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The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and its local glutamatergic neurotransmission in the cardiovascular adjustments observed when rats are submitted to acute restraint stress. Bilateral microinjection of the nonspecific synaptic inhibitor CoCl2 (0.1 nmol in 100 nL) into the LH enhanced the heart rate (HR) increase evoked by restraint stress without affecting the blood pressure increase. Local microinjection of the selective N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonist LY235959 (2 nmol in 100 nL) into the LH caused effects that were similar to those of CoCl2. No changes were observed in the restraint-related cardiovascular response after a local microinjection of the selective non-NMDA glutamatergic receptor antagonist NBQX (2 nmol in 100 nL) into the LH. Intravenous administration of the muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist homatropine methyl bromide (0.2 mg/kg), a quaternary ammonium drug that does not cross the blood-brain barrier, abolished the changes in cardiovascular responses to restraint stress following LH treatment with LY235959. In summary, our findings show that the LH plays an inhibitory role on the HR increase evoked by restraint stress. Present results also indicate that local NMDA glutamate receptors, through facilitation of cardiac parasympathetic activity, mediate the LH inhibitory influence on the cardiac response to acute restraint stress. The bilateral microinjection of the CoCl2 or LY235959 into the LH enhanced the HR increase evoked by restraint stress without affecting the blood pressure increase. Intravenous administration of the homatropine methyl bromide abolished the changes in cardiovascular responses to restraint stress following LH treatment with LY235959. These results suggest that such LH influence is mediated by local NMDA glutamate receptors and involves parasympathetic nervous activation. © 2013 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
In birds, neurons of the isthmo-optic nucleus (ION), as well as ''ectopic'' neurons, send axons to the retina, where they synapse on cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL). Previous work has shown that centrifugal axons can be divided into two anatomically distinct types depending on their mode of termination: either ''convergent'' or ''divergent'' (Ramon y Cajal, 1889; Maturana and Frenk, 1965). We show that cytochrome-oxidase histochemistry specifically labels ''convergent'' centrifugal axons and target neurons which appear to be amacrine cells, as well as three ''types'' of ganglion cells: two types found in the INL (displaced ganglion cells) and one in the ganglion cell layer. Labeled target amacrine cells have distinct darkly labeled ''nests'' of boutons enveloping the somas, are associated with labeled centrifugal fibers, and are confined to central retina. Lesions of the isthmo-optic tract abolish the cytochrome-oxidase labeling in the centrifugal axons and in the target amacrine cells but not in the ganglion cells. Cytochromeoxidase-labeled ganglion cells in the INL are large; one type is oval and similar to the classical displaced ganglion cells of Dogiel, which have been reported to receive centrifugal input; the other type is rounder. Rhodamine beads injected into the accessory optic system results in retrograde label in both types of cells, showing that two distinct types of displaced ganglion cells project to the accessory optic system in chickens. The ganglion cells in the ganglion cell layer that label for cytochrome oxidase also project to the accessory optic system. These have proximal dendrites that ramify in the outer inner plexiform layer. Neither the target amacrine cells nor either of the displaced ganglion cells are immunoreactive for the inhibitory transmitter gamma aminobutyric acid. At least some of the target amacrine cells may, however, be cholinoceptive: we found that the antibody to the alpha-7 subunit of the nicotinic ACh receptor labels a population of cells in the INL that are similar in location, size, and the presence of labeled bouton-like structures to those we find labeled with cytochrome oxidase. This antibody also labels neurons in the ION proper but not ectopic cells. In conclusion, it appears that cytochrome oxidase may be a marker for ''convergent'' centrifugal axons and at least one of their target cells in the INL.
