981 resultados para In-tube SPME


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L’agrégation érythrocytaire est le principal facteur responsable des propriétés non newtoniennes sanguines pour des conditions d’écoulement à faible cisaillement. Lorsque les globules rouges s’agrègent, ils forment des rouleaux et des structures tridimensionnelles enchevêtrées qui font passer la viscosité sanguine de quelques mPa.s à une centaine de mPa.s. Cette organisation microstructurale érythrocytaire est maintenue par des liens inter-globulaires de faible énergie, lesquels sont brisés par une augmentation du cisaillement. Ces propriétés macroscopiques sont bien connues. Toutefois, les liens étiologiques entre ces propriétés rhéologiques générales et leurs effets pathophysiologiques demeurent difficiles à évaluer in vivo puisque les propriétés sanguines sont dynamiques et fortement tributaires des conditions d’écoulement. Ainsi, à partir de propriétés rhéologiques mesurées in vitro dans des conditions contrôlées, il devient difficile d’extrapoler leurs valeurs dans un environnement physiologique. Or, les thrombophlébites se développent systématiquement en des loci particuliers du système cardiovasculaire. D’autre part, plusieurs études cliniques ont établi que des conditions hémorhéologiques perturbées constituent des facteurs de risque de thrombose veineuse mais leurs contributions étiologiques demeurent hypothétiques ou corrélatives. En conséquence, un outil de caractérisation hémorhéologique applicable in vivo et in situ devrait permettre de mieux cerner et comprendre ces implications. Les ultrasons, qui se propagent dans les tissus biologiques, sont sensibles à l’agrégation érythrocytaire. De nature non invasive, l’imagerie ultrasonore permet de caractériser in vivo et in situ la microstructure sanguine dans des conditions d’écoulements physiologiques. Les signaux ultrasonores rétrodiffusés portent une information sur la microstructure sanguine reflétant directement les perturbations hémorhéologiques locales. Une cartographie in vivo de l’agrégation érythrocytaire, unique aux ultrasons, devrait permettre d’investiguer les implications étiologiques de l’hémorhéologie dans la maladie thrombotique vasculaire. Cette thèse complète une série de travaux effectués au Laboratoire de Biorhéologie et d’Ultrasonographie Médicale (LBUM) du centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal portant sur la rétrodiffusion ultrasonore érythrocytaire et menant à une application in vivo de la méthode. Elle se situe à la suite de travaux de modélisation qui ont mis en évidence la pertinence d’un modèle particulaire tenant compte de la densité des globules rouges, de la section de rétrodiffusion unitaire d’un globule et du facteur de structure. Ce modèle permet d’établir le lien entre la microstructure sanguine et le spectre fréquentiel du coefficient de rétrodiffusion ultrasonore. Une approximation au second ordre en fréquence du facteur de structure est proposée dans ces travaux pour décrire la microstructure sanguine. Cette approche est tout d’abord présentée et validée dans un champ d’écoulement cisaillé homogène. Une extension de la méthode en 2D permet ensuite la cartographie des propriétés structurelles sanguines en écoulement tubulaire par des images paramétriques qui mettent en évidence le caractère temporel de l’agrégation et la sensibilité ultrasonore à ces phénomènes. Une extrapolation menant à une relation entre la taille des agrégats érythrocytaires et la viscosité sanguine permet l’établissement de cartes de viscosité locales. Enfin, il est démontré, à l’aide d’un modèle animal, qu’une augmentation subite de l’agrégation érythrocytaire provoque la formation d’un thrombus veineux. Le niveau d’agrégation, la présence du thrombus et les variations du débit ont été caractérisés, dans cette étude, par imagerie ultrasonore. Nos résultats suggèrent que des paramètres hémorhéologiques, préférablement mesurés in vivo et in situ, devraient faire partie du profil de risque thrombotique.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the selection of X chromosome of buffaloes sperm with Percoll gradients. The stock solution of Percoll was prepared in the proportion of 1:11 (1 part of Percoll:11 parts of a solution containing KCl 1M, NaH(2)PO(4) 0.1M, NaCl 1.5M and sodium HEPES 23.8 g/ml). In order to prepare 9 different gradients were added to the stocked Percoll the A solution (glicine-yolk extender) in the following proportions: 90, 80, 72, 65, 57, 49, 34 and 25%. A sample of 0.7 ml of the fresh semen was deposited at 2 ml of Percoll 80% for the sperm wash. The precipitate was put in tube with 0.7 ml of each gradient. Then, the precipitated was washed in TES solution by centrifugation (500xg for 10 minutes), and collected again and diluted in TES solution to be freeze. The presence of the F body in the spermatozoa was observed in 58.7 +/- 5.4% of the control group and in 41.2 +/- 5.4% of the treated group (p<0.01). This result showed an increment of 17.55 of male sperm in the Percoll's group. The reduction of the centrifugation force did not improve the percentage of X sperm.


