921 resultados para Invasive enteritis
Introduction We analyze how infectious disease physicians perceive and manage invasive candidosis in Brazil, in comparison to intensive care unit specialists. Methods A 38-question survey was administered to 56 participants. Questions involved clinicians' perceptions of the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of invasive candidosis. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results The perception that candidemia not caused by Candida albicans occurs in less than 10% of patients is more commonly held by intensive care unit specialists (p=0.018). Infectious disease physicians almost always use antifungal drugs in the treatment of patients with candidemia, and antifungal drugs are not as frequently prescribed by intensive care unit specialists (p=0.006). Infectious disease physicians often do not use voriconazole when a patient's antifungal treatment has failed with fluconazole, which also differs from the behavior of intensive care unit specialists (p=0.019). Many intensive care unit specialists use fluconazole to treat candidemia in neutropenic patients previously exposed to fluconazole, in contrast to infectious disease physicians (p=0.024). Infectious disease physicians prefer echinocandins as a first choice in the treatment of unstable neutropenic patients more frequently than intensive care unit specialists (p=0.013). When candidemia is diagnosed, most infectious disease physicians perform fundoscopy (p=0.015), whereas intensive care unit specialists usually perform echocardiograms on all patients (p=0.054). Conclusions This study reveals a need to better educate physicians in Brazil regarding invasive candidosis. The appropriate management of this disease depends on more drug options being available in our country in addition to global coverage in private and public hospitals, thereby improving health care.
Aspergillosis is an infection caused by saprophytic fungi of the genus Aspergillus, which typically occurs in immunosuppressed individuals, but has also been reported in immunocompetent patients. The main routes of entry are the respiratory tract, skin, cornea, and ear, and the infection may be localized or disseminated by contiguity or vascular invasion. We report a severe case of rhinosinusitis with cutaneous involvement, caused by invasive aspergillosis, in an immunocompetent user of inhaled cocaine. Invasive aspergillosis related to cocaine abuse has not yet been reported in the literature. After itraconazole treatment and surgical debridement, complete clinical remission was achieved. Nasal reconstruction with a skin graft over a silicone prosthesis resulted in a satisfactory esthetic outcome.
The work conelete of a survey of the mvaewe plants which appeared during the first six months of seedling stage in foreet plantations of second and third rotation, in the Jari area, Brazil. The resulting list showed two types of invasives: (1) true weeds - those cosmopolitan species that are typical of disturbed habitats; and (2) pioneer species - those which were probably remnants from the original natural vegetation of the studied area.
Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is a life-threatening fungal disease commonly diagnosed among individuals with immunological deficits, namely hematological patients undergoing chemotherapy or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Vaccines are not available, and despite the improved diagnosis and antifungal therapy, the treatment of IA is associated with a poor outcome. Importantly, the risk of infection and its clinical outcome vary significantly even among patients with similar predisposing clinical factors and microbiological exposure. Recent insights into antifungal immunity have further highlighted the complexity of host-fungus interactions and the multiple pathogen-sensing systems activated to control infection. How to decode this information into clinical practice remains however, a challenging issue in medical mycology. Here, we address recent advances in our understanding of the host-fungus interaction and discuss the application of this knowledge in potential strategies with the aim of moving toward personalized diagnostics and treatment (theranostics) in immunocompromised patients. Ultimately, the integration of individual traits into a clinically applicable process to predict the risk and progression of disease, and the efficacy of antifungal prophylaxis and therapy, holds the promise of a pioneering innovation benefiting patients at risk of IA.
OBJETIVE: To assess the hemodynamic profile of cardiac surgery patients with circulatory instability in the early postoperative period (POP). METHODS: Over a two-year period, 306 patients underwent cardiac surgery. Thirty had hemodynamic instability in the early POP and were monitored with the Swan-Ganz catheter. The following parameters were evaluated: cardiac index (CI), systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance, pulmonary shunt, central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), oxygen delivery and consumption, use of vasoactive drugs and of circulatory support. RESULTS: Twenty patients had low cardiac index (CI), and 10 had normal or high CI. Systemic vascular resistance was decreased in 11 patients. There was no correlation between oxygen delivery (DO2) and consumption (VO2), p=0.42, and no correlation between CVP and PCWP, p=0.065. Pulmonary vascular resistance was decreased in 15 patients and the pulmonary shunt was increased in 19. Two patients with CI < 2L/min/m² received circulatory support. CONCLUSION: Patients in the POP of cardiac surgery frequently have a mixed shock due to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Therefore, invasive hemodynamic monitoring is useful in handling blood volume, choice of vasoactive drugs, and indication for circulatory support.
