112 resultados para Imaginaries


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This paper has the imaginary names as a theme, from which we aim to analyze the imaginaries and invested interests that characterized the implementation and the legitimation of the First Republic in Rio Grande do Norte (1889 1930), making the process of registering names history in that place. For the construction of our object, we studied laws and provincial, state and municipal decrees; annual messages of governors; articles of the following newspapers O Povo, A República, Diário do Natal, O Seridoense, A Notícia and Jornal das Moças; the local cartography and historiography that talk about the study of names. The use of these resources, allied to the empiric method, was driven by a theoretic methodological contribution based on the history of the political imaginary, as discussed by Cornelius Castoriadis, René Rémond, Michel de Certeau and Maria Dick. For the understanding of the imaginaries that (de)limited the spaces of Rio Grande do Norte concerning its names during the First Republic, we bring moment back to the two last imperial decades moment of cleavage between Empire and Republic essential for the fomentation of the imaginary that embodied the organization of our study. From this period, we observe, through the names of some cities, how the northern space would be aligned to the imaginary dynamic of the new political system of the nation, and it had followed to a redirection process of the giving names action, according to the interests of the family organization Albuquerque Maranhão, revealed while determining the names of cities, towns, streets, schools, buildings, etc., in thankfulness to the memory of its members. In the sequence we verified how a new dynamic of giving names helped to understand the process of political transition from the Coast to the Sertão, and at the same time affirmed the power of the political and economical seridoense elite towards the government of the state in the two last decades of the First Republic


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School violence research (sociopaedagogical and psychosocial perspectives) has not appropiately taken into account interpersonal and imaginary elements that may be extremely relevant for the understanding of this phenomena. This article analizes the imaginaries that articulates the violence of youth groups in a context of interpersonal relationships in the institutional space of a Rio Claro (Brazil) secondary school. The results are based on the analysis of four youth groups discourses, gathered in succesive group interviews, as well as the drawings made and pictures taken on their respective schools. They show a strong imaginary of generalized violence, in and out the school, with a representation of the school as unfair and aggressor and the students, aggressors themselves, as humiliated and undervalued.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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No imaginário feminino da Amazônia Paraense, migrar é um sonho, cujo conteúdo onírico faz parte não só de uma estratégia de sobrevivência, como também de uma busca por ressignificação dos lugares/construções/imaginário/ atribuídos ao feminino, na herança cultural sexista, racializada e heteronormativa imposta na e para a região. Muitas sonham viver em um contexto livre da violência; ter uma casa bonita, filhos saudáveis e um marido bondoso; outras sonham ganhar muito dinheiro trabalhando na prostituição, como dançarinas ou qualquer trabalho que possibilite a realizarão daquele ou de outros sonhos. Todas já escutaram estórias de outras bem sucedidas que migraram, e hoje possuem carro, roupas caras e uma casa para morar. Ouvem dizer, que há boas perspectivas em torno dos Grandes Projetos, mas não fazem ideia de como chegar, pois, muitos desses locais são de difícil acesso, como minas e garimpos. Já ouviram dizer que “no estrangeiro” sua exoticidade rende muito dinheiro. Outras, já ouviram estórias ruins de gente que foi escravizada, presa, deportada ou morta. Mas, apostam na sorte e acreditam que o risco vale a pena. Sabem o quanto é difícil sair do país, tirar passaporte, negociar em outra língua, outra moeda, lidar com uma burocracia complexa, exigente e uma legislação rígida e restritiva. Acreditam que se tentassem migrar sozinhas, sem o apoio de alguém com experiência no ramo, provavelmente não conseguiriam. Até que, aparece alguém se dizendo com experiência e com a oferta de providenciar tudo, com um simples toque da varinha de condão...O tráfico de pessoas, especialmente o feminino para fins de superexploração sexual - que inclui mulheres, travestis e transgêneros é uma violação de direitos humanos no contexto da migração. Terceira atividade ilícita mais lucrativa do planeta perde, segundo a Organização das Nações Unidas – ONU, apenas para o tráfico de drogas e o de armas. Possui natureza multifacetada marcada por uma dupla regulação: a capitalista e a identitária, cuja finalidade é sempre o trabalho escravo, incluindo o casamento servil e a prostituição forçada. Seu contexto extrapola a esfera criminal, perpassa por questões culturais e de gênero. Seu enfrentamento reclama o reconhecimento da diversidade democrática, do direito à não discriminação e dos parâmetros de direitos humanos.


