289 resultados para Ileum


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A esquistossomose acomete 207 milhões de pessoas, com mais de 200 mil mortes anuais. Seu principal agente etiológico é o helminto Schistosoma e o principal modelo experimental, o camundongo. Linhagens de camundongos selecionadas geneticamente para susceptibilidade (TS) e resistência (TR) a tolerância imunológica constituem bons modelos para o estudo da resposta imunológica específica e inespecífica nas infecções. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a infecção experimental por S. mansoni nestes camundongos, evidenciando a imunopatologia por diversos parâmetros na fase aguda da infecção. TR e TS não diferiram quanto a penetração de cercárias, recuperação de vermes adultos, fecundidade/produtividade de ovos das fêmeas de S. mansoni, mas predominaram ovos mortos em TS. Quanto maior o número de casais, maior a probabilidade de troca de casais e regressão sexual da fêmea, além de pequena redução da produtividade de ovos. Análise ultraestrutural dos parasitos machos recuperados de TS apresentaram tubérculos edemaciados, espinhos encurtados e em menor densidade que os parasitos dos TR. O tegumento dos parasitos recuperados de TS apresentou-se desorganizado, intensamente vacuolizado e com tendência a se desprender da superfície e espinhos internalizados e células vitelínicas desorganizadas. TS desenvolveram granulomas hepáticos grandes, com fibras radiais e predomínio do estágio exsudativo-produtivo com características de fase produtiva (EP/P), enquanto camundongos TR desenvolveram granulomas menores, com fibras concêntricas e predomínio de granulomas exsudativo-produtivos. TS desenvolveu hepatomegalia mais acentuada na fase aguda da infecção e exacerbada esplenomegalia na fase crônica. A aspartato aminotransferase mais elevada nos TR foi coerente com a acentuada histólise nos granulomas iniciais dos TR. É possível que a histólise menor em TS tenha contribuído para sua intensa hepatomegalia na fase aguda. Leucócitos totais séricos aumentaram em TS, nas fases aguda e crônica, mas não em TR. TS apresentaram anemia durante a fase crônica da infecção, possivelmente devido ao desvio na hematopoiese medular para a produção de leucócitos ou apoptose das hemácias. A mieloperoxidase neutrofílica hepática e no íleo foi maior em TS e a peroxidase de eosinófilos foi mais elevada no íleo do TS. Ambas as linhagens produziram IFN-γ, mas os níveis funcionais de IFN-γ foram diferentes nas duas linhagens em cultura de células. É possível que a imunopatologia hepática grave na linhagem TS possa estar relacionada aos altos títulos IFN-γ. TS produziu IL-10 em maior quantidade, entretanto esta citocina não foi capaz de regular o crescimento exacerbado dos granulomas hepáticos. Altos títulos de IL-4 na linhagem TS também são coerentes com a exacerbação dos granulomas, pois, como a IL-13, a IL-4 induz síntese de colágeno e está relacionada ao desenvolvimento da fibrose no granuloma esquistossomótico. Observamos redução do percentual relativo de células T CD4+ hepáticas de animais infectados em ambas as linhagens e redução percentual nas subpopulações de linfócitos B na medula óssea (precursores, linfócitos B imaturos, maduros e plasmócitos) mais acentuada em TS que em TR, possivelmente devido a extensa mobilização de B imaturos induzida pela inflamação ou desvio da hematopoiese para síntese de granulócitos em TS. Quantitativamente, TR não alterou suas subpopulações de linfócitos B. TS e TR são bons modelos para estudo da resposta imunológica na infecção esquistossomótica experimental. Novos estudos são necessários para confirmar nossas propostas e compreender os mecanismos envolvidos na diferença da resposta imunológica dessas linhagens na relação schistosoma-hospedeiro.


