722 resultados para Interventions de courte durée
Cette recherche vise à étudier l’impact d’interventions réalisées par les parents dans l’unité néonatale de soins intensifs. Plus spécifiquement, le premier objectif est de documenter les effets différentiels de la Méthode Mère Kangourou « MMK » accompagnée ou non du Massage en incubateur «MI » ou du Massage en Position Kangourou « MPK » et des Soins Traditionnels «ST » accompagnés ou non du massage dans l’incubateur sur la croissance physique mesurée par le poids, la taille et le périmètre crânien pendant une période de 5 et 15 jours dans l’unité néonatale et l’impact à 40 semaines d’âge gestationnel. Le second objectif est de comparer, chez des enfants qui bénéficient de la « MMK » la valeur ajoutée du « MPK » ou du «MI » sur le neuro-développement à 6 et 12 mois d’âge corrigé de l’enfant. Un échantillon total de 198 enfants et leur famille a été recruté de la façon suivante dans trois hôpitaux de Bogota. Dans chaque hôpital, 66 sujets ont été répartis aléatoirement à deux conditions. Ces hôpitaux ont été choisis afin de tester les effets de diverses conditions expérimentales et de diminuer les bais de sélection. Dans chaque hôpital, deux techniques ont été assignées aléatoirement. Il s’agit, dans le premier, de la « MMK & MPK » vs « MMK & MI ». Dans le second, « MMK sans massage » vs « MMK & MI ». Dans le troisième, « MI » a été comparé aux « ST » ce qui implique une absence de contact physique continu des bébés avec leurs parents. Les résultats rapportés dans le premier article sont à l’effet que, dans le premier hôpital, il y a un effet compensatoire de l’intervention « MMK & MPK » sur la perte physiologique du poids de l’enfant prématuré dans les 15 premiers jours de vie avec un impact sur le poids à 40 semaines d’âge gestationnel, sur la durée du portage kangourou et sur la durée d’hospitalisation totale. Aucun effet sur le périmètre crânien ou la taille n’est apparu. Dans le deuxième hôpital, aucune différence significative n’est rapportée pour le poids sauf quand l’intervention est commencée après le 10ième jours de vie alors que l’enfant « MPK» semble grossir mieux que le «MMK avec MI». Finalement, dans le troisième hôpital il n’y a aucun effet du massage sur les variables anthropométriques, le groupe avec MI grossissant moins vite avec un léger impact sur le poids à 40 semaines. Cela pourrait être dû à la perte de chaleur due à l’ouverture de l’incubateur quand l’enfant est très immature. Dans le second article, les 66 enfants de l’hôpital sont répartis aléatoirement dans le groupe « MMK & MPK» vs le groupe « MMK & MI», ont complété, à 6 et 12 mois d’âge corrigé, un test de neuro-développement, le Griffiths. Les résultats à 6 mois ne montrent aucune différence entre les 2 interventions, mais a 12 mois le IQ semble dépendant du nombre de jours d’hospitalisation de l’enfant, cette durée d’hospitalisation correspond au temps que met l’enfant à se stabiliser physiquement et correspond également au temps que mettent la mère et l’enfant à s’adapter à la méthode kangourou. Une fois, l’adaptation kangourou réussie, la dyade mère enfant sort avec l’enfant toujours en position kangourou. Le temps d’hospitalisation correspond au temps que met l’enfant à être éligible à l’apprentissage de la MMK par la mère. À 12 mois les deux groupes montrent des résultats équivalents, mais des différences positives sont apparues pour le groupe « MMK & MPK» dans les sous échelle Coordination Oculo Manuelle et Audition et Langage du test Griffiths. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats suggèrent que la pratique des deux interventions non traditionnelles peut contribuer à une meilleure croissance physique dans nos cohortes. Le gain de poids du bébé, notamment, est affecté par l’intervention MPK (Hôpital 1) ou sans l’ajout du Massage (Hôpital 2). Par ailleurs, le massage en incubateur n’a pas de différence significative en comparaison aux soins traditionnels, ces interventions ont toutefois un impact mineur (tendances) sur le neuro développement à 6 et 12 mois d’âge corrigé dans cette étude.
