105 resultados para Intraosseous lipoma
Ilustramos este ensaio iconográfico com imagens de ressonância magnética obtidas em nosso serviço nos últimos 15 anos e discutimos as principais características de imagem de lesões intraventriculares, de etiologia tumoral (cisto coloide, oligodendroglioma, astroblastoma, lipoma, cavernoma) e de etiologia inflamatória/infecciosa (neurocisticercose e uma incomum apresentação da neuro-histoplasmose). Estas lesões representam um subgrupo de lesões intracranianas com características próprias e alguns dos padrões de imagem que podem facilitar o diagnóstico diferencial.
Abstract Objective: The present study was aimed at investigating bone involvement secondary to rotator cuff calcific tendonitis at ultrasonography. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study of a case series. The authors reviewed shoulder ultrasonography reports of 141 patients diagnosed with rotator cuff calcific tendonitis, collected from the computer-based data records of their institution over a four-year period. Imaging findings were retrospectively and consensually analyzed by two experienced musculoskeletal radiologists looking for bone involvement associated with calcific tendonitis. Only the cases confirmed by computed tomography were considered for descriptive analysis. Results: Sonographic findings of calcific tendinopathy with bone involvement were observed in 7/141 (~ 5%) patients (mean age, 50.9 years; age range, 42-58 years; 42% female). Cortical bone erosion adjacent to tendon calcification was the most common finding, observed in 7/7 cases. Signs of intraosseous migration were found in 3/7 cases, and subcortical cysts in 2/7 cases. The findings were confirmed by computed tomography. Calcifications associated with bone abnormalities showed no acoustic shadowing at ultrasonography, favoring the hypothesis of resorption phase of the disease. Conclusion: Preliminary results of the present study suggest that ultrasonography can identify bone abnormalities secondary to rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy, particularly the presence of cortical bone erosion.
The authors report two cases of giants lipomas in the gluteal region with 3,9 and 3,1 kg. They make a brief epidemiological presentation and consider diagnosis and treatment. They believe that CT scan is the best image method, as it provides more information about size and relationship with surrounding structures. They are against biopsies and lipoaspiration but stand up for the total exeresis as the best option of treatment.
OBJETIVO: Estudar as possibilidades técnicas e resultados obtidos com pequenas incisões para tratar doenças do cólon. MÉTODO: Vinte e seis pacientes, 12 do sexo masculino e 14 do feminino foram submetidos a laparotomias com incisões menores que 10cm. As minilaparotomias variaram entre 3,6 e 10cm (média - 7,11cm), paramedianas e realizadas sobre a área tumoral localizada por palpação ou colonoscopia. Várias operações foram realizadas: hemicolectomias direitas, sigmoidectomias, colectomias segmentares e colotomias. As doenças tratadas foram: adenocarcinoma (20), lipoma (1), pólipo adenomatoso (1), carcinóide (1), Crohn íleo-cecal (1), adenoma viloso (1) e mucocele (1). RESULTADOS: Vinte e cinco enfermos evoluíram sem complicações. Uma paciente de 90 anos, com câncer de cólon ocluído e disseminado faleceu com broncopneumonia e com função intestinal normal. As funções intestinais retornaram cedo: emissão de gases no 2º e 3º dias, evacuações no 3º e 4º dias. CONCLUSÕES: Tumores menores que 8cm puderam ser facilmente operados através de minilaparotomias. Tumores maiores ou fixos não devem ser operados por pequenas incisões. Princípios oncológicos foram respeitados como na cirurgia convencional. A recuperação dos doentes foi confortável e sem queixa de dor significativa. O efeito cosmético foi excelente.
É apresentado um caso de fasceíte necrotizante, na mama, em uma paciente de 68 anos que foi submetida à excisão de um volumoso lipoma mamário e evoluiu com infecção local agressiva, apresentando necrose extensa do parênquima da mama e de suas fáscias, além da pele, quadro este que caracteriza as fasceítes. O trabalho chama a atenção para a gravidade da entidade e a dificuldade diagnóstica, em razão do comprometimento cutâneo mais tardio e menos extenso; enfatiza-se a necessidade de afastar tal diagnóstico na vigência de infecções mamárias, assim como ter uma abordagem precoce e agressiva na presença de um quadro de fasceíte necrotizante mamária.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo retrospectivo sobre neoplasias cutâneas diagnosticadasem cães. A avaliação foi realizada pela análise dos arquivos diagnósticos do Setor de Patologia Veterinária (SPV) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brasil, considerando-se um intervalo de seis anos (2002 a 2007). Neste intervalo, um total de 1.869 (37,3%) amostras de pele canina foram obtidas de 5.016 amostras variadas de tecidos de cães encaminhadas ao SPV. Dentre as amostras cutâneas, 1.002 pertenciam a cães diagnosticadoscom um tipo de neoplasia cutânea e 15 animais apresentaram mais de uma neoplasia de pele, totalizando 1.017 (20,3%) amostras. Os resultados revelaram que 50,5% (514/1017) das neoplasias cutâneas apresentaram origem mesenquimal, 45,1% (459/1017) paraepitelial e 3,9% (40/1017) para melanocítica. Mastocitoma foi o tipo neoplásico cutâneo mais frequente, diagnosticado em 228 casos (22,4%), seguido por carcinoma de células escamosas (7,5%), lipoma (7,3%), adenoma de glândula perianal (7,1%) e tricoblastoma (5,8%). Cocker Spaniel, Boxer, Poodle e Pastor Alemão foram as raças mais representadas em diversos neoplasmas. Os dados obtidos, comparados aos estudos prévios, ressaltam as variáveis raças, idade e sexo, relacionadas a alguns tumores cutâneos e salientam a importância e prevalência dos diferentes tipos de neoplasia cutânea em cães.
