979 resultados para Insoluble
Com base nas grandes modificações das propriedades de materiais poliméricos resultantes da inclusão de unidades organometálicas, descrevem-se neste trabalho a síntese e a caracterização de um polímero organometálico conjugado com estrutura semelhante à de poli(p-fenilenovinileno) (PPV), o qual apresenta grupos 1,1'-ferrocenileno no lugar de 1,4fenileno em sua cadeia principal. Sintetizado por meio de reação de acoplamento de McMurry de 1,1'-ferrocenodialdeído, o poli(1,1'-ferrocenilenovinileno) (PFV) se apresentou na forma de um sólido de cor laranja, amorfo e insolúvel tanto em solventes polares quanto em apolares. Para caracterização do PFV, empregaram-se os métodos de espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR), espectroscopia Raman e análise termogravimétrica (TGA).
O feijão caupi é uma das principais culturas alimentares do Nordeste brasileiro. Para melhorar sua resistência contra pragas e produtividade, a nova cultivar (BRS-Milênio) foi obtida por melhoramento genético. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar o potencial nutricional desta variedade, determinando-se a composição centesimal, o perfil de aminoácidos e ácidos graxos, o conteúdo de minerais e a atividade inibitória de tripsina. A semente contém (g.100 g-1): 24,5 de proteínas; 51,4 de carboidratos; 16,6 de fibra insolúvel e 2,7 de fibra solúvel; 2,6 de cinzas, tendo como principais minerais (mg.100 g-1): ferro - 6,8; zinco - 4,1; manganês - 1,5; fósforo - 510,0 e potássio - 1430,0. O teor de lipídios foi de 2,2%, e seu perfil de ácidos graxos apresenta 29,4% de saturados e 70,7% de insaturados. Foi estimado valor calórico de 323,4 kcal.100 g-1 de semente. Encontrou-se baixa atividade inibitória de tripsina (8,0 UIT.mg-1 de amostra). O perfil de aminoácidos foi favorável ao padrão de referência, exceto pela deficiência de sulfurados, sugerindo a necessidade da combinação desta leguminosa com outras fontes alimentares. Os resultados indicam que o feijão caupi possui atributos desejáveis como altos teores de energia, proteínas, fibras e minerais, baixa atividade inibitória de tripsina e, apesar de reduzido conteúdo lipídico, contém alta proporção de ácidos graxos insaturados.
O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os casos de urolitíase canina em que a composição mineral dos urólitos foi analisada quantitativamente. Foi avaliada quantitativamente a composição mineral de 156 urólitos obtidos de cães (nefrólitos, ureterólitos, urocistólitos e uretrólitos). Desse total, 79,5% (n=124) eram simples, 18% (n=28) eram compostos e apenas 2,5% (n=4) eram mistos. A estruvita foi o tipo mineral mais frequente nos urólitos simples (47,6%; n=59), em todos os mistos (100%; n=4) e nas camadas núcleo e pedra de urólitos compostos (32,1 e 75%, respectivamente). O oxalato de cálcio foi o segundo mineral mais frequente dos urólitos simples (37,9%, n=47). Ao contrário do que é preconizado para os urólitos simples, as recomendações para o tratamento de urólitos compostos são mais complexas, tais como protocolos de tratamento de dissolução diferentes (se composto por minerais distintos e passíveis de dissolução como urato e estruvita). Além disso, a dissolução pode não ser viável, caso ocorra presença de material insolúvel envolvendo o urólito ou se este representar mais de 20% da camada. Vinte e dois urólitos compostos (78,7%) apresentaram uma camada externa não passível de dissolução (oxalato de cálcio ou fosfato de cálcio); dois (7,1%) apresentaram camadas externas passíveis de dissolução (estruvita ou urato), porém camadas mais internas não solúveis, o que permitiria apenas a dissolução parcial do urólito. Assim, o conhecimento da composição de todas as camadas que compõem o urólito é essencial para o entendimento da formação do cálculo e consequentemente para a indicação do tratamento adequado, assim como para prevenção de recidivas.
