963 resultados para Introduced species
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Recent studies indicate that ascidians are efficiently dispersed by human transport. We have chosen the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) to address whether Clavelina oblonga is an introduced species in the Brazilian coast. Colonies of C. oblonga were sampled in different localities along Atlantic coasts of USA, Panama, and Brazil. The sequencing of 92 colonies resulted in three haplotypes for the species, two unique to Florida and the other shared by exemplars collected in Brazil and Panama; the latter haplotype is identical to the published sequence of Azores. Our evidence, including the absence of C. oblonga in the country's northern tropical waters, its association with artificial habitats and lack of COI variation suggest that the species has been introduced in the southeastern and southern Brazilian coasts. Previous records (85 years old) suggest that it could be a relatively long-term introduction.
While many developed countries have invested heavily in research on plant invasions over the last 50 years, the immense region of Latin America has made little progress. Recognising this, a group of scientists working on plant invasions in Latin America met in Chile in late 2010 to develop a research agenda for the region based on lessons learned elsewhere. Our three main findings are as follows. (1) Globalisation is inevitable, but the resultant plant introductions can be slowed or prevented by effective quarantine and early intervention. Development of spatially explicit inventories, research on the invasion process and weed risk assessments can help prioritise and streamline action. (2) Eradication has limited application for plants and control is expensive and requires strict prioritisation and careful planning and evaluation. (3) Accepting the concept of novel ecosystems, new combinations of native and introduced species that no longer depend on human intervention, may help optimise invasive species management. Our vision of novel ecosystem management is through actions that: (a) maintain as much native biodiversity and ecosystem functionality as possible, (b) minimise management intervention to invasives with known impact, and (c) maximise the area of intervention. We propose the creation of a Latin American Invasive Plants Network to help focus the new research agenda for member countries. The network would coordinate research and training and establish funding priorities, develop and strengthen tools to share knowledge, and raise awareness at the community, governmental and intergovernmental levels about the social, economic and environmental costs of plant invasions.
Fragmentation and vegetative regeneration from small fragments may contribute to population expansion, dispersal and establishment of new populations of introduced plants. However, no study has systematically tested whether a high capacity of vegetative regeneration is associated with a high degree of invasiveness. For small single-node fragments, the presence of internodes may increase regeneration capacity because internodes may store carbohydrates and proteins that can be used for regeneration. We conducted an experiment with 39 stoloniferous plant species to examine the regeneration capacity of small, single-node fragments with or without attached stolon internodes. We asked (1) whether the presence of stolon internodes increases regeneration from single-node fragments, (2) whether regeneration capacity differs between native and introduced species in China, and (3) whether regeneration capacity is positively associated with plant invasiveness at a regional scale (within China) and at a global scale. Most species could regenerate from single-node fragments, and the presence of internodes increased regeneration rate and subsequent growth and/or asexual reproduction. Regeneration capacity varied greatly among species, but showed no relationship to invasiveness, either in China or globally. High regeneration capacity from small fragments may contribute to performance of clonal plants in general, but it does not appear to explain differences in invasiveness among stoloniferous clonal species.
A central focus of invasion biology is to identify the traits that predict which introduced species will become invasive. Behavioral traits related to locomotor activity most likely play a pivotal role in determining a species’invasion success but have rarely been studied, particularly in terrestrial invertebrates. Here, we experimentally investigated the small-scale locomotor activity of two slug species with divergent invasion success in Europe, the highly invasive slug, Arion lusitanicus, and the closely related, non-invasive and native slug, Arion rufus. To do so, we used a multi-state capture-mark-recapture approach, and hypothesized that the invasive slug has a higher moving rate (keeps on moving) and leaving rate (leaves more frequently known places). A total of 221 invasive and 241 non-invasive slugs were individually marked using magnetic transponders and released in three study sites differing in habitat type. The slugs were recaptured using shelter traps, and moving and leaving rates were estimated. Both rates were significantly higher for the invasive slug, demonstrating a higher locomotor activity which might partly explain its invasion success. Our results provide evidence for the recently suggested idea that locomotor activity might be an important trait underlying animal invasions using for the first time terrestrial invertebrates.
