989 resultados para Intermediate Western Boundary Current


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This study uses the global Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Jason-1 altimeters` time series to estimate the 13-yr trend in sea surface height anomaly. These trends are estimated at each grid point by two methods: one fits a straight line to the time series and the other is based on the difference between the average height between the two halves of the time series. In both cases the trend shows large regional variability, mostly where the intense western boundary currents turn. The authors hypothesize that the regional variability of the sea surface height trends leads to changes in the local geostrophic transport. This in turn affects the instability-related processes that generate mesoscale eddies and enhances the Rossby wave signals. This hypothesis is verified by estimates of the trend of the amplitude of the filtered sea surface height anomaly that contains the spectral bands associated with Rossby waves and mesoscale eddies. The authors found predominantly positive tendency in the amplitude of Rossby waves and eddies, which suggests that, on average, these events are becoming more energetic. In some regions, the variation in amplitude over 13 yr is comparable to the standard deviation of the data and is statistically significant according to both methods employed in this study. It is plausible that in this case, the energy is transferred from the mean currents to the waves and eddies through barotropic and baroclinic instability processes that are more pronounced in the western boundary current extension regions. If these heat storage patterns and trends are confirmed on longer time series, then it will be justified to argue that the warming trend of the last century provides the energy that amplifies both Rossby waves and mesoscale eddies.


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The circulation at the Eastern Brazilian Shelf (EBS), near 13 degrees S, is discussed in terms of the currents and hydrography, associating large-scale circulation, transient and local processes to establish a regional picture of the EBS circulation. The results show that the circulation within the continental shelf and slope region is strongly affected by the seasonal changes in the wind field and mesa/large-scale circulation. Transient processes associated to the passage of Cold Front systems or meso-scale activity and the presence of a local canyon add more complexity to the system. During the austral spring and summer seasons, the prevailing upwelling favorable winds blowing from E-NE were responsible for driving southwestward shelf currents. The interaction with the Western Boundary Current (the Brazil Current), especially during summer, was significant and a considerable vertical shear in the velocity field was observed at the outer shelf. The passage of a Cold Front system during the springtime caused a complete reversal of the mean flow and contributed to the deepening of the Mixed Layer Depth (MLD). In addition, the presence of Salvador Canyon, subject to an upwelling favorable boundary current, enhanced the upwelling system, when compared to the upwelling observed at the adjacent shelf. During the austral autumn and winter seasons the prevailing downwelling favorable winds blowing from the SE acted to total reverse the shelf circulation, resulting in a northeastward flow. The passage of a strong Cold Front, during the autumn season, contributed not only to the strengthening of the flow but also to the deepening of the MLD. The presence of the Salvador Canyon, when subject to a downwelling favorable boundary current, caused an intensification of the downwelling process. Interestingly, the alongshore velocity at the shelf region adjacent to the head of the canyon was less affected when compared to the upwelling situation.


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Surface mineralogical compositions and their association to modern processes are well known from the east Atlantic and south-west Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean, but data from the interface of these areas - the Prydz Bay-Kerguelen region - is still missing. The objective of our study was to provide mineralogical data of reference samples from this region and to relate these mineralogical assemblages to hinterland geology, weathering, transport and depositional processes. Clay mineral assemblages were analysed by means of X-ray diffraction technique. Heavy mineral assemblages were determined by counting of gravity-separated grains under a polarizing microscope. Results show that by use of clay mineral assemblages four mineralogical provinces can be subdivided: i) continental shelf, ii) continental slope, iii) deep sea, iv) Kerguelen Plateau. Heavy mineral assemblages in the fine sand fraction are relatively uniform except for samples taken from the East Antarctic shelf. Our findings show that mineralogical studies on sediment cores from the study area have the potential to provide insights into past shifts in ice-supported transport and activity and provenance of different water masses (e.g. Antarctic slope current and deep western boundary current) in the Prydz Bay-Kerguelen region.