Bovine rumen protein with two levels of residual lipids (1.9 per cent or 3.8 per cent) was subjected to thermoplastic extrusion under different temperatures and moisture contents. Protein solubility in different buffers, disulphide cross-linking and molecular weight distribution were determined on the extrudates. After extrusion, samples with 1.9 per cent residual lipids content had a higher concentration of protein insoluble by undetermined forces, irrespective of feed moisture and processing temperature used. Lipid content of 3.8 per cent in the feed material resulted in more protein participating in the extrudate network through non-covalent interactions (hydrophobic and electrostatic) and disulphide bonds. A small dependency of the extrusion process on moisture and temperature and a marked dependency on lipid content, especially phospholipid, was observed, Electrophoresis under non-reducing conditions showed that protein extrusion with low feed moisture promoted high molecular breakdown inside the barrel, probably due to intense shear force, and further protein aggregation at the die end
The oligopeptide-binding protein, OppA, binds and ushers oligopeptide substrates to the membrane-associated oligopeptide permease (Opp), a multi-component ABC-type transporter involved in the uptake of oligopeptides expressed by several bacterial species. In the present study, we report the cloning, purification, refolding and conformational analysis of a recombinant OppA protein derived from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (X. citri), the etiological agent of citrus canker. The oppA gene was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) strain under optimized inducing conditions and the recombinant protein remained largely insoluble. Solubilization was achieved following refolding of the denatured protein. Circular dichroism analysis indicated that the recombinant OppA protein preserved conformational features of orthologs expressed by other bacterial species. The refolded recombinant OppA represents a useful tool for structural and functional analyses of the X. citri protein.
In this work, pyrolysis-molecular beam mass spectrometry analysis coupled with principal components analysis and (13)C-labeled tetramethylammonium hydroxide thermochemolysis were used to study lignin oxidation, depolymerization, and demethylation of spruce wood treated by biomimetic oxidative systems. Neat Fenton and chelator-mediated Fenton reaction (CMFR) systems as well as cellulosic enzyme treatments were used to mimic the nonenzymatic process involved in wood brown-rot biodegradation. The results suggest that compared with enzymatic processes, Fenton-based treatment more readily opens the structure of the lignocellulosic matrix, freeing cellulose fibrils from the matrix. The results demonstrate that, under the current treatment conditions, Fenton and CMFR treatment cause limited demethoxylation of lignin in the insoluble wood residue. However, analysis of a water-extractable fraction revealed considerable soluble lignin residue structures that had undergone side chain oxidation as well as demethoxylation upon CMFR treatment. This research has implications for our understanding of nonenzymatic degradation of wood and the diffusion of CMFR agents in the wood cell wall during fungal degradation processes.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different carbon sources and the carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N) on the production and main composition of insoluble extracellular polymers (EPS) produced in an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR) with immobilized biomass in polyurethane foam. The yield of EPS was 23.6 mg/g carbon, 13.3 mg/g carbon, 9.0 mg/g carbon and 1.4 mg/g carbon when the reactor was fed with glucose, soybean oil. fat acids, and meat extract, respectively. The yield of EPS decreased from 23.6 to 2.6 mg/g carbon as the C/N ratio was decreased from 13.6 to 3.4 gC/gN, using glucose as carbon source. EPS production was not observed under strict anaerobic conditions. The results suggest that the carbon source, microaerophilic conditions and high C/N ratio favor EPS production in the ASBBR used for wastewater treatment. Cellulose was the main exopolysaccharide observed in all experimental conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Magnesia hydration is a key concern in refractory castable processing. The volumetric expansion