The study aimed to compare the effects of intraosseous infusion of lactated Ringer's and 0.9% sodium chloride solutions on the electrolytes and acid-base balance in pigeons submitted to humerus osteosynthesis. Eighteen pigeons were undergoing to isoflurane anesthesia by an avalvular circuit system. They were randomly assigned into two groups (n=9) receiving lactated Ringer's solution (LR) or 0.9% sodium chloride (SC), in a continuous infusion rate of 20mL/kg/h, by using an intraosseous catheter into the tibiotarsus during 60-minute anesthetic procedure. Heart rate (HR), and respiratory rate (RR) were measured every 10 min. Venous blood samples were collected at 0, 30 and 60 minutes to analyze blood pH, PvCO2, HCO3 -, Na+ and K+. Blood gases and electrolytes showed respiratory acidosis in both groups during induction, under physical restraint. This acidosis was evidenced by a decrease of pH since 0 min, associated with a compensatory response, observed by increasing of HCO3 - concentration, at 30 and 60 min. It was not observed any changes on Na+ and K+ serum concentrations. According to the results, there is no reason for choosing one of the two solutions, and it could be concluded that both fluid therapy solutions do not promote any impact on acid-base balance and electrolyte concentrations in pigeons submitted to humerus osteosynthesis.
Resumo: Numa pesquisa em abatedouros a procura de lesões em bovinos, realizada de janeiro de 2011 a julho de 2014, 544 foram encontradas, das quais 65 eram neoplasmas. Quarenta e dois porcento desses tumores eram de origem mesenquimal; 37% eram epiteliais; 14,5% eram derivados da crista neural; 5% eram tumores do cordão sexual; e 1,5 eram tumores originários do sistema nervoso periférico. O tumor mais frequentemente encontrado foi o linfoma (28% de todos os tumores), a maioria dos casos como parte do complexo leucose bovina enzoótica. O carcinoma de células escamosas foi o segundo tumor mais frequente (15% de todos os tumores). É chamada a atenção para a frequência desses tumores e para a sua importância no diagnóstico diferencial no abatedouro frigorífico entre eles e outras lesões importantes, incluindo as lesões granulomatosas da tuberculose. Houve uma ocorrência significativa do feocromocitoma adrenal (13% de todos os tumores). Papilomatose representou apenas 3% de todos os tumores. Como papilomas são comuns em bovinos, seu baixo número nesse estudo pode ser explicado pelo fato de que eles não são usualmente diagnosticados no exame post mortem (quando o couro já foi retirado da carcaça), mas sim no exame ante mortem, como ocorreu na maioria dos casos deste estudo. Tumores encontrados com menor frequência (cada um perfazendo entre 1.5 e 3% de todos os tumores) incluíram adenocarcinoma apócrino misto da cauda, adenocarcinoma mamário, adenocarcinoma uterino, carcinoma de células renais, fibroma interdigital, hemangiossarcoma, leiomioma uterino, lipoma, lipossarcoma, mesotelioma, neurofibroma, tumor de células da granulosa, tumor estromal gastrointestinal, tumores hepáticos, tumores melanocíticos, e tumores pulmonares primários. Pretende-se que os resultados dessa pesquisa possam ajudar na identificação das lesões na inspeção oficial em matadouros frigoríficos.