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In the collective imaginaries a robot is a human like machine as any androids in science fiction. However the type of robots that you will encounter most frequently are machinery that do work that is too dangerous, boring or onerous. Most of the robots in the world are of this type. They can be found in auto, medical, manufacturing and space industries. Therefore a robot is a system that contains sensors, control systems, manipulators, power supplies and software all working together to perform a task. The development and use of such a system is an active area of research and one of the main problems is the development of interaction skills with the surrounding environment, which include the ability to grasp objects. To perform this task the robot needs to sense the environment and acquire the object informations, physical attributes that may influence a grasp. Humans can solve this grasping problem easily due to their past experiences, that is why many researchers are approaching it from a machine learning perspective finding grasp of an object using information of already known objects. But humans can select the best grasp amongst a vast repertoire not only considering the physical attributes of the object to grasp but even to obtain a certain effect. This is why in our case the study in the area of robot manipulation is focused on grasping and integrating symbolic tasks with data gained through sensors. The learning model is based on Bayesian Network to encode the statistical dependencies between the data collected by the sensors and the symbolic task. This data representation has several advantages. It allows to take into account the uncertainty of the real world, allowing to deal with sensor noise, encodes notion of causality and provides an unified network for learning. Since the network is actually implemented and based on the human expert knowledge, it is very interesting to implement an automated method to learn the structure as in the future more tasks and object features can be introduced and a complex network design based only on human expert knowledge can become unreliable. Since structure learning algorithms presents some weaknesses, the goal of this thesis is to analyze real data used in the network modeled by the human expert, implement a feasible structure learning approach and compare the results with the network designed by the expert in order to possibly enhance it.


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Charles Taylor’s contribution to social imaginaries offers an interpretive framework for better understanding modernity as secularity. One of its main aspects is conceiving of human society in linear, homogenous time (secular time). Looking into the Arabic intellectual tradition, I will argue in my paper that Taylor’s framework can help us understand major social and intellectual transformations. The Ottoman and Arabic modernization process during the 19th century has often been understood by focusing on certain core concepts. One of these is tamaddun, usually translated as “civilization.” I will be mostly talking about the works of two “pioneers” of Arab modernity (which is traditionally referred to as an-nahḍa, the so-called Arab Renaissance): the Syrian Fransīs Marrāsh and the Egyptian Rifāʿa aṭ-Ṭahṭāwī. First I will focus on Marrāsh’s didactic novel “The Forest of Truth” (1865), as it offers a complex view of tamaddun, which has sometimes been construed as merely a social and political reform program. The category of "social imaginary,” however, is useful in grasping the wider semantic scope of this concept, which is reading it as a signifier for human history conceived of in secular time, as Taylor defines it. This conceptualization of human history functioning within the immanent frame can also be observed in the introduction to “The Extraction of Pure Gold in the Description of Paris” (1834), a systematic account of a travel experience in France that was written by the other “pioneer,” aṭ-Ṭahṭāwī. Finally, in translating tamaddun as “the modern social imaginary of civilization/culture,” the talk aims to consider this imaginary as a major factor in the emergence of the “secular age.” Furthermore, it suggests the importance of studying (quasi-) literary texts, such as historiographical, geographical, and self-narratives in the Arabic literary tradition, in order to further elaborate continuities and ruptures in social imaginaries.


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En este trabajo se intenta un abordaje histórico-geográfico de un caso relacionado con los estudios de la historia reciente y de la geografía cultural. Se pretende una aproximación a cuestiones relativas a la construcción de los territorios, particularmente el fenómeno de suburbanización, que en el caso santafesino comenzó a evidenciarse en la década del 90, con una intensidad creciente hacia la primera década del siglo XXI. Considerando que en los últimos años la imagen visual, ya sea desde los ámbitos publicitarios, la prensa u otros campos, se ha convertido en un poderoso instrumento de construcción de realidad, es objetivo, por tanto, indagar a partir de un enfoque cultural, en los procesos que han construido la imagen del lugar y los imaginarios sobre éste, y cómo dichas imágenes son parte activa en la construcción de ese territorio. ¿Qué muestran? ¿Qué ocultan? Más aún, ¿cómo operan las imágenes que construyen el lugar?