that follows this reaction can result in cracks or even explosion during the first heating-up. Citric acid (CA) and other chelants can significantly reduce MgO hydration rate in aqueous suspensions by forming an insoluble magnesium citrate protective coating on the magnesia particles` surface. In the present work, the performance of CA as an anti-hydration additive in refractory castables was evaluated by hydration tests, mechanical strength and apparent volumetric expansion (AVE) measurements and thermogravimetry. The results attained have shown that CA effectiveness depends strongly on the amount added and by the interaction with other raw materials in the composition, in particular calcium aluminate cement. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
This paper reports an innovative development: concentrating gibbsite via reverse froth flotation in order to obtain a metallurgical-grade bauxite concentrate. Tailings from an industrial plant have undergone attrition scrubbing and desliming; the quartz silica contained in the tailings has undergone flotation. Starch was used as a depressant, and ether-amine as the cationic collector. Optimum pH is around 10.0. In pilot plant scale, a metallurgical-grade concentrate was obtained by assaying 42.3% available alumina with an alumina/insoluble silica mass ratio of 11.1. It contained the gibbsite and the iron and titanium bearing minerals. The concentrate was further upgraded by magnetic separation, leading to 54.0% available alumina, with an alumina/insoluble silica mass ratio of 12.6 at an overall available alumina recovery of 69.3% in the final concentrate (non-magnetic product). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The physiological responses of sugarcane (Succharion officinarum L.) to oxidative stress induced by methyl viologen (paraquat) were examined with respect to photochemical activity, chlorophyll content, lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities. Thirty-day-old sugarcane plants were sprayed with 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 mM methyl viologen (MV). Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured after 18 It and biochemical analyses were performed after 24 and 48 h. Concentrations of MV above 2 mM caused significant damage to photosystem II (PSII) activity. Potential and effective quantum efficiency of PSII and apparent electron transport rate were greatly reduced or practically abolished. Both chlorophyll and soluble protein contents steadily decreased with MV concentrations above 2 mM after 24 It of exposure, which became more pronounced after 48 It, achieving a 3-fold decrease. Insoluble protein contents were little affected by MV. Oxidative stress induced by MV was evidenced by increases in lipid peroxidation. Specific activity of SOD increased, even after 48 h of exposure to the highest concentrations of MV, but total activity on a fresh weight basis did not change significantly. Nondenaturing YAGE assayed with H2O2 and KCN showed that treatment with MV did not change Cu/Zn-SOD and MnSOD isoform activities. In contrast, APX specific activity increased at 2 mM MV but then dropped at higher doses. Oxidative damage induced by MV was inversely related to APX activity. It is suggested that the major MV-induced oxidative damages in sugarcane leaves were related to excess H2O2, probably in chloroplasts, caused by an imbalance between SOD and APX activities, in which APX was a limiting step. Reduced photochemical activity allowed the early detection of the ensuing oxidative stress. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Connectivity of the glycocalyx covering of small communities of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans bacteria deposited on hydrophilic mica plates was imaged by atomic force microscopy. When part of the coverage was removed by water rinsing, an insoluble structure formed by corrals surrounding each individual bacterium was observed. A collective ring structure with clustered bacteria (>= 3) was observed, which indicates that the bacteria perceived the neighborhood in order to grow a protective structure that results in smaller production of exopolysaccharides material. The most surprising aspect of these collective corral structures was that they occur at a low bacterial cell density. The deposited layers were also analyzed by confocal Raman microscopy and shown to contain polysaccharides, protein, and glucoronic acid.
