101 resultados para Informacao


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O mundo moderno vem exigindo cada vez mais das pessoas no aspecto profissional. A exigência de capacitação profissional é uma realidade que obriga as pessoas a uma constante atualização. Neste contexto, a educação a distancia se mostra uma importante via de disseminação de conhecimento. Este trabalho apresenta um agente de Perfil do Usuário inserido no contexto do projeto PortEdu – Portal de Educação, projeto que visa abrigar ambientes de ensino na Web. Um dos objetivos do projeto PortEdu é fornecer um serviço de recuperação de informação aos ambientes ancorados, guiado pelo Agente Perfil do Usuário, tendo como finalidade oferecer informações contextualizadas a um problema específico do usuário (aluno), com a intenção de auxiliá-lo em seu aprendizado. Durante a utilização de ambientes de educação a distância, os alunos utilizam ferramentas de recuperação de informação na busca de soluções para as suas dúvidas. Mas, a busca de informação na Internet, utilizando as ferramentas existentes, nem sempre é uma tarefa simples, pois exige esforço na construção de termos de busca eficientes ou mantém o usuário percorrendo longas listas de resultados. No desenvolvimento deste serviço, no PortEdu, procuramos minimizar este tipo de esforço. Neste trabalho são descritas, primeiramente, as áreas envolvidas na pesquisa, mostrando como elas foram utilizadas na construção do Agente de Perfil do Usuário. Também é realizada uma descrição da área de inteligência artificial, dos conceitos de agente e Educação a Distancia. Pretende-se mostrar aqui as propriedades que o Agente de Perfil do Usuário possui Na seqüência, são apresentadas as soluções tecnológicas utilizadas no projeto, tais como: AMPLIA (ambiente de ensino ancorado no PortEdu), PMA3, FIPA e a API Fácil. É descrito o modo como estas tecnologias interagem no âmbito do PortEdu. O problema da recuperação de informação na Web é discutido nesta pesquisa e são apresentados três trabalhos relacionados que abordam este problema. Também é realizada uma comparação entre estes trabalhos e o PortEdu. Por fim, este trabalho apresenta uma solução encontrada para resolver o problema de recuperação de informação na Web utilizando um protótipo do PortEdu. Esta pesquisa está inserida na área de Informática na Educação.


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A mineração de dados é o núcleo do processo de descoberta de conhecimento em base de dados. Durante a mineração podem ser aplicadas diversas técnicas para a extração de conhecimento. Cada técnica disponível visa à realização de um objetivo e é executada de uma forma em particular. O foco desta dissertação é uma destas técnicas conhecida como detecção de desvios. A detecção de desvios é baseada no reconhecimento do padrão existente nos dados avaliados e a capacidade de identificar valores que não suportem o padrão identificado. Este trabalho propõe uma sistemática de avaliação dos dados, com o objetivo de identificar os registros que destoam do padrão encontrado. Para este estudo são aplicadas algumas técnicas de avaliação estatística. Inicialmente é apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre descoberta de conhecimento em base de dados (DCBD) e mineração de dados (MD). Na seqüência, são apresentados os principais conceitos que auxiliam na definição do que é um desvio, quais as técnicas utilizadas para a detecção e a forma de avaliação do mesmo. Dando continuidade ao trabalho, a sistemática CRISP_DM é descrita por ser aplicada aos estudos de casos realizados. A seguir, são descritos os estudos de casos realizados que utilizaram as bases da Secretaria da Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul (SES). Finalmente, são apresentados as conclusões do estudo e possíveis trabalhos futuros.