La observación de lesiones macro y microscópicas es una de las herramientas más utilizadas en el diagnóstico en Medicina Veterinaria. Sin embargo, esta observación no es suficiente, ya que no permite identificar la causa del trastorno. Esto dio lugar a las técnicas inmunológicas que permiten la detección de antígenos específicos. Estas técnicas inmunohistoquímicas permiten, utilizando un anticuerpo, evidenciar el antígeno específico y determinar en que estructura del tejido se encuentra. Los anticuerpos que éstas reacciones requieren pueden ser obtenidos experimentalmente, inoculando animales de laboratorio con los antígenos correspondientes y obteniendo así los antisueros específicos. Nuestro laboratorio de diagnóstico, investigación y docencia requiere, desde hace años, de inmunosueros para el diagnóstico de varias enfermedades que producen diarrea como signo clínico principal. La Enteritis Proliferativa Porcina (EPP), debe ser vista fundamentalmente como una enfermedad económicas, en la que el impacto esta dado principalmente por la disminución de ganancia diaria de peso de los animales, desigualdad en los lotes de terminación y retardo en llegar al peso de faena. Las técnicas inmunológicas de detección in situ entre las que se puede mencionar la inmunohistoquímica, aparece como una alternativa viable, porque solo se requeriría de un Ac mono o policlonal específico que permita la identificación del agente. Actualmente se utilizan Ac policlonales producidos en gran escala por laboratorios internacionales. Pero bajo las condiciones económicas actuales se hace muy difícil el aprovisionamiento de estos reactivos. La hipótesis de esta propuesta es produccir estos inmunosueros de calidad, a un costo que nos permita continuar con el servicio de diagnóstico, con nuestra línea de investigación y con la formación de recursos humanos El objetivo general es obtener un inmunosuero específico contra Lawsonia intracellularis. Para la obtención de estos antisueros policlonales se utilizará el biomodelo conejo con varias inoculaciones subcutáneas periódicas para lograr mayor cantidad de anticuerpos y mayor afinidad. La Li es una bacteria que presenta escasa variabilidad por lo que la producción de inmunosueros no requiere mayores procesamientos para eliminar inmunoglobulinas inespecíficas que puedan desarrollar reacciones cruzadas con otros agentes. Los antisueros obtenidos serán titulados por inmunofluorescencia. Se realizarán muestreos en frigoríficos de cerdos del Dpto. Río Cuarto a fin de determinar, con el antisuero obtenido la presencia de EPP en granjas de cerdos establecidas en el área de influencia de la U.N.R.C. Se espera obtener antisueros contra Li a un costo razonable y accesible, de manera de poder continuar con el servicio de diagnóstico, con nuestra línea de investigación y con la formación de recursos humanos Los muestreos en frigoríficos de cerdos del Dpto. Río Cuarto, permitirán conocer el impacto de la EPP en granjas porcinas del área de influencia de la U.N.R.C., transfiriendo esta tecnología a las necesidades de la comunidad de productores de cerdos. Una vez estandarizada la producción del antisuero, el producto resultante podrá ser ofrecido a laboratorios oficiales o privados que requieran del mismo. La importancia potencial está dada por la posibilidad de producir en los laboratorios de la U.N.R.C. un anticuerpo policlonal contra Li que actualmente solo se consigue a nivel internacional, con las limitaciones de importación que ello conlleva y a precios inaccesibles para nuestros presupuestos, permitiendo continuar la línea de investigación referida a diarreas subclínicas del ganado porcino. Se propone desarrollar, una Beca de Ayudantía de Investigación para la alumna Daniela Ramello. Existen vinculaciones de cooperación con el laboratorio de diagnóstico del Área de Patología de la Fac. de Cs. Veterinarias de la U. N. de La Plata en la temática específica de desarrollo de protocolos de diagnóstico inmunohistoquímico
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2014
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2014
Michael Friebe, editor ; Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Medizintechnik, Lehrstuhl Kathetertechnologie und bildgesteuerte Therapie (INKA - Intelligente Katheter), Forschungscampus STIMULATE (Solution Centre for Image Guided Local Therapies)
The golden mussel, Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857), has been found in the estuarine regions of South America, including the Patos Lagoon (Brazil), a huge choked lagoon with an estuarine region that is highly unstable chemically. Limnoperna fortunei space-temporal variability in the lagoon's estuarine region demonstrated the need to evaluate this species' ability to survive under salinity shocks. A set of experiments was conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. Specimens were tested under salinities of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 ppt, and were exposed for periods of 24, 48, 72, 96 and 240 hours. The mussel can survive (90%) up to a salinity shock of 2 ppt for periods of at least 10 days. Considering the influence of climatic and stochastic events and the chemical instability of the Patos Lagoon estuarine region, it's unlikely that populations could survive for longer periods (more than a year) in this area.