The genus Astronium (Anacardiaceae) includes species, such as Astronium fraxinifolium, Astronium graveolens, and Astronium urundeuva, which possess anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerogenic, healing, and antimicrobial properties. Nanostructured lipid systems are able to potentiate the action of plant extracts, reducing the required dose and side effects and improving antimicrobial activity. This work aims to evaluate a nanostructured lipid system that was developed as a strategy to improve the anti-Candida albicans activity of hydroethanolic extracts of stems and leaves from Astronium sp. The antifungal activity against C. albicans (ATCC 18804) was evaluated in vitro by a microdilution technique. In addition to the in vitro assays, the Astronium sp. that showed the best antifungal activity and selectivity index was submitted to an in vivo assay using a model of vulvovaginal candidiasis infection. In these assays, the extracts were either used alone or were incorporated into the nanostructured lipid system (comprising 10% oil phase, 10% surfactant, and 80% aqueous phase). The results indicated a minimal inhibitory concentration of 125.00 µg/mL before incorporation into the nanostructured system; this activity was even more enhanced when this extract presented a minimal inhibitory concentration of 15.62 µg/mL after its incorporation. In vivo assay dates showed that the nanostructure-incorporated extract of A. urundeuva leaves was more effective than both the unincorporated extract and the antifungal positive control (amphotericin B). These results suggest that this nanostructured lipid system can be used in a strategy to improve the in vitro and in vivo anti-C. albicans activity of hydroethanolic extracts of Astronium sp.
Sodium chloride intake was studied in rats submitted to different neurosurgical procedures. Intake decreased in animals submitted to bilateral destruction of the basolateral amygdaloid complex, and increased after the same animals were submitted to destruction of the anterior lateral hypothalamus, a procedure which is known to cause increased intake in intact rats. In the reverse experiment, where the anterior lateral hypothalamus was destroyed before the basolateral amygdaloid complex, the effect of increased sodium chloride intake induced by destruction of the hypothalamus overcame the decreased expected upon destruction of the amygdaloid complex. These results permit us to conclude that the hypothalamic areas which inhibit sodium chloride intake predominate over the stimulating areas of the amygdaloid complex in the control of sodium chloride intake. © 1981 ANKHO International Inc.
This study verifies the effects of contralateral noise on otoacoustic emissions and auditory evoked potentials. Short, middle and late auditory evoked potentials as well as otoacoustic emissions with and without white noise were assessed. Twenty-five subjects, normal-hearing, both genders, aged 18 to 30 years, were tested. In general, latencies of the various auditory potentials were increased at noise conditions, whereas amplitudes were diminished at noise conditions for short, middle and late latency responses combined in the same subject. The amplitude of otoacoustic emission decreased significantly in the condition with contralateral noise in comparison to the condition without noise. Our results indicate that most subjects presented different responses between conditions (with and without noise) in all tests, thereby suggesting that the efferent system was acting at both caudal and rostral portions of the auditory system.
Increased plasma osmolality by food intake evokes augmentation of plasma oxytocin (OT). Ovarian steroids may also influence the balance of body fluids by acting on OT neurones. Our aim was to determine if estrogen influences the activity of OT neurones in paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and supraoptic nucleus (SON) under different osmotic situations. Ovariectomized rats (OVX) were treated with either estradiol (E-2) or vehicle and were divided into three groups: group I was fed ad libitum, group II underwent 48 h of fasting, and group III was refed after 48 h of fasting. On the day of the experiment, blood samples were collected to determine the plasma osmolality and OT. The animals were subsequently perfused, and OT/FOS immunofluorescence analysis was conducted on neurones in the PVN and the SON. When compared to animals which were fasted or fed ad libitum, the plasma osmolality of refed animals was higher, regardless of whether they were treated with vehicle or E-2. We observed neural activation of OT cells in vehicle-or E-2-treated OVX rats refed after 48 h of fasting, but not in animals fed ad libitum or in animals that only underwent 48 h of fasting. Finally, the percentage of neurones that co-expressed OT and FOS was lower in both the PVN and the SON of animals treated with E-2 and refed, when compared to vehicle-treated animals. These results suggest that E-2 may have an inhibitory effect on OT neurones and may modulate the secretion of OT in response to the increase of osmolality induced by refeeding. Journal of Endocrinology (2012) 212, 129-138
Abstract Background A typical purification system that provides purified water which meets ionic and organic chemical standards, must be protected from microbial proliferation to minimize cross-contamination for use in cleaning and preparations in pharmaceutical industries and in health environments. Methodology Samples of water were taken directly from the public distribution water tank at twelve different stages of a typical purification system were analyzed for the identification of isolated bacteria. Two miniature kits were used: (i) identification system (api 20 NE, Bio-Mérieux) for non-enteric and non-fermenting gram-negative rods; and (ii) identification system (BBL crystal, Becton and Dickson) for enteric and non-fermenting gram-negative rods. The efficiency of the chemical sanitizers used in the stages of the system, over the isolated and identified bacteria in the sampling water, was evaluated by the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) method. Results The 78 isolated colonies were identified as the following bacteria genera: Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium and Acinetobacter. According to the miniature kits used in the identification, there was a prevalence of isolation of P. aeruginosa 32.05%, P. picketti (Ralstonia picketti) 23.08%, P. vesiculares 12.82%,P. diminuta 11.54%, F. aureum 6.42%, P. fluorescens 5.13%, A. lwoffi 2.56%, P. putida 2.56%, P. alcaligenes 1.28%, P. paucimobilis 1.28%, and F. multivorum 1.28%. Conclusions We found that research was required for the identification of gram-negative non-fermenting bacteria, which were isolated from drinking water and water purification systems, since Pseudomonas genera represents opportunistic pathogens which disperse and adhere easily to surfaces, forming a biofilm which interferes with the cleaning and disinfection procedures in hospital and industrial environments.