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: fazer um levantamento das dez espécies vegetais que compõem o maior número de apresentações farmacêuticas de fitoterápicos simples registradas na ANVISA; realizar o diagnóstico da oferta e da qualidade das informações contidas nas bulas das apresentações contendo as cinco espécies vegetais mais utilizadas; e definir as informações técnicas que devem estar contidas na bula de especialidades farmacêuticas que contenham como ingredientes ativos unicamente extratos preparados a partir destas espécies. O levantamento das dez espécies vegetais abrangeu o período de 01/01/1998 a 30/06/2003 e foi realizado através de consulta ao OPTLINE (www.i-helps.com). Os medicamentos fitoterápicos representam 7,76% (1888) das apresentações de registro de medicamentos no Brasil, sendo 1311 (5,38 %) apresentações de medicamentos fitoterápicos simples. Cinqüenta e oito espécies vegetais constituíam os registros de medicamentos fitoterápicos simples, sendo as dez com maior número de apresentações Ginkgo biloba L.: 302 (23,04%); Hypericum perforatum L.: 126 (9,61%); Piper methysticum F.: 87 (6,64%); Cimicifuga racemosa Nutt: 79 (6,03%); Valeriana officinalis L.: 76 (5,80%); Vitis vinifera L.: 69 (5,26%); Echinacea purpurea L.: 58 (4,42%); Aesculus hippocastanum L.: 53 (4,04%); Panax ginseng C. A Mayer: 48 (3,66%) e Cynara scolymus L.: 31 (2,36%). O diagnóstico da oferta e da qualidade das informações contidas nos textos das bulas foi realizado comparando-se estas informações com aquelas apresentadas na base de dados Medline (PubMed - www.ncbi.nhm.nhi.gov) dos últimos 5 anos e em obras bibliográficas de referência aceitas pela ANVISA, além de outras, clássicas na área de farmacognosia e fitoterapia . Foram avaliadas vinte e oito bulas. As informações de todas as bulas apresentavam incompatibilidades com as informações da literatura consultada. Os problemas mais freqüentemente encontrados foram relativos à sinonímia popular, eficácia, via de administração, contra-indicações, uso em idosos, crianças e grupos de risco, reações adversas e interações medicamentosas. Para cada uma das cinco espécies mais citadas, as informações científicas e técnicas compiladas foram organizadas como uma proposta de bula para o Profissional de Saúde a ser incluída no Compêndio de Bulas de Medicamentos (CBM), conforme previsto na Resolução-RDC nº 140/03, o qual consiste em um conjunto de bulas de medicamentos comercializados, editado pelo órgão regulador e com conteúdo da bula para o paciente e da bula para o profissional de saúde.


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The purpose of this work is to know the forms of minding to the alcoholics in extra-hospitable services of mental health in Botucatu municipality. This places are: Mental Health Ambulatory and School Health Center both of the Medicine College of the Paulista State University and Mental Health Ambulatory of the NGA-11. For the development of this work was realized a bibliographic raising, presented in the introduction. Four professionals that work in this assistance were interviewed. The data that was collected in the interviews were reported with the literature of the area allowing the knowledge of the main characteristics of the minding to the alcoholist in the three services that were consulted. For example: groupal minding, minding to the family and the kind of therapeutic contract.


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This study was carried out to evaluate the working procedures of the mental health at the medical and administrative team at the mental health outpatient unit in Botucatu, attempting to understand its previous and social characteristics in relation to psychiatry, health and Brazilian society. The objective of this study was to analyze the activities being used and the professional inter-relationship of the team. It tried to identify the main factors that controlled the actions, the social needs are attended to. Direct observation and interviews focused on the patients and workers were the methods used. The results were reviewed in the lights of the concepts of 'work technological organization' and 'working process' which enabled the identification of the units of work at the center. After all, it was noticed that there were two distinct trends of work organization: one of them aimed at individual treatment by medical staff and the other aimed at group treatment by non-medical staff.


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The history of concepts, albeit still little explored by information science, can provide important contributions for the study of key concepts that constitute the theoretical-conceptual framework in a scientifi c context. Thus, the history of concepts is presented as a tool for the study of diachronic and synchronic features of the scientific concept in Information Science. For such, it was imperative to understand the intersection of the categorical-abstract and analytical-causal dimensions, both relevant for constituting the very proposition of the history of concepts elaborated by Reinhart Koselleck.


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With the evolution of the organizations theory, new management practices have transformed the institutions. The improvement of these management practices in cultural unities (UCs) is constant, and interacts in the international axis, since each unity increasingly communicate with other. As a reflection of organizational administrative practices, UCs had developed and assumed the organizational theories to make easy a framework for effective management practices. Comprehending the importance of the studies on UCs requires both a new approach of existing public politics for this field, and the recognition of the Information Science knowledge on area. In this way, it was planned to develop a model constituting a tool for managers in these institutions through the experience of laboratory works carried out with researchers from the European community. Libraries and museums are institutions that operate in the social process of their communities and the archives establish their structural spaces in parallel with the political, economic and social environments of the communities, translate the society and its organic sphere of informational performance. The information transposes a cyclical and essential role for the arrangement of the effective and necessary record to the organizational process and the institutional growth. Studies of this nature contribute to value a economy based on knowledge, and its production emphasizes the human capital that permeates the condition of the information in support for the development of communities and the growth of the organizational environment in political, social and cultural spheres.


