864 resultados para Illinois. Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Program.
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XXXII Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU
XXXIII Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU
[ES]Esta obra recoge las comunicaciones seleccionadas para el 6º Congreso Europeo sobre Eficiencia Energética y Sostenibilidad en Arquitectura, organizado por el grupo de investigación Calidad de Vida en Arquitectura de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. El congreso, que se celebra en el marco de los XXXIV Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU, aborda en esta cuarta edición el tema “Ciudades en riesgo: resiliencia y redundancia”. Alrededor de este tema general se desarrollan cinco ponencias magistrales, a cargo de Margaretha Breil (Centro Euro-Mediterráneo para el Cambio Climático), Cristina Garzillo Leemhuis (ICLEI), Ignasi Fontanals (OptiCits), Juan Carlos Barrios Montenegro (Global Action Plan) y Manuel Valdés López (Ajuntament de Barcelona). Además, 24 comunicaciones seleccionadas por el comité científico presentarán trabajos de investigaciones actuales en las sesiones orales y póster. Es objetivo paralelo del congreso es fortalecer las líneas de investigación en eficiencia energética y sostenibilidad de los grupos de investigación y formación de la UPV/ EHU comprometidos con esta propuesta, con objeto de colaborar en el reforzamiento de la I D i en su ámbito de conocimiento y apoyar la apuesta específica de los Gobiernos Central y Vasco, así como de otras instituciones nacionales e internacionales respecto a las actividades de I D i en las materias relacionadas con el cambio climático, la eficiencia energética y la sostenibilidad ambiental [ENG] This work contains the selected abstracts of the 6th European Conference on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Planning, organized by the research group Quality of life in Architecture of the University of the Basque Country. The conference is part of the XXXIV Summer Courses of the UPV/EHU and deals, in its fourth edition, with the topic “Cities at risk: resilience and redundancy”. Around this general theme there are five invited speakers: Margaretha Breil (Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change), Cristina Garzillo Leemhuis (ICLEI), Ignasi Fontanals (OptiCits), Juan Carlos Barrios Montenegro (Global Action Plan) y Manuel Valdés López (Barcelona City Council). 24 abstracts additional have been selected by the scientific committee that offer actual research works in presentations and posters. The purpose of the conferences is to strengthen the investigation lines in energy efficiency and sustainability of the research and education groups of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) involved, with the purpose of collaborating in the reinforcement of the I D i in its field of knowledge, and support the specific projects of the Central and Basque Governments, as well as other national and international institutions related to the I Di activities in similar fields of climate change, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Diurnal variation in trawl catches and its influence on energy efficiency of trawler operations are discussed in this paper, based on data on landings of a Japanese factory trawler which operated in the Indian waters during 1992-93. The factory vessel equipped for stern trawling had a length overall of 110 m, GT of 5460 and installed engine power of 5700 hp. Operations were conducted off west coast of India between 31 and 278 m depth contours, using a 80.4 m high opening bottom trawl with an adjusted vertical opening of 7.60.9 m. The catch data was grouped according to the median towing hour, by the time of the day. CPUE obtained was 3713.4 kg.h-1 for day time operations and 1536.6 kg.h-1 for night-time operations. Mean daily catches were 31367 kg.day-1 (SE: 2743) for day time operations and 9430 kg.day-1 (SE: 966) for night-time operations. Fuel consumption were 0.399 and 0.982 kg fuel.kg fish-1, respectively for day and night-time operations. Total catch and catch components such as threadfin bream, bulls eye, hairtails, trevelly, lizard fish showed significant improvement during day-time operations while swarming crabs showed a significant improvement in the night-time operations. The difference in catch rates between day and night could be attributed to diurnal variation in the spatial distribution and schooling behaviour of the catch categories, their differential behaviour in the vicinity of trawl systems under varying light levels of day and night and consequent effect on catching efficiency and size selectivity at different stages in the capture process. The results obtained in addition to its importance in the operational planning of trawling in order to realise objectives of maximising catch per unit effort and minimising fuel consumption per unit volume of fish caught, has added significance in the use of bottom trawl surveys in stock abundance estimates.
Reducing energy consumption is a major challenge for "energy-intensive" industries such as papermaking. A commercially viable energy saving solution is to employ data-based optimization techniques to obtain a set of "optimized" operational settings that satisfy certain performance indices. The difficulties of this are: 1) the problems of this type are inherently multicriteria in the sense that improving one performance index might result in compromising the other important measures; 2) practical systems often exhibit unknown complex dynamics and several interconnections which make the modeling task difficult; and 3) as the models are acquired from the existing historical data, they are valid only locally and extrapolations incorporate risk of increasing process variability. To overcome these difficulties, this paper presents a new decision support system for robust multiobjective optimization of interconnected processes. The plant is first divided into serially connected units to model the process, product quality, energy consumption, and corresponding uncertainty measures. Then multiobjective gradient descent algorithm is used to solve the problem in line with user's preference information. Finally, the optimization results are visualized for analysis and decision making. In practice, if further iterations of the optimization algorithm are considered, validity of the local models must be checked prior to proceeding to further iterations. The method is implemented by a MATLAB-based interactive tool DataExplorer supporting a range of data analysis, modeling, and multiobjective optimization techniques. The proposed approach was tested in two U.K.-based commercial paper mills where the aim was reducing steam consumption and increasing productivity while maintaining the product quality by optimization of vacuum pressures in forming and press sections. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.
Just under half of all energy consumption in the UK today takes place indoors, and over a quarter within our homes. The challenges associated with energy security, climate change and sustainable consumption will be overcome or lost in existing buildings. A background analysis, and the scale of the engineering challenge for the next three to four decades, is described in this paper.
Just under half of all energy consumption in the UK today takes place indoors, and over a quarter within our homes. The challenges associated with energy security, climate change and sustainable consumption will be overcome or lost in our existing buildings. A background analysis, and the scale of the engineering challenge for the next three to four decades, is described in this paper.