Native trees and shrubs are essential components of rural landscapes in the semi-arid inner-Andean valleys of Bolivia. They can be found as hedges and bushes in various agroecosystems such as terrace walls, slopes, field boundaries and fallow land. Their distribution and floristic composition are the result of dynamic spatial and temporal interactions between local farmers and the environment. Local uses of natural resources and biodiversity reflect the constantly evolving Andean culture, which can be generally characterised as an intertwining of the human, natural, and spiritual worlds. The aim of the present ethnobotanical study was to analyse the dynamics of traditional ecological knowledge, to ascertain local farmers’ perceptions and uses of native woody species in Andean communities and to associate the results with local conservation activities for the trees and shrubs concerned. Our case study was carried out within two communities of the Tunari National Park (Dept. Cochabamba) in Bolivia. For data collection, research methods from social science (semi-structured interviews, participative observation, participatory mapping) as well as vegetation surveys were combined. Local actors included women and men of all ages as well as families from different social categories and altitudinal levels of permanent residence. Our study indicates that, due to a multitude of socio-economic pressures (e.g. migration of young people) as well as changes in use of biodiversity (e.g. replacement of native by exotic introduced species), the traditional ecological knowledge base of native trees and shrubs and their respective uses has become diminished over time. In many cases it has led to a decline in people’s awareness of native species and as a consequence their practical, emotional and spiritual relationships with them have been lost. However, results also show that applied traditional ecological knowledge has led to local conservation strategies, which have succeeded in protecting those tree and shrub species which are most widely regarded for their multifunctional, constant and exclusive uses (e.g. Schinus molle, Prosopis laevigata, Baccharis dracunculifolia). The presentation will discuss the question if and how applied traditional ecological knowledge positively contributes to local initiatives of sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in rural areas.
Se analizó la flora y vegetación del centro urbano de Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Florísticamente se reconocieron 20 familias, 54 géneros y 61 especies. Estas últimas son mayormente introducidas (68.8 %) y el resto, nativas y endémicas (31.2 %); son más numerosas las perennes (54.0 %) que las anuales (42.7 %) y bienales (3.3 %). Estructuralemente dominan las terófitas (44.3 %) sobre las hemicriptófitas (26.2 %), geófitas (16.4 %), caméfitas (9.8 %) y nanofanerófitas (3.3 %). Se reconocieron 15 comunidades vegetales y 2 clases fitosociológicas: Stellarietea mediae y Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. La primera de las clases contiene las comunidades dominadas por Sisymbrium irio, Malva parviflora, Bromus catharticus y Sonchus oleraceus, que son las de mayor cobertura y representación en el área.
Se analizaron las pérdidas de biodiversidad vegetal en un área desmontada de las cerrilladas pedemontanas de Mendoza, Argentina. El análisis de la vegetación y su flora reveló la pérdida total de las comunidades vegetales de Larrea cuneifolia Cav., bosques riparios de Acacia furcatispina Burkart y de álveos y de la flora compuesta de 30 familias de plantas, 72 géneros y 84 especies. Esta última incluyó la de 34,1 % de especies endémicas, 58,8 % nativas, 4,7 % adventicias y 2,4 % introducidas. Se sugiere tener en cuenta estos tipos de estudios antes de realizar planificaciones urbanas sobre la vegetación natural con el fin de reconocer las comunidades vegetales y su flora y rescatar sus bancos de germoplasma.
It is widely assumed that the ability of an introduced species to acclimate to local environmental conditions determines its invasion success. The sea anemone Diadumene lineata is a cosmopolitan invader and shows extreme physiological tolerances. It was recently discovered in Kiel Fjord (Western Baltic Sea), although the brackish conditions in this area are physiologically challenging for most marine organisms. This study investigated salinity tolerance in D. lineata specimens from Kiel Fjord in order to assess potential geographical range expansion of the species in the Baltic Sea. In laboratory growth assays, we quantified biomass change and asexual reproduction rates under various salinity regimes (34: North Sea, 24: Kattegat, 14: Kiel Fjord, 7: Baltic Proper). Furthermore, we used 1H-NMR-based metabolomics to analyse intracellular osmolyte dynamics. Within 4 weeks D. lineata exhibited a 5-fold population growth through asexual reproduction at high salinities (34 and 24). Biomass increase under these conditions was significantly higher (69%) than at a salinity of 14. At a salinity of 7, anemones ceased to reproduce asexually, their biomass decreased and metabolic depression was observed. Five main intracellular osmolytes were identified to be regulated in response to salinity change, with osmolyte depletion at a salinity of 7. We postulate that depletion of intracellular osmolytes defines a critical salinity (Scrit) that determines loss of fitness. Our results indicate that D. lineata has the potential to invade the Kattegat and Skagerrak regions with salinity >10. However, salinities of the Baltic Proper (salinity <8) currently seem to constitute a physiological limit for the species.