The organization of the nervous and immune systems is characterized by obvious differences and striking parallels. Both systems need to relay information across very short and very long distances. The nervous system communicates over both long and short ranges primarily by means of more or less hardwired intercellular connections, consisting of axons, dendrites, and synapses. Longrange communication in the immune system occurs mainly via the ordered and guided migration of immune cells and systemically acting soluble factors such as antibodies, cytokines, and chemokines. Its short-range communication either is mediated by locally acting soluble factors or transpires during direct cell–cell contact across specialized areas called “immunological synapses” (Kirschensteiner et al., 2003). These parallels in intercellular communication are complemented by a complex array of factors that induce cell growth and differentiation: these factors in the immune system are called cytokines; in the nervous system, they are called neurotrophic factors. Neither the cytokines nor the neurotrophic factors appear to be completely exclusive to either system (Neumann et al., 2002). In particular, mounting evidence indicates that some of the most potent members of the neurotrophin family, for example, nerve growth factor (NGF) and brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), act on or are produced by immune cells (Kerschensteiner et al., 1999) There are, however, other neurotrophic factors, for example the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), that can behave similarly (Kermer et al., 2000). These factors may allow the two systems to “cross-talk” and eventually may provide a molecular explanation for the reports that inflammation after central nervous system (CNS) injury has beneficial effects (Moalem et al., 1999). In order to shed some more light on such a cross-talk, therefore, transcription factors modulating mu-opioid receptor (MOPr) expression in neurons and immune cells are here investigated. More precisely, I focused my attention on IGF-I modulation of MOPr in neurons and T-cell receptor induction of MOPr expression in T-lymphocytes. Three different opioid receptors [mu (MOPr), delta (DOPr), and kappa (KOPr)] belonging to the G-protein coupled receptor super-family have been cloned. They are activated by structurallyrelated exogenous opioids or endogenous opioid peptides, and contribute to the regulation of several functions including pain transmission, respiration, cardiac and gastrointestinal functions, and immune response (Zollner and Stein 2007). MOPr is expressed mainly in the central nervous system where it regulates morphine-induced analgesia, tolerance and dependence (Mayer and Hollt 2006). Recently, induction of MOPr expression in different immune cells induced by cytokines has been reported (Kraus et al., 2001; Kraus et al., 2003). The human mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) promoter is of the TATA-less type and has clusters of potential binding sites for different transcription factors (Law et al. 2004). Several studies, primarily focused on the upstream region of the OPRM1 promoter, have investigated transcriptional regulation of MOPr expression. Presently, however, it is still not completely clear how positive and negative transcription regulators cooperatively coordinate cellor tissue-specific transcription of the OPRM1 gene, and how specific growth factors influence its expression. IGF-I and its receptors are widely distributed throughout the nervous system during development, and their involvement in neurogenesis has been extensively investigated (Arsenijevic et al. 1998; van Golen and Feldman 2000). As previously mentioned, such neurotrophic factors can be also produced and/or act on immune cells (Kerschenseteiner et al., 2003). Most of the physiologic effects of IGF-I are mediated by the type I IGF surface receptor which, after ligand binding-induced autophosphorylation, associates with specific adaptor proteins and activates different second messengers (Bondy and Cheng 2004). These include: phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase (Vincent and Feldman 2002; Di Toro et al. 2005) and members of the Janus kinase (JAK)/STAT3 signalling pathway (Zong et al. 2000; Yadav et al. 2005). REST plays a complex role in neuronal cells by differentially repressing target gene expression (Lunyak et al. 2004; Coulson 2005; Ballas and Mandel 2005). REST expression decreases during neurogenesis, but has been detected in the adult rat brain (Palm et al. 1998) and is up-regulated in response to global ischemia (Calderone et al. 2003) and induction of epilepsy (Spencer et al. 2006). Thus, the REST concentration seems to influence its function and the expression of neuronal genes, and may have different effects in embryonic and differentiated neurons (Su et al. 2004; Sun et al. 2005). In a previous study, REST was elevated during the early stages of neural induction by IGF-I in neuroblastoma cells. REST may contribute to the down-regulation of genes not yet required by the differentiation program, but its expression decreases after five days of treatment to allow for the acquisition of neural phenotypes. Di Toro et al. proposed a model in which the extent of neurite outgrowth in differentiating neuroblastoma cells was affected by the disappearance of REST (Di Toro et al. 2005). The human mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) promoter contains a DNA sequence binding the repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST) that is implicated in transcriptional repression. Therefore, in the fist part of this thesis, I investigated whether insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), which affects various aspects of neuronal induction and maturation, regulates OPRM1 transcription in neuronal cells in the context of the potential influence of REST. A series of OPRM1-luciferase promoter/reporter constructs were transfected into two neuronal cell models, neuroblastoma-derived SH-SY5Y cells and PC12 cells. In the former, endogenous levels of human mu-opioid receptor (hMOPr) mRNA were evaluated by real-time PCR. IGF-I upregulated OPRM1 transcription in: PC12 cells lacking REST, in SH-SY5Y cells transfected with constructs deficient in the REST DNA binding element, or when REST was down-regulated in retinoic acid-differentiated cells. IGF-I activates the signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) signaling pathway and this transcription factor, binding to the STAT1/3 DNA element located in the promoter, increases OPRM1 transcription. T-cell receptor (TCR) recognizes peptide antigens displayed in the context of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and gives rise to a potent as well as branched intracellular signalling that convert naïve T-cells in mature effectors, thus significantly contributing to the genesis of a specific immune response. In the second part of my work I exposed wild type Jurkat CD4+ T-cells to a mixture of CD3 and CD28 antigens in order to fully activate TCR and study whether its signalling influence OPRM1 expression. Results were that TCR engagement determined a significant induction of OPRM1 expression through the activation of transcription factors AP-1, NF-kB and NFAT. Eventually, I investigated MOPr turnover once it has been expressed on T-cells outer membrane. It turned out that DAMGO induced MOPr internalisation and recycling, whereas morphine did not. Overall, from the data collected in this thesis we can conclude that that a reduction in REST is a critical switch enabling IGF-I to up-regulate human MOPr, helping these findings clarify how human MOPr expression is regulated in neuronal cells, and that TCR engagement up-regulates OPRM1 transcription in T-cells. My results that neurotrophic factors a and TCR engagement, as well as it is reported for cytokines, seem to up-regulate OPRM1 in both neurons and immune cells suggest an important role for MOPr as a molecular bridge between neurons and immune cells; therefore, MOPr could play a key role in the cross-talk between immune system and nervous system and in particular in the balance between pro-inflammatory and pro-nociceptive stimuli and analgesic and neuroprotective effects.