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Es la intención de este trabajo aportar reflexiones y poner en perspectiva la complejidad de avanzar en una Educación para la Diversidad que haga posible la inclusión y con ello el derecho universal a la Educación como bien social. En este momento histórico las diversidades han tomado voz y forma, al cuestionar nuestro modo de pensar la vida social. Las culturas, los sujetos, los géneros, los lenguajes, los imaginarios y las formas de habitar un mundo diverso, encuen tran eco en la sociedad de la información, en apariencia un mundo sin fronteras. Frente a las transformaciones tecnológicas y económicas del siglo XXI cabe preguntarse cuál es nuestra sensibilidad ante la diferencia, cuanto hemos avanzado en la capacidad para reconocer a “los Otros", que sabemos de sus sueños y frustraciones, como nos estamos preparando para convivir “ Nosotros y los Otros", en un mundo polifónico. Frente a estas problemáticas el aporte interdisciplinario permitirá buscar modelos alternativos que rompan este círculo a través de dispositivos de inclusión social reduciendo los temores y mitos que han impulsado en otras ocasiones a marginar a las personas. El contenido interdisciplinar de la Educación Especial ha permitido y requiere la convergencia de disciplinas, entre ellas la Terapia Ocupacional.


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A partir de estrategias de análisis del discurso, el trabajo analiza la disputa erística que, según Heródoto, acaeció entre tegeatas y atenienses en las vísperas de la batalla de Platea (Hdt. IX. 26-7). Entendemos que la presunta simetría y regularidad en los dichos y contenidos de ambos discursos es en rigor engañosa en tanto que enmascara la contraposición de dos imaginarios culturales, representados por tegeatas y atenienses respectivamente. Dicho antagonismo se evidencia en un sutil proceso de desplazamientos semánticos por medio de los cuales Heródoto caracteriza de manera singular una y otra comunidad y el basamento ideológico-político sobre el que se sustentan.


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Se busca sustentar que la motricidad humana es un complejo de entramados que se juega en una relación imbricada entre lo simbólico, lo imaginario y la realización fenoménica. Muestra, mediante argumentaciones y descripciones sustantivas, que estas dimensiones de la motricidad son subsumidas por las convicciones y creencias-fuerza, que tienen las personas y sociedades sobre la vida y el mundo, para ubicar, en correspondencia con ello, que la motricidad humana es expresión de los imaginarios sociales


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La Nación ha sido una de las más importantes construcciones políticoculturales de la Modernidad. Las premisas que le han dado mayor vitalidad han sido y son, pues, su afirmación como imaginario de identidad para los pueblos y su significación en el desarrollo de las denominadas "relaciones internacionales", en cuanto formas de expresión de las interrelaciones globales de los sectores dominantes. Este estudio se basa en el análisis de esas premisas a la luz de algunas de las nuevas perspectivas emanadas de los paradigmas político y cultural, desarrollados en las ciencias sociales a partir de las últimas décadas del siglo pasado, y aplicadas a los estudios del territorio nacional, su construcción, sus mutaciones y los imaginarios espaciales que de ellos derivan. A partir de algunas de las visiones críticas mencionadas, en la actualidad el concepto de nación parece haber entrado en un proceso de erosión o descomposición. Fenómenos sociales, económicos, políticos y culturales ligados a los procesos de reestructuración global (migraciones intercontinentales, sistemas mediáticos globales, exclusión social, discriminación étnica y religiosa, marginación y falta de participación política, nuevas formas de manifestación social...) y a la construcción de los discursos posmodernos hacen aparecer la nación como un concepto, al menos, puesto en tela de juicio. Los más audaces hablan del virtual ingreso a un mundo "posnacional". ¿Significará esto la extinción de una idea y una realidad con la que se han formado culturalmente millones de personas de numerosas generaciones en los puntos más lejanos del planeta? La respuesta deberá estar planteada en el estudio real y especializado de esos fenómenos y de las nuevas realidades que de ellos emergen.