Aims: The Rural and Remote Road Safety Study (RRRSS) addresses a recognised need for greater research on road trauma in rural and remote Australia, the costs of which are disproportionately high compared with urban areas. The 5-year multi-phase study with whole-of-government support concluded in June 2008. Drawing on RRRSS data, we analysed fatal motorcycle crashes which occurred over 39 months to provide a description of crash characteristics, contributing factors and people involved. The descriptive analysis and discussion may inform development of tailored motorcycle safety interventions. Methods: RRRSS criteria sought vehicle crashes resulting in death or hospitalisation for 24 hours minimum of at least 1 person aged 16 years or over, in the study area defined roughly as the Queensland area north from Bowen in the east and Boulia in the west (excluding Townsville and Cairns urban areas). Fatal motorcycle crashes were selected from the RRRSS dataset. Analysis considered medical data covering injury types and severity, evidence of alcohol, drugs and prior medical conditions, as well as crash descriptions supplied by police to Queensland Transport on contributing circumstances, vehicle types, environmental conditions and people involved. Crash data were plotted in a geographic information system (MapInfo) for spatial analysis. Results: There were 23 deaths from 22 motorcycle crashes on public roads meeting RRRSS criteria. Of these, half were single vehicle crashes and half involved 2 or more vehicles. In contrast to general patterns for driver/rider age distribution in crashes, riders below 25 years of age were represented proportionally within the population. Riders in their thirties comprised 41% of fatalities, with a further 36% accounted for by riders in their fifties. 18 crashes occurred in the Far North Statistical Division (SD), with 2 crashes in both the Northern and North West SDs. Behavioural factors comprised the vast majority of contributing circumstances cited by police, with adverse environmental conditions noted in only 4 cases. Conclusions: Fatal motorcycle crashes were more likely to involve another vehicle and less likely to involve a young rider than non-fatal crashes recorded by the RRRSS. Rider behaviour contributed to the majority of crashes and should be a major focus of research, education and policy development, while other road users’ behaviour and awareness also remains important. With 68% of crashes occurring on major and secondary roads within a 130km radius of Cairns, efforts should focus on this geographic area.
Depression and alcohol use disorders frequently co-occur and are highly prevalent. Both conditions are known to impair cognitive functioning, yet research into the role of these impairments in response to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is limited. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between baseline neuropsychological performance, severity of depressive symptoms and alcohol use disorders. Participants with current depression and hazardous alcohol use were functioning in the average range on all neuropsychological measures prior to treatment entry. Baseline measures of drinking severity and a range of cognitive functions were inversely correlated. After controlling for other baseline variables, superior baseline cognitive functioning predicted greater reductions in depression severity after 17 weeks. These predictive effects occurred across both brief and extended interventions. Findings suggest that improvement in depression following psychological treatment is enhanced by greater fluid reasoning ability and is predicted by executive functioning, regardless of the treatment length or problem focus.
While research on the management of co-occurring addictive and mental disorders (AMDs) has grown substantially in recent years, we still have little guidance on specific strategies. Consideration of epidemiological research and ethical principles can supplement existing clinical trials in providing a way forward. High frequencies of co-occurring disorders, equity of access for affected individuals and potential clashes between services in priorities and procedures, suggest that a stepped model of care by a single service may often be required. Typically, problems are multiple rather than dual, with potential for mutual influence, suggesting a need for interventions that are sensitive to and encompass complex co-occurring problems. Motivational problems are endemic, initial gains are often partial and unstable, and relapses potentially have serious consequences, suggesting a need for long-term, assertive follow-up. Principles such as these provide a solid framework for designing both services and interventions. However, there is a continuing need for controlled trials that unpack effective components of interventions, and increase their impact.
Over 13,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in Australia and approximately 90% of these women will survive longer than 5-years. However, survival following treatment for breast cancer is often associated with adverse physical and psychosocial side effects, which persist beyond treatment cessation. As incidence and survival rates associated with breast cancer continue to rise, there is an imperative need to understand the extent of treatment-related concerns and ways in which these concerns can be minimized and/or overcome. A growing body of scientific evidence demonstrates that extensive quality of life benefits can be attained through exercise during and following breast cancer treatment. Such benefits observed include improvements in psychosocial and physical outcomes, as well as better compliance with treatment regimens and reduced impact of disease symptoms and treatment-related side effects. There is also evidence to suggest that post-diagnosis physical activity can improve survival. However, the majority of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia are not sufficiently active and the majority experience further declines in their physical activity levels during treatment. Throughout the course of this presentation, which draws on data from cohort studies and randomized trials of exercise interventions conducted in Queensland, the potential benefits of exercising during and following breast cancer treatment, the exercise prescription recommended for breast cancer survivors, the limits of our evidence-based knowledge and the issues faced by clinicians and patients with respect to exercise following a cancer diagnosis will be discussed. The question is no longer whether people with breast cancer should be active during and following their treatment, but is how do health care professionals best assist people to become and stay active in an endeavor to live healthy lives beyond their cancer experience.