In this thesis is described the design and synthesis of potential agents for the treatment of the multifactorial Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Our multi-target approach was to consider cannabinoid system involved in AD, together with classic targets. In the first project, designed modifications were performed on lead molecule in order to increase potency and obtain balanced activities on fatty acid amide hydrolase and cholinesterases. A small library of compounds was synthesized and biological results showed increased inhibitory activity (nanomolar range) related to selected target. The second project was focused on the benzofuran framework, a privileged structure being a common moiety found in many biologically active natural products and therapeutics. Hybrid molecules were designed and synthesized, focusing on the inhibition of cholinesterases, Aβ aggregation, FAAH and on the interaction with CB receptors. Preliminary results showed that several compounds are potent CB ligands, in particular the high affinity for CB2 receptors, could open new opportunities to modulate neuroinflammation. The third and the fourth project were carried out at the IMS, Aberdeen, under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Zanda. The role of the cannabinoid system in the brain is still largely unexplored and the relationship between the CB1 receptors functional modification, density and distribution and the onset of a pathological state is not well understood. For this reasons, Rimonabant analogues suitable as radioligands were synthesized. The latter, through PET, could provide reliable measurements of density and distribution of CB1 receptors in the brain. In the fifth project, in collaboration with CHyM of York, the goal was to develop arginine analogues that are target specific due to their exclusively location into NOS enzymes and could work as MRI contrasting agents. Synthesized analogues could be suitable substrate for the transfer of polarization by p-H2 molecules through SABRE technique transforming MRI a more sensitive and faster technique.
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an important cytokine involved in the regulation of innate immunity and present at increased levels during inflammatory responses. Here we demonstrate that mature blood and tissue neutrophils constitutively express MIF as a cytosolic protein not associated with azurophil granules. Functionally active MIF, but not proteases stored in azurophil granules, was released from apoptotic neutrophils following short term tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha stimulation in a caspase-dependent manner and prior to any detectable phagocytosis by monocyte-derived macrophages. Moreover, TNF-alpha-mediated MIF release was blocked by glyburide and propenicide, both inhibitors of ATP-binding cassette-type transporters, suggesting that this transporter system is activated during neutrophil apoptosis. Taken together, apoptotic mature neutrophils release MIF upon short term TNF-alpha stimulation. Therefore, apoptosis may not always occur without the induction of pro-inflammatory mechanisms.
Repeated sub-threshold nociceptive electrical stimulation resulting in temporal summation of the limb nociceptive withdrawal reflex is a well-established non-invasive model to investigate the wind-up phenomenon in horses. Due to structural similarities of the trigeminal sensory nucleus to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, temporal summation should be evoked by repeated transcutaneous electrical stimulation of trigeminal afferents. To evaluate this hypothesis repeated transcutaneous electrical stimulation was applied to the supraorbital and infraorbital nerves of 10 horses. Stimulation intensities varied between 0.5 and 1.3 times the trigemino-cervical reflex threshold defined for single stimulation. Evoked electromyographic activity of the orbicularis oculi, splenius and cleidomastoideus muscles was recorded and the signals analysed in the previously established epochs typical to the early and late component of the blink reflex and to the trigemino-cervical reflex. Behavioural reactions were evaluated with the aid of numerical rating scale. The nociceptive late component and the trigemino-cervical reflex were not elicited by sub-threshold intensity repeated transcutaneous electrical stimulation. Furthermore, the median reflex amplitude for the 10 horses showed a tendency to decline over the stimulation train so temporal summation of afferent trigeminal inputs could not be observed. Therefore, the modulation of trigeminal nociceptive processing attributable to repeated Aδ fibre stimulations seems to differ from spinal processing of similar inputs as it seems to have an inhibitory rather than facilitatory effect. Further evaluation is necessary to highlight the underlying mechanism.