The storage of Carioca bean at 30 C and 75% relative humidity for eight months altered the solubilization pattern of hulls non-starch polysaccharides The polysaccharide physicochemical pattern changed resulting in a shift in the composition of water-soluble and water-insoluble polysaccharides caused by the insolubilization of galacturonans and xyloglucan Hulls make up 10% of whole beans which showed an increase of about 5% in water-insoluble polysaccharides and a decrease of about 1% in water-soluble polysaccharides with aging These values suggest that cotyledons and hulls together account for an increase of about 2 g of water-insoluble polysaccharides and a decrease of 1 5 g of water-soluble polysaccharides per 100 g of beans This change in the polysaccharide composition may produce a considerable difference in the dietary fiber profile The alterations observed in bean hull non-starch polysaccharide composition were similar to those previously observed in the cotyledon (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
Whole rice has been widely studied due to the abundance of bioactive compounds in its pericarp. Some of the beneficial effects of these compounds on human health have been attributed to their antioxidant and other biological activities, such as enzyme inhibition. In this work, we evaluated the contents of total, soluble and insoluble phenolic compounds of 6 red and 10 non-pigmented genotypes of whole rice as well as their inhibitory effect on the activity of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE). The effects of cooking on phenolics and their inhibitory activities were also investigated. Red genotypes showed high content of phenolics, mainly soluble compounds, at an average of 409.7 mg ferulic acid eq./100 g, whereas overall lower average levels (99.4 mg ferulic acid eq./100 g) at an approximate soluble/insoluble compound ratio of 1:1 were observed in non-pigmented rice. Pigmented rice displayed a greater inhibitory effect on ACE than non-pigmented rice. In fact, a significant correlation between the content of soluble phenolics and ACE inhibition was observed (r = 0.8985, p < 0.05). In addition to significantly reducing the levels of total phenolics and ACE inhibition, cooking altered the soluble/insoluble compound ratio, especially among red rice genotypes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Experiments carried out to study changes induced by hard-to-cook (HTC) phenomenon in the non-starch polysaccharides of beans stored at 30 degrees C and 75% RH for 8 months showed that the development of HTC did not affect the amounts of soluble and insoluble fibre in cooked seeds but changed their carbohydrates physical properties. Aged beans non-starch polysaccharides presented lower water-solubility and underwent lower degradation of galacturonans and arabinose-rich polysaccharides when submitted to cooking. The decrease in non-starch polysaccharides water-solubility produced a shift in the polymers fractionation profile which resulted in an increase of weak and middle-alkali soluble polymers bulk as well as in their arabinose and uronic acid contents. Uronic acid contents were higher in polymers released by 1 M NaOH and in the cellulose-rich residues while the arabinose contents were higher in the mild-alkali soluble polymers of aged seeds. Methylation analysis showed no evident alterations in the xyloglucans and arabinans branching degree with beans ageing. However, both, the molecular mass of water-soluble pectins and CDTA-soluble pectins, increased. Even though changes in the non-starch polysaccharide solubility were not related to the decrease in the arabinan and xyloglucan degree of branching they may be related to the formation of new chemical interactions other than hydrogen bond. There was a correlation between acidic and neutral polysaccharides insolubilisation in beans ageing and probably in beans hardening. After processing, aged seeds present higher amounts of insoluble fibre when compared to normal beans. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present work aimed the study of phenolic acids composition in apple pomace of Gala and Fuji cultivars. Phenolic acids were fractionated in phenolic acids, esterified and insoluble and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Sixteen phenolic acids were identified in apple pomace samples. Total phenolic acids in apple pomace from Gala and Fuji cultivars were, in dry weight, 93.94 mg/g and 68.38 mg/g, respectively. Content of free phenolic acids in apple pomace from Gala cultivar was 29.11 mg/g and the following acids were identified: salicylic, protocatequinic, quinic, p-coumaric, gallic, propylgallate and synapic. Content of free phenolic acids in apple pomace from Fuji cultivar was 16.03 mg/g and the following acids were identified: salicylic, protocatequinic, gallic, ferulic and sinapic. Salicylic was the predominant free phenolic acids found in both cultivars, consisting of 91.67% and 63.57% of the free phenolic acids in Gala and Fuji cultivars, respectively. Chlorogenic acid (1.147 mg/g) was found only in apple pomace from Fuji cultivar. Content of esterified phenolic acids in apple pomace from Gala and Fuji cultivars were 53.75 mg/g and 48.29 mg/g, respectively. It was verified that the predominant esterified phenolic acid in pomace from apple Gala is derived from salicylic acid (52.76 mg/g). Acids derived from gallic acid (0.175 mg/g), propylgallate acid (0.198 mg/g), ferulic acid (0.159 mg/g) and sinapic acid (0.140 mg/g) were also found in Gala cultivar. Regarding to pomace from cultivar Fuji, the main esterified phenolic acid found is also derived from salicylic acid (47.42 mg/g) followed by gallic acid (0.270 mg/g), benzoic acid (0.194 mg/g) and sinapic acid (0.115 mg/g). Content of insoluble phenolic acids in apple pomace from Gala and Fugi cultivars were, in dry weight, 11.08 mg/g and 4.05 mg/g, respectively Insoluble phenolic acids derived from salicylic acid were found in higher concentrations in apple pomace from both cultivars.