Pese a que Loja (Ecuador) presenta una gran riqueza ecológica y cultural, ni su patrimonio etnobotánico, ni cómo afecta el uso de las plantas al estado de conservación de los ecosistemas es bien conocido. Por ello se ha realizado un estudio etnobotánico y ecológico para conocer el papel que han jugado las plantas en la cultura tradicional de la provincia y comprender qué factores influyen en su uso. Durante 2006 y 2008 se entrevistó a 770 informantes (196 de ellos vendedores en mercados locales) y se realizaron 373 transectos en 118 remanentes boscosos, 51% indicados por la gente como lugares de recolección. Se ha registrado el saber etnobotánico de 717 especies pertenecientes a 143 familias, la mayoría nativas del Ecuador, 31 de ellas endémicas. Ello supone un 15% de la flora total de Loja. Sin embargo especies introducidas como Matricaria recutita o Eucalyptus globulus están entre las más citadas. La mayor riqueza se obtuvo para las plantas medicinales (509 especies), que se usan sobre todo para tratar las llamadas “inflamaciones internas” (210 especies, Matricaria recutita y Melissa officinalis principalmente) y trastornos del sistema digestivo (188, Matricaria recutita y Mentha pulegium). En los mercados se venden 169 especies, la mayoría para elaborar la bebida típica llamada horchata (65) y para curar “inflamaciones internas” (36). Además se emplean 414 con otros fines (161 para leña, 142 para alimentación humana, 133 para construcción de viviendas y muebles, 98 para artesanías, 89 ornamentales, 27 tintóreas y 72 para otros usos). En los remanentes se inventariaron 19.156 individuos correspondientes a 1440 especies de 153 familias, de las cuales 437 son empleadas por la población. La riqueza media de especies y de plantas útiles fue significativamente mayor en los remanentes recolectados lo cual parece demostrar que la explotación no afecta negativamente a la diversidad de especies al generar variabilidad de hábitats. También se vio que la proporción de especies útiles disminuye en los remanentes más diversos. También se observó que la probabilidad de uso de una especie aumenta con la frecuencia y la abundancia y disminuye con la distancia a los remanentes en los que aparece. Este patrón general no se cumple para las especies medicinales y ornamentales. Estos datos demuestran una gran riqueza de conocimientos tradicionales y una gran vitalidad del uso de muchas especies y corroboran la hipótesis de que los recursos vegetales más accesibles y abundantes son, salvo excepciones, los más empleados por la gente. ABSTRACT Although the Loja province (Ecuador) has a great ecological and cultural richness, neither the ethnobotanical heritage nor the incidence of plant use on ecosystems conservation it is well known. We have made an ethnobotanical and ecological study to determine the role played by plants in the traditional culture of the province and to understand what factors influence their use. Between 2006 and 2008 we interviewed 770 informants (196 of them vendors in local markets) and inventoried 373 transects in 118 forest remnants (51% of them indicated by people as collection sites). We recorded the ethnobotanical knowledge for 717 species belonging to 143 families, mostly native of Ecuador, 31 of which are endemic. This represents about a 15% of the total flora of Loja. However introduced species such as Matricaria recutita and Eucalyptus globulus are among the most cited. Medicinal plants (509 species) were the most abundant, and are used primarily to treat so‐called "internal inflammation" (210 species, with Matricaria recutita and Melissa officinalis as the most valued) and disorders of the digestive system (188, Matricaria recutita and Mentha pulegium). We recorded 169 species sold in markets, most of them (65) employed to elaborate a typical drink called horchata and to heal "internal inflammation" (36). In addition 414 are used for other purposes: 161 for firewood, 142 for human consumption, 133 for construction and furniture, 98 for handicrafts, 89 as ornamental, 27 for dye and 72 for other uses. In the forest remnants, 19,156 individuals corresponding to 1440 species of 153 families, 437 of which are used by the population were inventoried. The average species richness (both total and of useful plants) was significantly higher in exploited remnants, which suggest that exploitation does not adversely affect species diversity and instead increases habitat diversity. We also found that the proportion of useful species decreases in decreased in the most diverse remnants. It was also observed that the probability of use of a species increases with its frequency and abundance and decreases as the distance form localities to remnants where it appears increases. This general pattern however does not hold for medicinal and ornamental species. These results show the extraordinary wealth of traditional knowledge and the great vitality in the use of many species and support the hypothesis that most accessible and abundant plant resources are the most used by people.
At least 50 species of birds are represented in 241 bird bones from five late Pleistocene and Holocene archaeological sites on New Ireland (Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea). The bones include only two of seabirds and none of migrant shorebirds or introduced species. Of the 50 species, at least 12 (petrel, hawk, megapode, quail, four rails, cockatoo, two owls, and crow) are not part of the current avifauna and have not been recorded previously from New Ireland. Larger samples of bones undoubtedly would indicate more extirpated species and refine the chronology of extinction. Humans have lived on New Ireland for ca. 35,000 years, whereas most of the identified bones are 15,000 to 6,000 years old. It is suspected that most or all of New Ireland’s avian extinction was anthropogenic, but this suspicion remains undetermined. Our data show that significant prehistoric losses of birds, which are well documented on Pacific islands more remote than New Ireland, occurred also on large, high, mostly forested islands close to New Guinea.
