947 resultados para Internally Displaced Persons


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Burke TN, Franc, a FJR, de Meneses SRF, Cardoso VI, Marques AP: Postural control in elderly persons with osteoporosis: Efficacy of an intervention program to improve balance and muscle strength: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2010; 89: 549-556. Objective: To assess the efficacy of an exercise program aiming to improve balance and muscular strength, for postural control and muscular strength of women with osteoporosis. Design: Sample consisted of 33 women with osteoporosis, randomized into one of two groups: intervention group, in which exercises for balance and improvement of muscular strength of the inferior members were performed for 8 wks (n = 17, age 72.8 +/- 3.6 yrs); control group, which was women not practicing exercises (n = 16, age 74.4 +/- 3.7 yrs). At baseline and after 8 wks of treatment, postural control was assessed using a force plate (Balance Master, Neurocom), and muscular strength during ankle dorsiflexion, knee extension, and flexion was assessed by dynamometry. Results: Adherence to the program was 82%. When compared with the control group, individuals in the intervention group significantly improved the center of pressure velocity (P = 0.02) in the modified clinical test of sensory interaction for balance test, center of pressure velocity (P < 0.01), and directional control (P < 0.01) in limits of stability test, isometric force during ankle dorsiflexion (P = 0.01), knee extension (P < 0.01), and knee flexion (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Balance and strength exercises are effective in improving postural control and lower-limb strength in elderly women with osteoporosis.


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Chantler PD, Nussbacher A, Gerstenblith G, Schulman SP, Becker LC, Ferrucci L, Fleg JL, Lakatta EG, Najjar SS. Abnormalities in arterial-ventricular coupling in older healthy persons are attenuated by sodium nitroprusside. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 300: H1914-H1922, 2011. First published March 4, 2011; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.01048.2010.-The coupling between arterial elastance (E(A); net afterload) and lea ventricular elastance (E(LV); pump performance), known as E(A)/E(LV), is a key determinant of cardiovascular performance and shifts during exercise due to a greater increase in E(LV) versus E(A). This normal exercise-induced reduction in E(A)/E(LV) decreases with advancing age. We hypothesized that sodium. nitroprusside (SNP) can acutely ameliorate the age-associated deficits in E(A)/E(LV). At rest and during graded exercise to exhaustion, EA was characterized as end-systolic pressure/stroke volume and E(LV) as end-systolic pressure/end-systolic volume. Resting E(A)/E(LV): did not differ between old (70 +/- 8 yr. n = 15) and young (30 +/- 5 yr. n = 17) subjects because of a tandem increase in E(A) and E(LV) in older subjects. During peak exercise, a blunted increase in E(LV) in old (7.8 +/- 3.1 mmHg/ml) versus young (11.4 +/- 6.5 mmHg/ml) subjects blunted the normal exercise-induced decline in E(A)/E(LV) in old (0.25 +/- 0.11) versus young (0.16 +/- 0.05) subjects. SNP administration to older subjects lowered resting E(A)/E(LV) by 31% via a reduction E(A) (10%) and an increase in E(LV) (47%) and lowered peak exercise E(A)/E(LV) (36%) via an increase in E(LV) (68%) without a change in E(A). Importantly, SNP attenuated the age-associated deficits in E(A)/E(LV) and E(LV) during exercise, and at peak exercise E(A)/E(LV) in older subjects on drug administration did not differ from young subjects without drug administration. In conclusion, some age-associated deficiencies in E(A)/E(LV), E(A), and E(LV), in older subjects can be acutely abolished by SNP infusion. This is relevant to common conditions in older subjects associated with a significant impairment of exercise performance such as frailty or heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.


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Background: The goal of this study was to determine if increasing strength in primary knee extensors and flexors would directly affect net knee joint moments during a common functional task in persons with knee osteoarthritis. Methods: An exploratory single sample clinical trial with pre-post treatment measures was used to study volunteers with clinical diagnosis of mild knee osteoarthritis (OA) in one knee. Subjects participated in an individually supervised training program 3 times a week for eight weeks consisting of progressive resistive exercises for knee extensors and knee flexors. Pre and post training outcome assessments included: 1. Net internal knee joint moments, 2. Electromyography of primary knee extensors and flexors, and 3. Self-report measures of knee pain and function. The distribution of lower extremity joint moments as a percent of the total support moment was also investigated. Findings: Pain, symptoms, activities of daily life, quality of life, stiffness, and function scores showed significant improvement following strength training. Knee internal valgus and hip internal rotation moments showed increasing but non-statistically significant changes post-training. There were no significant differences in muscle co-contraction activation of the Quadriceps and Hamstrings. Interpretation: While exercise continues to be an important element of OA management, the results of this study suggest improvements in function, pain, and other symptoms, as a result of strength training may not be causally related to specific biomechanical changes in net joint moments. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to verify the protein turnover rates of healthy older persons under a usual protein-rich diet and to compare values to those described in the literature. This cross-sectional study was conducted at Metabolism Unit, Univ. Hospital of the School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, Univ. of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In this study, 7 healthy older persons aged 65.4 +/- 2.8 y, with BMI 22.7 +/- 2.4 kg/m(2) and a mean daily protein intake of 1.34 g of protein/kg were studied. A 9-h whole-body (15)N-glycine single-dose study was performed after an overnight fast. During the study, each subject received 6 isoenergetic, isonitrogenous meals at 2-h intervals based on their average intake. Ammonium, urea, and total nitrogen were quantified and analyzed by mass spectrometry, with the determination of total protein turnover rates by the (15)N-glycine method. The results show that total nitrogen output was 3.2 +/- 0.96 g/N and intake 7.7 +/- 1 g/N, (15)N nitrogen flux was 30.6 +/- 6.3 g/9 h. Endogenous nitrogen balance was positive (4.5g +/- g/N in 9 h). In conclusion, the protein turnover of healthy older persons under a usual protein-rich diet is positive during the fed state and has synthesis and degradation rates similar to those previously described in studies involving diet adaptation periods.


