156 resultados para Incubators.


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Established firms tend to pursue incremental innovation by modifying and refining their existing products and processes rather than developing radical innovations. In the face of resistance to change and incumbent inertia, which prevent the generation of novelty, established firms have turned towards corporate entrepreneurship as a means of exploiting knowledge accumulated within its own boundaries and exploring external markets. This paper focuses on one mode of corporate entrepreneurship, corporate incubation, informed by a study of a Technology Incubator at Philips. An account of the history of the incubator traces its progress from its inception in 2002-2006 when further incubators were formed, building on this experience and focusing on lifestyle and healthcare technologies. We identify ways in which the Philips incubator represents an alternative selection environment that effectively simulated the venture capitalist model of entrepreneurial innovation. © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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The increasing emphasis on academic entrepreneurship, technology transfer and research commercialisation within UK universities is predicated on basic research being developed by academics into commercial entities such as university spin-off companies or licensing arrangements. However, this process is fraught with challenges and risks, given the degree of uncertainty regarding future returns. In an attempt to minimise such risks, the Proof-of-Concept (PoC) process has been developed within University Science Park Incubators (USIs) to test the technological, business and market potential of embryonic technology. The key or the pivotal stakeholder within the PoC is the Principal Investigator (PI), who is usually the lead academic responsible for the embryonic technology. Within the current literature, there appears to be a lack of research pertaining to the role of the PI in the PoC process. Moreover, Absorptive Capacity (ACAP) has emerged within the literature as a theoretical framework or lens for exploring the development and application of new knowledge and technology, where the USI is the organisation considered in the current study. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore the role and influence of the PI in the PoC process within a USI setting using an ACAP perspective. The research involved a multiple case analysis of PoC applications within a UK university USI. The results demonstrate the role of the PI in developing practices and routines within the PoC process. These practices and processes were initially tacit and informal in nature but became more explicit and formal over time so that knowledge was retained within the USI after the PIs had completed the PoC process. © 2010 The Authors. R&D Management © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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The formation rate of university spin-out firms has increased markedly over the past decade. While this is seen as an important channel for the commercialisation of academic research, concerns have centred around high failure rates and no-to-low growth among those which survive compared to other new technology based firms. Universities have responded to this by investing in incubators to assist spin-outs to overcome their liability of newness. Yet how effective are incubators in supporting these firms? Here we examine this in terms of the structural networks that spin-out firms form, the role of the incubator in this and the effect of this on the spin-out process.


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A metrologia na saúde tem um elevado grau de importância no quotidiano hospitalar dado que muitas decisões são tomadas com base em medições. Além disso, a constante evolução tecnológica na área da saúde e o número crescente de parâmetros fisiológicos dos equipamentos médicos exige a constante preocupação com o controlo metrológico. Assim, o funcionamento eficiente destes poderá contribuir para a segurança, uma melhor e mais rápida recuperação do doente e, consequentemente, um aumento do tempo de vida do equipamento, o que por sua vez se reflete numa maior economia de custos. A otimização de protocolos de metrologia em saúde, a elaboração de planos de controlo para validação de equipamentos médicos-hospitalares, a sensibilização de profissionais de saúde para o controlo metrológico, assim como o conhecimento das aplicações informáticas da organização são essenciais para uma eficaz gestão da manutenção hospitalar. O Serviço de Instalações e Equipamentos do Centro Hospitalar do Tâmega e Sousa, trabalha no sentido de assegurar uma resposta rápida, otimizada e eficiente para satisfazer as necessidades hospitalares através da aplicação de metodologias e ferramentas da qualidade destinadas à metrologia em saúde. Assim, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é apresentar metodologias e ferramentas aplicadas no controlo de parâmetros de equipamentos médico-hospitalares tais como, dispositivos de infusão, monitores de sinais vitais, eletrocardiógrafos, cardiotocógrafos, desfibrilhadores, incubadoras, aparelhos de fototerapia, bem como, o processo de gestão da manutenção aplicado pelo Serviço de Instalações e Equipamentos. Neste sentido foi possível demonstrar que o controlo metrológico é de extrema importância para uma instituição hospitalar.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Maria Clara Ribeiro


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This work project takes the format of a problem-solving approach suggested by “Impulse Partners”, a French consulting firm. It recommends a way to measure the success of ten startups in the incubators “Starburst” and “Incubator Construction & Energy” and give them strategic guidance. A Balanced Scorecard is elaborated to help incubated startups building up and implementing their strategy. The Scorecard suggests possible initiatives for the startups that are ideally realized with the help of the consulting firm that is steering the incubator. Special attention is drawn to what the startups need to succeed, which typically concerns financing, networking and managing skills.