Viral systems have contributed tremendously to the understanding of eukaryotic molecular biology. The proportional pattern of retroviral RNA expression offers many clues into the alternative splicing of cellular transcripts. The MuSVts110 virus presents an unusual expression system, where the mechanistic combination of RNA splicing and cellular transformation can be physiologically manipulated. Splicing of MuSVts110 pre-mRNA occurs inefficiently (30%-50%) at 33$\sp\circ$C or below and is subdued at 39$\sp\circ$C ($<$5%). Like most alternatively spliced cellular and retroviral transcripts, the MuSVts110 pre-mRNA contains cis-acting intron and exon sequences that attenuate splicing. These include a splicing inhibitory sequence at the 3$\prime$ end of the MuSVts110 v-mos exon, called the E2 Distal Element (E2DE), and a sub-optimal 3$\prime$ splice site. The E2DE directly inhibits MuSVts110 RNA splicing in a sequence-specific fashion at 39$\sp\circ$C but not at 28$\sp\circ$C, potentially through the association of cellular factors. Inefficient MuSVts110 splicing is pre-dominantly attributed to the utilization of multiple weak branchpoint sequences located between $-113$ and $-34$ nucleotides upstream of the 3$\prime$ splice site. The molecular control of MuSVts110 splicing, represented primarily by scattered multiple inefficient branchpoint sequences that are conditionally modulated by the E2DE at higher growth temperatures, is discussed. ^
Detailed information regarding the contribution of individual γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-containing inhibitory neurons to the overall synaptic activity of single postsynaptic cells is essential to our understanding of fundamental elements of synaptic integration and operation of neuronal circuits. For example, GABA-containing cells in the thalamic reticular nucleus (nRt) provide major inhibitory innervation of thalamic relay nuclei that is critical to thalamocortical rhythm generation. To investigate the contribution of individual nRt neurons to the strength of this internuclear inhibition, we obtained whole-cell recordings of unitary inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) evoked in ventrobasal thalamocortical (VB) neurons by stimulation of single nRt cells in rat thalamic slices, in conjunction with intracellular biocytin labeling. Two types of monosynaptic IPSCs could be distinguished. “Weak” inhibitory connections were characterized by a significant number of postsynaptic failures in response to presynaptic nRt action potentials and relatively small IPSCs. In contrast, “strong” inhibition was characterized by the absence of postsynaptic failures and significantly larger unitary IPSCs. By using miniature IPSC amplitudes to infer quantal size, we estimated that unitary IPSCs associated with weak inhibition resulted from activation of 1–3 release sites, whereas stronger inhibition would require simultaneous activation of 5–70 release sites. The inhibitory strengths were positively correlated with the density of axonal swellings of the presynaptic nRt neurons, an indicator that characterizes different nRt axonal arborization patterns. These results demonstrate that there is a heterogeneity of inhibitory interactions between nRt and VB neurons, and that variations in gross morphological features of axonal arbors in the central nervous system can be associated with significant differences in postsynaptic response characteristics.
Sequence divergence acts as a potent barrier to homologous recombination; much of this barrier derives from an antirecombination activity exerted by mismatch repair proteins. An inverted repeat assay system with recombination substrates ranging in identity from 74% to 100% has been used to define the relationship between sequence divergence and the rate of mitotic crossing-over in yeast. To elucidate the role of the mismatch repair machinery in regulating recombination between mismatched substrates, we performed experiments in both wild-type and mismatch repair defective strains. We find that a single mismatch is sufficient to inhibit recombination between otherwise identical sequences, and that this inhibition is dependent on the mismatch repair system. Additional mismatches have a cumulative negative effect on the recombination rate. With sequence divergence of up to approximately 10%, the inhibitory effect of mismatches results mainly from antirecombination activity of the mismatch repair system. With greater levels of divergence, recombination is inefficient even in the absence of mismatch repair activity. In both wild-type and mismatch repair defective strains, an approximate log-linear relationship is observed between the recombination rate and the level of sequence divergence.
S-Nitrosothiols have generated considerable interest due to their ability to act as nitric oxide (NO) donors and due to their possible involvement in bioregulatory systems—e.g., NO transfer reactions. Elucidation of the reaction pathways involved in the modification of the thiol group by S-nitrosothiols is important for understanding the role of S-nitroso compounds in vivo. The modification of glutathione (GSH) in the presence of S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) was examined as a model reaction. Incubation of GSNO (1 mM) with GSH at various concentrations (1–10 mM) in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) yielded oxidized glutathione, nitrite, nitrous oxide, and ammonia as end products. The product yields were dependent on the concentrations of GSH and oxygen. Transient signals corresponding to GSH conjugates, which increased by one mass unit when the reaction was carried out with 15N-labeled GSNO, were identified by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. When morpholine was present in the reaction system, N-nitrosomorpholine was formed. Increasing concentrations of either phosphate or GSH led to lower yields of N-nitrosomorpholine. The inhibitory effect of phosphate may be due to reaction with the nitrosating agent, nitrous anhydride (N2O3), formed by oxidation of NO. This supports the release of NO during the reaction of GSNO with GSH. The products noted above account quantitatively for virtually all of the GSNO nitrogen consumed during the reaction, and it is now possible to construct a complete set of pathways for the complex transformations arising from GSNO + GSH.