The movement toward evidence-based practice in psychology and medicine should offer few problems in cognitive-behavior therapies because it is consistent with the principles by which they have been developed and disseminated. However, the criteria for assessing empirical status, including the heavy emphasis on manualized treatments, need close examination. A possible outcome of the evidence-based movement would be to focus on the application of manualized treatments in both training and clinical practice; problems with that approach are discussed. Commitment to evidence-based treatment should also include comparisons between psychological and pharmacological interventions, so that rational health care decisions can be made. Psychologists should not be afraid of following the evidence, even when it supports treatments that are not cognitive-behavioral in stated orientation. Such results should be taken as an opportunity for theoretical development and new empirical inquiry rather than be a cause for concern.
Since 2001, district governments have had the main responsibility for providing public health care in Indonesia. One of the main public health challenges facing many district governments is improving nutritional standards, particularly among poorer segments of the population. Developing effective policies and strategies for improving nutrition requires a multi-sectoral approach encompassing agricultural development policy, access to markets, food security (storage) programs, provision of public health facilities, and promotion of public awareness of nutritional health. This implies a strong need for a coordinated approach involving multiple government agencies at the district level. Due to diverse economic, agricultural, and infrastructure conditions across the country, district governments’ ought to be better placed than central government both to identify areas of greatest need for public nutrition interventions, and devise policies that reflect local characteristics. However, in the two districts observed in this study—Bantul and Gunungkidul—it was clear that local government capacity to generate, obtain and integrate evidence about local conditions into the policy-making process was still limited. In both districts, decision-makers tended to rely more on intuition,anecdote, and precedent in formulating policy. The potential for evidence-based decision making was also severely constrained by a lack of coordination and communication between agencies, and current arrangements related to central government fiscal transfers, which compel local governments to allocate funding to centrally determined programs and priorities.
Since 2001, district governments have had the main responsibility for providing public health care in Indonesia. One of the main public health challenges facing many district governments is improving nutritional standards, particularly among poorer segments of the population. Developing effective policies and strategies for improving nutrition requires a multi-sectoral approach encompassing agricultural development policy, access to markets, food security (storage) programs, provision of public health facilities, and promotion of public awareness of nutritional health. This implies a strong need for a coordinated approach involving multiple government agencies at the district level. Due to diverse economic, agricultural,and infrastructure conditions across the country, district governments’ ought to be better placed than central government both to identify areas of greatest need for public nutrition interventions, and devise policies that reflect local characteristics. However, in the two districts observed in this study—Bantul and Gunungkidul—it was clear that local government capacity to generate, obtain and integrate evidence about local conditions into the policy-making process was still limited. In both districts, decision-makers tended to rely more on intuition,anecdote, and precedent in formulating policy. The potential for evidence-based decision making was also severely constrained by a lack of coordination and communication between agencies, and current arrangements related to central government fiscal transfers, which compel local governments to allocate funding to centrally determined programs and priorities.
Argues that if brief workshop training is used as the primary method of disseminating behavior therapy skills across professions, it will provide an inadequate preparation, especially for higher levels of behavioral practice. In some circumstances, brief training may lead to an overestimation of behavioral skills by the trainees. These issues are discussed in the context of current moves toward providing health professionals with multiple skills. Examples are provided of situations in which generic health professionals received brief workshop training in behavior therapy and attempted to make use of that training in their jobs. There is no substitute for ongoing training and consultation by senior clinical psychologists who are expert in behavior therapy.
To assess the effects of information interventions which orient patients and their carers/family to a cancer care facility and the services available in the facility.
Aims & Rationale/Objectives: With the knowledge that overweight is a major public health concern in Australia, that a multidisciplinary team approach to the management of lifestyle-related conditions is supported, and that the Australian Government recently recognised the role of the exercise physiologist (EP) in reducing the health burden of disease by their inclusion for reimbursement under the Medicare Plus scheme, this study sought to undertake a pilot RCT to compare GP and EP interventions to reduce primary cardiovascular risk in the overweight general practice population. Methods and Measures: Overweight patients recruited by a convenience sample of GPs were randomised into one of three arms: the control group, or the GP or EP intervention group (in which patients received either five GP or five EP consultations over 24 weeks). Patients had baseline, 12- and 24-week measures of body composition and cardio-respiratory fitness, and completed baseline and end-of-study surveys, fasting lipids and glucose. GPs and EPs completed an end-of-study survey. Results:Sixty-seven patients attended the baseline assessment. Overall retention rate was 67%. Patients were generally satisfied with the effectiveness of the interventions and their weight reduction. Favourable trends in BMI, weight, glucose and exercise levels for GP and EP intervention groups and in physical activity levels for all groups Conclusions: This study supports the feasibility of a RCT of GP and EP interventions for decreasing primary cardiovascular risk in the overweight general practice population.