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Bombinakinin M (DLPKINRKGP-bradykinin) is a bradykinin-related peptide purified from skin secretions of the frog Bombina maxima. As previously reported, its biosynthesis is characterized by a tandem repeats with various copy numbers of the peptide and sometimes co-expressed with other structure-function distinguishable peptides. At present study, two novel cDNAs encoding bombinakinin M and its variants were cloned from a cDNA library from the skin of the frog. The encoded two precursor proteins are common in that each contains three repeats of a novel 16-amino acid peptide unit and one copy of kinestatin at their N- and C-terminal parts, respectively. They differ in that the first precursor contains two copies of bombinakinin M and the second one contains one copy of a novel bombinakinin M variant. Bombinakinin M was found to elicit concentration-dependent contractile effects on guinea pig ileum, with an EC50 value of 4 nM that is four times higher than that of bradykinin (1 nM). Interestingly, the synthetic peptide (DYTIRTRLH-amide), as deduced from the 16-amino acid peptide repeats in the newly cloned cDNAs, possessed weak inhibitory activity on the contractile effects of bombinakinin M, but not on that of bradykinin. Furthermore, the newly identified bombinakinin M variant (DLSKMSFLHG-Ile(1)-bradykinin), did not show contractile activity on guinea pig ileum, but showed potentiation effect on the myotropic activity of bradykinin. In a molar raito of 1:58, it augmented the activity of bradykinin up to two-fold. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A bradykinin-like peptide has been isolated from the skin secretions of the frog Rana nigrovittata. This peptide was named ranakinin-N. Its primary structure, RAEAVPPGFTPFR, was determined by Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. It is structurally related to bradykinin-like peptides identified from skin secretions of other amphibians. Ranakinin-N is composed of 13 amino acid residues and is related to the bradykinin identified from the skin secretions of Odorrana schmackeri, which is composed of 9 amino acid residues. Ranakinin-N was found to exert concentration-dependent contractile effects on isolated guinea pig ileum. cDNA sequence encoding the precursor of ranakinin-N was isolated from a skin cDNA library of R. nigrovittata. The amino acid sequences deduced from the cDNA sequences match well with the results from Edman degradation. Analysis of different amphibian bradykinin cDNA structures revealed that the deficiency of a 15-nucleotide fragment (agaatgatcagacgc in the cDNA encoding bradykinin from O. schmackeri) in the peptide-coding region resulted in the absence of a dibasic site for trypsin-like proteinases and an unusual -AEVA- insertion in the N-terminal part of ranakinin-N. The -AEAV- insertion resulted in neutral net charge at the N-terminus of ranakinin-N. Ranakinin-N is the first reported bradykinin-like peptide with a neutral net charge at the N-terminus. Copyright (C) 2007 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A novel bradykinin-potentiating peptide (BPP), designated as TmF, has been purified to homogeneity from the venom of Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus by 70% cold methanol extraction, Sephadex G-15 gel filtration and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The amino acid sequence of TmF was determined to be pGlu-Gly-Arg-Pro-Leu-Gly-Pro-Pro-Ile-Pro-Pro (pGlu denotes pyroglutamic acid), which shared high homology with other BPPs. The molecular mass of TmF was 1.1107 kD as determinated by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), which was in accordance with the calculated value of 1.1106 kD. The potentiating "unit" of TmF to bradykinin-induced (BK-induced) contraction on the guinea-pig ileum in vitro was (1.13 +/- 0.3) unit (mg/L), and TmF (5.0 x 10(-4) mg/kg) increased the pressure-lowering-effect of bradykinin (5.0 x 10(-5) mg/kg) with approximate descent value of (14 +/- 2) mmHg. In addition, TmF inhibited the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin 11, 2 x 10(-3) mg of TmF caused 50% inhibition (IC50) of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) hydrolyzing activity to bradykinin.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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The humoral immune system plays a critical role in the clearance of numerous pathogens. In the setting of HIV-1 infection, the virus infects, integrates its genome into the host's cells, replicates, and establishes a reservoir of virus-infected cells. The initial antibody response to HIV-1 infection is targeted to non-neutralizing epitopes on HIV-1 Env gp41, and when a neutralizing response does develop months after transmission, it is specific for the autologous founder virus and the virus escapes rapidly. After continuous waves of antibody mediated neutralization and viral escape, a small subset of infected individuals eventually develop broad and potent heterologous neutralizing antibodies years after infection. In this dissertation, I have studied the ontogeny of mucosal and systemic antibody responses to HIV-1 infection by means of three distinct aims: 1. Determine the origin of the initial antibody response to HIV-1 infection. 2. Characterize the role of restricted VH and VL gene segment usage in shaping the antibody response to HIV-1 infection. 3. Determine the role of persistence of B cell clonal lineages in shaping the mutation frequencies of HIV-1 reactive antibodies.