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Background: Several studies have shown that liquid and food intake interfere with the evaluation of body composition in adults. However, since there are no reports about this interference in the elderly population, the need to fast for this evaluation may be dispensable. Objectives: The objective of the present study was to assess the influence of liquid and solid food on the measurement of body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Design: Forty-one male volunteers aged 62 to 87 years participated in the study. The subjects were submitted to evaluation of body composition by DXA and BIA under fasting conditions and 1 hour after the ingestion of breakfast (500 ml of orange juice and one 50 g bread roll with butter). Results: There was no significant difference in the variables fat-free mass (FFM) or fat mass (FM) between the fasting condition and the evaluation performed 1 hour after the meal as measured by BIA or DXA. There was also no significant difference when the same variables were compared between methods. Conclusion: In the present study, the ingestion of 500 ml orange juice and of one bread roll with butter by elderly subjects did not affect the results of the parameters of body composition determined by BIA or DXA. Thus, these exams could be performed without the rigor of fasting, often poorly tolerated by the elderly.


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Heart failure (HF) incidence in diabetes in both the presence and absence of CHD is rising. Prospective population-based studies can help describe the relationship between HbA(1c), a measure of glycaemia control, and HF risk. We studied the incidence of HF hospitalisation or death among 1,827 participants in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study with diabetes and no evidence of HF at baseline. Cox proportional hazard models included age, sex, race, education, health insurance status, alcohol consumption, BMI and WHR, and major CHD risk factors (BP level and medications, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol levels, and smoking). In this population of persons with diabetes, crude HF incidence rates per 1,000 person-years were lower in the absence of CHD (incidence rate 15.5 for CHD-negative vs 56.4 for CHD-positive, p < 0.001). The adjusted HR of HF for each 1% higher HbA(1c) was 1.17 (95% CI 1.11-1.25) for the non-CHD group and 1.20 (95% CI 1.04-1.40) for the CHD group. When the analysis was limited to HF cases which occurred in the absence of prevalent or incident CHD (during follow-up) the adjusted HR remained 1.20 (95% CI 1.11-1.29). These data suggest HbA(1c) is an independent risk factor for incident HF in persons with diabetes with and without CHD. Long-term clinical trials of tight glycaemic control should quantify the impact of different treatment regimens on HF risk reduction.


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The assessment of food intake is essential for the development of dietetic interventions. Accuracy is low when intake is assessed by questionnaires, the under-reporting of food intake being frequent. Most such studies, however, were performed in developed countries and there is little data about the older population of developing nations. This study aimed to verify the total energy expenditure (TEE) of independent older Brazilians living in an urban area, through the doubly labelled water (DLW) method and to compare it with the reported energy intake obtained through the application of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Initially, 100 volunteers aged from 60 to 75 years had their body composition determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Five volunteers of each quartile of body fat percentage had their energy expenditure determined by DLW. The mean age of the subjects included in this phase of the study was 66.4 +/- 3.5 years, and ten of the subjects were men. The mean TEE was 2565 +/- 614 and 2154 +/- 339 kcal.day(-1) for men and women, respectively. The Physical Activity Level (PAL) was 1.58 +/- 0.31 and 1.52 +/- 0.22, respectively. Under-reporting of food intake was highly prevalent, with a mean percentage of reported intake in relation to measured TEE of -17.7%. Thus, under-reporting of food intake is highly prevalent among Brazilian independent older persons. The DLW method is an important tool in nutritional studies and its use is to be recommended in developing countries. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Introduction: This study evaluated the healing of mandibular condylar fracture in rats submitted to experimental and protein undernutrition (8% of protein) by means of histological analysis. Material: Forty-five adult Wistar rats were divided into three groups of 15 animals: a fracture group, who were submitted to condylar fracture with no changes in diet; an undernourished fracture group, who were submitted to a low protein diet and condylar fracture: an undernourished group, kept until the end of experiment, without condylar fracture. Displaced fractures of the right condyle were created under general anaesthesia. The histological study comprised fracture site and temporomandibular joint evaluations. Results: The undernourished fracture group showed significant weight loss. There was a marked decrease in the values of serum proteins and albumin in the undernourished fracture group. Histological analysis showed that protein undernutrition lead to atrophy of the condylar fibrocartilage. Fractures in undernutrition presented a delay in callus formation due to more extensive devitalized bone areas, and after 3 months there were still bone formation areas, while fibrous ankylosis occurred in the articular space. Conclusion: It was concluded that mandibular condyle fractures in rats with protein undernutrition had impaired callus formation, as well as fibrous ankylosis into the temporomandibular joint. (C) 2010 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.


