973 resultados para IWV-GPS
2000-luvun vaihteessa paikkatietoa hyödyntävistä matkapuhelinpalveluista odotettiin muodostuvan eräs merkittävimmistä kilpailuvalteista eri matkapuhelinoperaattoreiden välillä. Kiinnostusta paikkatietoa hyödyntäviin palveluihin lisäsi kaupallisten sovellusten lisäksi Yhdysvaltojen liittovaltioiden liikenneministeriön säätämä laki, joka velvoittaa paikantamaan yleiseen hätänumeroon soitetut puhelut. Erityisesti laite- ja verkkotoimittajat odottivat tämänluovan heille uusia markkinoita. Markkinoille tuli useita kilpailevia menetelmiä, joilla matkapuhelimia voitiin paikantaa. Suurin osa näistä menetelmistä hyödynsi GSM-verkon signalointia paikannuksen tekemiseen. Samaan aikaan kohonnut matkapuhelinten suorituskyky mahdollisti GPS-vastaanottimien integroinnin matkapuhelimiin ja ensimmäiset tällaiset matkapuhelimet ilmestyivät markkinoille. Matkapuhelinten paikantamiseen liittyvä standardointi on melko hajanaista. ETSI on standardoinut joukon erilaisia menetelmiä, joilla matkapuhelin paikkatieto voidaan selvittää. Nämä standardit eivät kuitenkaan määrittele sitä, kuinka paikkatieto siirretään sitä hyödyntävien palveluiden käyttöön. Paikkatiedonsiirtämiseen ja esittämiseen liittyvässä standardoinnissa eri laite- ja ohjelmistovalmistajat ovat tehneet liittoutumia keskenään ja esitelleet keskenään kilpailevia standardeja ja suosituksia. Tälläkään osa-alueella mikään liittoutuma ei ole saavuttanut määräävää markkina-asemaa. Tässä työssä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin järjestelmä, jonka avulla voidaan paikantaa sellaisia GSM-päätelaitteita, joihin on integroitu GPS-vastaanotin. Toteutettu järjestelmä liitettiin uudeksi paikannusmenetelmäksi solupaikannuksen rinnalle Sonera Pointer paikannusjärjestelmään. Työn aikana testattiin joukko markkinoilla olleita GSM-puhelimia, joihin oli integroitu GPS-vastaanotin. Matkapuhelinten testauksessa erityinen huomio kiinnittyi siihen, kuinka GPS-paikkatieto saadaan siirrettyä matkapuhelimesta verkossa sijaitsevien sovellusten käyttöön. Toteutetun järjestelmän suunnittelussa täkein lähtökohta oli järjestelmän joustavuus. Standardien hajanaisuus ja osittainen puuttuminen aiheuttivat sen, että järjestelmästä oli tehtävä mahdollisimman helposti laajennettava. Toinen merkittävä suunnitteluun vaikuttanut tekijä oli operaattoririippumattomuus, koska Sonera Pointer järjestelmää oli tarkoitus myydä myös muille matkapuhelinoperaattoreille.
Background: Providing support for research is one of the key issues in the ongoing attempts to improve Primary Care. However, when patient care takes up a significant part of a GP's time, conducting research is difficult. In this study we examine the working conditions and profile of GPs who publish in three leading medical journals and propose possible remedial policy actions. Findings: The authors of all articles published in 2006 and 2007 in three international Family Medicine journals - Annals of Family Medicine, Family Practice, and Journal of Family Practice - were contacted by E-mail. They were asked to complete a questionnaire investigating the following variables: availability of specific time for research, time devoted to research, number of patients attended, and university affiliation. Only GPs were included in the study. Three hundred and ten relevant articles published between 2006 and 2007 were identified and the authors contacted using a survey tool. 124 researchers responded to our questionnaire; 45% of respondents who were not GPs were excluded. On average GPs spent 2.52 days per week and 6.9 hours per day on patient care, seeing 45 patients per week. Seventy-five per cent of GPs had specific time assigned to research, on average 13 hours per week; 79% were affiliated to a university and 69% held teaching positions. Conclusions: Most GPs who publish original articles in leading journals have time specifically assigned to research as part of their normal working schedule. They see a relatively small number of patients. Improving the working conditions of family physicians who intend to investigate is likely to lead to better research results.