After the introduction (Chapter 1) and methods (Chapter 2), Chapter 3 of this dissertation describes a study of the antibody response of terminal ileum B cells to HIV-1 envelope (Env) in early and chronic HIV-1 infection and provides evidence for the role of environmental antigens in shaping the repertoire of B cells that respond to HIV-1 infection. Previous work by Liao et al. demonstrated that the initial plasma cell response in the blood to acute HIV-1 infection is to gp41 and is derived from a polyreactive memory B cell pool. Many of these antibodies cross-reacted with commensal bacteria, Therefore, in Chapter 3, the relationship of intestinal B cell reactivity with commensal bacteria to HIV-1 infection-induced antibody response was probed using single B cell sorting, reverse transcription and nested polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR) methods, and recombinant antibody technology. The dominant B cell response in the terminal ileum was to HIV-1 envelope (Env) gp41, and 82% of gp41- reactive antibodies cross-reacted with commensal bacteria whole cell lysates. Pyrosequencing of blood B cells revealed HIV-1 antibody clonal lineages shared between ileum and blood. Mutated IgG antibodies cross-reactive with both Env gp41 and commensal bacteria could also be isolated from the terminal ileum of HIV-1 uninfected individuals. Thus, the antibody response to HIV-1 can be shaped by intestinal B cells stimulated by commensal bacteria prior to HIV-1 infection to develop a pre-infection pool of memory B cells cross-reactive with HIV-1 gp41.

Chapter 4 details the study of restricted VH and VL gene segment usage for gp41 and gp120 antibody induction following acute HIV-1 infection; mutations in gp41 lead to virus enhanced neutralization sensitivity. The B cell repertoire of antibodies induced in a HIV-1 infected African individual, CAP206, who developed broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) directed to the HIV-1 envelope gp41 membrane proximal external region (MPER), is characterized. Understanding the selection of virus mutants by neutralizing antibodies is critical to understanding the role of antibodies in control of HIV-1 replication and prevention from HIV-1 infection. Previously, an MPER neutralizing antibody, CAP206-CH12, with the binding footprint identical to that of MPER broadly neutralizing antibody 4E10, that like 4E10 utilized the VH1-69 and VK3-20 variable gene segments was isolated from this individual (Morris et al., 2011). Using single B cell sorting, RT- PCR methods, and recombinant antibody technology, Chapter 4 describes the isolation of a VH1-69, Vk3-20 glycan-dependent clonal lineage from CAP206, targeted to gp120, that has the property of neutralizing a neutralization sensitive CAP206 transmitted/founder (T/F) and heterologous viruses with mutations at amino acids 680 or 681 in the MPER 4E10/CH12 binding site. These data demonstrate sites within the MPER bnAb epitope (aa 680-681) in which mutations can be selected that lead to viruses with enhanced sensitivity to autologous and heterologous neutralizing antibodies.

In Chapter 5, I have completed a comparison of evolution of B cell clonal lineages in two HIV-1 infected individuals who have a predominant VH1-69 response to HIV-1 infection--one who produces broadly neutralizing MPER-reactive mAbs and one who does not. Autologous neutralization in the plasma takes ~12 weeks to develop (Gray et al., 2007; Tomaras et al., 2008b). Only a small subset of HIV-1 infected individuals develops high plasma levels of broad and potent heterologous neutralization, and when it does occur, it typically takes 3-4 years to develop (Euler et al., 2010; Gray et al., 2007; 2011; Tomaras et al., 2011). The HIV-1 bnAbs that have been isolated to date have a number of unusual characteristics including, autoreactivity and high levels of somatic hypermutations, which are typically tightly regulated by immune control mechanisms (Haynes et al., 2005; 2012b; Kwong and Mascola, 2012; Scheid et al., 2009a). The VH mutation frequencies of bnAbs average ~15% but have been shown to be as high as 32% (reviewed in Mascola and Haynes, 2013; Kwong and Mascola, 2012). The high frequency of somatic hypermutations suggests that the B cell clonal lineages that eventually produce bnAbs undergo high-levels of affinity maturation, implying prolonged germinal center (GC) reactions and high levels of T cell help. To study the duration of HIV-1- reactive B cell clonal persistence, HIV-1 reactive and non HIV-1- reactive B cell clonal lineages were isolated from an HIV-1 infected individual that produces bnAbs, CAP206, and an HIV-1 infected individual who does not produce bnAbs, 004-0. Single B cell sorting, RT-PCR and recombinant antibody technology was used to isolate and produce monoclonal antibodies from multiple time points from each individual. B cell sequences clonally related to mAbs isolated by single cell PCR were identified within pyrosequences of longitudinal samples of these two individuals. Both individuals produced long-lived B cell clones that persisted from 0-232 weeks in CAP206, and 0-238 weeks in 004-0. The average length of persistence of clones containing members isolated from two separate time points was 91.5 weeks both individuals. Examples of the continued evolution of clonal lineages were observed in both the bnAb and non-bnAb individual. These data indicated that the ability to generate persistent and evolving B cell clonal lineages occurs in both bnAb and non-bnAb individuals, suggesting that some alternative host or viral factor is critical for the generation of highly mutated broadly neutralizing antibodies.

