980 resultados para International conferences


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A pesquisa partiu da Tese de que existe um movimento pela Educação de Jovens e Adultos que apresenta um envolvimento local, regional e mundial cujas diferentes agendas colocam desafios para a política educacional neste campo. Analisa de forma mais geral o movimento pela EJA, considerando os desafios postos por suas agendas à política elaborada e implementada nesse campo. Mais especificamente, discute sobre os avanços das recomendações para a educação de adultos existentes nas CONFINTEAS; reflete sobre os diferentes movimentos pela EJA atuantes no processo CONFINTEA VI; analisa os desafios colocados pelas agendas produzidas pelos diferentes movimentos pela EJA. A pesquisa realizada se caracteriza como pesquisa documental em que se analisa os principais documentos produzidos no movimento pela EJA. Através da pesquisa documental analisa o conteúdo das agendas elaboradas discutindo os desafios colocados para a política de EJA baseado teoricamente, principalmente, em Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Maria Clara Di Pierro, Moacir Gadotti, Miguel Arroyo, Maria Margarida Machado e Timothy Ireland. Com isso, obtém como resultados que as CONFINTEAS realizadas no século XX apresentam um histórico de proposições que vão avançando ao longo de suas realizações, mas que não surtiram efeitos significativos nas ações práticas da EJA; que existem movimentos pela EJA, que vão além dos movimentos sociais, que se consolida pela articulação entre Estado e Sociedade Civil; que nesses movimentos foram produzidos agendas nas quais aparecem certas tendências que desafiam a política de EJA como: a diversidade que me levou a discutir a educação para a diversidade; a inclusão de pessoas na e através da educação, considerando a perspectiva da educação para a inclusão; e a preocupação com as problemáticas ambientais do planeta remetendo meu olhar para a educação para a sustentabilidade.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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Bioinformatics is a recent and emerging discipline which aims at studying biological problems through computational approaches. Most branches of bioinformatics such as Genomics, Proteomics and Molecular Dynamics are particularly computationally intensive, requiring huge amount of computational resources for running algorithms of everincreasing complexity over data of everincreasing size. In the search for computational power, the EGEE Grid platform, world's largest community of interconnected clusters load balanced as a whole, seems particularly promising and is considered the new hope for satisfying the everincreasing computational requirements of bioinformatics, as well as physics and other computational sciences. The EGEE platform, however, is rather new and not yet free of problems. In addition, specific requirements of bioinformatics need to be addressed in order to use this new platform effectively for bioinformatics tasks. In my three years' Ph.D. work I addressed numerous aspects of this Grid platform, with particular attention to those needed by the bioinformatics domain. I hence created three major frameworks, Vnas, GridDBManager and SETest, plus an additional smaller standalone solution, to enhance the support for bioinformatics applications in the Grid environment and to reduce the effort needed to create new applications, additionally addressing numerous existing Grid issues and performing a series of optimizations. The Vnas framework is an advanced system for the submission and monitoring of Grid jobs that provides an abstraction with reliability over the Grid platform. In addition, Vnas greatly simplifies the development of new Grid applications by providing a callback system to simplify the creation of arbitrarily complex multistage computational pipelines and provides an abstracted virtual sandbox which bypasses Grid limitations. Vnas also reduces the usage of Grid bandwidth and storage resources by transparently detecting equality of virtual sandbox files based on content, across different submissions, even when performed by different users. BGBlast, evolution of the earlier project GridBlast, now provides a Grid Database Manager (GridDBManager) component for managing and automatically updating biological flatfile databases in the Grid environment. GridDBManager sports very novel features such as an adaptive replication algorithm that constantly optimizes the number of replicas of the managed databases in the Grid environment, balancing between response times (performances) and storage costs according to a programmed cost formula. GridDBManager also provides a very optimized automated management for older versions of the databases based on reverse delta files, which reduces the storage costs required to keep such older versions available in the Grid environment by two orders of magnitude. The SETest framework provides a way to the user to test and regressiontest Python applications completely scattered with side effects (this is a common case with Grid computational pipelines), which could not easily be tested using the more standard methods of unit testing or test cases. The technique is based on a new concept of datasets containing invocations and results of filtered calls. The framework hence significantly accelerates the development of new applications and computational pipelines for the Grid environment, and the efforts required for maintenance. An analysis of the impact of these solutions will be provided in this thesis. This Ph.D. work originated various publications in journals and conference proceedings as reported in the Appendix. Also, I orally presented my work at numerous international conferences related to Grid and bioinformatics.