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Flemish Pass, located at the western subpolar margin, is a passage (sill depth 1200 m) that is constrained by the Grand Banks and the underwater plateau Flemish Cap. In addition to the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) pathway offshore of Flemish Cap, Flemish Pass represents another southward transport pathway for two modes of Labrador Sea Water (LSW), the lightest component of North Atlantic Deep Water carried with the DWBC. This pathway avoids potential stirring regions east of Flemish Cap and deflection into the interior North Atlantic. Ship-based velocity measurements between 2009 and 2013 at 47°N in Flemish Pass and in the DWBC east of Flemish Cap revealed a considerable southward transport of Upper LSW through Flemish Pass (15-27%, -1.0 to -1.5 Sv). About 98% of the denser Deep LSW were carried around Flemish Cap as Flemish Pass is too shallow for considerable transport of Deep LSW. Hydrographic time series from ship-based measurements show a significant warming of 0.3°C/decade and a salinification of 0.03/decade of the Upper LSW in Flemish Pass between 1993 and 2013. Almost identical trends were found for the evolution in the Labrador Sea and in the DWBC east of Flemish Cap. This indicates that the long-term hydrographic variability of Upper LSW in Flemish Pass as well as in the DWBC at 47°N is dominated by changes in the Labrador Sea, which are advected southward. Fifty years of numerical ocean model simulations in Flemish Pass suggest that these trends are part of a multidecadal cycle.


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ODP Site 1124, located 600 km east of the North Island of New Zealand, records post-middle Oligocene variations in the Pacific Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) and New Zealand's climatic and tectonic evolution. Sediment parameters, such as terrigenous grain size, flux, magnetic fabric, and non-depositional episodes, are used to interpret DWBC intensity and Antarctic climate. Interpretations of DWBC velocities indicate that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current reached modern intensities at ~23 Ma, as the tectonic seaways expanded, completing the thermal isolation of Antarctica. Periods of more intense bottom water formation are suggested by the presence of hiatuses formed under the DWBC at 22.5-17.6, 16.5-15, and 14-11 Ma. The oldest interval of high current intensity occurs within a climatically warm period during which the intensity of thermohaline circulation around Antarctica increased as a result of recent opening of circum-Antarctic gateways. The younger hiatuses represent glacial periods on Antarctica and major fluctuations in the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, whereas intervals around the hiatuses represent times of relative warmth, but with continued current activity. The period between 11 to 9 Ma is characterized by conditions surrounding a high velocity DWBC around the time of the formation and stabilization of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The increased terrigenous input may result from either changing Antarctic conditions or more direct sediment transport from New Zealand. The Pacific DWBC did not exert a major influence on sedimentation at Site 1124 from 9 Ma to the present; the late Miocene to Pleistocene sequence is more influenced by the climatic and tectonic history of New Zealand. Despite the apparent potential for increased sediment supply to this site from changes in sediment channeling, increasing rates of mountain uplift, and volcanic activity, terrigenous fluxes remain low and constant throughout this younger period.


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Results from Ocean Drilling Program sites 1121-1124 show the Eastern New Zealand Oceanic Sedimentary System (ENZOSS) evolved in response to: (1) the inception of the circum-Antarctic circulation, (2) orbital and nonorbital regulation of the global thermohaline flow, and (3) development of the New Zealand plate boundary. ENZOSS began in the early Oligocene following opening of the Tasmanian gateway and inception of the ancestral Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and SW Pacific Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC). Widespread erosion, marked by the Marshall Paraconformity, was followed by extensive drift formation in the late Oligocene- early Miocene. Alternating nannofossil chalk and nannofossil-rich mud deposited in response to 41-kyr orbital regulation of the abyssal circulation, with the mudstones representing times of increased inflow of corrosive southernsource waters. Drift deposition at the deepest sites was interrupted by bouts of erosion coincident with Mi 1-5 isotopic events signifying expansions of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and enhanced bottom water formation. By late Miocene times, the basic ENZOSS was established. South of Bounty Trough, the energetic ACC instigated an erosional/low depositional regime. To the north, where the DWBC prevailed, orbitally regulated drift deposition continued. Increased convergence at the New Zealand plate boundary enhanced the terrigenous supply, but little of this sediment reached the deep ENZOSS as the three main sediment conduits - Solander, Bounty and Hikurangi channels - had not fully developed. The Plio-Pleistocene heralded a change from a carbonate- to terrigenous-dominant supply caused by interception of the DWBC by the three channels (~1.6 Ma for Bounty and Hikurangi, time of Solander interception unknown). The Solander and Bounty fans, and Hikurangi Fan-drift systems formed, and drifts downstream of those systems, received terrigenous detritus. Supply increased with accelerating uplift along the plate boundary, but delivery to the DWBC was regulated by eustatic fluctuations of sea level. Times of maximum supply to all three channels was during glacial lowstands whereas the supply either ceased (Bounty, Solander), or reduced (Hikurangi) in highstands. In glacial times, sediment was entrained by a DWBC invigorated by an increased input of Antarctic bottom water. The ACC also accelerated under strengthened glacial winds. Thus, glacials were times of optimum sediment supply to ENZOSS depocentres where depositional rates were 2-3 times more than interglacial rates.


