999 resultados para Inorganic content
Calcium carbonate precipitation in sea ice is thought to potentially drive significant CO2 uptake by the ocean. However, little is known about the quantitative spatial and temporal distribution of CaCO3 within sea ice, although it is hypothesized that high quantities of dissolved organic matter and/or phosphate (common in sea ice) may inhibit its formation. In this quantitative study of hydrous calcium carbonate as ikaite, sea ice cores and brine samples were collected from pack and land fast sea ice between September and December 2007 during two expeditions, one in the East Antarctic sector and the other off Terre Adélie. Samples were analysed for CaCO3, salinity, dissolved organic carbon/nitrogen, inorganic phosphate, and total alkalinity. No relationship between these parameters and CaCO3 precipitation was evident. Ikaite was found mostly in the uppermost layers of sea ice with maximum concentrations of up to 126 mg ikaite per litre melted sea ice being measured, although both the temporal and horizontal spatial distributions of ikaite were highly heterogeneous. The precipitate was also found in the snow on top of the sea ice at some of the sampling locations.
The first data on content of inorganic reduced sulfur compounds [H2S, S°, S2O3(2-), SO3(2-)] were obtained at two stations in the northeastern Levant Sea (Mediterranean Basin). With lower detection limit for the mentioned sulfur forms of 30 nM, sulfide forms were not found, while thiosulfate concentration varied from 178 to 890 nM (from 24 to 78 % of total reduced S), and S° varied from 156 to 1090 nM. Vertical distribution of these compounds showed irregular character; correlation between total reduced S maxima, fluorescence, and increase of nutrient element content near the lower pycnocline boundary was observed. The maximum total sulfur concentration in the surface layer was likely due an anthropogenic influence. The ''starting'' mechanism that controls appearance and distribution of sulfur compounds in oxygen-containing water is the process of bacterial sulfate reduction in micropatches of fresh organic detritus. Reduced sulfur forms participate further in a series of chemical and biochemical processes. Contribution of hydrolysis of organic sulfur-containing compounds is insignificant for the region in study.
The mass-accumulation rate (MAR) of the non-authigenic, inorganic, crystalline component of deep-sea sediments from the Pacific aseismic rises apparently reflects influx of eolian sediment. The eolian sediment usually is dominated by volcanic material, except during glacial times. Sediments from Hess Rise provide a discontinuous record of eolian MARs. During Albian to Cenomanian time, the influx of volcanic material was fairly high (0.35-0.6 g/cm**2/10**3 yr), recording the latest stages of the Albian volcanism that formed Hess Rise. From the Campanian through the Paleocene, influx of eolian sediment was low, averaging 0.03 g/cm**2/10**3 yr. None of the four Hess Rise drill sites show evidence of the Late Cretaceous volcanic episode recorded at many sites now in the equatorial to subtropical Pacific. Pliocene to Pleistocene samples record a peak in volcanic influx about 4 to 5 m.y. ago, which has been well documented elsewhere. The several-fold increase in eolian accumulation rates elsewhere which are correlated with the onset of severe northernhemisphere glaciation 2.5 m.y. ago is not obvious in the Hess Rise data.
The barite and CaCO3 content (in weight percent) of marine sediments can be used to determine spatial and temporal changes in export production (organic and carbonate carbon flux) and/or CaCO3 preservation (inorganic carbon burial). Here we report barite and CaCO3 content in Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) boundary sediments from locations drilled on Shatsky Rise during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198. Records of these indexes may be used along with other data to determine how the major E/O boundary climatic transition (initiation of Antarctic glaciation and resultant ocean-climate system changes) affected marine export production/preservation at Shatsky Rise. Such data are necessary to elucidate the timing and phasing of changes in the carbon cycle relative to fluctuations in oceanographic conditions across this climatically important interval.
1. Shallow arctic lakes and ponds have simple and short food webs, but large uncertainties remain about benthic-pelagic links in these systems. We tested whether organic matter of benthic origin supports zooplankton biomass in a pond in NE Greenland, using stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in the pond itself and in a 13C-enrichment enclosure experiment. In the latter, we manipulated the carbon isotope signature of benthic algae to enhance its isotopic discrimination from other potential food sources for zooplankton. 2. The cladoceran Daphnia middendorffiana responded to the 13C-enrichment of benthic mats with progressively increasing d13C values, suggesting benthic feeding. Stable isotope analysis also pointed towards a negligible contribution of terrestrial carbon to the diet of D. middendorffiana. This agreed with the apparent dominance of autochthonous dissolved organic matter in the pond revealed by analysis of coloured dissolved organic matter. 3. Daily net production by phytoplankton in the pond (18 mg C/m**2/day) could satisfy only up to half of the calculated minimum energy requirements of D. middendorffiana (35 mg C/m**2/day), whereas benthic primary production alone (145 mg C/m**2/day) was more than sufficient. 4. Our findings highlight benthic primary production as a major dietary source for D. middendorffiana in this system and suggest that benthic organic matter may play a key role in sustaining pelagic secondary production in such nutrient-limited high arctic ponds.
