974 resultados para Institutional economics


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The paper has analyzed John R. Commons' contribution to the comprehension of Law and Economics relationship. In contrast to the orthodox economics, Commons has shown that the capitalist economic order emerges and functions regulated by laws and institutions. These approaches made possible to him to understand the nature of the modern capitalist wealth and the problems that time introduces in economic transactions.


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O trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação do modelo de sistematização do processo de análise das relações de influências entre os agentes públicos e privados na busca do desenvolvimento sustentável da Região do Alto Tietê, em particular, na indústria de celulose e papel da região. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um referencial teórico ajustado com a dinâmica conflituosa entre os interesses econômicos, sociais e ambientais. A sustentação teórica foi alcançada com a composição das seguintes abordagens conceituais: Teoria dos Sistemas Abertos, Nova Economia Institucional e Organizações em Rede. A pesquisa-ação foi o método adotado para aprofundar o estudo das relações dos agentes envolvidos na indústria de celulose e papel do município de Suzano. A ilustração da aplicação do modelo, com os dados obtidos, serve para mostrar uma perspectiva mais analítica para o estudo das relações entre os agentes envolvidos em atividades econômicas, respeitando os preceitos do desenvolvimento sustentável.


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The Economic Analysis of Law should be considered the most important bridge between Law and Economics at the present time. We can find its foundations in 1960’s, mainly since the publication of two great economists’ works: Ronald Coase (University of Chicago) and Guido Calabresi (University of Yale). Furthermore, several works of Richard Posner (University of Chicago Law School) have contributed to its diffusion beyond the frontiers of the american universities. In this paper, we show the internal structure of the Economic Analysis of Law, based upon the neoclassical model in Economics, and the main critics adressed to it from Institutional Economics as well as from Legal Theory.


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En la región pampeana fue usual que la población con ocupación agraria residiera en el campo. Pero en 2001 menos de la mitad lo hacía.á Aquí se muestra que el Grado de Ruralidad del Empleo Agrario varía mucho a través de la región (del 20 al 80) y se ofrece una explicación de su distribución espacial basada en la influencia de factores mesoeconómicos (urbanización, riqueza de la población agraria y tipos de producción) sobre la transacción de trabajo. La explicación adopta conceptos y métodos de la Nueva Economía Institucional. Se deducen hipótesis específicas luego evaluadas mediante un análisis econométrico espacial


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El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una aproximación a las características del endeudamiento campesino en la baja Edad Media castellana. La historiografía actual, dominada por el enfoque smithiano de la comercialización y por el neo-institucionalismo, tiende a ignorar las desigualdades que reproducen las relaciones mercantiles y a enfatizar los efectos positivos de los mercados y el crédito rural. Utilizando documentación del área de los concejos de la meseta central de Castilla, se analiza la naturaleza del préstamo rural y su relación con el ciclo agrario y con la extracción feudal de renta. A partir del registro de deudas presente en los Protocolos Notariales abulenses de mediados del siglo XV, se realiza un análisis cuantitativo de la distribución de las obligaciones en el tiempo y de la repetición de acreedores y deudores. Luego se discute en términos analíticos y cualitativos la forma específica que caracteriza al capital usurario precapitalista.


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En la región pampeana fue usual que la población con ocupación agraria residiera en el campo. Pero en 2001 menos de la mitad lo hacía.á Aquí se muestra que el Grado de Ruralidad del Empleo Agrario varía mucho a través de la región (del 20 al 80) y se ofrece una explicación de su distribución espacial basada en la influencia de factores mesoeconómicos (urbanización, riqueza de la población agraria y tipos de producción) sobre la transacción de trabajo. La explicación adopta conceptos y métodos de la Nueva Economía Institucional. Se deducen hipótesis específicas luego evaluadas mediante un análisis econométrico espacial


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El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una aproximación a las características del endeudamiento campesino en la baja Edad Media castellana. La historiografía actual, dominada por el enfoque smithiano de la comercialización y por el neo-institucionalismo, tiende a ignorar las desigualdades que reproducen las relaciones mercantiles y a enfatizar los efectos positivos de los mercados y el crédito rural. Utilizando documentación del área de los concejos de la meseta central de Castilla, se analiza la naturaleza del préstamo rural y su relación con el ciclo agrario y con la extracción feudal de renta. A partir del registro de deudas presente en los Protocolos Notariales abulenses de mediados del siglo XV, se realiza un análisis cuantitativo de la distribución de las obligaciones en el tiempo y de la repetición de acreedores y deudores. Luego se discute en términos analíticos y cualitativos la forma específica que caracteriza al capital usurario precapitalista.


