925 resultados para Insurance Health


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Trata-se de um trabalho com objetivo de apresentar os principais resultados alcançados pela regulação dos planos de saúde exercida pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar, autarquia instituída para promover o equilíbrio das relações entre operadoras e consumidores, tornando o mercado de planos de saúde mais eficiente. Como avanços mais significativos oriundos da regulação do setor podem ser citados: as barreiras à entrada e à saída das operadoras no mercado, a ampliação das coberturas assistenciais contratuais, o monitoramento e o controle dos reajustes, a indução a práticas de promoção da saúde e à qualificação do setor, e a possibilidade da portabilidade de carências. Como desafios a serem enfrentados, podem ser apontados: o monitoramento da qualidade da assistência prestada, a renúncia fiscal, a existência dos cartões de desconto, a operação de empresas como operadoras de planos de saúde sem o registro na ANS e a adoção de alguns mecanismos nocivos de regulação assistencial pelas operadoras de planos de saúde.


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The purpose of this paper is to introduce ideas that have emerged during the course of writing a book on Swedish welfare in the 1990s. The book is the result of many years of writing about two subjects: Swedish drug policy and the Swedish welfare state. The one very specialised, the other, more general. I first became interested in Swedish drug policy on a research visit to Örebro Län in 1986. A social worker showed me a copy of the county's drug policy programme and explained the significance of the 'restrictive line'. I have spent the years since that visit, trying to understand and explain the Swedish goal of a drug-free society (Gould 1988, 1994, 1996b). I only began to write about the welfare state in Sweden in the early 1990s, just as things were beginning to go wrong for the economy (Gould 1993a, 1993b, 1996a, 1999). For the last few years I have intended to write a book on the events covered by the period 1991-1998 - the years of a Bourgeois and a Social Democratic Government -which would bring the two halves of my work together. Material for this study has been accumulated over many years. A number of research visits have been made; large numbers of academics, politicians, civil servants, journalists, unemployed people, social workers and their clients have been interviewed; and extensive use has been made of academic, administrative and public libraries. Since September 1991 I have systematically collected articles from Dagens Nyheter about social services, social insurance, health care, employment, social issues and problems, the economy and politics. The journal Riksdag och Departement (Parliament and Ministry), which summarises a wide range of public documents, has been invaluable. Friends and informal contacts have also given me insights into the Swedish way of life. The new book is based upon all of these experiences. This paper will begin with a brief account of major global social and economic changes that have occurred in the last twenty years. This is intended to provide a background to the more recent changes that have occurred in Swedish society in the last decade. It will be suggested that the changes in Sweden, particularly in the field of welfare, have been less severe than elsewhere and that this is due to political, institutional and cultural resistance. The paper will conclude by arguing that Sweden, as an exemplar of an Apollonian modern society, has had much to fear from the Dionysian characteristics of postmodernity.


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Objective: Colorectal cancer (CRC) can be largely prevented or effectively treated in its early stages, yet disparities exist in timely screening. The aim of this study was to explore the disparities in CRC screening on the basis of health insurance status including private, Medicare, Medicaid, and State Administered General Assistance (SAGA). Methods: A retrospective chart review for the period January 2000 to May 2007 (95 records) was conducted at two clinic sites; a private clinic and a university hospital clinic. All individuals at these sites who met study criteria (>50 years old with screening colonoscopy) were included. Age, gender, date of first clinic visit when screening referral was made, and date of completed procedure (screening colonoscopy) were recorded. Groups were dichotomized between individuals with private health insurance and individuals with public health insurance. Individuals with any history of CRC, known pre-cancerous conditions as well as family history of CRC requiring frequent colonoscopy were excluded from the study. Linear model analysis was performed to compare the average waiting time to receiving screening colonoscopy between the groups. T-test was performed to analyze age or gender related differences between the two groups as well as within each group. Results: The average waiting time (33 days) for screening colonoscopy in privately insured individuals was significantly lower than publicly insured individuals (200 days). The time difference between the first clinic visit and the procedure was statistically significant (p < 0.0001) between the two groups. There was no statistical difference (p=0.089) in gender between these groups (public vs. private). There were also no statistically significant gender or age related differences found within each group. Conclusions: Disparities exist in timely screening for CRC and one of the barriers leading to delayed CRC screening includes health insurance status of an individual. Even within the insured group, type of insurance plays major role. There is a negative correlation between public health insurance status and timely screening. Differences in access to medical care and delivery of care experienced by patients who are publicly insured through Medicaid, Medicare, and SAGA, suggests that the State of Connecticut needs to implement changes in health care policies that would provide timely screening colonoscopy. It is evident that health insurance coverage facilitates timely access to healthcare. Therefore, there is a need for increased efforts in advocacy for policy, payment and physician participation in public insurance programs. A state-wide comprehensive program involving multiple components targeting different levels of change such as provider, patients and the community should help reduce some of the observed causes of healthcare disparities based on the insurance status.