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RESUMO: A economia solidária é aqui apresentada como um movimento social emancipatório e como uma das formas de resistências das trabalhadoras e trabalhadores ao modelo de desenvolvimento capitalista. O movimento contemporâneo de economia solidária abrange o processo de produção, comercialização e finanças. A economia solidária é caracterizada pela posse coletiva dos meios de produção e pelo controle dos trabalhadores dos empreendimentos através de autogestão, cooperação e solidariedade. Os empreendimentos econômicos solidários se organizam sob a forma de cooperativas, associações e grupos informais. Um dos maiores desafios da economia solidária está no campo educativo, porque impõe a desconstrução dos princípios individualistas e privatistas preponderantes na maioria das relações econômicas, e exige a construção de outra cultura pautada na solidariedade. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa realizada, tem como objeto de estudo as metodologias de incubação fomentadas pelas universidades nas ações de economia solidária. Para isso, analisamos as experiências da Incubadora de Economia Solidária da Universidade Federal da Paraíba - Brasil e da Incubadora na Universidade de Kassel- Alemanha – Verein für Solidarische Ökonomie e.V. A pesquisa buscou conhecer e analisar as práticas de incubagem das universidades na economia solidária, como processos de mudança social. A coleta de informações foi realizada, tendo por base, uma revisão bibliográfica, relatórios das Incubadoras, registros fotográficos, observação participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados da análise indicam que as metodologias de incubação na economia solidaria, por terem um caráter aberto e participativo, por considerarem os condicionamentos históricos e as diferentes culturas, fazem-nas portadoras de mudanças sociais. Esta metodologia pode ser utilizada por diferentes atores, em lugares e situações distintas. A pesquisa indica ainda, a centralidade da questão ecológica como elemento que poderá unificar o movimento internacional de economia solidária.


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El terrorismo en la actualidad es considerado como uno de los conceptos más controversiales en los campos social, académico y político. El término se empieza a utilizar después de la Revolución Francesa, pero recientemente, a raíz de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, ha tomado suma relevancia y ha motivado numerosas investigaciones para tratar de entender qué es terrorismo. Aunque a la fecha existen varias revisiones sistemáticas, este trabajo tiene como propósito revisar, agrupar y concretar diferentes teorías y conceptos formulados por los autores que han trabajado sobre el concepto de “terrorismo” con el fin de entender las implicaciones de su utilización en el discurso, y cómo esto afecta la dinámica interna de las sociedades en relación con la violencia, las creencias, los estereotipos entre otros elementos. Para lograrlo, se revisaron 56 artículos, publicados entre los años 1985 y 2013; 10 fuentes secundarias entre noticias y artículos de periódicos correspondientes a los años 1995-2013 y 10 estudios estadísticos cuyos resultados nos aportan a la comprensión del tema en cuestión. La búsqueda se limitó al desarrollo histórico del terrorismo, sus diferentes dimensiones y el concepto social de la realidad de terrorismo. Los hallazgos demuestran que la palabra “terrorismo” constituye un concepto que como tal es un vehículo lingüístico que puede ser utilizado con fines, estratégicos movilizando al público conforme a través del discurso e intereses políticos, destacando la necesidad de estudiar las implicaciones psicológicas y sociales de su uso.


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The objective of this work was to determine the viability equation constants for cottonseed and to detect the occurrence and depletion of hardseededness. Three seedlots of Brazilian cultivars IAC-19 and IAC-20 were tested, using 12 moisture content levels, ranging from 2.2 to 21.7% and three storage temperatures, 40, 50 and 65 degrees C. Seed moisture content level was reached from the initial value (around 8.8%) either by rehydration, in a closed container, or by drying in desiccators containing silica gel, both at 20 degrees C. Twelve seed subsamples for each moisture content/temperature treatment were sealed in laminated aluminium-foil packets and stored in incubators at those temperatures, until complete survival curves were obtained. Seed equilibrium relative humidity was recorded. Hardseededness was detected at moisture content levels below 6% and its releasing was achieved either naturally, during storage period, or artificially through seed coat removal. The viability equation quantified the response of seed longevity to storage environment well with K-E = 9.240, C-W = 5.190, C-H = 0.03965 and C-Q = 0.000426. The lower limit estimated for application of this equation at 65 degrees C was 3.6% moisture content.