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Seven sites were drilled off the eastern shore of New Zealand during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 181 to gain knowledge of southwest Pacific ocean history, in particular, the evolution of the Pacific Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC). Holes 1123C and 1124C penetrated lower Oligocene to middle Eocene sediments containing moderately to poorly preserved calcareous nannofossils. Nannofossil assemblages show signs of dissolution and overgrowth, but key marker species can be identified. Nannofossil abundance ranges from abundant to barren. The lower Oligocene sediments are distinctly separated from the overlying Neogene sequences by the Marshall Paraconformity, a regional marker of environmental and sea level change. An age-depth model for Hole 1123C through this sequence was constructed using nine nannofossil age datums and three magnetostratigraphic datums. There is good agreement between the biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy, which indicates that the Marshall Paraconformity spans ~12 m.y. in Hole 1123C. The same sequence in Hole 1124C is disrupted by at least three hiatuses, complicating interpretation of the sedimentation history. The Marshall Paraconformity spans at least 3 m.y. in Hole 1124C. A 4- m.y. gap separates lower Oligocene and middle Eocene sediments, and a ~15 m.y. hiatus separates middle Eocene mudstones from middle Paleocene nannofossil-bearing mudstones. Nannofossil biostratigraphy from Holes 1123C and 1124C indicates that the Eocene-Oligocene transition was a time of fluctuating biota and intensification of the DWBC along the New Zealand margin.


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Approximately one thousand sediment samples from ODP Site 1123 on the Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand, have been examined for inorganic elemental concentrations. ODP 1123 provides a record of sediment drift deposition under the Deep Western Boundary Current, the main inflow of deep water to the Pacific Ocean since the Early Oligocene, though a major hiatus spans the late Early Oligocene to the Early Miocene. Normalisation of the elemental concentrations by aluminium was used to allow for the effects of variable carbonate dilution. The elemental ratios were used as proxies for sediment composition and as palaeoceanographic indices. The samples were collected at a resolution designed to sample adequately any variation in elemental ratios at the scale of the Milankovitch orbital cycles. The sampled intervals span the Early Oligocene, Early Miocene, mid-Miocene and Late Pleistocene to Recent. Anomalous Si/Al, K/Al, Ti/Al values in the upper Pleistocene section, often associated with horizons of low carbonate, are attributed to tephras derived from North Island. Not all of the tephras detected geochemically had been detected visually in the cores. A total of 37 tephra events between 1.17 Ma BP and the present are recognised based on this and the shipboard investigations. The tephra events cluster at intervals of approximately 326 000 years (326 ka) perhaps due to variations in eruption frequency on North Island and/or to variations in the regional palaeowind intensity and direction. In the Late Pleistocene to Recent P/Al (inferred nutrient availability), percent calcium carbonate (%CaCO3) and Ba/Al (inferred productivity) varied regularly at a period of 40 000 years with these factors lagging minimum global ice volumes (interglacials). During the mid-Miocene CaCO3, Ba/Al, P/Al and Si/Al all gradually increased with %CaCO3 and P/Al showing regular 138 000-yr cyclicity and Ba/Al showing 44-ka cyclicity. Inferred productivity (Ba/Al) may have been rising in association with increasing nutrient availability (P/Al) at the same time as increased vigour of the Deep Western Boundary Current that was connected to a period of rapid ice-sheet growth in Antarctica. In the Early Miocene P/Al and Si/Al were much higher than subsequently and both %CaCO3 and P/Al exhibited 131 000-yr cycles. By far the highest nutrient levels and inferred productivity at this site apparently occurred during the Early Oligocene as revealed by long-term changes in P/Al and Si/Al. A progressive rise in K/Al, but stable Ti/Al from the Early Oligocene to the Recent probably indicates increased proportions of illite in the clay mineral fraction of the drift sediments caused by increased flux of debris from the Southern Alps.