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Con questa tesi abbiamo messo a punto una metodologia per l'applicazione del "corpus-based approach" allo studio dell'interpretazione simultanea, creando DIRSI-C, un corpus elettronico parallelo (italiano-inglese) e allineato di trascrizioni di registrazioni tratte da convegni medici, mediati da interpreti simultaneisti. Poiché gli interpreti professionisti coinvolti hanno lavorato dalla lingua straniera alla loro lingua materna e viceversa, il fattore direzionalità è il parametro di analisi delle prestazioni degli interpreti secondo i metodi di indagine della linguistica dei corpora. In this doctoral thesis a methodology was developed to fully apply the corpus-based approach to simultaneous interpreting research. DIRSI-C is a parallel (Italian-English/English-Italian) and aligned electronic corpus, containing transcripts of recorded medical international conferences with professional simultaneous interpreters working both from and into their foreign language. Against this backdrop, directionality represents the research parameter used to analyze interpreters' performance by means of corpus linguistics tools.


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Context During the past 2 decades, a major transition in the clinical characterization of psychotic disorders has occurred. The construct of a clinical high-risk (HR) state for psychosis has evolved to capture the prepsychotic phase, describing people presenting with potentially prodromal symptoms. The importance of this HR state has been increasingly recognized to such an extent that a new syndrome is being considered as a diagnostic category in the DSM-5. Objective To reframe the HR state in a comprehensive state-of-the-art review on the progress that has been made while also recognizing the challenges that remain. Data Sources Available HR research of the past 20 years from PubMed, books, meetings, abstracts, and international conferences. Study Selection and Data Extraction Critical review of HR studies addressing historical development, inclusion criteria, epidemiologic research, transition criteria, outcomes, clinical and functional characteristics, neurocognition, neuroimaging, predictors of psychosis development, treatment trials, socioeconomic aspects, nosography, and future challenges in the field. Data Synthesis Relevant articles retrieved in the literature search were discussed by a large group of leading worldwide experts in the field. The core results are presented after consensus and are summarized in illustrative tables and figures. Conclusions The relatively new field of HR research in psychosis is exciting. It has the potential to shed light on the development of major psychotic disorders and to alter their course. It also provides a rationale for service provision to those in need of help who could not previously access it and the possibility of changing trajectories for those with vulnerability to psychotic illnesses.


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La presente tesis propone una metodología para medir variables de impacto socio económico en la ciudad Puerto de Valparaíso, como una alternativa que permite evaluar la asignación del uso y explotación del borde costero. La ciudad de Valparaíso se formó al alero de la actividad marítima portuaria, en sus comienzos esta actividad fue el motor de desarrollo económico de la ciudad, sus habitantes mantenían una alta dependencia de ésta actividad, formando una identidad y cultura portuaria. Con la decadencia de la actividad portuaria, producto principalmente a la construcción del canal de Panamá y a la modernización de los buques de transporte aumentando su distancia franqueable1, la ciudad fue dejando su dependencia de esta actividad. Hoy en día casi la totalidad del borde costero de la ciudad está asignado a las actividades portuarias con escasa participación laboral de los habitantes de la ciudad y una alta demanda urbana por el uso del borde costero. Por otra parte, la ciudad ha presentado en la última década altos niveles de cesantía, cuestionándose la verdadera utilidad de mantener un puerto en la ciudad. La investigación de la tesis permitió dimensionar la cantidad de firmas y actividades económicas que se desarrollaban en torno a la actividad marítima portuaria en la ciudad, cuantificando los empleos que éstas otorgaban a la ciudad, los niveles de remuneraciones, los tributos a la municipalidad de la ciudad, el aporte al comercio local, entre otros. Descubriéndose hallazgos que permiten reflexionar sobre la importancia del la actividad en el desarrollo económico actual y futuro de la ciudad. También los antecedentes obtenidos permiten contribuir a la evaluación de proyectos alternativos para el uso y explotación del borde costero. La metodología utilizada también puede ser adaptada para medir los beneficios de otras ciudades puertos en el mundo. Los resultados obtenidos fueron expuestos a las autoridades gubernamentales locales, presentados en seminarios y congresos nacionales e internacionales, como en la prensa local; los más destacados son: la actividad otorga 12.727 empleos directos e indirectos que corresponden al 12% de la fuerza laboral ocupada; la actividad representa el 19% del Producto Interno Bruto de la ciudad; la actividad aporta un 21% al presupuesto municipal por concepto de recaudación de tributos y representan un 11% del presupuesto total asignado al municipio por el Estado de Chile. El sector industrial marítimo-portuario de la ciudad sigue siendo la actividad industrial más relevante en la ciudad y demanda el desarrollo de una planificación estratégica que permita vincular la actividad turística de la ciudad vecina de Viña del Mar con la actividad portuaria de Valparaíso. Para lograr tal objetivo es necesario realizar cambios en los atributos de las operaciones portuarias que permitan ofrecer productos asociados al turismo. This thesis proposes a methodology to measure the socio economic variables in the port city of Valparaiso, as an alternative to evaluate the allocation of the usage and exploitation of the coastline. The city of Valparaiso was formed to advance the port maritime activity and in the beginning this activity was the engine of economic development of the city. Its inhabitants remained highly dependent on it and formed a port identity and culture. With the decline of port activity, mainly due to the construction of the Panama Canal and the modernization of the transport vessels increasing distances, the city lost its dependence on this activity. Today almost all of the coastline of the city is assigned to port activities with very little labor participation of the inhabitants of the city and a high demand for the use of urban waterfront. Moreover, the city has shown high levels of unemployment in the past decade, questioning the true value of maintaining a port in the city. The research of this thesis provides insights into the number of firms and economic activities that were developed around the port maritime activity in the city, quantifying the jobs they gave to the city, the levels of pay, taxes to the municipality of city and the contribution to local commerce, among others. The findings discovered allow reflexions on the importance of the activity in the current and future economic development of the city. The data obtained also allows a contribution of the evaluation of alternative projects for the use and exploitation of the coastline. The methodology can also be adapted to measure the benefits of other port cities in the world. The results were presented to local government authorities, at seminars and national and international conferences, and in the local press. The most important finding are: the activity maritime port activity provides 12,727 direct and indirect jobs that are 12% of the employed labor force; activity represents which is 19% of the GDP of the city, the activity contributes 21% to the municipal budget by way of the collection of taxes and represents 11% of the total budget allocated to the municipality by the Republic of Chile. The industrial maritime port sector of the city remains the most important industrial activity in the city and demands the development of strategic planning to link the tourism in the neighboring city of Viña del Mar and to the Valparaiso port activity. To achieve this goal it is necessary to make changes to the attributes of port operations that allow the offering of products associated with tourism.