Resumo: Os neoplasmas cutâneos estão entre os mais diagnosticados em medicina veterinária, diante disso busca-se que o diagnóstico desses tumores seja rápido e eficaz. Em medicina veterinária o uso da citopatologia como método para diagnóstico tornou-se crescente. Diante disso, é necessário que estudos comprovem a eficiência da técnica para que a mesma possa ser usada de maneira isolada. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar o diagnóstico obtido pelas técnicas citopatológica e histopatológica de tumores cutâneos e subcutâneos de cães, determinar qual o tipo neoplásico mais facilmente diagnosticado pela citopatologia e a neoplasia mais prevalente nesses animais, atendidos em dois hospitais veterinários de Campo Grande/MS, no período de março de 2012 a dezembro de 2013. Foram coletadas amostras celulares de tumores de 91 cães, através de punção aspirativa por agulha fina e punch cirúrgico Os resultados citopatológicos demonstraram uma eficácia de 69,69%, em relação à histopatologia. Para a diferenciação entre tumores neoplásicos e não neoplásicos, a eficiência aumenta, com resultados iguais em 91,91%. Para diferenciar tumores benignos de malignos, foi possível chegar a uma concordância na ordem de 68,13%. Os tumores mais prevalentes foram o mastocitoma, seguido do lipoma, fibrossarcoma e tumor de célula basal.
Non-metallic implants made of bioresorbable or biostable synthetic polymers are attractive options in many surgical procedures, ranging from bioresorbable suture anchors of arthroscopic surgery to reconstructive skull implants made of biostable fiber-reinforced composites. Among other benefits, non-metallic implants produce less interference in imaging. Bioresorbable polymer implants may be true multifunctional, serving as osteoconductive scaffolds and as matrices for simultaneous delivery of bone enhancement agents. As a major advantage for loading conditions, mechanical properties of biostable fiber-reinforced composites can be matched with those of the bone. Unsolved problems of these biomaterials are related to the risk of staphylococcal biofilm infections and to the low osteoconductivity of contemporary bioresorbable composite implants. This thesis was focused on the research and development of a multifunctional implant model with enhanced osteoconductivity and low susceptibility to infection. In addition, the experimental models for assessment, diagnostics and prophylaxis of biomaterial-related infections were established. The first experiment (Study I) established an in vitro method for simultaneous evaluation of calcium phosphate and biofilm formation on bisphenol-Aglycidyldimethacrylate and triethylenglycoldimethacrylate (BisGMA-TEGDMA) thermosets with different content of bioactive glass 45S5. The second experiment (Study II) showed no significant difference in osteointegration of nanostructured and microsized polylactide-co-glycolide/β-tricalcium phosphate (PLGA /β-TCP) composites in a minipig model. The third experiment (Study III) demonstrated that positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with the novel 68Ga labelled 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) CD33 related sialic-acid immunoglobulin like lectins (Siglec-9) tracer was able to detect inflammatory response to S. epidermidis and S. aureus peri-implant infections in an intraosseous polytetrafluoroethylene catheter model. In the fourth experiment (Study IV), BisGMATEGDMA thermosets coated with lactose-modified chitosan (Chitlac) and silver nanoparticles exhibited antibacterial activity against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa strains in an in vitro biofilm model and showed in vivo biocompatibility in a minipig model. In the last experiment (Study V), a selective androgen modulator (SARM) released from a poly(lactide)-co-ε-caprolactone (PLCL) polymer matrix failed to produce a dose-dependent enhancement of peri-implant osteogenesis in a bone marrow ablation model.
Odontogenic cysts are pathologic cavities covered by odontogenic epithelium and filled by liquid, desquamated cells or other materials. The intraosseous lesions, such as radicular cyst and dentigerous cyst, present a potential of expansion capable of promoting the destruction of the surrounding osseous tissue. The mechanisms related to this process of expansion are the proliferation of cystic epithelium, the increase of the osmolarity of the cystic fluid and the synthesis of reabsorption factors such as IFN-γ and TGF-β1. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the immunohistochemical expression of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 between radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts in order to understand the role and behavior of these proteins in the expansion of these cysts. We selected 20 cases of radicular cyst and 20 cases of dentigerous cyst chosen from the files of UFRN s Laboratory of Oral Pathology. After analyzing the clinical data, the cases underwent the routine staining technique (HE) and immunohistochemistry for the appearance of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 in the epithelium and capsule of these cysts. The statistical analysis using the Mann-Whitney test revealed no statistically significant difference in immunoexpression of IFN-γ between the epithelium (p = 0.565) and capsules (p = 0.414) of radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts. Moreover, there was no statistically significant difference of immunoexpression of TGF-β1 between the epithelium (p = 0.620) and capsules (p = 0.056) of radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts. The Wilcoxon test revealed no statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 imunoexpressions in the epithelium (p = 0.225) and capsules (p = 0.370) of radicular cysts. There was no statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 imunoexpressions in the epithelium (p = 0.361) of dentigerous cysts. However, there was a statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 immunoexpressions in the capsule (p = 0.001) of dentigerous cysts, being TGF-β1 the factor which presented the most significant immunoexpression. Given these results, we conclude that there was no difference in immunohistochemical expression of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 between radicular and dentigerous cysts and that TGF-β1 was more significant than the IFN-γ in the capsule of dentigerous cysts