Together the studies described in Chapter 3-5 show that multiple factors influence the antibody response to HIV-1 infection. The initial antibody response to HIV-1 Env gp41 can be shaped by a B cell response to intestinal commensal bacteria prior to HIV-1 infection. VH and VL gene segment restriction can impact the B cell response to multiple HIV-1 antigens, and virus escape mutations in the MPER can confer enhanced neutralization sensitivity to autologous and heterologous antibodies. Finally, the ability to generate long-lived HIV-1 clonal lineages in and of itself does not confer on the host the ability to produce bnAbs.


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The peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY) is produced and secreted from L cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa. To study the anatomy and function of PYY-secreting L cells, we developed a transgenic PYY-green fluorescent protein mouse model. PYY-containing cells exhibited green fluorescence under UV light and were immunoreactive to antibodies against PYY and GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1, an incretin hormone also secreted by L cells). PYY-GFP cells from 15 μm thick sections were imaged using confocal laser scanning microscopy and three-dimensionally (3D) reconstructed. Results revealed unique details of the anatomical differences between ileal and colonic PYY-GFP cells. In ileal villi, the apical portion of PYY cells makes minimal contact with the lumen of the gut. Long pseudopod-like basal processes extend from these cells and form an interface between the mucosal epithelium and the lamina propria. Some basal processes are up to 50 μm in length. Multiple processes can be seen protruding from one cell and these often have a terminus resembling a synapse that appears to interact with neighboring cells. In colonic crypts, PYY-GFP cells adopt a spindle-like shape and weave in between epithelial cells, while maintaining contact with the lumen and lamina propria. In both tissues, cytoplasmic granules containing the hormones PYY and GLP-1 are confined to the base of the cell, often filling the basal process. The anatomical arrangement of these structures suggests a dual function as a dock for receptors to survey absorbed nutrients and as a launching platform for hormone secretion in a paracrine fashion.


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The tachykinins hylambatin and (Thr)11-hylambatin have been isolated from the defensive skin secretion of the African hyperoliid frog, Kassina maculata,. Hylambatin (DPPDPNRFYGMMamide) is revised in structure from the original sequence by a single site substitution (Asn/Asp at position 6), and (Thr)11-hylambatin, a novel tachykinin, differs in structure from hylambatin by a single Thr/Met substitution. (Thr)11-hylambatin is five- to ten-fold more abundant than hylambatin in secretions. Synthetic replicates of both peptides were active in smooth muscle preparations including the rat tail artery, rat ileum and bovine trachea. While hylambatin displayed activity consistent with an NK1-receptor ligand, (Thr)11-hylambatin was more active than either substance P or neurokinin A in both NK1- and NK-2 receptor rich preparations. Incorporation of a threoninyl residue rather than the canonical leucyl residue at the penultimate position in both substance P and neurokinin A, generated active ligands in both arterial and intestinal smooth muscle preparations. Hylambatin precursor cDNAs, designated HYBN-1 and HYBN-2, respectively, were cloned from a skin library by 3'- and 5'-RACE reactions. Both were highly-homologous containing open-reading frames of 66 amino acids encoding single copies of either hylambatin or (Thr)11-hylambatin. These data reveal a hitherto unrecognized structure/activity attribute of mammalian tachykinin receptors revealed though discovery of a novel amphibian skin-derived, site-substituted peptide ligand.