This thesis presents the design and implementation of a GPS-signal source suitable for receiver measurements. The developed signal source is based on direct digital synthesis which generates the intermediate frequency. The intermediate frequency is transfered to the final frequency with the aid of an Inphase/Quadrature modulator. The modulating GPS-data was generated with MATLAB. The signal source was duplicated to form a multi channel source. It was shown that, GPS-signals ment for civil navigation are easy to generate in the laboratory. The hardware does not need to be technically advanced if navigation with high level of accuracy is not needed. It was also shown that, the Inphase/Quadrature modulator can function as a single side band upconverter even with a high intermediate frequency. This concept reduces the demands required for output filtering.
Aquest treball consisteix en analitzar la viabilitat d'una aplicació gestora de curses via GPS per a dispositius Android i, en cas afirmatiu, desenvolupar-ne un prototip. Per tal d'aconseguir-ho, es passa per una sèrie de fases d'estudi de l'aplicació i d'aprenentatge en la implementació.
The Pyrenean mountain range is a slowly deforming belt with continuous and moderate seismic activity. To quantify its deformation field, we present the velocity field estimated from a GPS survey of the Pyrenees spanning 18 yr. The PotSis and ResPyr networks, including a total of 85 GPS sites, were installed and first measured in 1992 and 1995 1997, respectively, and remeasured in 2008 and 2010. We obtain a deformation field with velocities less than 1 mm yr−1 across the range. The estimated velocities for individual stations do not differ significantly from zero with 95 per cent confidence. Even so, we estimate a maximum extensional horizontal strain rate of 2.0 ± 1.7 nanostrain per year in a N S direction in the western part of the range. We do not interpret the vertical displacements due to their large uncertainties. In order to compare the horizontal strain rates with the seismic activity, we analyse a set of 194 focal mechanisms using three methods: (i) the 'r' factor relating their P and T axes, (ii) the stress tensors obtained by fault slip inversion and (iii) the strain-rate tensors. Stress and strain-rate tensors are estimated for: (i) the whole data set, (ii) the eastern and western parts of the range separately, and (iii) eight zones, which are defined based on the seismicity and the tectonic patterns of the Pyrenees. Each of these analyses reveals a lateral variation of the deformation style from compression and extension in the east to extension and strike-slip in the west of the range. Although the horizontal components of the strain-rate tensors estimated from the seismic data are slightly smaller in magnitude than those computed from the GPS velocity field, they are consistent within the 2σ uncertainties. Furthermore, the orientations of their principal axes agree with the mapped active faults.
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar cotas de vértices de uma poligonal, considerando dados coletados por três diferentes receptores GPS, usando como testemunha uma estação total. Os dados foram obtidos em uma poligonal fechada, sendo posteriormente tratados pelo software Topograph. As cotas obtidas pelos três receptores foram confrontadas com aquelas calculadas a partir do levantamento com a estação total, mediante a aplicação do teste "t", constatando-se que as mesmas foram satisfatórias para o equipamento GPS Trimble® 4600 LS. Para o equipamento GPS Trimble® modelo PRO XR, as cotas não foram totalmente satisfatórias, mas possíveis de serem consideradas em anteprojetos. Para o equipamento GPS Garmin® de navegação 12 XS, as cotas mostraram-se inaceitáveis para a finalidade estudada.
Diversos equipamentos que se utilizam dos sinais transmitidos pelo Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS) têm sido empregados na Agricultura de Precisão. Neste estudo, foi feita uma comparação de três receptores comerciais no intuito de verificar suas acurácias. As principais qualidades medidas foram a repetibilidade dos dados e a estabilidade do sistema. O estudo foi conduzido em campo aberto, na área experimental da ESALQ/USP, com três linhas paralelas de 50 m espaçadas 10 m entre si. A coleta de dados foi feita no dia 25-9-2002, totalizando seis repetições da comparação dos três sistemas. Os dados foram coletados simultaneamente, de acordo com a melhor configuração da constelação de satélites, sendo que os três sistemas apresentaram resultados distintos. O GPS "A" (oito canais, sem correção diferencial) apresentou a maior variabilidade e a menor repetibilidade, com desvios de quase 10 m numa mesma linha. O sistema "B", com sinal de correção diferencial (DGPS "B", 12 canais), apresentou acurácia superior ao "A", com desvios de, no máximo, 6 m, mas com repetibilidade significativa. O GPS "C" (12 canais, com algoritmo otimizado) apresentou a maior acurácia e desvio máximo de 2 m. Assim, os dois últimos sistemas são adequados para a aplicação dos conceitos da Agricultura de Precisão.