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En la región pampeana fue usual que la población con ocupación agraria residiera en el campo. Pero en 2001 menos de la mitad lo hacía.á Aquí se muestra que el Grado de Ruralidad del Empleo Agrario varía mucho a través de la región (del 20 al 80) y se ofrece una explicación de su distribución espacial basada en la influencia de factores mesoeconómicos (urbanización, riqueza de la población agraria y tipos de producción) sobre la transacción de trabajo. La explicación adopta conceptos y métodos de la Nueva Economía Institucional. Se deducen hipótesis específicas luego evaluadas mediante un análisis econométrico espacial


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El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una aproximación a las características del endeudamiento campesino en la baja Edad Media castellana. La historiografía actual, dominada por el enfoque smithiano de la comercialización y por el neo-institucionalismo, tiende a ignorar las desigualdades que reproducen las relaciones mercantiles y a enfatizar los efectos positivos de los mercados y el crédito rural. Utilizando documentación del área de los concejos de la meseta central de Castilla, se analiza la naturaleza del préstamo rural y su relación con el ciclo agrario y con la extracción feudal de renta. A partir del registro de deudas presente en los Protocolos Notariales abulenses de mediados del siglo XV, se realiza un análisis cuantitativo de la distribución de las obligaciones en el tiempo y de la repetición de acreedores y deudores. Luego se discute en términos analíticos y cualitativos la forma específica que caracteriza al capital usurario precapitalista.


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The author participated in the 6 th EU Framework Project ―Q-pork Chains (FP6-036245-2)‖ from 2007 to 2009. With understanding of work reports from China and other countries, it is found that compared with other countries, China has great problems in pork quality and safety. By comparing the pork chain management between China and Spain, It is found that the difference in governance structure is one of the main differences in pork chain management between Spain and China. In China, spot-market relationship still dominates governance structure of pork chain, especially between the numerous house-hold pig holders and the great number of small slaughters. While in Spain, chain agents commonly apply cooperatives or integrations to cooperate. It also has been proven by recent studies, that in quality management at the chain level that supply chain integration has a direct effect on quality management practices (Han, 2010). Therefore, the author started to investigate the governance structure choices in supply chain management. And it has been set as the first research objective, which is to explain the governance structure choices process and the influencing factors in supply chain management, analyzing the pork chains cases in Spain and in China. During the further investigation, the author noticed the international trade of pork between Spain and China is not smooth since the signature of bi-lateral agreement on pork trade in 2007. Thus, another objective of the research is to find and solve the problems exist in the international pork chain between Spain and China. For the first objective, to explain the governance structure choices in supply chain management, the thesis conducts research in three main sections. 10 First of all, the thesis gives a literature overview in chapter two on Supply Chain Management (SCM), agri-food chain management and pork chain management. It concludes that SCM is a systems approach to view the supply chains as a whole, and to manage the total flow of goods inventory from the supplier to the ultimate customer. It includes the bi-directional flow of products (materials and services) and information, and the associated managerial and operational activities. And it also is a customer focus to create unique and individual source of customer value with an appropriate use of resources, leading to customer satisfaction and building competitive chain advantages. Agri-food chain management and pork chain management are applications of SCM in agri-food sector and pork sector respectively. Then, the research gives a comparative study in chapter three in the pork chain and pork chain management between Spain and China. Many differences are found, while the main difference is governance structure in pork chain management. Furthermore, the author gives an empirical study on governance structure choice in chapter five. It is concluded that governance structure of supply chain consists of a collection of rules/institutions/constraints structuring the transactions between the various stakeholders. Based on the overview on literatures closely related with governance structure, such as transaction cost economics, transaction value analysis and resource-based view theories, seven hypotheses are proposed, which are: Hypothesis 1: Transaction cost has positive relationship with governance structure choice Hypothesis 2: Uncertainty has positive relationship with transaction cost; higher uncertainty exerts high transaction cost Hypothesis 3: The relationship between asset specificity and transaction cost is positive Hypothesis 4: Collaboration advantages and governance structure choice have positive relationship11 Hypothesis 5: Willingness to collaborate has positive relationship with collaboration advantages Hypothesis 6: Capability to collaborate has positive relationship with collaboration advantages Hypothesis 7: Uncertainty has negative effect on collaboration advantages It is noted that as transaction cost value is negative, the transaction cost mentioned in the hypotheses is its absolute value. To test the seven hypotheses, Structural Equation Model (SEM) is applied and data collected from 350 pork slaughtering and processing companies in Jiangsu, Shandong and Henan Provinces in China is used. Based on the empirical SEM model and its results, the seven hypotheses are proved. The author generates several conclusions accordingly. It is found that the governance structure choice of the chain not only depends on transaction cost, it also depends on collaboration advantages. Exchange partners establish more stable and more intense relationship to reduce transaction cost and to maximize collaboration advantages. ―Collaboration advantages‖ in this thesis is defined as the joint value achieved through transaction (mutual activities) of agents in supply chains. This value forms as improvements, mainly in mutual logistics systems, cash response, information exchange, technological improvements and innovative improvements and quality management improvements, etc. Governance structure choice is jointly decided by transaction cost and collaboration advantages. Chain agents take different governance structures to coordinate in order to decrease their transaction cost and to increase their collaboration advantages. In China´s pork chain case, spot market relationship dominates the governance structure among the numerous backyard pig farmer and small family slaughterhouse 12 as they are connected by acquaintance relationship and the transaction cost in turn is low. Their relationship is reliable as they know each other in the neighborhood; as a result, spot market relationship is suitable for their exchange. However, the transaction between large-scale slaughtering and processing industries and small-scale pig producers is becoming difficult. The information hold back behavior and hold-up behavior of small-scale pig producers increase transaction cost between them and large-scale slaughtering and processing industries. Thus, through the more intense and stable relationship between processing industries and pig producers, processing industries reduce the transaction cost and improve the collaboration advantages with their chain partners, in which quality and safety collaboration advantages be increased, meaning that processing industries are able to provide consumers products with better quality and higher safety. It is also drawn that transaction cost is influenced mainly by uncertainty and asset specificity, which is in line with new institutional economics theories developed by Williamson O. E. In China´s pork chain case, behavioral uncertainty is created by the hold-up behaviors of great numbers of small pig producers, while big slaughtering and processing industries having strong asset specificity. On the other hand, ―collaboration advantages‖ is influenced by chain agents´ willingness to collaborate and chain agents´ capabilities to cooperate. With the fast growth of big scale slaughtering and processing industries, they are more willing to know and make effort to cooperate with their chain members, and they are more capable to create joint value together with other chain agents. Therefore, they are now the main chain agents who drive more intense and stable governance structure in China‘s pork chain. For the other objective, to find and solve the problems in the international pork chain between Spain and China, the research gives an analysis in chapter four on the 13 international pork chain. This study gives explanations why the international trade of pork between Spain and China is not sufficient from the chain perspective. It is found that the first obstacle is the high quality and safety requirement set by Chinese government. It makes the Spanish companies difficult to get authorities to export. Other aspects, such as Spanish pork is not competitive in price compared with other countries such as Denmark, United States, Canada, etc., Chinese consumers do not have sufficient information on Spanish pork products, are also important reasons that Spain does not export great quantity of pork products to China. It is concluded that China´s government has too much concern on the quality and safety requirements to Spanish pork products, which makes trade difficult to complete. The two countries need to establish a more stable and intense trade relationship. They also should make the information exchange sufficient and efficient and try to break trade barriers. Spanish companies should consider proper price strategies to win the Chinese pork market