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Amphibian skin secretions contain a plethora of pharmacologically-active substances and represent established sources of bioactive peptides, including tachykinins. Tachykinins are one of the most widely-studied peptide families in animals and are found in neuroendocrine tissues from the lowest vertebrates to mammals. They are characterized by the presence of a highly-conserved C-terminal pentapeptide amide sequence motif (-FXGLM-amide) that also constitutes the bioactive core of the peptide. Amidation of the C-terminal methioninyl residue appears to be mandatory in the expression of biological activity. Here, we describe the isolation, characterization and molecular cloning of a novel tachykinin named ranachensinin, from the skin secretion of the Chinese brown frog, Rana chensinensis. This peptide, DDTSDRSN QFIGLM-amide, contains the classical C-terminal pentapeptide amide motif in its primary structure and an Ile (I) residue in the variable X position. A synthetic replicate of ranachensinin, synthesized by solid-phase Fmoc chemistry, was found to contract the smooth muscle of rat urinary bladder with an EC50 of 20.46 nM. However, in contrast, it was found to be of low potency in contraction of rat ileum smooth muscle with an EC50 of 2.98 µM. These data illustrate that amphibian skin secretions continue to provide novel bioactive peptides with selective effects on functional targets in mammalian tissues.


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One of the most widespread and abundant families of pharmacologically active peptides in amphibian defensive skin secretions is the bradykinins and related peptides. Despite retaining certain primary structural attributes that assign them to this peptide family, bradykinins and related peptides are unique among amphibian skin peptides in that they exhibit a wide range of primary structural variations, post-translational modifications and/or N-terminal or C-terminal extensions. Initially it was believed that their high degree of primary structural heterogeneity was reflective of random gene mutations within species, but latterly, there is an increasing body of evidence that the spectrum of structural modifications found within this peptide family is reflective of the vertebrate predator spectrum of individual species. Here we report the discovery of ornithokinin (avian bradykinin – Thr6, Leu8-bradykinin) in the skin secretion of the Chinese bamboo odorous frog, Odorrana versabilis. Molecular cloning of its biosynthetic precursor-encoding cDNA from a skin secretion-derived cDNA library revealed a deduced open-reading frame of 86 amino acid residues, encoding a single copy of ornithokinin towards its C-terminus. The domain architecture of this ornithokinin precursor protein was consistent with that of a typical amphibian skin peptide and quite different to that of the ornithokininogen from chicken plasma. Ornithokinin was reported to induce hypotension in the chicken and to contract the chicken oviduct but to have no obvious effect on the rat uterus. However, in this study, synthetic ornithokinin was found to contract the rat ileum (EC50 = 539 nM) and to increase contraction frequency in the rat uterus (EC50 = 1.87 μM).


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An MS/MS based analytical strategy was followed to solve the complete sequence of two new peptides from frog (Odorrana schmackeri) skin secretion. This involved reduction and alkylation with two different alkylating agents followed by high resolution tandem mass spectrometry. De novo sequencing was achieved by complementary CID and ETD fragmentations of full-length peptides and of selected tryptic fragments. Heavy and light isotope dimethyl labeling assisted with annotation of sequence ion series. The identified primary structures are GCD[I/L]STCATHN[I/L]VNE[I/L]NKFDKSKPSSGGVGPESP-NH2 and SCNLSTCATHNLVNELNKFDKSKPSSGGVGPESF-NH2, i.e. two carboxyamidated 34 residue peptides with an aminoterminal intramolecular ring structure formed by a disulfide bridge between Cys2 and Cys7. Edman degradation analysis of the second peptide positively confirmed the exact sequence, resolving I/L discriminations. Both peptide sequences are novel and share homology with calcitonin, calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) and adrenomedullin from other vertebrates. Detailed sequence analysis as well as the 34 residue length of both O. schmackeri peptides, suggest they do not fully qualify as either calcitonins (32 residues) or CGRPs (37 amino acids) and may justify their classification in a novel peptide family within the calcitonin gene related peptide superfamily. Smooth muscle contractility assays with synthetic replicas of the S–S linked peptides on rat tail artery, uterus, bladder and ileum did not reveal myotropic activity.