Invasive species are one of the most significant causes of biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem services, which underlines the importance of their detection and their study. The Asian clams (Corbiculidae) are invasive organisms that accidentally entered the La Plata River, Argentina, presumably in the 1960s. The objectives of the present study were to identify the corbiculid species and to determine their distribution at several locations along the Suquía River basin, an extended area in central Argentina. In addition, population structure was evaluated monthly during one year, at a site in the city of Córdoba that is characterized by high human influence. The presence of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) and Corbicula largillierti (Philippi, 1844) in the Suquía River basin is reported for the first time. The former species was found only in a lentic environment (San Roque reservoir), while the latter was also found along the tributary rivers and brooks of the basin. Corbicula largillierti showed variations in average density between the different sites and also in biomass and size classes throughout the study period at the site at Córdoba city. The relative composition of the sediments, flow fluctuation and human pollution may be responsible for the observed differences.
Operative treatment of coronoid fracture often requires a large dissection of soft tissue, resulting in elbow stiffness and functional limitation. The authors present a minimal invasive, safe technique, useful in the case of isolated coronoid fracture associated with elbow dislocation. This technique does not require soft tissue dissection and allows an early unlimited resumption of sports activities.
INTRODUCTION: Timely diagnosis of invasive candidiasis (IC) remains difficult as the clinical presentation is not specific and blood cultures lack sensitivity and need a long incubation time. Thus, non-culture-based methods for diagnosing IC have been developed. Mannan antigen (Mn) and anti-mannan antibodies (A-Mn) are present in patients with IC. On behalf of the Third European Conference on Infections in Leukemia, the performance of these tests was analysed and reviewed. METHODS: The literature was searched for studies using the commercially available sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (Platelia™, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Marnes-la-Coquette, France) for detecting Mn and A-Mn in serum. The target condition of this review was IC defined according to 2008 European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycoses Study Group criteria. Sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic odds ratios (DOR) were calculated for Mn, A-Mn and combined Mn/A-Mn testing. RESULTS: Overall, 14 studies that comprised 453 patients and 767 controls were reviewed. The patient populations included in the studies were mainly haematological and cancer cases in seven studies and mainly intensive care unit and surgery cases in the other seven studies. All studies but one were retrospective in design. Mn sensitivity was 58% (95% confidence interval [CI], 53-62); specificity, 93% (95% CI, 91-94) and DOR, 18 (95% CI 12-28). A-Mn sensitivity was 59% (95% CI, 54-65); specificity, 83% (95% CI, 79-97) and DOR, 12 (95% CI 7-21). Combined Mn/A-Mn sensitivity was 83% (95% CI, 79-87); specificity, 86% (95% CI, 82-90) and DOR, 58 (95% CI 27-122). Significant heterogeneity of the studies was detected. The sensitivity of both Mn and A-Mn varied for different Candida species, and it was the highest for C. albicans, followed by C. glabrata and C. tropicalis. In 73% of 45 patients with candidemia, at least one of the serological tests was positive before the culture results, with mean time advantage being 6 days for Mn and 7 days for A-Mn. In 21 patients with hepatosplenic IC, 18 (86%) had Mn or A-Mn positive test results at a median of 16 days before radiological detection of liver or spleen lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Mn and A-Mn are useful for diagnosis of IC. The performance of combined Mn/A-Mn testing is superior to either Mn or A-Mn testing.