973 resultados para Identification parameters
An efficient strategy for identification of delamination in composite beams and connected structures is presented. A spectral finite-element model consisting of a damaged spectral element is used for model-based prediction of the damaged structural response in the frequency domain. A genetic algorithm (GA) specially tailored for damage identification is derived and is integrated with finite-element code for automation. For best application of the GA, sensitivities of various objective functions with respect to delamination parameters are studied and important conclusions are presented. Model-based simulations of increasing complexity illustrate some of the attractive features of the strategy in terms of accuracy as well as computational cost. This shows the possibility of using such strategies for the development of smart structural health monitoring softwares and systems.
A circular array of Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensor (PWAS) has been employed to detect surface damages like corrosion using lamb waves. The array consists of a number of small PWASs of 10 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. The advantage of a circular array is its compact arrangement and large area of coverage for monitoring with small area of physical access. Growth of corrosion is monitored in a laboratory-scale set-up using the PWAS array and the nature of reflected and transmitted Lamb wave patterns due to corrosion is investigated. The wavelet time-frequency maps of the sensor signals are employed and a damage index is plotted against the damage parameters and varying frequency of the actuation signal (a windowed sine signal). The variation of wavelet coefficient for different growth of corrosion is studied. Wavelet coefficient as function of time gives an insight into the effect of corrosion in time-frequency scale. We present here a method to eliminate the time scale effect which helps in identifying easily the signature of damage in the measured signals. The proposed method becomes useful in determining the approximate location of the corrosion with respect to the location of three neighboring sensors in the circular array. A cumulative damage index is computed for varying damage sizes and the results appear promising.
Structural health monitoring of existing infrastructure is currently an active field of research, where elaborate experimental programs and advanced analytical methods are used in identifying the current state of health of critical structures. Change of static deflection as the indicator of damage is the simplest tool in a structural health monitoring scenario of bridges that is least exploited in damage identification strategies. In this paper, some simple and elegant equations based on loss of symmetry due to damage are derived and presented for identification of damage in a bridge girder modeled as a simply supported beam using changes in static deflections and dynamic parameters. A single contiguous and distributed damage, typical of reinforced or prestressed concrete structures, is assumed for the structure. The methodology is extended for a base-line-free as well as base-line-inclusive measurement. Measurement strategy involves application of loads only at two symmetric points one at a time and deflection measurements at those symmetric points as well as at the midspan of the beam. A laboratory-based experiment is used to validate the approach. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A few variance reduction schemes are proposed within the broad framework of a particle filter as applied to the problem of structural system identification. Whereas the first scheme uses a directional descent step, possibly of the Newton or quasi-Newton type, within the prediction stage of the filter, the second relies on replacing the more conventional Monte Carlo simulation involving pseudorandom sequence with one using quasi-random sequences along with a Brownian bridge discretization while representing the process noise terms. As evidenced through the derivations and subsequent numerical work on the identification of a shear frame, the combined effect of the proposed approaches in yielding variance-reduced estimates of the model parameters appears to be quite noticeable. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000480. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
With ever increasing demand for electric energy, additional generation and associated transmission facilities has to be planned and executed. In order to augment existing transmission facilities, proper planning and selective decisions are to be made whereas keeping in mind the interests of several parties who are directly or indirectly involved. Common trend is to plan optimal generation expansion over the planning period in order to meet the projected demand with minimum cost capacity addition along with a pre-specified reliability margin. Generation expansion at certain locations need new transmission network which involves serious problems such as getting right of way, environmental clearance etc. In this study, an approach to the citing of additional generation facilities in a given system with minimum or no expansion in the transmission facility is attempted using the network connectivity and the concept of electrical distance for projected load demand. The proposed approach is suitable for large interconnected systems with multiple utilities. Sample illustration on real life system is presented in order to show how this approach improves the overall performance on the operation of the system with specified performance parameters.