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The rheological behavior of egg yolk was studied at a range of temperatures (277-333 K) using a concentric cylinder viscometer. Rheological behavior was pseudoplastic and flow curves fitted by the power law model. The consistency and behavior indexes, dependent on temperature, were expressed by an Arrhenius-type equation. The rheological parameters, together with experimental values of pressure loss in tube flow were used to calculate friction factors. The good agreement between predicted and observed values confirmed the reliability of the equations proposed for describing the flow behavior of the egg yolk. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The rheological behavior of coffee extract with different water contents (49 to 90%) was studied at a wide range of temperatures (274 to 365 K) using a concentric cylinder rheometer. The flow curves followed different models depending on the concentration and temperature level. Newtonian behavior was observed at high values of water content and temperature, changing to power law as these values were decreased. The Newtonian viscosity as well as the consistency and behavior index could be well correlated by functions simultaneously dependent on temperature and water content. The rheological parameters, together with experimental values of pressure loss in tube flow, were used to calculate friction factors. These showed to be in good agreement with those resulting from classical theoretical and empirical equations, thus confirming the reliability of the rheological measurements.


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Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and density of yellow mombin juice were determined at 8.8-49.4 °Brix and at temperature from 0.4 to 77.1 °C. Apparent viscosity was also measured between 7.8 and 30 °Brix and at temperature from 0 to 60 °C. Yellow mombin juice was produced from fruits of two different batches and the concentration process was performed using a roto evaporator or a rising film evaporator, single effect, with recirculation, under vacuum, to obtain concentrated juice. In order to obtain different concentrations, concentrated juice was diluted with distilled water. Multiple regression analysis was performed to fit thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and density experimental data obtaining a good fit. Arrhenius and power law relationships were proposed to fit apparent viscosity as a function of temperature and juice concentration at typical shear rates found during processing. The rheological parameters together with experimental values of pressure loss in tube flow were used to calculate friction factors, which were compared to those resulting from theoretical equation.


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The sugarcane juice is a relatively low-cost agricultural resource, abundant in South Asia, Central America and Brazil, with vast applications in producing ethanol biofuel. In that way, a good knowledge of the rheological properties of this raw material is of crucial importance when designing and optimizing unit operations involved in its processing. In this work, the rheological behavior of untreated (USCJ, 17.9 °Brix), clarified (CSCJ, 18.2 °Brix) and mixed (MSCJ, 18.0 °Brix) sugarcane juices was studied at the temperature range from 277K to 373K, using a cone-and-plate viscometer. These fluids were found to present a Newtonian behavior and their flow curves were well-fitted by the viscosity Newtonian model. Viscosity values lied within the range 5.0×10 -3Pas to 0.04×10 -3Pas in the considered temperature interval. The dependence of the viscosity on the temperature was also successfully modeled through an Arrhenius-type equation. In addition to the dynamic viscosity, experimental values of pressure loss in tube flow were used to calculate friction factors. The good agreement between predicted and measured values confirmed the reliability of the proposed equations for describing the flow behavior of the clarified and untreated sugarcane juices. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.