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The African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) is a multidisciplinary network of researchers, private sector actors, policymakers and civil society. ATPS has the vision to become the leading international centre of excellence and reference in science, technology and innovation (STI) systems research, training and capacity building, communication and sensitization, knowledge brokerage, policy advocacy and outreach in Africa. It has a Regional Secretariat in Nairobi Kenya, and operates through national chapters in 29 countries (including 27 in Africa and two Chapters in the United Kingdom and USA for Africans in the Diaspora) with an expansion plan to cover the entire continent by 2015. The ATPS Phase VI Strategic Plan aims to improve the understanding and functioning of STI processes and systems to strengthen the learning capacity, social responses, and governance of STI for addressing Africa's development challenges, with a specific focus on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). A team of external evaluators carried out a midterm review to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the Strategic Plan for the period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010. The evaluation methodology involved multiple quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the qualitative and quantitative inputs (human resources, financial resources, time, etc.) into ATPS activities (both thematic and facilitative) and their tangible and intangible outputs, outcomes and impacts. Methods included a questionnaire survey of ATPS members and stakeholders, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions (FGDs) with members in six countries. Effectiveness of Programmes Under all six strategic goals, very good progress has been made towards planned outputs and outcomes. This is evidenced by key performance indicators (KPIs) generated from desk review, ratings from the survey respondents, and the themes that run through the FGDs. Institutional and Programme Cost Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness: assessment of institutional effectiveness suggests that adequate management frameworks are in place and are being used effectively and transparently. Also technical and financial accounting mechanisms are being followed in accordance with grant agreements and with global good practice. This is evidenced by KPIs generated from desk review. Programme Cost Effectiveness: assessment of cost-effectiveness of execution of programmes shows that organisational structure is efficient, delivering high quality, relevant research at relatively low cost by international standards. The evidence includes KPIs from desk review: administrative costs to programme cost ratio has fallen steadily, to around 10%; average size of research grants is modest, without compromising quality. There is high level of pro bono input by ATPS members. ATPS Programmes Strategic Evaluation ATPS research and STI related activities are indeed unique and well aligned with STI issues and needs facing Africa and globally. The multi-disciplinary and trans-boundary nature of the research activities are creating a unique group of research scientists. The ATPS approach to research and STI issues is paving the way for the so called Third Generation University (3GU). Understanding this unique positioning, an increasing number of international multilateral agencies are seeking partnership with ATPS. ATPS is seeing an increasing level of funding commitments by Donor Partners. Recommendations for ATPS Continued Growth and Effectiveness On-going reform of ATPS administrative structure to continue The on-going reforms that have taken place within the Board, Regional Secretariat, and at the National Chapter coordination levels are welcomed. Such reform should continue until fully functional corporate governance policy and practices are fully established and implemented across the ATPS governance structures. This will further strengthen ATPS to achieve the vision of being the leading STI policy brokerage organization in Africa. Although training in corporate governance has been carried out for all sectors of ATPS leadership structure in recent time, there is some evidence that these systems have not yet been fully implemented effectively within all the governance structures of the organization, especially at the Board and National chapter levels. Future training should emphasize practical application with exercises relevant to ATPS leadership structure from the Board to the National Chapter levels. Training on Transformational Leadership - Leading a Change Though a subject of intense debate amongst economists and social scientists, it is generally agreed that cultural mindsets and attitudes could enhance and/or hinder organizational progress. ATPS’s vision demands transformational leadership skills amongst its leaders from the Board members to the National Chapter Coordinators. To lead such a change, ATPS leaders must understand and avoid personal and cultural mindsets and value systems that hinder change, while embracing those that enhance it. It requires deliberate assessment of cultural, behavioural patterns that could hinder progress and the willingness to be recast into cultural and personal habits that make for progress. Improvement of relationship amongst the Board, Secretariat, and National Chapters A large number of ATPS members and stakeholders feel they do not have effective communications and/or access to Board, National Chapter Coordinators and Regional Secretariat activities. Effort should be made to improve the implementation of ATPS communication strategy to improve on information flows amongst the ATPS management and the members. The results of the survey and the FGDs suggest that progress has been made during the past two years in this direction, but more could be done to ensure effective flow of pertinent information to members following ATPS communications channels. Strategies for Increased Funding for National Chapters There is a big gap between the fundraising skills of the Regional Secretariat and those of the National Coordinators. In some cases, funds successfully raised by the Secretariat and disbursed to national chapters were not followed up with timely progress and financial reports by some national chapters. Adequate training in relevant skills required for effective interactions with STI key policy players should be conducted regularly for National Chapter coordinators and ATPS members. The ongoing training in grant writing should continue and be made continent-wide if funding permits. Funding of National Chapters should be strategic such that capacity in a specific area of research is built which, with time, will not only lead to a strong research capacity in that area, but also strengthen academic programmes. For example, a strong climate change programme is emerging at University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), with strong collaborations with Universities from neighbouring States. Strategies to Increase National Government buy-in and support for STI Translating STI research outcomes into policies requires a great deal of emotional intelligence, skills which are often lacking in the first and second generation universities. In the epoch of the science-based or 2GUs, governments were content with universities carrying out scientific research and providing scientific education. Now they desire to see universities as incubators of new science- or technology-based commercial activities, whether by existing firms or start-ups. Hence, governments demand that universities take an active and leading role in the exploitation of their knowledge and they are willing to make funds available to support such activities. Thus, for universities to gain the attention of national leadership they must become centres of excellence and explicit instruments of economic development in the knowledge-based economy. The universities must do this while working collaboratively with government departments, parastatals, and institutions and dedicated research establishments. ATPS should anticipate these shifting changes and devise programmes to assist both government and universities to relate effectively. New administrative structures in member organizations to sustain and manage the emerging STI multidisciplinary teams Second Generation universities (2GUs) tend to focus on pure science and often do not regard the application of their know-how as their task. In contrast, Third Generation Universities (3GUs) objectively stimulate techno-starters – students or academics – to pursue the exploitation or commercialisation of the knowledge they generate. They view this as being equal in importance to the objectives of scientific research and education. Administratively, research in the 2GU era was mainly monodisciplinary and departments were structured along disciplines. The emerging interdisciplinary scientific teams with focus on specific research areas functionally work against the current mono-disciplinary faculty-based, administrative structure of 2GUs. For interdisciplinary teams, the current faculty system is an obstacle. There is a need for new organisational forms for university management that can create responsibilities for the task of know-how exploitation. ATPS must anticipate this and begin to strategize solutions for their member institutions to transition to 3Gus administrative structure, otherwise ATPS growth will plateau, and progress achieved so far may be stunted.