This paper illustrates a Wavelet Coefficient based approach using experiments to understand the sensitivity of ultrasonic signals due to parametric variation of a crack configuration in a metal plate. A PZT patch sensor/actuator system integrated to a metal plate with through-thickness crack is used. The proposed approach uses piezoelectric patches, which can be used to both actuate and sense the ultrasonic signals. While this approach leads to more flexibility and reduced cost for larger scalability of the sensor/actuator network, the complexity of the signals increases as compared to what is encountered in conventional ultrasonic NDE problems using selective wave modes. A Damage Index (DI) has been introduced, which is function of wavelet coefficient. Experiments have been carried out for various crack sizes, crack orientations and band-limited tone-burst signal through FIR filter. For a 1 cm long crack interrogated with 20 kHz tone-burst signal, the Damage Index (DI) for the horizontal crack orientation increases by about 70% with respect to that for 135 degrees oriented crack and it increases by about 33% with respect to the vertically oriented crack. The detailed results reported in this paper is a step forward to developing computational schemes for parametric identification of damage using sensor/actuator network and ultrasonic wave.
Bayesian parameter identification in dynamic state space models using modified measurement equations
When Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers are used in problems of system parameter identification, one would face computational difficulties in dealing with large amount of measurement data and (or) low levels of measurement noise. Such exigencies are likely to occur in problems of parameter identification in dynamical systems when amount of vibratory measurement data and number of parameters to be identified could be large. In such cases, the posterior probability density function of the system parameters tends to have regions of narrow supports and a finite length MCMC chain is unlikely to cover pertinent regions. The present study proposes strategies based on modification of measurement equations and subsequent corrections, to alleviate this difficulty. This involves artificial enhancement of measurement noise, assimilation of transformed packets of measurements, and a global iteration strategy to improve the choice of prior models. Illustrative examples cover laboratory studies on a time variant dynamical system and a bending-torsion coupled, geometrically non-linear building frame under earthquake support motions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Secondary-structure elements (SSEs) play an important role in the folding of proteins. Identification of SSEs in proteins is a common problem in structural biology. A new method, ASSP (Assignment of Secondary Structure in Proteins), using only the path traversed by the C atoms has been developed. The algorithm is based on the premise that the protein structure can be divided into continuous or uniform stretches, which can be defined in terms of helical parameters, and depending on their values the stretches can be classified into different SSEs, namely -helices, 3(10)-helices, -helices, extended -strands and polyproline II (PPII) and other left-handed helices. The methodology was validated using an unbiased clustering of these parameters for a protein data set consisting of 1008 protein chains, which suggested that there are seven well defined clusters associated with different SSEs. Apart from -helices and extended -strands, 3(10)-helices and -helices were also found to occur in substantial numbers. ASSP was able to discriminate non--helical segments from flanking -helices, which were often identified as part of -helices by other algorithms. ASSP can also lead to the identification of novel SSEs. It is believed that ASSP could provide a better understanding of the finer nuances of protein secondary structure and could make an important contribution to the better understanding of comparatively less frequently occurring structural motifs. At the same time, it can contribute to the identification of novel SSEs. A standalone version of the program for the Linux as well as the Windows operating systems is freely downloadable and a web-server version is also available at .
Identification of dominant modes is an important step in studying linearly vibrating systems, including flow-induced vibrations. In the presence of uncertainty, when some of the system parameters and the external excitation are modeled as random quantities, this step becomes more difficult. This work is aimed at giving a systematic treatment to this end. The ability to capture the time averaged kinetic energy is chosen as the primary criterion for selection of modes. Accordingly, a methodology is proposed based on the overlap of probability density functions (pdf) of the natural and excitation frequencies, proximity of the natural frequencies of the mean or baseline system, modal participation factor, and stochastic variation of mode shapes in terms of the modes of the baseline system - termed here as statistical modal overlapping. The probabilistic descriptors of the natural frequencies and mode shapes are found by solving a random eigenvalue problem. Three distinct vibration scenarios are considered: (i) undamped arid damped free vibrations of a bladed disk assembly, (ii) forced vibration of a building, and (iii) flutter of a bridge model. Through numerical studies, it is observed that the proposed methodology gives an accurate selection of modes. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ENGLISH: The rate of growth of tropical tunas has been studied by various investigators using diverse methods. Hayashi (1957) examined methods to determine the age of tunas by interpreting growth patterns on the bony or hard parts, but the results proved unreliable. Moore (1951), Hennemuth (1961), and Davidoff (1963) studied the age and growth of yellowfin tuna by the analysis of size frequency distributions. Schaefer, Chatwin and Broadhead (1961), and Fink (ms.), estimated the rate of growth of yellowfin tuna from tagging data; their estimates gave a somewhat slower rate of growth than that obtained by the study of length-frequency distributions. For the yellowfin tuna, modal groups representing age groups can be identified and followed for relatively long periods of time in length-frequency graphs. This may not be possible, however, for other tropical tunas where the modal groups may not represent identifiable age groups; this appears to be the case for skipjack tuna (Schaefer, 1962). It is necessary, therefore, to devise a method of estimating the growth rates of such species without identifying the year classes. The technique described in this study, hereafter called the "increment technique", employs the measurement of the change in length per unit of time, with respect to mean body length, without the identification of year classes. This technique is applied here as a method of estimating the growth rate of yellowfin tuna from the entire Eastern Tropical Pacific, and from the Commission's northern statistical areas (Areas 01-04 and 08) as shown in Figure 1. The growth rates of yellowfin tuna from Area 02 (Hennemuth, 1961) and from the northern areas (Davidoff, 1963) have been described by the technique of tracing modal progressions of year classes, hereafter termed the "year class technique". The growth rate analyses performed by both techniques apply to the segment of the population which is captured by tuna fishing vessels. The results obtained by both methods are compared in this report. SPANISH: La tasa del crecimiento de los atunes tropicales ha sido estudiada por varios investigadores quienes usaron diversos métodos. Hayashi (1957) examinó los métodos para determinar la edad de los atunes interpretando las marcas del crecimiento de las partes óseas o duras, pero los resultados no han demostrado eficacia. Moore (1951), Hennemuth (1961) y Davidoff (1963) estudiaron la edad y el crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla por medio del análisis de las distribuciones de la frecuencia de tamaños. Schaefer, Chatwin y Broadhead (1961) y Fink (Ms.), estimaron la tasa del crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla valiéndose de los datos de la marcación de los peces; ambos estimaron una tasa del crecimiento algo más lenta que la que se obtiene mediante el estudio de las distribuciones de la frecuencia de longitudes. Para el atún aleta amarilla, los grupos modales que representan grupos de edad pueden ser identificados y seguidos durante períodos de tiempo relativamente largos en los gráficos de la frecuencia de longitudes. Sin embargo, ésto puede no ser posible para otros atunes tropicales para los cuales los grupos modales posiblemente no representan grupos de edad identificables; este parece ser el caso para el barrilete (Schaefer, 1962). Consecuentemente, es necesario idear un método para estimar las tasas del crecimiento de las mencionadas especies sin necesidad de identificar las clases anuales. La técnica descrita en este estudio, en adelante llamada la "técnica incremental", emplea la medida del cambio en la longitud por unidad de tiempo, con respecto al promedio de la longitud corporal, sin tener que identificar las clases anuales. Esta técnica se aplica aquí como un método para estimar la tasa del crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla de todo el Pacífico Oriental Tropical, y de las áreas estadísticas norteñas de la Comisión (Areas 01-04 y 08), como se muestra en la Figura 1. Las tasas del crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla del Area 02 (Hennemuth, 1961) y de las áreas del norte (Davidoff, 1963), han sido descritas por medio de una técnica que consiste en delinear las progresiones modales de las clases anuales, en adelante llamada la "técnica de la clase anual". Los análisis de la tasa del crecimiento llevados a cabo por ambas técnicas se refieren al segmento de la población capturada por embarcaciones pesqueras de atún. Los resultados obtenidos por ambos métodos se comparan en este informe.
This dissertation is concerned with the problem of determining the dynamic characteristics of complicated engineering systems and structures from the measurements made during dynamic tests or natural excitations. Particular attention is given to the identification and modeling of the behavior of structural dynamic systems in the nonlinear hysteretic response regime. Once a model for the system has been identified, it is intended to use this model to assess the condition of the system and to predict the response to future excitations.
A new identification methodology based upon a generalization of the method of modal identification for multi-degree-of-freedom dynaimcal systems subjected to base motion is developed. The situation considered herein is that in which only the base input and the response of a small number of degrees-of-freedom of the system are measured. In this method, called the generalized modal identification method, the response is separated into "modes" which are analogous to those of a linear system. Both parametric and nonparametric models can be employed to extract the unknown nature, hysteretic or nonhysteretic, of the generalized restoring force for each mode.
In this study, a simple four-term nonparametric model is used first to provide a nonhysteretic estimate of the nonlinear stiffness and energy dissipation behavior. To extract the hysteretic nature of nonlinear systems, a two-parameter distributed element model is then employed. This model exploits the results of the nonparametric identification as an initial estimate for the model parameters. This approach greatly improves the convergence of the subsequent optimization process.