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LaNiO3 thin films were deposited on SrLaAlO4 (1 0 0) and SrLaAlO4 (0 0 1) single crystal substrates by a chemical solution deposition method and heat-treated in oxygen atmosphere at 700° C in tube oven. Structural, morphological, and electrical properties of the LaNiO 3 thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and electrical resistivity as temperature function (Hall measurements). The X-ray diffraction data indicated good crystallinity and a structural preferential orientation. The LaNiO3 thin films have a very flat surface and no droplet was found on their surfaces. Samples of LaNiO3 grown onto (1 0 0) and (0 0 1) oriented SrLaAlO4 single crystal substrates reveled average grain size by AFM approximately 15-30 nm and 20-35 nm, respectively. Transport characteristics observed were clearly dependent upon the substrate orientation which exhibited a metal-to-insulator transition. The underlying mechanism is a result of competition between the mobility edge and the Fermi energy through the occupation of electron states which in turn is controlled by the disorder level induced by different growth surfaces. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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The addition of two compounds, calcium silicate and calcium zirconate was tested in the preparation of Bi: 2212 silver sheathed wires by powder-in-tube method. The wires were treated in an atmosphere of O-2/Ar using partial melting method. The characterizations were structural and on their electrical and magnetic properties. It was found that the addition of calcium silicate or zirconate promoted higher transition temperatures, up to 116 K for BSCCO with 1wt.% CaSiO3. The critical current densities determined by transport and magnetization measurements were improved in comparison with the wires without any addition.


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The Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system has been one of the most studied superconducting ceramic materials for industry applications. The most of the studies with this aim are on silver/ceramic composites, due to the benefits and great compatibility of this metal with the oxide. Tapes made by the powder in tube (PIT) method have been successfully tested in pilot power plants in many countries but in Brazil. In this paper, 5, 10, and 20-wt% silver powders are introduced to compose the core of the tape along with the Bi:2212 ceramic powder. The results of electrical experiments are compared with those made with no silver addition Ag tapes. The best current density, at 60 K and no applied magnetic field, was found for the 10-wt% silver proportion, doubling the value obtained for the tape with no silver in the core.


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The addition of two compounds, calcium silicate and calcium zirconate was tested, in the preparation of Bi: 2212 silver sheathed wires by powder-in-tube method, which were successfully tested previously in processing chips. The wires were treated in an atmosphere of O2/Ar using partial melting method. The characterizations were structural and on their electrical and magnetic properties. As the results, transition temperatures were higher than the expected for this stage, ranged from 105K (BSCCO880) to 116K (+Si883). The critical current densities encountered in transport and magnetization measurements were improved in comparison with the wires without addition.