Ameloblastomas and keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOT) represent odontogenic lesions that, despite their benign nature, are distinguished by a distinct biological behavior, characterized by locally aggressive growth and recurrent episodes. The gnathic bone resorption caused by the growth of these lesions is a key to the expansion of the same, both being mediated by osteoclastic cells like enzymatic activity of various matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) factor. The expression of stimulatory factors and inhibitors of bone resorption has been correlated with the development of these lesions, with emphasis to some MMPs such as collagenases and gelatinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), among others. Based on the premise that stimulatory and inhibitory factors of osteolytic processes can be decisive for the growth rate of intraosseous odontogenic lesions, this experiment evaluated the immunoreactivity of MMP-9, -13 and TIMP-1 protein in the epithelium and mesenchyme of ameloblastoma and the KOT specimens, by a quantitative analysis of the immunoreactivity cells. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests with a significance level set at 5 %. Immunohistochemical expression of MMP-9, -13 and TIMP-1 was observed in 100% of cases both in the epithelium and in mesenchyme. The immunoreactivity in the epithelium of KOT and ameloblastomas revealed a predominance of score 3 for MMP-9 (p=0.382) and MMP-13 (p=0.069) and no statistically significance for TIMP-1, the latter being significantly higher immunoreactivity in ameloblastomas. In the mesenchyme, there was a higher score immunoreactivity of MMP-13 (p=0.031) in ameloblastomas in relation to KOT, whereas for MMP-9 and TIMP-1 no statistically significant difference (p=0.403 was observed, p=1.000). The calculation of the ratio of scores revealed expression of proteins in general, similarity of the lesions, a significant predominance of equal expression of TIMP-1 and MMP-9 was observed only in the epithelium of ameloblastoma. The marked immunostaining of MMP-9 , MMP-13 and TIMP-1 in epithelium and mesenchyme of the lesion indicate that these proteins involved in ECM remodeling required for tumor progression, however, specific differences in the expression of some of these proteins, are not sufficient to suggest differences in the biological behavior of ameloblastomas and KOTs
Objetivo: Relatar 20 pacientes portadores de dermolipoma e 10 pacientes com prolapso de gordura orbitária, ressaltando aspectos que podem auxiliar para o diferencial clínico destas duas entidades. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo de 12 anos, avaliando-se portadores de dermolipoma e de prolapso de gordura orbitária, atendidos na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-SP. Resultados: No período foram detectados 20 (1,6 pacientes/ano) portadores de dermolipoma e 10 (0,8 pacientes/ano), de prolapso de gordura orbitária. Quanto ao sexo, o dermolipoma acometeu mais mulheres e o prolapso de gordura orbital ocorreu mais em homens. Nos portadores de dermolipoma, a lesão foi encontrada no canto externo em todos os pacientes, sendo bilateral em apenas um caso; nos com prolapso de gordura orbital, a lesão localizava-se no canto externo em 9 dos 10 portadores. Sete pacientes com dermolipoma possuíam associação com outras doenças oculares e em dez pacientes a lesão estava presente desde o nascimento. Conclusão: O dermolipoma é semelhante ao prolapso de gordura orbitária quanto à localização e aparência clínica. Porém, o dermolipoma está presente desde o nascimento, ocorre mais no sexo feminino, podendo estar associado a outras doenças oculares. O prolapso de gordura orbitária é alteração que ocorre em indivíduos idosos, geralmente do sexo masculino.
Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a benign intraosseous neoplasm of odontogenic origin with high recurrence rate. To date, various conservative or aggressive management strategies have been suggested as a method of treatment. Decompression is a conservative method that has been used in the treatment of large odontogenic cysts. The present paper reports a case of KCOT located in the mandible and discusses the importance of its management using conservative methods. The authors present a case of a 38-year-old patient with a KCOT located in the right mandibular angle and ascending ramus, which was treated by decompression followed by enucleation and curettage. The lesion did not recur during a follow-up period of 3 years after surgery. Preserving important structures of the bone and soft tissue decompression is a method with low morbidity. In addition, according to the literature, decompression has a success rate at least as high as the one of most aggressive treatments.
Lipomas are benign mesenchymal neoplasms of soft tissue that can be found in any part of the human body. Conversely, their presence in the oral mucosa is rather uncommon, with approximately 4% of the cases occurring in the oral cavity. In such cases, they are likely to have originated from mature adipose tissue and to be among several described histological variants of lipomas, which are identified according to the predominant type of tissue. There is a rare lipoma, known as an osteolipoma or an ossifying lipoma; however, little has been written this type of lipoma characterized by a classical lipoma with areas of osseous metaplasia. Considering the few cases of oral osteolipomas previously described in the English-related literature and the consequent risk of misdiagnosis and overtreatment, this paper describes an extreme case of an osteolipoma affecting the buccal mucosa of an adult patient. This paper focuses particularly on the pathogenesis of this lesion and the discussion of a correct diagnosis.