Introduced mammals are major drivers of extinction. Feral goats (Capra hircus) are particularly devastating to island ecosystems, causing direct and indirect impacts through overgrazing, which often results in ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss. Removing goat populations from islands is a powerful conservation tool to prevent extinctions and restore ecosystems. Goats have been eradicated successfully from 120 islands worldwide. With newly developed technology and techniques, island size is perhaps no longer a limiting factor in the successful removal of introduced goat populations. Furthermore,. the use of global positioning systems, geographic information systems, aerial hunting by helicopter specialized bunting dogs, and Judas goats has dramatically increased efficiency and significantly reduced the duration of eradication campaigns. Intensive monitoring programs are also critical for successful eradications. Because of the presence of humans with domestic goat populations on large islands, future island conservation actions will require eradication programs that involve local island inhabitants in a collaborative approach with biologists, sociologists, and educators. Given the clear biodiversity benefits, introduced goat populations should be routinely removed from islands.
Risk assessment systems for introduced species are being developed and applied globally, but methods for rigorously evaluating them are still in their infancy. We explore classification and regression tree models as an alternative to the current Australian Weed Risk Assessment system, and demonstrate how the performance of screening tests for unwanted alien species may be quantitatively compared using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The optimal classification tree model for predicting weediness included just four out of a possible 44 attributes of introduced plants examined, namely: (i) intentional human dispersal of propagules; (ii) evidence of naturalization beyond native range; (iii) evidence of being a weed elsewhere; and (iv) a high level of domestication. Intentional human dispersal of propagules in combination with evidence of naturalization beyond a plants native range led to the strongest prediction of weediness. A high level of domestication in combination with no evidence of naturalization mitigated the likelihood of an introduced plant becoming a weed resulting from intentional human dispersal of propagules. Unlikely intentional human dispersal of propagules combined with no evidence of being a weed elsewhere led to the lowest predicted probability of weediness. The failure to include intrinsic plant attributes in the model suggests that either these attributes are not useful general predictors of weediness, or data and analysis were inadequate to elucidate the underlying relationship(s). This concurs with the historical pessimism that we will ever be able to accurately predict invasive plants. Given the apparent importance of propagule pressure (the number of individuals of an species released), future attempts at evaluating screening model performance for identifying unwanted plants need to account for propagule pressure when collating and/or analysing datasets. The classification tree had a cross-validated sensitivity of 93.6% and specificity of 36.7%. Based on the area under the ROC curve, the performance of the classification tree in correctly classifying plants as weeds or non-weeds was slightly inferior (Area under ROC curve = 0.83 +/- 0.021 (+/- SE)) to that of the current risk assessment system in use (Area under ROC curve = 0.89 +/- 0.018 (+/- SE)), although requires many fewer questions to be answered.
This project examined the pathways of mercury (Hg) bioaccumulation and its relation to trophic position and hydroperiod in the Everglades. I described fish-diet differences across habitats and seasons by analyzing stomach contents of 4,000 fishes of 32 native and introduced species. Major foods included periphyton, detritus/algal conglomerate, small invertebrates, aquatic insects, decapods, and fishes. Florida gar, largemouth bass, pike killifish, and bowfin were at the top of the piscine food web. Using prey volumes, I quantitatively classified the fishes into trophic groups of herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores. Stable-isotope analysis of fishes and invertebrates gave an independent and similar assessment of trophic placement. Trophic patterns were similar to those from tropical communities. I tested for correlations of trophic position and total mercury. Over 4,000 fish, 620 invertebrate, and 46 plant samples were analyzed for mercury with an atomic-fluorescence spectrometer. Mercury varied within and among taxa. Invertebrates ranged from 25–200 ng g −1 ww. Small-bodied fishes varied from 78–>400 ng g −1 ww. Large predatory fishes were highest, reaching a maximum of 1,515 ng−1 ww. Hg concentrations in both fishes and invertebrates were positively correlated with trophic position. I examined the effects of season and hydroperiod on mercury in wild and caged mosquitofish at three pairs of marshes. Nine monthly collections of wild mosquitofish were analyzed. Hydroperiod-within-site significantly affected concentrations but it interacted with sampling period. To control for wild-fish dispersal, and to measure in situ uptake and growth, I placed captive-reared, neonate mosquitofish with mercury levels from 7–14 ng g−1 ww into field cages in the six study marshes in six trials. Uptake rates ranged from 0.25–3.61 ng g−1 ww d −1. As with the wild fish, hydroperiod-within-site was a significant main effect that also interacted with sampling period. Survival exceeded 80%. Growth varied with season and hydroperiod, with greatest growth in short-hydroperiod marshes. The results suggest that dietary bioaccumulation determined mercury levels in Everglades aquatic animals, and that, although hydroperiod affected mercury uptake, its effect varied with season. ^