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The present paper presents a theoretical analysis of a cross flow heat exchanger with a new flow arrangement comprehending several tube rows. The thermal performance of the proposed flow arrangement is compared with the thermal performance of a typical counter cross flow arrangement that is used in chemical, refrigeration, automotive and air conditioning industries. The thermal performance comparison has been performed in terms of the following parameters: heat exchanger effectiveness and efficiency, dimensionless entropy generation, entransy dissipation number, and dimensionless local temperature differences. It is also shown that the uniformity of the temperature difference field leads to a higher thermal performance of the heat exchanger. In the present case this is accomplished thorough a different organization of the in-tube fluid circuits in the heat exchanger. The relation between the recently introduced "entransy dissipation number" and the conventional thermal effectiveness has been obtained in terms of the "number of transfer units". A case study has been solved to quantitatively to obtain the temperature difference distribution over two rows units involving the proposed arrangement and the counter cross flow one. It has been shown that the proposed arrangement presents better thermal performance regardless the comparison parameter. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Zur Synthese hydrolysestabiler MUC1-Antitumorvakzine wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zunächst ein Verfahren zur effizienten N Methylierung von Fmoc-Aminosäuren entwickelt. Die Synthese erfolgte in einer zweistufigen Umsetzung über Oxazolidinone unter Verwendung eines Tube-in-Tube-Durchflussreaktors mit einer semipermeablen Membran aus Teflon® AF 2400. In diesem Tube-in-Tube-Reaktor wurde in der ersten Stufe das Modellsubstrat Fmoc-Alanin bereits nach 2 h annähernd quantitativ in das entsprechende Oxazolidinon umgesetzt. In der zweiten Stufe wurde mit TFA erstmals eine Flüssigkeit durch eine solche Membran des Tube-in-Tube-Reaktors eingeleitet und lieferte innerhalb einer Stunde zahlreiche aliphatische, aromatische und funktionalisierte N-Methylaminosäuren in hohen Ausbeuten.rnDes Weiteren wurden erstmals sensible Glycosylaminosäuren, darunter auch TN Antigen-Strukturen, N-methyliert. Sie dienen als Bausteine für die Synthese von MUC1-Antitumorvakzinen. Neben Fmoc-N-Methyl-TN-Threonin konnten die Fmoc-geschützten N-Methyl-TN-Serin, N-Methyl-Sialyl-TN-Threonin sowie zwei N-Methyl-C Glycosylaminosäuren und in guten Ausbeuten erhalten werden. Anschließend wurde das N methylierte TN-Threonin gezielt in die tandem repeat-Sequenz des MUC1 in einer Festphasenpeptidsynthese eingebaut. Um einen direkten Vergleich bezüglich der N Methylierung im MUC1-Glycopeptide und dem darauf folgenden Einfluss auf die Tumorselektivität der resultierenden Vakzine erhalten zu können, wurde zudem ein Referenzpeptid aufgebaut. Zur Vollendung der Vakzinsynthese erfolgte die Konjugation beider Glycopeptidantigene an die jeweiligen BSA- und TTox-Proteine. rnEin alternativer Zugang zu hydrolysestabilen Glycopeptidbausteinen wurde im letzten Teil der Arbeit über die Synthese von α C Glycosylaminosäuren erarbeitet. Der entwickelte Syntheseweg basiert auf einer Ugi-Vier-Komponenten-Reaktion aus Aldehyd, Amin, Nitril und Carbonsäure. Als benötigte Aldehydkomponenten wurden ein einfaches Galactose- sowie ein Galactosamin-Derivat verwendet. Zum Aufbau des C-glycosidischen Grundgerüsts wurde eine Mikrowellen-unterstützte C-Allylierungsvariante im Durchfluss realisiert. Die Galactose- und Galactosaminaldehyde wurden danach mit chirale Glycosylaminen umgesetzt.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential of diagnostic tests based on interferon-gamma inducible protein (IP)-10 and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-2, and compare the performance with the QuantiFERON TB Gold In-Tube (QFT-IT; Cellestis, Carnagie, Australia) test. IP-10 and MCP-2 were determined in supernatants from whole blood stimulated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific antigens. Samples were obtained from 80 patients with culture- and/or PCR-proven tuberculosis (TB), and 124 unexposed healthy controls: 86 high school students and 38 high school staff. IP-10 and MCP-2 test cut-offs were established based on receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. TB patients produced significantly higher levels (median) of IP-10 (2158 pg x mL(-1)) and MCP-2 (379 pg x mL(-1)) compared with interferon (IFN)-gamma (215 pg x mL(-1)). The QFT-IT, IP-10 and MCP-2 tests detected 81, 83 and 71% of the TB patients; 0, 3 and 0% of the high school students and 0, 16 and 3% of the staff, respectively. Agreement between tests was high (>89%). By combining IP-10 and IFN-gamma tests, the detection rate increased among TB patients to 90% without a significant increase in positive responders among the students. In conclusion, interferon-gamma inducible protein-10 and monocyte chemotactic protein-2 responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific antigens could be used to diagnose infection. Combining interferon-gamma inducible protein-10 and interferon-gamma may be a simple approach to increase the detection rate of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific in vitro tests.