119 resultados para Iliad
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„We are paying a high price for the increasingly unequivocal equation drawn between knowledge and science and ordinary market product. The ideal of perfectly unrestrained cognition, the true mother of science, is threatened by the mass drive towards practical use and application of knowledge, a looming departure into nothingness. Politicians and managers of scientific life are guilty of considerable contribution in corrupting respectable university structures, and thus undermining culture of science and scholarly ethics. (…). Acquisition of funds, sponsorship, media presence, popularisation or even striving for commercial gain are recognised by politicians and scientific consultants, but most of all they are accepted by the university management as objectives worthy of effort, not to say the foremost goals of science. University rectors are nowadays interested primarily in the amounts of acquired moneys. The outcomes of research thus financed is subject to virtually no control, nor does it arouse any interest, unless it turns out to be fit to be announced in the media as a sensation, thereby serving the ‘prestige’ of the university”.
Greek literature was used from early times with educational purposes, Greek heroes presented were considered as paradigms to follow. However, human acts burst beyond reason and the stories told have little effect on the decisions of the receptor. The aim of this article is to review the character of Achilles in the Iliad, because for him to no avail gifts, friends, much less a narration by his preceptor Phoenix to depose his anger and return to the battlefield to assist his friends.
Sería imposible hacer una enumeración de festejos, espectáculos y representaciones teatrales, que a lo largo de la época moderna, tuvieron como argumento las historias narradas por la literatura homérica. Incontables, pero todas ellas buscaban el don de la elocuencia que tenían desde que en la Antigüedad empezaron a reeditarse. Apenas un iglo después de la recopilación de relatos orales que quedaron hilvanados bajo los títulos de la Iliada y la Odisea –si se acepta la autoría de ese personaje mítico que fue Homero en torno al siglo VIII antes de Cristo–, tiranos y oligarcas atisbaron de forma visionaria las posibilidades que aportaban las tramas en las que se vieron envueltos dioses y héroes. La mitología olímpica no sólo sirvió al propósito de la unificación panhelénica de la nación de naciones que era Grecia, en torno a un mundo de creencias común en el marco de los grandes santuario, sino que además, las vicisitudes de los principales personajes, como Paris, Aquiles, Héctor, Ulises, Pentesilea, Eneas, Agamenón, Andrómaca, Casandra y Helena, proporcionaron un repertorio de modelos de conducta y un protocolo ceremonial en sociedad extremadamente útil. Piedad, fidelidad, excelencia, belleza, sumisión, virtudes morales que habían de “adornar” por igual a gobernantes y a ciudadanos, garantizaban un nuevo orden en la Hélade, constituyendo asimismo las notas distintivas con respecto a los anquilosados y monolíticos Imperios hegemónicos en la zona de Oriente Próximo, Egipcio y Babilónico o Persa, respectivamente. Se propone el análisis de la incidencia iconológica de tales asuntos a partir de la revisión escenográfica de dos libretos para dos representaciones teatrales italianas de finales del Seicento, de los que se encuentran sendos ejemplares en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid: Il Greco in Troia y La caduta del regno dell´amazzone.
António Dinis da Cruz e Silva, member of Arcádia Lusitana, the literary academy he helped to found, introduced the Pindaric ode to the Portuguese literature of the neoclassical period (18th century). This poet imitates the triadic form and the mythological nature of Pindar’s encomiastic poetry, in order to celebrate the deeds of reputed historical figures from the national context, such as sailors, captains, politicians, and even the king himself. As in Pindar’s poetry, the mythological excursus holds an important part in Cruz e Silva’s Pindaric poetry. Winners of athletic games are acclaimed through allusion to the ancient heroes. Likewise, the heroes of the Portuguese history see themselves turned into immortals, since their deeds are reported as comparatively greater than those of Homeric warriors. Among the 44 Cruz e Silva’s Pindaric odes, 18 rewrite the myth of the Trojan War, from its beginnings with Eris (Odes I-II) to its outcome with the imperishable fame of the most conspicuous Homeric fighters (Ode XLII). These 18 compositions (re)tell, in a neoclassical style, the main scenes and themes of the Iliad and Odyssey, alluding directly to their heroes’ deeds. Achilles’ wrath and Hector’s death are topics repeatedly brought up in Cruz e Silva’s Pindaric poetry as models of courage and patriotism for national heroes. This chapter offers a discussion of Cruz e Silva’s neoclassical representation of the Trojan War. To this effect, an interdisciplinary approach is adopted, showing how the Portuguese poet handles the mythological material from Homer and Pindar. In this way, he initiated in 18th-century Portuguese literature a new literary genre, the Pindaric ode. By dealing with Poetry and History, Cruz e Silva perpetuated the life and fame of national heroes long after their deaths.
PORSON (Richard). papiers
Ce mémoire portera sur un aspect négligé de la querelle analogie-anomalie, la position des soi-disant anomalistes. On s'appliquera en effet à confronter le portrait de l'anomaliste présenté par Varron dans son De Lingua Latina, qui passe souvent pour être Cratès de Mallos, à ce que nous connaissons du grammairien à travers les scholies homériques. En un premier temps seront résumés et analysés les livres 8 à 10 du De Lingua Latina, seul témoignage positif au sujet de la querelle. Au deuxième chapitre seront examinés puis rejetées les sources grecques que la critique moderne a jugées perninentes à la reconstruction de la querelle. Une attention particulière sera accordée à l'école empiriste, à laquelle on a voulu associer la supposée école anomaliste. L'attaque de la grammaire par Sextus Empiricus (Adversus Mathematicos I) sera aussi abordée en détail et ce traité antigrammatical sera mis en parallèle avec le livre 8 du De Lingua Latina. Au troisième chapitre la querelle sera enfin remise dans son contexte original, celui des éditions alexandrines et pergaméennes des auteurs classiques, en particulier Homère. Après une historique du développement de la diorthose (correction des manuscrits d'Homère) de Zénodote à Aristarque, un survol des leçons qui sont attribuées à Cratès montrera le désaccord entre les deux protagonistes de la querelle sur la pratique de l'analogie dans l'édition d'un nouveau texte de la poésie homérique. L'apparition d'anomalies grammaticales dans les leçons de Cratès s'explique par la théorie littéraire euphoniste dont il était partisan.
This interactive diagram provides an overview of the SLE at the start of 2015 - this vision is likely to evolve and further versions of the diagram will follow.