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Study Design. A comparative study of cervical range of motion in asymptomatic persons and those with whiplash. Objectives. To compare the primary and conjunct ranges of motion of the cervical spine in asymptomatic persons and those with persistent whiplash-associated disorders, and to investigate the ability of these measures of range of motion to discriminate between the groups. Summary of Background. Evidence that range of motion is an effective indicator of physical impairment in the cervical spine is not conclusive. Few studies have evaluated the ability to discriminate between asymptomatic persons and those with whiplash on the basis of range of motion or compared three-dimensional in vivo measures of range of motion in asymptomatic persons and those with whiplash-associated disorders. Methods. The study participants were 89 asymptomatic volunteers (41 men, 48 women; mean age 39.2 years) and 114 patients with persistent whiplash-associated disorders (22 men, 93 women; mean age 37.2 years) referred to a whiplash research unit for assessment of their cervical region. Range of cervical motion was measured in three dimensions with a computerized, electromagnetic, motion-tracking device. The movements assessed were flexion, extension, left and right lateral flexion, and left and right rotation. Results. Range of motion was reduced in all primary movements in patients with persistent whiplash-associated disorder. Sagittal plane movements were proportionally the most affected. On the basis of primary and conjunct range of motion, age, and gender, 90.3% of study participants could be correctly categorized as asymptomatic or as having whiplash (sensitivity 86.2%, specificity 95.3%). Conclusions. Range of motion was capable of discriminating between asymptomatic persons and those with persistent whiplash-associated disorders.


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Abstract: in Portugal, and in much of the legal systems of Europe, «legal persons» are likely to be criminally responsibilities also for cybercrimes. Like for example the following crimes: «false information»; «damage on other programs or computer data»; «computer-software sabotage»; «illegitimate access»; «unlawful interception» and «illegitimate reproduction of protected program». However, in Portugal, have many exceptions. Exceptions to the «question of criminal liability» of «legal persons». Some «legal persons» can not be blamed for cybercrime. The legislature did not leave! These «legal persons» are v.g. the following («public entities»): legal persons under public law, which include the public business entities; entities utilities, regardless of ownership; or other legal persons exercising public powers. In other words, and again as an example, a Portuguese public university or a private concessionaire of a public service in Portugal, can not commit (in Portugal) any one of cybercrime pointed. Fair? Unfair. All laws should provide that all legal persons can commit cybercrimes. PS: resumo do artigo em inglês.


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Purpose: to investigate the relationship between knee muscle strength, balance and functional independence within the first month after stroke. Relevance: cerebral vascular disease is one of the main causes of morbidity, disability and mortality in developed countries. Problems with movement control are frequent after stroke. Lower limb weakness and impaired balance are common problems that are related with the risk of falls and are likely to interfere with the ability to perform daily life activities. Physiotherapy intervention usually starts early after stroke and addresses impairments related to movement and posture in order to improve motor recovery and restore function.


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Cerebral vascular disease is one of the main causes of morbidity, disability and mortality in developed countries. Problems with movement control are frequent after stroke. Lower limb weakness and impaired balance are common problems that are related with the risk of falls and are likely to interfere with the ability to perform daily life activities. Physiotherapy intervention usually starts early after stroke and addresses impairments related to movement and posture in order to improve motor recovery and restore function. Purpose: to investigate the relationship between knee muscle strength, balance and functional independence within the first month after stroke.


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Introduction - Cerebrovascular diseases, and among them, cerebral vascular accidents, are one of the main causes of morbidity and disability at European Union countries. Clinical framework resulting from these diseases include important limitations in functional ability of the these patients Postural control dysfunctions are one of the most common and devastating consequences of a stroke interfering with function and autonomy and affecting different aspects of people’s life and contributing to decrease quality of life. Neurological physiotherapy plays a central role in the recovery of movement and posture, however it is necessary to study the efficacy of techniques that physiotherapists use to treat these problems. Objectives - The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a physiotherapy intervention program, based on oriented tasks and strengthening of the affected lower limb, on balance and functionality of individuals who have suffered a stroke. In addition our study aimed to investigate the effect of strength training of the affected lower limb on muscle tone.