Clay mineralogic and inorganic geochemical investigations of Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments of the western Gulf of Mexico lead to the following main conclusions. (1) Transition of lowermost Cretaceous continental to marine sedimentation is marked by a clay evaporitic stage, north of the Campeche Escarpment. (2) Existence of combined mineralogic and geochemical stratigraphy allows us to propose correlations between Sites 535 and 540, especially for the Albian. (3) Predominance of detrital clay assemblages is indicative of hot and variably humid continental climate until the early late Cenozoic. (4) Tectonic destabilization of the margins of Gulf of Mexico occurred at different periods, especially until the middle Cretaceous, with a mixed erosion of rocks and soils and temporary oxidized conditions of deposition. (5) Successive developments of confined perimarine basins occurred from the earliest Cretaceous until the Miocene, chiefly in the Florida area. The sources of inorganic materials were chiefly situated on the east of the studied area until the late Tertiary and after that in the Mississippi River basin. (6) Occasionally, volcanic activity influenced the clay mineralogy and mainly the geochemistry, and possibly contributed to the rather strong magnesian character of the deposition until the late Paleogene. (7) The argillaceous diagenesis is weak; variability of the carbonate diagenesis is marked by the relation Sr = f(CaO) and chiefly depends on the depth of burial, the clay content, the porosity, and the geologic age.
Efforts to evaluate the response of coral larvae to global climate change (GCC) and ocean acidification (OA) typically employ short experiments of fixed length, yet it is unknown how the response is affected by exposure duration. In this study, we exposed larvae from the brooding coral Pocillopora damicornis to contrasts of temperature (24.00 °C [ambient] versus 30.49 °C) and pCO2 (49.4 Pa versus 86.2 Pa) for varying periods (1-5 days) to test the hypothesis that exposure duration had no effect on larval response as assessed by protein content, respiration, Symbiodinium density, and survivorship; exposure times were ecologically relevant compared to representative pelagic larval durations (PLD) for corals. Larvae differed among days for all response variables, and the effects of the treatment were relatively consistent regardless of exposure duration for three of the four response variables. Protein content and Symbiodinium density were unaffected by temperature and pCO2, but respiration increased with temperature (but not pCO2) with the effect intensifying as incubations lengthened. Survival, however, differed significantly among treatments at the end of the study, and by the 5th day, 78% of the larvae were alive and swimming under ambient temperature and ambient pCO2, but only 55-59% were alive in the other treatments. These results demonstrate that the physiological effects of temperature and pCO2 on coral larvae can reliably be detected within days, but effects on survival require > or = 5 days to detect. The detection of time-dependent effects on larval survivorship suggests that the influence of GCC and OA will be stronger for corals having long PLDs.
Ocean acidification is considered a major threat to marine ecosystems and may particularly affect primary producers. Here we investigated the impact of elevated pCO2 on paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin (PST) content and composition in two strains of Alexandrium tamarense, Alex5 and Alex2. Experiments were carried out as dilute batch to keep carbonate chemistry unaltered over time. We observed only minor changes with respect to growth and elemental composition in response to elevated pCO2. For both strains, the cellular PST content, and in particular the associated cellular toxicity, was lower in the high CO2 treatments. In addition, Alex5 showed a shift in its PST composition from a nonsulfated analogue towards less toxic sulfated analogues with increasing pCO2. Transcriptomic analyses suggest that the ability of A. tamarense to maintain cellular homeostasis is predominantly regulated on the post-translational level rather than on the transcriptomic level. Furthermore, genes associated to secondary metabolite and amino acid metabolism in Alex5 were down-regulated in the high CO2 treatment, which may explain the lower PST content. Elevated pCO2 also induced up-regulation of a putative sulfotransferase sxtN homologue and a substantial down-regulation of several sulfatases. Such changes in sulfur metabolism may explain the shift in PST composition towards more sulfated analogues. All in all, our results indicate that elevated pCO2 will have minor consequences for growth and elemental composition, but may potentially reduce the cellular toxicity of A. tamarense.