The capability of the new method is verified using simulated response data from a three-degree-of-freedom system. The new method is also applied to the analysis of response data obtained from the U.S.-Japan cooperative pseudo-dynamic test of a full-scale six-story steel-frame structure.
The new system identification method described has been found to be both accurate and computationally efficient. It is believed that it will provide a useful tool for the analysis of structural response data.
This paper conducts an exposition on the field identification of Clariid catfishes Heterobranchus, Clarias and their hybrid as an important tool in fish breeding and genetics. The paper explained the classification and aquacultural importance of Clariid catfishes. Parameters necessary for fish identification were highlighted. The identification of Heterobranchus, Clarias, their hybrid and sexual differences were also identified. The paper is of the position that the identification of Heterobranchus, Clarias and their hybrid is important in their genetic conservation and in achieving success in breeding and genetic studies
The summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, is overexploited and is currently at very low levels of abundance. This is reflected in the compressed age structure of the population and the low catches in both commercial and recreational fisheries. Declining habitat quantity and quality may be contributing to these declines, however we lack a thorough understanding of the role of habitats in the population dynamics of this species. Stock structure is unresolved and current interpretations, depending on the technique and study area, suggest that there may be two or three spawning populations. If so, these stocks may have differing habitat requirements. In response to this lack of knowledge, this document summarizes and synthesizes the available information on summer flounder habitat in all life history stages (eggs, larvae, juveniles and adults) and identifies areas where further research is needed. Several levels of investigation were conducted in order to produce this document. First, an extensive search for summer flounder habitat information was made, which included both the primary and gray literature as well as unanalyzed data. Second, state and federal fisheries biologists and resource managers in all states within the primary range of summer flounder (Massachusetts to Florida) were interviewed along with a number of fish ecologists and summer flounder experts from the academic and private sectors. Finally, information from all sources was analyzed and synthesized to form a coherent overview. This document first presents an overview of the economic importance and current status of summer flounder (Chapter 1). It then summarizes our present state of knowledge of summer flounder distribution, life history patterns and stock identification (Chapter 2). This is followed by a synopsis of habitat requirements during each life history stage. For convenience, this is presented by general habitat as offshore eggs (Chapter 3), offshore larvae (Chapter 4), estuarine larvae (Chapter 5), estuarine juveniles (Chapter 6), offshore juveniles (Chapter 7) and estuarine and offshore adults (Chapter 8). In several instances, previously undigested data sets are analyzed to provide more detailed information, especially for estuarine juveniles. The information is then discussed in terms of its relevance to resource managers (Chapter 9).
Characterization of damping forces in a vibrating structure has long been an active area of research in structural dynamics. In spite of a large amount of research, understanding of damping mechanisms is not well developed. A major reason for this is that unlike inertia and stiffness forces it is not in general clear what are the state variables that govern the damping forces. The most common approach is to use `viscous damping' where the instantaneous generalized velocities are the only relevant state variables. However, viscous damping by no means the only damping model within the scope of linear analysis. Any model which makes the energy dissipation functional non-negative is a possible candidate for a valid damping model. This paper is devoted to develop methodologies for identification of such general damping models responsible for energy dissipation in a vibrating structure. The method uses experimentally identified complex modes and complex natural frequencies and does not a-priori assume any fixed damping model (eg., viscous damping) but seeks to determine parameters of a general damping model described by the so called `relaxation function'. The proposed method and several related issues are discussed by considering a numerical example of a linear array of damped spring-mass oscillators.
Mass mortality of Thai pangas (Pangasius hypophthalmus) is reported to be a big threat to monoculture of the species in Bangladesh. Twenty affected and twenty control Thai pangas ponds were investigated around Mymensingh district in order to identify the causes of pangas mortality. Sixty affected and sixty unaffected fish samples were examined and compared to find the fish-level variables associated with the disease. A range of haemorrhagic signs on snout, skin and fins were recorded during examination with naked eyes. Aeromonas spp. and Edwardsiella spp. were isolated from 87% and 80% of the affected fish, respectively. Even 4% of the seemingly healthy fish carried Aeromonas spp. on their skin. Among the four water quality parameters monitored, remarkably higher total ammonia (1.5 ppm) was found in water of the affected ponds compared to that of the unaffected ones (0.4 ppm). High ammonia in affected water caused by excessive organic decomposition and poor pond management might have reduced the immunity of fish, which predisposed them for bacterial invasion and consequent disease outbreak.