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The contemporaneous culture presents new con ditions of interaction with the information flows in the knowledge construction. Multidimensional codifications stimulate the brain and impress meaning to concepts initially empty. Culture is redefined as mosaic-culture, composed by a diversity of media and by immersion in the messages' sphere. In emerge nt countries like Brazil that propose to capacitate citizens for action and for interaction, the aims should imply the respect to the cultural specificities and in the real improvement of the citizens welfare. Information Science in this context must seek theorizations and practices that contribute to social improvements, capacitating and a better understanding of the challenges of Social Web. If the PISA examination demonstrates the County's frailness relating to the information, the 2011 Unicef report point to opportunities. The Universities have an essential role in the capacitating and in the creation of professional contingents, developing their own potentialities in the study, research and knowledge production for a better use of the Information and Communication Technologies. The man-machinery interfaces offer new problems to be dealt together with the literacy lags in Brazil: if information needs to be communicated to re-elaborate in knowledge, its representational supports need to be learnt as technological processes. Implementing informational ambiences studies will produce material for analyses, for the understanding and for the cultural practices importation, converting them to the contextualization of the Country's needs.


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The indexing process is determined the subject of the document and its relation with the representation information. To cultivate the interdisciplinary contributions is essential, especially when the relationship allows substantial additions to the area of research. Rehearse some contributions in this article of Semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce in the field of study of the indexing process, in particular, the notions of representation and referent. It is concluded that the tripartite division of the sign provides basis for to understanding the process of thematic representation, discussing the relationship of the sign with the object and the phenomenon presented, in the indexer sees the documentary language as referent.


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Information flows are formed naturally or formally induced in organizational settings, passing from the strategic level to operational level, reflecting, and impacting in the processes that make up the organization, including the decision-making process and therefore the action strategies of organization. The management of organizational environments based on information requires careful attention to various kinds of languages used for communication between sectors and employees of the organization, whose goal is to share, disseminate and socialize the information produced in this environment.


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The goal of this research is to analyze what are the key variables and factors that, in the perception of researchers in the field of sustainability in Brazil, may be influencing the impact research conducted by them. Therefore, we designed a data collection instrument with 14 variables, responded online by 89 researchers in the field of sustainability in Brazil. The results show that these researchers realize the impact of their research as a process influenced by four factors.


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The expansion of citizen participation in the public sphere depends directly of access information on the performance of elected representatives, especially with regard to their voting decisions during their terms. The Information Science can assist in this process, proposing and evaluating models of access to such information that may be obtained from data to be provided by the official websites from legislative, in levels federal, state and municipal. It is proposed in this paper to analyze the process of collecting and using of data about votes of senators in order to promote the use of this model in other spheres. From analyzed data a affinity matrix was developed to identifying the relationship between each of the parliamentary with others, based on the similarities of the decisions taken in all the open votes. It was also analyzed the development of initial visualizations and the extension of the scope of the search through the application of data obtained in all the affinities between parliamentarians and to obtain an average affinity between parties, enabling new dimensions of analysis to the data collected. The preparation of the full matrix of relations of affinity among parliamentarians can provide a new horizon of possibilities for developing new forms of visualization and analysis, increasing the visibility of parliamentary actions with society.


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Considering the investigating course of Information Science which, under different perspectives, admits theoretical constructions influenced by objective and/or subjective and/or social dimensions of information, this paper aims to identify conceptual elements about notions of user employed in modeling constructs in the area. For such, an investigation was made in a corpus comprised of 15 literature reviews on need, search, behavior and use of information published in the Annual Review of Information Science and Technology - ARIST. Corpus analysis allowed to illustrate the subject-object relation in traditional and alternative approaches, directed towards objective and subjective dimensions of information. It also allowed to propose systemic and emerging models, the latter comprising of the relative attraction of subjective and social dimensions. In the end, a table is outlined with results pointing towards the displacement and/or transcendence of the strict notion of subject, underlying as a singularity managing or using information in a system - then considering, complementarily, other possibilities for acting. In this direction, the subject is then conceived not only in terms of management or use actions, but also taking as fundament his/her agency in the process of appropriation and construction of information and knowledge, interactively and in context.