite athletes took part in the study. They completed the following tests: body composition, nutritional assessment, upper-body Wingate Test, vertical jump, lumbar isometric strength, and flexibility. Blood lactate was determined at rest and after the Wingate Test. Blood lactate was also determined during a training session (combat and Taolu training). We found low body fat (men: 9.5 +/- 6.3%; women: 18.0 +/- 4.8%), high flexibility (sit-and-reach-men: 45.5 +/- 6.1 cm; women: 44.0 +/- 6.3 cm), high leg power (vertical jump-men: 37.7 +/- 8.4 cm; women: 32.3 +/- 1.1 cm), high lumbar isometric strength (men: 159 6 13 cm; women: 94 6 6 cm), moderate arm mean and peak power (Wingate Test-men: 4.1 +/- 0.4 and 5.8 +/- 0.5 W.kg(-1), respectively; women: 2.5 +/- 0.3 and 3.4 +/- 0.3 W.kg(-1), respectively), and elevated blood lactate after the Wingate Test (men: 10.8 +/- 2.0 mmol.L(-1); women: 10.2 +/- 2.0 mmol.L(-1)) and during training (combat: 12.0 +/- 1.8 mmol.L(-1); Taolu: 7.7 +/- 3.3 mmol.L(-1)). Men athletes consume a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, whereas women consume a moderate, high-carbohydrate diet. Energy consumption was markedly variable. In conclusion, Olympic Wushu seems to be a highly anaerobic-dependent combat sport. Low body fat, high flexibility, leg anaerobic power, isometric strength, and moderately high arm anaerobic power seem to be important for successful competitive performance.