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A unique technology business creation model called "Mentrix Model" was created which achieved above 85% success using state of the art selection tools. Based upon the author's research and experience in establishing the world class Australian Technology Park in Sydney, Australia and the extension to the prestigious OptixLab in Malaysia.


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 Some ground-nesting birds adopt a mixed strategy of nesting in the open, or under cover (e.g. vegetation). This may represent a trade-off between thermally favourable nest sites (covered) and those that enable the early detection and avoidance of predators (open). This study examined whether such a trade-off exists for Redcapped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus, whose eggs are preyed upon principally by Little Raven Corvus mellori. For real and artificial nests, nest temperatures under cover (real, 25.9 ± 0.1°C; false, 16.2 ± 0.5°C) were cooler than those in the open (real, 26.8 ± 0.1°C; false, 17.4 ± 0.9°C). Covered nests had more visual obstructions than open nests (covered, 65.5% ± 11.4%; open, 7.4% ± 2.8%) and a standardised measure of incubator escape distance, initiated by experimental human approaches, indicated incubators fled open nests at longer distances than for covered nests. Nests under cover showed a slightly (non-significant) higher probability of surviving one day (Daily Survival Rate [DSR] = 0.978) than those in the open (DSR = 0.950). For false nests containing model eggs, covered nests exhibited better survival to 10 days compared with open nests (20.4% vs. 4.7%). Thus, covered nests are associated with enhanced thermal environments and egg survival, but predators can approach the incubator more closely. Overall, the proposed trade-off between thermal and predation risks associated with nest sites appears to exist and explains the ongoing occurrence of nests in open and covered locations.


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The main purpose of this paper is to give a wide vision about science parks, technology parks, incubators and technology based firms and to show the Brazilian experience on these subjects. This kind of enterprises is considered one of the most important local and regional development instruments in the present. They demand actions to strengthen the links between firms, R&D centers, universities and governments, especially, local governments. Furthermore, the venture capital firms have an important role to play in these new approach to further the regional and local development through technological innovations. This paper emphasizes the importance of the venture capital and the strategic alliances to support this new approaches and shows that the lack of these instruments in Brazilian environment is one of the main problem of these technology based enterprises.


