265 resultados para IPC


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El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de determinar el grado de efectividad del anamú (Petiveria alliacea) en la reducción del puerperio bovino, en la finca El Rosario, Municipio de La Trinidad, Departamento de Esteli, ubicado entre las coordenadas 12 ° 58’ de latitud norte y 86 ° 14' de longitud oeste con una altura sobre el nivel del mar 601.22 m.s.n.m., con una temperatura promedio anual 23° C. y con precipitación anual de entre 800 y 2000 m.m. El clima es tropical seco con poca precipitación pluvial.Se tomaron 30 vacas paridas al azar y se dividieron en dos grupos de 15 vacas, el tratamiento I aplicación de anamú(Petiveria alliacea)al 20% y el tratamiento II el control sin tratamiento. Los resultados obtenidos, indican que la principal causa del puerperio prolongado es la hipofunción ovárica presente en 20 vacas que representa un 83%, seguido de los quistes folicular 4 animales con un 17%. Los animales tratados con Anamú (Petiveria alliacea)presentan celos a los 79 días, mientras que los animales no tratados presentan celos a los 100 días, obteniéndose que con este tratamiento se reduce el puerperio en 21 días por animal. Al analizar el IPC entre tratamiento, los animales tratados con Anamú presentaron duración de 55-90 días, mientras los no tratado presentaron duración de 81-120 días.


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El presente estudio se realizo con el objetivo de determinar la evolución de la eficiencia reproductiva en la finca piloto San José del municipio de Santo tomas, del departamento de Chontales. Evolución de la Eficiencia Reproductiva en la Finca Piloto San José, en el Municipio de Santo Tomas Chontales. Area modelo del proyecto de Mejoramiento de la Productividad Ganadera para los Productores de Pequeña y Mediana Escala. La finca se sitúa entre las coordenadas 13º28’51’’ latitud norte y 70º77’02’’ longitud este, con altura de 420 msnm, con una precipitación promedio anual de 1600 a 2000 mm, con temperatura media anual de 25º a 27ºC. El presente estudio se evaluaron los diferentes índices reproductivos de la finca piloto San José, haciendo uso de los registros que se levantaron durante la etapa de ejecución del proyecto, realizando monitoreos periódicos como: pesajes de ganado y diagnósticos reproductivos, también se realizaba pesaje de leche y prueba de mastitis, estas actividades se realizan una vez al mes, pero con diferencias de 15 días por actividades. La producción total de leche obtenida en la finca fue de 49.500kg de leche durante un año, cuando el IPP fue de 12 meses. Cuando el IPP llego a los 24 meses la producción de leche fue de 27,000Kg. Se obtuvo que entre menor fueron los IPP y los ingresos de las finca fueron mayores. Cuando se alargaron los dias de ordeño también se alargaron los dias de secado. En el año 2005 el promedio del IPC era de 8.5 meses y en el año 2008 se redujo a 4.7 meses. En el año 2005 el IPP era de 18 meses y para el año 2008 se redujo a 14 meses. Para el invierno del 2005 se tenía promedios de 9 partos en invierno con relación al de verano que fue de 3 partos, luego en el verano del 2008 los partos se redujeron a 4 partos, pero en invierno aumentaron a 15 partos por época. El IPC para el 2005 correspondía a un 22 %, para el año 2008 se logro reducir a un 7.5 %. El IPP en el año 2005 fue del 45.7 % y para el 2008 se redujo a un22.4 %, prácticamente se redujo a un 50 %. En la finca piloto en el 2005 se contaba con 12 animales en ordeño y al año 2008 se incremento su número de animales productivos a 19 animales. La producción promedio por vaca siempre se mantuvo estable entre los 4 y 5 litros de leche por vaca, aumentado solamente la producción total de leche por día.