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AIMS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the administration of microencapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum CRL 1815 with two combinations of microbially derived polysaccharides, xanthan : gellan gum (1%:0·75%) and jamilan : gellan gum (1%:1%), on the rat faecal microbiota. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 10-day feeding study was performed for each polymer combination in groups of 16 rats fed either with placebo capsules, free or encapsulated Lact. plantarum or water. The composition of the faecal microbiota was analysed by fluorescence in situ hybridization and temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis. Degradation of placebo capsules was detected, with increased levels of polysaccharide-degrading bacteria. Xanthan : gellan gum capsules were shown to reduce the Bifidobacterium population and increase the Clostridium histolyticum group levels, but not jamilan : gellan gum capsules. Only after administration of jamilan : gellan gum-probiotic capsules was detected a significant increase in Lactobacillus-Enterococcus group levels compared to controls (capsules and probiotic) as well as two bands were identified as Lact. plantarum in two profiles of ileum samples. CONCLUSIONS: Exopolysaccharides constitute an interesting approach for colon-targeted delivery of probiotics, where jamilan : gellan gum capsules present better biocompatibility and promising results as a probiotic carrier. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF STUDY: This study introduces and highlights the importance of biological compatibility in the encapsulating material election, as they can modulate the gut microbiota by themselves, and the use of bacterial exopolysaccharides as a powerful source of new targeted-delivery coating material.


