893 resultados para Industrial Research


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Statistical methodology was applied to a survey of time-course incidence of four viruses (alfalfa mosaic virus, clover yellow vein virus, subterranean clover mottle virus and subterranean clover red leaf virus) in improved pastures in southern regions of Australia. -from Authors


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In this paper, we address the control design problem of positioning of over-actuated marine vehicles with control allocation. The proposed design is based on a combined position and velocity loops in a multi-variable anti-windup implementation together with a control allocation mapping. The vehicle modelling is considered with appropriate simplifications related to low-speed manoeuvring hydrodynamics and vehicle symmetry. The control design is considered together with a control allocation mapping. We derive analytical tuning rules based on requirements of closed-loop stability and performance. The anti- windup implementation of the controller is obtained by mapping the actuator-force constraint set into a constraint set for the generalized forces. This approach ensures that actuation capacity is not violated by constraining the generalized control forces; thus, the control allocation is simplified since it can be formulated as an unconstrained problem. The mapping can also be modified on-line based on actuator availability to provide actuator-failure accommodation. We provide a proof of the closed-loop stability and illustrate the performance using simulation scenarios for an open-frame underwater vehicle.


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This chapter focuses on the more strategic activities that lead people in the regional community to decide how they want to respond to climate change. Such strategic activities include analysing, prioritising and deciding upon the best course of action. Planning for climate adaptation (usually seen to include the setting of visions and objectives, the determination of key strategies and the monitoring of broad outcomes) encompasses the strategic activities involved in the system of governance for climate adaptation. Planning occurs at all scales from global to the business, property, family and even individual scales. Applying a rapid appraisal technique, this chapter analyses the system of planning for climate adaptation as it relates to the achievement of adaptation outcomes within the Wet Tropics Cluster. It finds that some aspects of the system are healthier than others, and identifies several actions that regional NRM bodies may consider (either collectively or individually) to enhance adaptation outcomes by improving the planning system within the cluster.


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This invention concerns the control of rotating excavation machinery, for instance to avoid collisions with obstacles. In a first aspect the invention is a control system for autonomous path planning in excavation machinery, comprising: A map generation subsystem to receive data from an array of disparate and complementary sensors to generate a 3-Dimensional digital terrain and obstacle map referenced to a coordinate frame related to the machine's geometry, during normal operation of the machine. An obstacle detection subsystem to find and identify obstacles in the digital terrain and obstacle map, and then to refine the map by identifying exclusion zones that are within reach of the machine during operation. A collision detection subsystem that uses knowledge of the machine's position and movements, as well as the digital terrain and obstacle map, to identify and predict possible collisions with itself or other obstacles, and then uses a forward motion planner to predict collisions in a planned path. And, a path planning subsystem that uses information from the other subsystems to vary planned paths to avoid obstacles and collisions. In other aspects the invention is excavation machinery including the control system; a method for control of excavation machinery; and firmware and software versions of the control system.


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A system for monitoring conditions in a remote environment. The system comprising a data transmission network including a plurality of data sensing nodes. Each data sensing node includes an environment sensing means for periodically sensing the environment around node, a transmission means for periodic wireless transmission of sensed data to adjacent data sensing nodes. These adjacent data sensing nodes combining their sensed data with the received data from other data sensing nodes and on transmit the combined data.


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This paper describes current research at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) in collaboration with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) within the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Mining Technology and Equipment (CMTE) towards achieving autonomous navigation of underground vehicles, like a Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) truck. This work is being sponsored by the mining industry through the Australian Mineral Industries Research Association Limited (AMIRA). Robust and reliable autonomous navigation can only be realised by achieving high level tasks such as path-planning and obstacle avoidance. This requires determining the pose (position and orientation) of the vehicle at all times. A minimal infrastructure localisation algorithm that has been developed for this purpose is outlined and the corresponding results are presented. Further research issues that are under investigation are also outlined briefly.


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Science, Art and Science Art collaborations are generally presented and understood in terms of their products. We argue that the process of Science art can be a significant, even principal benefit of these collaborations, even though it may be largely invisible to anyone other than the collaborators. Hosting the Centenary of Canberra Science Art Commission at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has shown us that while Science and Art pursue orthogonal dimensions of creativity and innovation, collaborators can combine these directions to access new areas of imagination and ideas.