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En el presente trabajo se analiza el comportamiento del mercado del activo-vivienda en el periodo 1978-2000 desde la perspectiva de los factores que influyen directamente en la formación de los precios de dicho activo. Los factores que individualmente mejor explican las variaciones en el precio de la vivienda son (por orden decreciente): el IPC corregido, los costes de la construcción, el PIB per capita, el precio de los alquileres, las VPO terminadas, el volumen de crédito disponible, el tipo de interés de referencia, las viviendas libres terminadas y la población en el intervalo 24-35 años. A nivel agregado, el grupo de variables que mejor explican conjuntamente las fluctuaciones del mercado hipotecario son: PIB per capita, el precio del alquiler de la vivienda y los tipos de interés de referencia. Las variables más representativas son tanto de tipo financiero como macroeconómico (estructurales), por lo que se observa que tanto el modelo anglosajón como el germánico explican, parcialmente, el comportamiento inversor en España.


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Observations of the Galactic center region black hole candidate 1E 1740.7-2942 have been carried out using the Caltech Gamma-Ray Imaging Payload (GRIP), the Röntgensatellit (ROSAT) and the Very Large Array (VLA). These multiwavelength observations have helped to establish the association between a bright emitter of hard X-rays and soft γ-rays, the compact core of a double radio jet source, and the X-ray source, 1E 1740.7-2942. They have also provided information on the X-ray and hard X-ray spectrum.

The Galactic center region was observed by GRIP during balloon flights from Alice Springs, NT, Australia on 1988 April 12 and 1989 April 3. These observations revealed that 1E 1740.7-2942 was the strongest source of hard X-rays within ~10° of the Galactic center. The source spectrum from each flight is well fit by a single power law in the energy range 35-200 keV. The best-fit photon indices and 100 keV normalizations are: γ = (2.05 ± 0.15) and K_(100) = (8.5 ± 0.5) x 10^(-5) cm^(-2) s^(-1) keV^(-1) and γ = (2.2 ± 0.3) and K_(100) = (7.0 ± 0.7) x 10^(-5) cm^(-2) s^(-1) keV^(-1) for the 1988 and 1989 observations respectively. No flux above 200 keV was detected during either observation. These values are consistent with a constant spectrum and indicate that 1E 1740.7-2942 was in its normal hard X-ray emission state. A search on one hour time scales showed no evidence for variability.

The ROSAT HRI observed 1E 1740.7-2942 during the period 1991 March 20-24. An improved source location has been derived from this observation. The best fit coordinates (J2000) are: Right Ascension = 17^h43^m54^s.9, Declination = -29°44'45".3, with a 90% confidence error circle of radius 8".5. The PSPC observation was split between periods from 1992 September 28- October 4 and 1993 March 23-28. A thermal bremsstrahlung model fit to the data yields a column density of N_H = 1.12^(+1.51)_(0.18) x cm^(-2) , consistent with earlier X- ray measurements.

We observed the region of the Einstein IPC error circle for 1E 1740.7-2942 with the VLA at 1.5 and 4.9 GHz on 1989 March 2. The 4.9 GHz observation revealed two sources. Source 'A', which is the core of a double aligned radio jet source (Mirabel et al. 1992), lies within our ROSAT error circle, further strengthening its identification with 1E 1740.7-2942.


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Idioma: Inglés Abstract: This project focuses on two indicators of prices, the GDP deflator and the consumer price index (CPI), and analyzes the differences and similarities they present. These price indexes have been chosen taking into account its great representativeness and importance to economic and social level, and its direct relationship to the overall functioning of the economy and, in particular, inflation. It should be also mentioned that this study was conducted for cases of the euro area and the United States, as the impact of these economies in the economic and social situation at international level is very significant.


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En este trabajo se expone el valor razonable como criterio alternativo al coste histórico con el fin de actualizar todos los costes valorados a coste histórico, ya que el poder adquisitivo de la moneda varía de un año a otro. Esto implica actualizar los inmovilizados y las existencias de productos en curso teniendo en cuenta los valores del mercado, las tasaciones de peritos y los índices de precios (IPC) con el fin de que los activos de la empresa no se infravaloren y la variación de precios no afecte a los resultados ni al coste del producto, y así la información que suministra la contabilidad de costes sea relevante para la toma de decisiones.