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um equipamento microprocessado, de baixo custo, para geração de sinal de correção diferencial para GPS, em tempo real, e configuração e supervisão do receptor GPS base. O equipamento desenvolvido possui um microcontrolador dedicado, display alfanumérico, teclado multifunção para configuração e operação do sistema e interfaces de comunicação. O circuito eletrônico do equipamento tem a função de receber as informações do GPS base e interpretá-las, transformando-as numa sentença no protocolo RTCM SC-104. O software do microcontrolador é responsável pela conversão do sinal recebido pelo GPS base, do formato proprietário para o protocolo RTCM SC-104. A placa processadora principal possui duas interfaces seriais padrão RS-232C. Uma delas tem a função de configuração e leitura das informações geradas pelo receptor GPS base. A outra atua somente como saída, enviando o sinal de correção diferencial. O projeto do equipamento microprocessado mostrou que é possível a construção de uma estação privada para a geração do sinal de correção diferencial, de baixo custo.
São inúmeras as aplicações das tecnologias de Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), e o sistema mais utilizado é o Global Positioning System (GPS), desenvolvido pelos Estados Unidos. Em aplicações agrícolas, há a necessidade de posicionamento estático e cinemático, com demandas de distintos níveis de acurácia. No entanto, os usuários carecem de informação quanto ao desempenho cinemático de receptores GNSS, sendo disponibilizados apenas dados de desempenho estático, e por essa razão desenvolveu-se um veículo instrumentado para testar metodologia de avaliação do desempenho de receptores GNSS sob condição cinemática, visando a representar operações agrícolas. Foi utilizada instrumentação para coletar os dados sob variação de velocidade e sentido de percurso circular. A partir de ensaio experimental, verificou-se que a metodologia possibilita o cálculo da acurácia e da precisão, necessitando apenas de melhorias nos equipamentos de aquisição de dados em ensaios de longa duração.
The characterization of the spatial variability of soil attributes is essential to support agricultural practices in a sustainable manner. The use of geostatistics to characterize spatial variability of these attributes, such as soil resistance to penetration (RP) and gravimetric soil moisture (GM) is now usual practice in precision agriculture. The result of geostatistical analysis is dependent on the sample density and other factors according to the georeferencing methodology used. Thus, this study aimed to compare two methods of georeferencing to characterize the spatial variability of RP and GM as well as the spatial correlation of these variables. Sampling grid of 60 points spaced 20 m was used. For RP measurements, an electronic penetrometer was used and to determine the GM, a Dutch auger (0.0-0.1 m depth) was used. The samples were georeferenced using a GPS navigation receiver, Simple Point Positioning (SPP) with navigation GPS receiver, and Semi-Kinematic Relative Positioning (SKRP) with an L1 geodetic GPS receiver. The results indicated that the georeferencing conducted by PPS did not affect the characterization of spatial variability of RP or GM, neither the spatial structure relationship of these attributes.