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This paper reviews the state-of-the-art in the automation of underground truck haulage. Past attempts at automating LHDs and haul trucks are described and their particular strengths and weaknesses are listed. We argue that the simple auto-tramming systems currently being commercialised, that follow rail-type guides placed along the back, cannot match the performance, flexibility and reliability of systems based on modern mobile robotic principles. In addition, the lack of collision detection research in the underground environment is highlighted.


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If the land sector is to make significant contributions to mitigating anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in coming decades, it must do so while concurrently expanding production of food and fiber. In our view, mathematical modeling will be required to provide scientific guidance to meet this challenge. In order to be useful in GHG mitigation policy measures, models must simultaneously meet scientific, software engineering, and human capacity requirements. They can be used to understand GHG fluxes, to evaluate proposed GHG mitigation actions, and to predict and monitor the effects of specific actions; the latter applications require a change in mindset that has parallels with the shift from research modeling to decision support. We compare and contrast 6 agro-ecosystem models (FullCAM, DayCent, DNDC, APSIM, WNMM, and AgMod), chosen because they are used in Australian agriculture and forestry. Underlying structural similarities in the representations of carbon flows though plants and soils in these models are complemented by a diverse range of emphases and approaches to the subprocesses within the agro-ecosystem. None of these agro-ecosystem models handles all land sector GHG fluxes, and considerable model-based uncertainty exists for soil C fluxes and enteric methane emissions. The models also show diverse approaches to the initialisation of model simulations, software implementation, distribution, licensing, and software quality assurance; each of these will differentially affect their usefulness for policy-driven GHG mitigation prediction and monitoring. Specific requirements imposed on the use of models by Australian mitigation policy settings are discussed, and areas for further scientific development of agro-ecosystem models for use in GHG mitigation policy are proposed.


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Reaction of 6-acetoxy-5-bromomethylquinoline (1c) and 2-bromomethyl-4-(2'-pyridyl)phenyl acetate (2b) with tetrachlorocatechol in acetone in the presence of anhydrous potassium carbonate resulted in the formation of diastereomeric products 3c, 3d, 4e and 4f.


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A 100,000 x g supernatant fraction prepared from developing groundnut seeds (30-35 days after flowering) catalyzed the synthesis of fatty acids from [l-14C]acetate at a rate of 120nmoles of acetate incorporated per hr per gram fresh weight of tissue. 90% of this incorporated label was associated with fatty acids. The major fatty acids formed were stearic- (77%) and palmitic acids (14%) with 4% of oleic acid. The fatty acid synthetase activity was stable when stored at 0-4 degrees C for at least fifteen days. It is concluded from these results that acetyl-coA carboxylase and all the enzymes of fatty acid synthetase from developing groundnut seeds are soluble.


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A method has been developed for the removal of chromium using ferrous sulphide generated in situ. The effects of experimental parameters such as pH, reagent dosages, interference from cations and chelating agents have been investigated. Under optimum conditions, removal efficiencies of 99 and 97% for synthetic and industrial samples have been obtained. The method offers all the advantages of sulphide precipitation process and can be adopted easily for industrial effluents.


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Downy mildew pathogen of pearl millet in India is associated with the spread of the highly virulent Sclerospora graminicola pathotype-1. Twenty-seven S. graminicola isolates were screened using 20 intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR). Dinucleotide repeat primer [17898A-(CA)(6) AC] amplified a similar to 600 bp fragment specific to five isolates of pathotype-1 (Sg 048, Sg 153, Sg 212, DM-11 and DM-90). The ISSR fragment linked with pathotype-1 was cloned successfully and sequenced. To convert ISSR fragments into pathotype-specific sequence characterised amplified region (SCAR) markers, PCR primers were designed using a sequence of the cloned DNA fragment. PCR amplification using SCAR primer pair (UOM3-Sg-Path1-F/R) amplified a single 284 bp band only in isolates of S. graminicola pathotype-1. This SCAR primer pair did not amplify the 284 bp product from the other five S. graminicola pathotypes or a negative control, which demonstrates primer specificity for pathotype-1. The SCAR primer pair (UOM3-Sg-Path1-F/R) obtained in this study will provide a valuable tool for rapid identification and specific detection of S. graminicola pathotype-1.