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This is the report on Habitats Directive, the Review of Consents Stage 1 and 2 by the Environment Agency of the Manchester Mosslands cSAC, Astley and Bedford Moss, Holcroft Moss and Risley Moss. The Habitats Directive has the main aim to promote the maintenance of biodiversity by defining a common framework for the conservation of wild plants and animals and habitats of community interest. The Directive establishes a European ecological network known as "Natura 2000". The network comprises Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). In the section on Stage 1 or Screening Process of the Habitat Directive, it is identified the likely impacts upon the Manchester Mosslands cSAC, Astley and Bedford Moss, Holcroft Moss and Risley Moss of a project, plan or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, and considers whether these impacts are likely to be significant. In the section on Stage 2 or Appropiate Assessment of the Habitat Directive, it is considered the impact on the integrity of the Manchester Mosslands cSAC, Astley and Bedford Moss, Holcroft Moss and Risley Moss of the projects, plans or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, with respect to the site’s structure and function and its conservation objectives. Additionally, where these are adverse impacts, an assessment of the potential mitigation of those impacts. The criteria used in this report to identify relevant projects, plans or activities and their impacts are water quality discharge consents, waste management licences, abstraction licences, Integration Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permits. Proformas, hydrogeological and GIS maps are included in the review.


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This is the report on Habitats Directive, the Review of Consents Stage 1 and 2 by the Environment Agency of the Rixton Clay Pits cSAC. The Habitats Directive has the main aim to promote the maintenance of biodiversity by defining a common framework for the conservation of wild plants and animals and habitats of community interest. The Directive establishes a European ecological network known as "Natura 2000". The network comprises Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). In the section on Stage 1 or Screening Process of the Habitat Directive, it is identified the likely impacts upon the Rixton Clay Pits cSAC of a project, plan or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, and considers whether these impacts are likely to be significant. In the section on Stage 2 or Appropiate Assessment of the Habitat Directive, it is considered the impact on the integrity of the Rixton Clay Pits cSAC of the projects, plans or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, with respect to the site’s structure and function and its conservation objectives. Additionally, where these are adverse impacts, an assessment of the potential mitigation of those impacts. The criteria used in this report to identify relevant projects, plans or activities and their impacts are water quality discharge consents, waste management licences, abstraction licences, Integration Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permits. Proformas, hydrogeological and GIS maps are included in the review.


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This is the report on Habitats Directive, the Review of Consents Stage 1 and 2 by the Environment Agency of the South Pennine Moors cSAC/SPA. The Habitats Directive has the main aim to promote the maintenance of biodiversity by defining a common framework for the conservation of wild plants and animals and habitats of community interest. The Directive establishes a European ecological network known as "Natura 2000". The network comprises Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). In the section on Stage 1 or Screening Process of the Habitat Directive, it is identified the likely impacts upon the Rixton Clay Pits cSAC of a project, plan or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, and considers whether these impacts are likely to be significant. In the section on Stage 2 or Appropiate Assessment of the Habitat Directive, it is considered the impact on the integrity of the Rixton Clay Pits cSAC of the projects, plans or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, with respect to the site’s structure and function and its conservation objectives. Additionally, where these are adverse impacts, an assessment of the potential mitigation of those impacts. The criteria used in this report to identify relevant projects, plans or activities and their impacts are water quality discharge consents, waste management licences, abstraction licences, Integration Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permits. Proformas, hydrogeological and GIS maps are included in the review.