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Este estudo avalia a influência do desenvolvimento tecnológico sobre o social, a partir das atividades produtivas desenvolvidas na unidade agroindustrial Recanto lI, no município de Catolé do Rocha, com o apoio da Incubadora Tecnológica de Campina Grande - ITCG, e o Programa de Estudos e Ações no Semi-Árido Paraibano da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - PEASAlUFCG. Os problemas sociais no semi-árido surgiram por condições ambientais adversas e se intensificaram pela falta de políticas públicas adequadas à educação e ao desenvolvimento da região. O problema é expresso pela seguinte indagação: Qual a influência entre o desenvolvimento tecnológico e o desenvolvimento social gerados a partir da atividade produtiva da Incubadora de Campina Grande, em Campina Grande, Paraíba? A relevância deste trabalho vem da pretensão em colaborar para o estudo da relação entre desenvolvimento tecnológico e social, numa tentativa de tornar inteligível a necessidade de educação e inovação tecnológica para o desenvolvimento social, principalmente em países não desenvolvidos. Vem também da utilidade para a formulação de políticas públicas e estratégias de desenvolvimento tecnológico, identificando ações e medidas de desempenho, voltadas ao diagnóstico da contribuição das incubadoras tecnológicas para o bem-estar da sociedade. O referencial teórico foi composto pela análise da função das racionalidades dos diversos agentes sociais e de sua contribuição para as interações sociais, além da análise das realidades culturais da sociedade empresariada, do Estado e das incubadoras tecnológicas. A metodologia se utilizou da pesquisa descritiva e explicativa, de campo, documental, bibliográfica e estudo de caso. O universo foram as pessoas que compõem a ITCG e a amostra foram o diretor da Incubadora, o cientista da UFCG e o líder comunitário de Recanto lI. Os sujeitos da pesquisa confundem-se com a amostra. A coleta de dados se deu por meio da literatura sobre a temática e de inserções no campo de estudo. O tratamento de dados se utilizou da análise qualitativa do fenômeno. As principais limitações do método consistiram na coleta, no tratamento dos dados, e na utilização do estudo de caso, com possibilidade de compreensão tendenciosa do fenômeno estudado. O referencial prático apresenta o resultados da pesquisa, avaliando-os por meio da comparação com o referencial teórico estudado. Tem-se como resultados que a ITCG agiu articulando os grupos e traduzindo as realidades culturais de cada agente em prol do desenvolvimento de comunidades agroindustriais em situação de risco social, devido à problemática da seca. A ITCG atuou como alfabetizadora social ensinando aos agentes sociais os códigos culturais dos demais grupos. As desigualdades que existiam entre o cientista e o sertanejo, aprofundadas pelo vexatório histórico de escravidão do homem do campo no nordeste brasileiro, foram minimizadas pela educação dada pelo próprio cientista. A Universidade contribuiu para a redução do analfabetismo ambiental, onde o meio ambiente era tido como o principal rival do homem do sertão. O Estado, quando atua em parceria com os demais agentes sociais consegue, manter-se como o principal instrumento dos cidadãos para controlar a globalização em função de seus valores e interesses. Na ITCG o ambiente de incubação é educacional, onde os novos empreendedores são postos em contato com a realidade cultural do empresariado, do Estado e de outras comunidades da sociedade, seguindo modelos meramente educacionais. Como conclusão tem-se que a trajetória dos cidadãos de Recanto II - de escravos a exportadores - foi baseada em dois grandes tesouros, a família e areligião. O mérito da ITCG foi compreender, respeitar e preservar a realidade cultural de Recanto 11 e incentivar a interação social com outras realidades culturais capazes de gerar desenvolvimento naquela região. A saúde, o desenvolvimento infantil, a segurança, a habitação foram conquistas de Recanto 11. Como sugestão tem-se que as políticas públicas deveriam reproduzir este ambiente de desenvolvimento para todos os cidadãos brasileiros em situação de risco social, utilizando-se da família como base para interações sociais fluidas e harmônicas entre os diversos agentes sociais.


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Este trabalho busca entender como as Incubadoras de Empresas, por meio das relações com os agentes que fazem parte das suas redes, são capazes de auxiliar o surgimento de novas empresas. Identificou-se que aquelas Incubadoras de Empresas que se relacionam por meio de laços fortes com suas Instituições Mantenedoras e onde seus gestores conseguem articular o Capital Social potencialmente disponível dentro da rede que se constrói a partir dessas Incubadoras, são capazes de estimular o surgimento de novas empresas e disponibilizar um volume de Capital Social suficientemente capaz para que essas empresas, durante o período de Incubação, tenham a possibilidade de acumular seu próprio Capital Social a ponto de garantir a sua sobrevivência, após a sua saída da Incubadora.