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The present dataset is part of an interdisciplinary project carried out on board the RV Southern Surveyor off New South Wales (Australia) from the 15th to the 31st October 2010. The main objective of the research voyage was to evaluate how the East Australian Current (EAC) affects the optical, chemical, physical, and biological water properties of the continental shelf and slope off the NSW coast.


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A 10Be/9Be-based chronostratigraphy has been determined for ODP 181, Site 1121 sediment core, recovered from the foot of the Campbell Plateau, Southwest Pacific Ocean. This core was drilled through the Campbell 'skin drift' in ca. 4500 m water depth on the mid-western margin of the extensive Campbell Nodule Field, beneath the flow of the major cold-water Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC). In the absence of detailed biostratigraphy, beryllium isotopes have provided essential time information to allow palaeo-environmental interpretation to be undertaken on the upper 7 m of the core. Measured 10Be/9Be ratios of sediment, and of ferromanganese nodules entrapped in the sediment, decrease systematically with depth in the core, in accordance with radioactive decay. However, the 10Be/9Be data diverge from ca. 3 m below the seafloor (mbsf) to the top of the core, giving rise to several possible geochronological models. The preferred model assumes that the measured 10Be/9Be ratios of the nodule rims reflect initial 10Be/9Be ratios equivalent to contemporary seawater, and that these can be used to derive the true age of the sediment where the nodules occur. The nodule rim ages can be then used to interpret the sediment 10Be/9Be data, which indicate an overall age to ca. 7 mbsf of ca. 17.5 Ma. The derived chronology is consistent with diatom biostratigraphy, which indicates an age of 2.2-3.6 Ma at 1 mbsf. Calculated sedimentation rates range from 8 to 95 cm m.y.**-1, with an overall rate to 7 mbsf of ca. 39 cm m.y.**-1. The lowest rates generally coincide with the occurrence of entrapped nodules, and reflect periods of increased bottom current flow causing net sediment loss. Growth rates of individual nodules decrease towards the top of the sediment core, similar to the observed decrease in growth rate from core to rim of seafloor nodules from the Campbell Nodule Field. This may be related to an overall increase in the vigour of the DWBC from ca. 10 Ma to the present.


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Stable isotope records were generated for a late Pliocene-early Pleistocene interval from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1123 in the southwest Pacific (41°47 S, 171°30 W; 3290 m water depth). Based on these data, new revisions were made to the shipboard splice and composite section. The isotope records will be used to evaluate the influence of North Atlantic and Southern Ocean deepwater masses on water entering the Pacific in the Deep Western Boundary Current. Three holes were cored at Site 1123, yielding a complete composite section over approximately the last 4.7 m.y. A representative spliced record ("the splice") was developed aboard ship based on magnetic susceptibility, gamma ray attenuation bulk density, and percent reflectance data from the three adjacent holes (Carter, McCave, Richter, Carter, et al., 1999, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.181.2000). No gaps in the sedimentary record were detected for the multiple-cored section of Site 1123. In addition to the isotope data, postcruise revisions to the splice and composite section based on stable isotope data are described here.


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Flemish Pass, located at the western subpolar margin, is a passage (sill depth 1200 m) that is constrained by the Grand Banks and the underwater plateau Flemish Cap. In addition to the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) pathway offshore of Flemish Cap, Flemish Pass represents another southward transport pathway for two modes of Labrador Sea Water (LSW), the lightest component of North Atlantic Deep Water carried with the DWBC. This pathway avoids potential stirring regions east of Flemish Cap and deflection into the interior North Atlantic. Ship-based velocity measurements between 2009 and 2013 at 47°N in Flemish Pass and in the DWBC east of Flemish Cap revealed a considerable southward transport of Upper LSW through Flemish Pass (15-27%, -1.0 to -1.5 Sv). About 98% of the denser Deep LSW were carried around Flemish Cap as Flemish Pass is too shallow for considerable transport of Deep LSW. Hydrographic time series from ship-based measurements show a significant warming of 0.3°C/decade and a salinification of 0.03/decade of the Upper LSW in Flemish Pass between 1993 and 2013. Almost identical trends were found for the evolution in the Labrador Sea and in the DWBC east of Flemish Cap. This indicates that the long-term hydrographic variability of Upper LSW in Flemish Pass as well as in the DWBC at 47°N is dominated by changes in the Labrador Sea, which are advected southward. Fifty years of numerical ocean model simulations in Flemish Pass suggest that these trends are part of a multidecadal cycle.