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Lately, videoconference applications have experienced an evolution towards the World Wide Web. New technologies have given browsers real-time communications capabilities. In this context, WebRTC aims to provide this functionality by following and defining standards. Being a new effort, WebRTC still lacks advanced videoconferencing services such as session recording, media mixing and adjusting to varying network conditions. This paper analyzes these challenges and proposes an architecture based on a traditional communications entity, the Multipoint Control Unit or MCU as a solution.


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P2P applications are increasingly present on the web. We have identified a gap in current proposals when it comes to the use of traditional P2P overlays for real-time multimedia streaming. We analyze the possibilities and challenges to extend WebRTC in order to implement JavaScript APIs for P2P streaming algorithms.


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A lo largo de este proyecto, se analizarán los comienzos de la radio en las primeras décadas del siglo XX, teniendo como objetivo describir el desarrollo científico-tecnológico y las rivalidades político-militares de las potencias europeas de Reino Unido y Alemania. En primer lugar se verán los precursores de la radio que existían anteriormente al surgimiento de la radiotelegrafía como la telegrafía óptica, la telegrafía eléctrica o el teléfono. Al igual que los primeros investigadores, como James Clerk Maxwell o Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, gracias a los cuales el origen de la radio fue posible. También se analizará el contexto histórico-político de Reino Unido y Alemania donde se muestran las características de las dos grandes potencias del momento, el Imperio Británico y el Imperio Alemán. Además, la cada vez mayor importancia de la telegrafía sin hilos, hará necesaria una organización internacional, dando lugar a las Conferencias Internacionales de Radiotelegrafía y que enfrentarán a estas dos potencias por defender sus intereses. Guillermo Marconi, por parte de Reino Unido, y Telefunken, por parte de Alemania, serán las principales marcas comerciales de radiotelegrafía, no solo en sus respectivos países, sino también en el resto del mundo. Entre ambas compañías se verán las rivalidades por la incesante lucha de patentes, el desarrollo tecnológico y el control de los mercados. También se tratará el enfrentamiento directo que se produjo en la Primera Guerra Mundial, donde la radio jugaría un papel fundamental. Por último, se analizarán los comienzos de la radiodifusión en la segunda década del siglo XX, donde la radio ya estaba consolidada como uno de los medios de comunicación más importante de la época, capaz de llegar a todos los rincones del planeta y perfectamente integrada en la sociedad del momento. ABSTRACT. Throughout this project, it will be analyzed the beginning of the radio in the first decades of the XX century, having as goal to describe the scientific-technological development and the political-militaries opponents of the European’s countries, United kingdom and Germany. Firstly, it will be shown the radio’s precursors before the origin of the wireless telegraphy, like: optical telegraphy, electric telegraphy or telephone. Moreover, it will show the first researchers like: Clerk Maxwell or Heinrich Hertz, thanks to them, the origin of the radio was possible. In addition, it will analyze the historical-political context of United Kingdom and Germany, where it is shown the main features of the Britain Empire and the German Empire. Moreover, the importance of the telegraphy without wire will make necessary and international organization, resulting the International Conferences of Wireless Telegraphy and it will put together these main countries in order to protect their interests. Guglielmo Marconi, by United Kingdom, and Telefunken, by Germany, they will be the main commercials brand of the wireless telegraphy, not only in their countries, but also in all over the world. Between both companies will be seen the main competitions for their patens, the technology development and the market’s control. Moreover, it will be dealt the direct conflict in the First World of War, where the radio has a fundamental role. Finally, it will be analyze the beginning of the wireless broadcasting in the second decade of the XX century, where the radio was established as one of the most important media of the age, able to arrive at every places of the world and it was perfectly integrated in the society of that moment.