81 resultados para Internationalism


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This article draws on recent research and policy developments to make a case for considering international students as an important component of Australian foreign relations. It links historical and contemporary Australian experiences of international students, especially in the Colombo Plan and New Colombo Plan, to the field of public diplomacy, and sets an agenda for further research in this direction. It highlights the need to recover student voices and to be sensitive to the emergence of everyday or ‘vernacular’ internationalism, as a phenomenon of international students visiting, traveling and otherwise encountering different groups of Australians. It suggests a need to take up anew this form of inquiry for both earlier postwar student experiences and the post-1980s period, in which international students’ voices are frequently silenced by debates over commodification, funding needs, and neo-liberal economics.


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 This thesis traces the evolution of J.B. Chifley as an economic internationalist. It demonstrates that his role in Australian foreign policy in the 1940s has been vastly underestimated. A significant feature of the thesis is the attention paid to Chifley’s speeches in a wide range of political and community forums.


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Global Democratic Theory is the first comprehensive introduction to the changing contours of democracy in today’s hyperconnected world. Accessibly written for readers new to the topic, it considers the impact of globalization and global forms of governance and activism on democratic politics and examines how democratic theory has responded to address these challenges, including calls for new forms of democracy to be developed beyond the nation-state and for greater public participation and accountability in existing global institutions. Divided into two parts, the book shows how globalization provides both new obstacles and new opportunities for democracy. Part I explores the shifts underway at the national and international levels that are challenging democracy within nation-states around the world. In response, new proposals for global and transnational democracy have emerged. Part II critically analyses five main approaches of ‘global democratic theory’ Ð liberal internationalism, cosmopolitan democracy, deliberative democracy, social democracy and radical democracy, focusing on their specific interpretation of the problems facing democracy, their normative claims, and the feasibility of their proposed pathways of democratization. The book’s extensive account of the problems and possibilities facing democracy today will be essential reading for students and scholars of politics, political theory and political philosophy.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O artigo apresenta as técnicas e propostas teórico-práticas desenvolvidas por Paul Otlet, para o tratamento de documentos, com propósito de recuperação e disseminação. Analisam-se o método documentário, responsável pela extração e disponibilização da informação documentada, e o conceito do repertório, elaborado para dispor e expor essa informação de maneira sintetizada, atualizada e acessível na Enciclopédia Documentária. Ressalta-se a importância das ideias subjacentes à proposta de Otlet, identificando-as particularmente nas figuras e metáforas adotadas por ele e na visão de mundo internacionalista, que sustentara a formação de suas ideias.


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Intorno alla metà degli anni trenta la Spagna diventò il centro dell’attenzione del mondo e tutte le grandi potenze internazionali, vecchie e nuove, vennero coinvolte, in misura diversa, nella guerra civile. Già nell’agosto del 1936, un mese dopo l’esplosione del conflitto, tutti gli Stati più rappresentativi caldeggiavano l’ipotesi di una politica comune di “non intervento”. Il ruolo guida in tal senso venne assunto dal governo inglese, capace di dissuadere, in tempi estremamente rapidi, il governo frontista francese di Leon Blum dall’intento di sostenere economicamente e militarmente il legittimo governo repubblicano spagnolo. La preoccupazione che il conflitto potesse degenerare in uno scontro più generale fu quindi la ragione principale per la quale qualche settimana dopo nacque il “Comitato di Non Intervento”, cui aderirono ben ventisette nazioni europee tra cui Francia, Inghilterra, URSS, Italia, Germania e Portogallo. Il mio progetto di ricerca dottorale esamina il ruolo, le scelte ed i relativi dibattiti in merito all’unica grande potenza, gli Stati Uniti d’America, che, pur scegliendo di rimanere neutrale, si astenne dal partecipare al suddetto Comitato. In ambito statunitense particolare rilievo assumono due aspetti del dibattito politico sulla Spagna: il primo maturato in seno all’Amministrazione Roosevelt, il secondo elaborato dalla componente Liberal della coalizione del New Deal attraverso i settimanali, “The Nation” e “The New Republic”. Il confronto pubblico acceso dalla guerra civile spagnola fu infatti l’occasione per la società civile americana per dibattere apertamente e francamente circa l’opportunità e la capacità della nazione di assumere o meno un ruolo internazionale corrispondente al prestigio socio-economico in via di acquisizione a livello mondiale. Approfondire ed esaminare il dibattito sulla guerra civile spagnola negli USA significa dunque andare alla ricerca delle radici culturali di quello che sarà uno dei più vasti ed articolati confronti politici e teorici del ventesimo secolo: l’internazionalismo americano.


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Este artículo aborda el fenómeno del turismo como objeto de los estudios internacionales y se propone comprender la naturaleza del poder construido desde el turismo en la esfera internacional. A tales efectos, se desarrollan lecturas del turismo internacional desde diversas teorías de las Relaciones Internacionales recorriendo un amplio espectro inclusivo del paradigma realista (teorías realista, de la dependencia y de la hegemonía), internacionalista (teorías de los regímenes internacionales y de la interdependencia) y universalista (teorías de las reglas sociales internacionales, de la sociedad mundial, pluralista, de la democracia internacional y de la globalización). Mediante tal ejercicio se espera revelar aspectos poco advertidos del fenómeno turístico en su dimensión global.


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The soul of civilization; The hope of the world; The future of internationalism.


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[1] The rise of the clothing workers ... [2] Problems of labor organizations ... [3] Recent developments in trade unionism ... [5] A proposal for an unemployment fund in th4e men's clothing industry ... [8] The message of internationalism ... [19] Union rules of order.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Also published as part of the author's The prospects of democracy, and other essays, London, 1929.


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Principles of Marketing takes a practical, managerial approach to marketing. Continuing with tradition, it is rich in topical examples and applications that show the major decisions that marketing managers face in their efforts to balance an organisation’s objectives and resources against needs and opportunities in the global marketplace. The Fourth Edition has changed to reflect marketing’s ever changing challenges. All preview cases, marketing insights and end of chapter cases are revised or completely changed to embrace the growth in e-commerce. In addition, recognising Europe’s internationalism and the growth of globalisation, examples and cases are drawn, not from Europe alone, but from the US, Japan, South-East Asia and Africa. This is suitable for any undergraduate or postgraduate undertaking an introductory course in marketing.


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This article reports on a conversation between 12 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) psychologists at the first international LGBT Psychology Summer Institute at the University of Michigan in August 2009. Participants discuss how their work in LGBT psychology is affected by national policy, funding and academic contexts and the transnational influence of the US-based stigma model of LGBT psychology. The challenges and possibilities posed by internationalism are discussed with reference to the dominance of the United States, the cultural limits of terms such as 'lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender', intergenerational communication between researchers and the role of events such as the Summer Institute in creating an international community of LGBT psychologists. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.