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El nuevo escenario al que se enfrenta el sector agroalimentario, caracterizado por una mayor complejidad y tecnificación del mismo, hace que la confianza sea un activo importante para su rendimiento y buen funcionamiento. El objetivo de la siguiente investigación es mejorar el sector agroalimentario mediante la confianza. Para ello, se pretende conocer qué elementos se usan para que la confianza aparezca en el sector agroalimentario, tomando el sector desde una perspectiva holística. Para lograr este objetivo se han seguido varias etapas. En primer lugar, se analizaron los conceptos confianza y sector agroalimentario para, posteriormente, mostrar qué aspectos de la confianza habían sido objeto de investigación en dicho sector. Tomando algunas premisas basadas en la economía neoinstitucional se definieron una serie de elementos en los que descansa la confianza. Tomando los estudios de caso como herramienta de metodología cualitativa para validar esos componentes de la confianza se concluye con una definición o marco teórico aplicable a la confianza en el sector agroalimentario. Los componentes más importantes son las personas, las instituciones y los procesos que entre ellos se producen dando lugar a las relaciones. Estas relaciones de confianza se ven condicionadas por el comportamiento y conducta de estos agentes, la satisfacción percibida, la dependencia de otros agentes y el riesgo. Además, para regular y hacer visible estos elementos, la confianza se sirve de instrumentos como los precios, los contratos y los sistemas de calidad, así como de la especificación del producto que es intercambiado Debido a su carácter cualitativo y exploratorio la investigación deja espacio para futuras investigaciones en las que se puedan medir y cuantificar la importancia de estos los elementos. Agrifood sector faces a new scenario featured by a great complexity. The aim of this work is the improvement of agricultural and food sector analyzing trust as a key asset. This work tries to answer on what items, tools or concepts rely trust in agricultural and food sector taking agrifood sector from a holistic perspective. To achieve this goal, qualitative methodology based on case studies analysis is carried out following several stages. First, a deep literature review about the food and agricultural environment and the concept of trust is analyzed. Secondly, a state of the art about how trust in food an agricultural sector has been researched is presented. Next, a scenario which takes some premises derived from neo-institutional economics is depicted. This scenario helps to define a framework for understanding how trust emerges in agrifood sector. Finally using the case studies as a tool to validate the framework the definition for trust is developed as result. Trust in food sector relays on persons, institutions and processes and the resulting relationships between them. Trust relationships are conditioned by the behavior and conduct of these agents, their perceived satisfaction, the dependence on other agents and risk. To regulate and make visible these elements, trust uses tools like prices, contracts and quality systems. The research presents some limitations due its qualitative nature. Further research lines are opened in order to evaluate and measure the relevance of different components of the framework.