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Les diarrhées post-sevrages causées par des infections à Escherichia coli entérotoxinogène positif pour le fimbriae F4 (ETEC F4), entraînent des pertes économiques importantes chez les producteurs de porc. Depuis quelques années, l’utilisation de probiotiques, comme additif alimentaire pour prévenir ce type d’infection entérique et réduire les traitements aux antimicrobiens, suscite un intérêt grandissant en production porcine. Le but du présent travail est de déterminer l’influence de l’administration des probiotiques Pediococcus acidilactici (PA) et Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii (SCB) sur la colonisation et l’attachement des ETEC F4, l’accumulation de fluide intestinal et l’expression de cytokines dans l’iléon de porcelets sevrés. Dès la naissance, différentes portées de porcelets ont été affectées aux traitements suivants : PA, SCB, PA + SCB, témoin et témoin avec antibiotiques (ATB). Une dose quotidienne de probiotiques (1 × 109 UFC) a été administrée aux porcelets des groupes probiotiques durant la lactation et après le sevrage. Sept jours après le sevrage, à 28 jours d’âge, des porcelets positifs pour le récepteur intestinal spécifique pour F4 ont été infectés oralement avec une souche ETEC F4. Les porcelets ont été euthanasiés 24 heures après l’infection (jour 29) et différents échantillons intestinaux ont été prélevés. Chez les porcelets recevant des probiotiques, l’attachement des ETEC F4 à la muqueuse iléale était significativement diminué chez les groupes PA ou SCB en comparaison avec le groupe ATB. Finalement, l’expression de cytokines intestinales était plus élevée chez les porcs du groupe PA + SCB en comparaison avec les porcelets témoins. En conclusion, les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que l’administration de probiotiques pourrait être une alternative pour limiter les infections à ETEC F4 chez le porc.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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La stéatose hépatique et la détérioration du profil lipidique plasmatique sont des pathologies métaboliques favorisées par la carence œstrogénique post-ménopausique. Cependant les mécanismes à la base de ces pathologies n’ont été que très peu étudiés. Le but de cette thèse a été d’investiguer les mécanismes moléculaires possibles à l’origine de l’hypercholestérolémie et de l’accumulation des lipides (triglycérides : TG et cholestérol) dans le foie en utilisant un modèle animal de la ménopause, la rate Sprague Dawley ovariectomisée (Ovx). Nous avons également examiné si le changement des habitudes de vie comme la pratique de l’exercice physique pouvait prévenir ou corriger les modifications induites par l’Ovx. Enfin, rosuvastatine (statine) a été utilisée comme thérapie pharmacologique de l’hypercholestérolémie dans le but de comprendre son effet au niveau moléculaire chez la rate Ovx. L’objectif de la première étude était de déterminer comment l’Ovx peut affecter les niveaux de TG et de cholestérol dans le foie des rates nourries avec une diète riche en lipides (HF : 42% gras). Les rates ont été soumises à la diète HF ou normale pendant 6 semaines avant d’être Ovx ou Sham (ovariectomie simulée), puis maintenues aux mêmes conditions diététiques pour 6 autres semaines. L’Ovx a provoqué une accumulation de TG dans le foie, mais pas la diète HF seule. Cependant, lorsque l’Ovx était combinée à la diète HF, l’accumulation des TG était beaucoup plus importante comparé à ce qui était observé chez les rates Ovx soumises à la diète normale. L’expression génique (ARNm) de CPT1 (Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1), PGC1α (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1) et PPARα (Peroxysome proliferetor activated receptor alpha) intervenant dans l’oxydation des acides gras dans le foie était augmentée par la diète HF (p ˂ 0.001; p ˂ 0.01; p ˂ 0.05 respectivement) ; mais atténuée (p ˂ 0.05; p ˂ 0.05; p ˂ 0.07 respectivement) lorsque les rates ont été Ovx, favorisant ainsi l’accumulation des TG dans le foie. La combinaison de la diète HF à l’Ovx a également provoqué une hypercholestérolémie et une accumulation de cholestérol dans le foie malgré la diminution de l’expression de la HMGCoA-r (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase), enzyme clé de la synthèse du cholestérol. Ceci était associé à l’inhibition de l’expression génique de CYP7a1 (Cytochrome P450, family 7, subfamily a, polypeptide 1), suggérant une diminution de la synthèse des acides biliaires. Ayant constaté dans la première étude que l’Ovx élevait les niveaux de cholestérol hépatique et plasmatique, nous nous sommes fixés comme objectif dans la deuxième étude d’évaluer les effets de l’Ovx sur l’expression génique des transporteurs et enzymes responsables du métabolisme du cholestérol et des acides biliaires dans le foie et l’intestin, et de vérifier si l’exercice sur tapis roulant pouvait prévenir ou corriger les changements causés par l’Ovx. L’hypercholestérolémie constatée chez les rates Ovx comparativement aux Sham était accompagnée de la diminution de l’expression génique des récepteurs des LDL (R-LDL), des résidus de lipoprotéines (LRP1), de SREBP-2 (Sterol regulatory element binding protein 2) et de PCSK9 (Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9) dans le foie, suggérant une défaillance dans la clairance des lipoprotéines plasmatiques. L’Ovx a aussi inhibé l’expression génique de la MTP (Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein) et stimulé celle de SR-B1 (Scavenger receptor class B, member 1); mais aucun changement n’a été observé avec CYP7a1. Ces changements moléculaires pourraient par conséquent favoriser l’accumulation de cholestérol dans le foie. L’exercice physique n’a pas corrigé les modifications causées par l’Ovx sur l’expression génique de ces molécules au niveau hépatique à l’exception de SREBP-2. Par contre, au niveau intestinal (iléum), l’exercice sur tapis roulant a inhibé l’expression génique des marqueurs moléculaires intervenant dans l’absorption des acides biliaires (OSTα/β, FXR, RXRα, Fgf15) et du cholestérol (LXRα, NCP1L1) au niveau de l’iléum chez les rates Sham entraînées. Ces adaptations pourraient prévenir le développement de l’hypercholestérolémie protégeant en partie contre la survenue de l’athérosclérose. Au vue des effets délétères (hypercholestérolémie et diminution de l’expression du R-LDL, PCSK9, LRP1, SREBP-2 et HMGCOA-r dans le foie) causés par l’Ovx sur le métabolisme du cholestérol constatés dans l’étude 2, la 3ième étude a été conçue pour évaluer l’efficacité de rosuvastatine (Ros) sur l’expression génique de ces marqueurs moléculaires chez les rates Ovx sédentaires ou soumises à l’entraînement volontaire. Ros a été administrée aux rates Ovx pendant 21 jours par voie sous-cutanée à la dose de 5mg/kg/j à partir de la 9ième semaine après l’Ovx. Ros n’a pas diminué la concentration plasmatique de LDL-C et de TC chez les rates Ovx. Par contre, Ros a stimulé (P ˂ 0.05) l’expression génique de PCSK9, SREBP-2, LRP1, HMGCoA-r et ACAT2 (Acyl-CoA cholesterol acyltransferase) mais pas significativement (P = 0.3) celle du R-LDL dans le foie des rates Ovx sédentaires et entraînées. Ros n’a pas réduit la concentration plasmatique de LDL-C probablement à cause de l’induction plus importante de PCSK9 par rapport au R-LDL. Cependant, la stimulation de LRP1 par Ros protège partiellement contre la survenue des maladies cardiovasculaires. En conclusion, les études de cette thèse indiquent que la baisse du niveau des œstrogènes entraîne des changements radicaux du métabolisme hépatique des TG et du cholestérol provoqués par des altérations de l’expression des gènes clés des voies métaboliques associées.