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No Brasil, o sistema de saúde é composto por duas estruturas: pública, representada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e privada suplementar, composta por 1.268 operadoras de planos de saúde, supervisionadas pela Agência Nacional de Saúde (ANS). No entanto, as operadoras têm sido consideradas ineficientes tanto na geração de resultados financeiros quanto na prestação de serviços aos beneficiários, destacando-se a necessidade e relevância para a saúde pública ao se buscar avaliar o seu desempenho sob essas perspectivas. O objetivo do trabalho foi, para um mesmo nível de eficiência na prestação de serviços, identificar as práticas administrativas que diferenciam as operadoras de planos de saúde (OPS) financeiramente sustentáveis. Para tanto, inicialmente foi aplicada a técnica da Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) no intuito de identificar operadoras eficientes em transformar inputs em outputs e, a partir dos escores obtidos, selecionar duas OPS de nível de serviços semelhantes e desempenho financeiro opostos para que fossem comparadas por meio de um estudo de múltiplos casos. A análise quantitativa indicou que as OPS de medicina de grupo apresentaram maior eficiência do que as demais modalidades. Já o estudo de múltiplos casos identificou que a gestão de políticas de crédito, de captação e aplicação de recursos, o planejamento tributário, a adoção de políticas de promoção e prevenção à saúde, as formas de remuneração dos médicos e a estratégia de composição de receitas diferenciaram a OPS de melhor desempenho.


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"September 1991"--P. [4] of cover.


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1892-1910 have title: Registrerade sjukkassors verksamhet.


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Issued in the series of Legislative documents


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Description based on: 25th year, no. 2 (Jan. 13, 1921); title from cover.


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v. 1. Assurance contre la maladie.--v. 2. Assurance contre les accidents.--v. 3. Assurance contre l'invalidité.


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"March 1984"--Preface


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Title from cover.


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A fejlett társadalmak egészségügyi szolgáltató rendszerei napjainkban kettős kihívással néznek szembe: miközben a társadalom a szolgáltatási színvonal emelkedését, a hibák számának a csökkenését várja el, addig a költségvetési terhek miatt a költségcsökkentés is feltétlenül szükséges. Ez a kihívás nagyságában összevethető azzal, amellyel az USA autóipara nézett szembe az 1970-es évektől. A megoldást az autóipar esetében a konkurens „lean” menedzsment elvek és eszközök megértése és alkalmazása jelentette. A tanulmány arra keresi a választ, hogy vajon lehetséges-e ennek a megoldásnak az alkalmazása az egészségügy esetében is. A cikk az egészségügy problémájának bemutatása után tárgyalja a lean menedzsment kialakulását és hogy milyen módon került köztudatba. A tanulmány második felében a szakirodalomban fellelhető, a témával kapcsolatos tapasztalatokat foglalja össze, majd levonja a következtetéseket. = In developed societies healthcare service systems are facing double challenge; society expects service level to rise and the number of mistakes to drop, but at the same time, because of the overloaded budgets, cutting cost is also absolutely necessary. This challenge compares to the one the US automotive industry was facing in the 1970-s. In case of the automotive industry the solution was the comprehension and application of the principles and the tools of lean management. This study aims to answer the question whether it is possible to apply this solution also in the case of the healthcare system. The article first introduces the problems in the healthcare system, than describes the formation of lean management concept and its wide spread. The second half of the study summarizes the available knowledge in the literature and drives conclusions.


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Economic theories of rational addiction aim to describe consumer behavior in the presence of habit-forming goods. We provide a biological foundation for this body of work by formally specifying conditions under which it is optimal to form a habit. We demonstrate the empirical validity of our thesis with an in-depth review and synthesis of the biomedical literature concerning the action of opiates in the mammalian brain and their eects on behavior. Our results lend credence to many of the unconventional behavioral assumptions employed by theories of rational addiction, including adjacent complementarity and the importance of cues, attention, and self-control in determining the behavior of addicts. We oer evidence for the special case of the opiates that "harmful" addiction is the manifestation of a mismatch between behavioral algorithms encoded in the human genome and the expanded menu of choices faced by consumers in the modern world.