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In the agrifood sector, the explosive increase in information about environmental sustainability, often in uncoordinated information systems, has created a new form of ignorance ('meta-ignorance') that diminishes the effectiveness of information on decision-makers. Flows of information are governed by informal and formal social arrangements that we can collectively call Informational Institutions. In this paper, we have reviewed the recent literature on such institutions. From the perspectives of information theory and new institutional economics, current informational institutions are increasing the information entropy of communications concerning environmental sustainability and stakeholders' transaction costs of using relevant information. In our view this reduces the effectiveness of informational governance. Future research on informational governance should explicitly address these aspects.


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The focus of this study is on the governance decisions in a concurrent channels context, in the case of uncertainty. The study examines how a firm chooses to deploy its sales force in times of uncertainty, and the subsequent performance outcome of those deployment choices. The theoretical framework is based on multiple theories of governance, including transaction cost analysis (TCA), agency theory, and institutional economics. Three uncertainty variables are investigated in this study. The first two are demand and competitive uncertainty which are considered to be industry-level market uncertainty forms. The third uncertainty, political uncertainty, is chosen as it is an important dimension of institutional environments, capturing non-economic circumstances such as regulations and political systemic issues. The study employs longitudinal secondary data from a Thai hotel chain, comprising monthly observations from January 2007 – December 2012. This hotel chain has its operations in 4 countries, Thailand, the Philippines, United Arab Emirates – Dubai, and Egypt, all of which experienced substantial demand, competitive, and political uncertainty during the study period. This makes them ideal contexts for this study. Two econometric models, both deploying Newey-West estimations, are employed to test 13 hypotheses. The first model considers the relationship between uncertainty and governance. The second model is a version of Newey-West, using an Instrumental Variables (IV) estimator and a Two-Stage Least Squares model (2SLS), to test the direct effect of uncertainty on performance and the moderating effect of governance on the relationship between uncertainty and performance. The observed relationship between uncertainty and governance observed follows a core prediction of TCA; that vertical integration is the preferred choice of governance when uncertainty rises. As for the subsequent performance outcomes, the results corroborate that uncertainty has a negative effect on performance. Importantly, the findings show that becoming more vertically integrated cannot help moderate the effect of demand and competitive uncertainty, but can significantly moderate the effect of political uncertainty. These findings have significant theoretical and practical implications, and extend our knowledge of the impact on uncertainty significantly, as well as bringing an institutional perspective to TCA. Further, they offer managers novel insight into the nature of different types of uncertainty, their impact on performance, and how channel decisions can mitigate these impacts.


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New Public Management (NPM) has played a decisive role and has had a radical effect on the productivity and efficiency of the public sector in the Anglo-Saxon countries. However, the effective introduction of the NPM reforms is not an easy task. The scientific community is zealously analyzing the experiences of the developing countries. The stories, they tell, are full of failures, and ineffective reforms. The goal of the current study is to uncover the factors that might influence the successful implementation of the NPM reforms. In our analysis, by relying on the theories of new institutional economics, we developed a model with which we wish to prove that in regards to the success of the reforms the informal and the formal institutions characteristic of the given country are the decisively determining factors. When answering the question, we introduced a new indicator based on public choice theory – the politicians’ interest index – by which we could measure the success of the NPM. We tested our hypothesis by a comparative statistical analysis using the data from 31 countries. Based on our results, we find that informal institutions, the culture shared by the members of society, fundamentally determine the probability of the successful implementation of the NPM reforms, these results having a significant practical relevance.