Desde o início do ano 2000, o uso de receptores de navegação aumentou consideravelmente. Muito se deve à desativação da disponibilidade seletiva ocorrida em maio de 2000. Entretanto, esses receptores não registram as observáveis, somente estimam e armazenam as coordenadas, o que impede o pós-processamento dos dados. Baseados nesse aspecto, alguns softwares foram desenvolvidos e estão disponíveis gratuitamente. Eles permitem a gravação das observáveis GPS do receptor, pseudodistâncias (código C/A) e das medidas da fase da onda da portadora. Esses programas são capazes de ler de e registrar em arquivos binários as informações referentes às observáveis GPS e realizar a conversão de formato binário para o formato RINEX. Este trabalho visa a avaliar o receptor de navegação Garmin 12 XL a partir do uso dos programas livres. Dois experimentos foram realizados na região de Presidente Prudente-SP, empregando o levantamento relativo estático. O processamento foi realizado com intervalos de tempo de 30; 15; 10 e 5 minutos. Os resultados foram comparados com as coordenadas advindas de um receptor geodésico e mostram que, para 98,9% dos pontos, os valores em relação à acurácia planimétrica foram melhores que 0,50 m. A única linha de base cujo valor foi maior ou igual a 0,50 m é o vértice M0001 (linha de base menor que 2 km), referente ao primeiro experimento. Em termos de precisão, os valores não ultrapassaram 0,30 m.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten sähköyhtiöt nykypäivänä käyttävät GPS:ää apuna. Lisäksi tuli selvittää minkälaisen tarkkuuden uusi tekniikka mahdollistaa ja mitä muita hyötyjä satelliitti paikannus tuo mukanaan. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin jo olemassa olevaa pohjatietoutta ja lisäksi sähköyhtiön edustajien haastatteluja. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että GPS:n käyttö linjojen paikannuksessa on helppoa ja nopeaa sekä nopeasti yleistynyttä Suomessa viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana. Suuri osa keski-jännitelinjoista on jo saatu digitaaliseen muotoon. Lisäksi GPS alkaa vallata alaa myös linjasuunnittelu puolella. Tarkkuudet liikkuvat senteissä, mikä riittää suunnittelun tar-peisiin hyvin. Ajoneuvopaikannuksessa ei olla vielä päästy kovinkaan pitkälle, sillä tie-donsiirtomaksut nostavat rajaa palvelun ostamiseksi. Lisäksi GSM-tekniikasta on tullut GPS:n kilpailija tällä saralla.
The relationships between vine water status, soil texture, and vine size were observed in four Niagara, Ontario Pinot noir vineyards in 2008 and 2009. The vineyards were divided into water status zones using geographic information systems (GIS) software to map the seasonal mean midday leaf water potential (,P), and dormant pruning shoot weights following the 2008 season. Fruit was harvested from all sentinel vines, bulked by water status zones and made into wine. Sensory analysis included a multidimensional sorting (MDS) task and descriptive analysis (DA) of the 2008 wines. Airborne multispectral images, with a spatial resolution of 38 cm, were captured four times in 2008 and three times in 2009, with the final flights around veraison. A semi-automatic process was developed to extract NDVI from the images, and a masking procedure was identified to create a vine-only NDVI image. 2008 and 2009 were cooler and wetter than mean years, and the range of water status zones was narrow. Yield per vine, vine size, anthocyanins and phenols were the least consistent variables. Divided by water status or vine size, there were no variables with differences between zones in all four vineyards in either year. Wines were not different between water status zones in any chemical analysis, and HPLC revealed that there were no differences in individual anthocyanins or phenolic compounds between water status zones within the vineyard sites. There were some notable correlations between vineyard and grape composition variables, and spatial trends were observed to be qualitatively related for many of the variables. The MDS task revealed that wines from each vineyard were more affected by random fermentation effects than water status effects. This was confirmed by the DA; there were no differences between wines from the water status zones within vineyard sites for any attribute. Remotely sensed NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) correlated reasonably well with a number of grape composition variables, as well as soil type. Resampling to a lower spatial resolution did not appreciably affect the strength of correlations, and corresponded to the information contained in the masked images, while maintaining the range of values of NDVI. This study showed that in cool climates, there is the potential for using precision viticulture techniques to understand the variability in vineyards, but the variable weather presents a challenge for understanding the driving forces of that variability.
The focus of this study was to detennine whether soil texture and composition variables were related to vine water status and both yield components and grape composition, and whether multispectral high definition airborne imagery could be used to segregate zones in vineyards to target fruit of highest quality for premium winemaking. The study took place on a 10-ha commercial Riesling vineyard at Thirty Bench Winemakers, in Beamsville (Ontario). Results showed that Soil moisture and leaf'l' were temporally stable and related to berry composition and remotely-sensed data. Remote-sensing, through the calculation of vegetation indices, was particularly useful to predict vine vigor, yield, fruit maturity as well as berry monoterpene concentration; it could also clearly assist in making wines that are more representative ofthe cultivar used, and also wines that are a reflection of a specific terroir, since calculated vegetation indices were highly correlated to typical Riesling.
A compact single –feed multiband planar antenna configuration Suitable for GPS, DCS. 2.4/5.8 GHz WLAN applications are presented. The antenna has dimensions 38 x 3 x 1.6 mm and offers good radiation and reflection characteristics in the above frequency bands. The antenna has a simple geometry and can be easily fed using a 50 coaxial probe