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This is the report on Habitats Directive, the Review of Consents Stage 1 and 2 by the Environment Agency of the Rochdale Canal cSAC. The Habitats Directive has the main aim to promote the maintenance of biodiversity by defining a common framework for the conservation of wild plants and animals and habitats of community interest. The Directive establishes a European ecological network known as "Natura 2000". The network comprises Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). In the section on Stage 1 or Screening Process of the Habitat Directive, it is identified the likely impacts upon the Rochdale Canal of a project, plan or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, and considers whether these impacts are likely to be significant. In the section on Stage 2 or Appropiate Assessment of the Habitat Directive, it is considered the impact on the integrity of the Rochdale Canal of the projects, plans or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, with respect to the site’s structure and function and its conservation objectives. Additionally, where these are adverse impacts, an assessment of the potential mitigation of those impacts. The criteria used in this report to identify relevant projects, plans or activities and their impacts are water quality discharge consents, waste management licences, abstraction licences, Integration Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permits. Proformas, hydrogeological and GIS maps are included in the review.


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This is the report on Habitats Directive, the Review of Consents Stage 1 and 2 by the Environment Agency of the West Midlands Mosses cSAC, Wybunbury Moss and Abbots Moss. The Habitats Directive has the main aim to promote the maintenance of biodiversity by defining a common framework for the conservation of wild plants and animals and habitats of community interest. The Directive establishes a European ecological network known as "Natura 2000". The network comprises Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). In the section on Stage 1 or Screening Process of the Habitat Directive, it is identified the likely impacts upon the West Midlands Mosses cSAC, Wybunbury Moss and Abbots Moss of a project, plan or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, and considers whether these impacts are likely to be significant. In the section on Stage 2 or Appropiate Assessment of the Habitat Directive, it is considered the impact on the integrity of the West Midlands Mosses cSAC, Wybunbury Moss and Abbots Moss of the projects, plans or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, with respect to the site’s structure and function and its conservation objectives. Additionally, where these are adverse impacts, an assessment of the potential mitigation of those impacts. The criteria used in this report to identify relevant projects, plans or activities and their impacts are water quality discharge consents, waste management licences, abstraction licences, Integration Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permits. Proformas, hydrogeological and GIS maps are included in the review.


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This is the report on Habitats Directive, the Review of Consents Stage 1 and 2 by the Environment Agency of the Oak Mere cSAC. The Habitats Directive has the main aim to promote the maintenance of biodiversity by defining a common framework for the conservation of wild plants and animals and habitats of community interest. The Directive establishes a European ecological network known as "Natura 2000". The network comprises Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). In the section on Stage 1 or Screening Process of the Habitat Directive, it is identified the likely impacts upon the Oak Mere cSAC of a project, plan or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, and considers whether these impacts are likely to be significant. In the section on Stage 2 or Appropiate Assessment of the Habitat Directive, it is considered the impact on the integrity of the Oak Mere cSAC of the projects, plans or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, with respect to the site’s structure and function and its conservation objectives. Additionally, where these are adverse impacts, an assessment of the potential mitigation of those impacts. The criteria used in this report to identify relevant projects, plans or activities and their impacts are water quality discharge consents, waste management licences, abstraction licences, Integration Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permits. Proformas, hydrogeological and GIS maps are included in the review.


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Employing a nanotube-based saturable absorber, we demonstrate a continuously tunable (1533-1563nm) ultrafast fiber laser, with output pulsewidth switchable between picosecond (1.2 ps) and femtosecond (610 fs) regimes. © 2012 IEEE.


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The generation of ultrashort optical pulses by semiconductor lasers has been extensively studied for many years. A number of methods, including gain-/Q-switching and different types of mode locking, have been exploited for the generation of picosecond and sub-picosecond pulses [1]. However, the shortest pulses produced by diode lasers are still much longer and weaker than those that are generated by advanced mode-locked solid-state laser systems [2]. On the other hand, an interesting class of devices based on superradiant emission from multiple contact diode laser structures has also been recently reported [3]. Superradiance (SR) is a transient quantum optics phenomenon based on the cooperative radiative recombination of a large number of oscillators, including atoms, molecules, e-h pairs, etc. SR in semiconductors can be used for the study of fundamental properties of e-h ensembles such as photon-mediated pairing, non-equilibrium e-h condensation, BSC-like coherent states and related phenomena. Due to the intrinsic parameters of semiconductor media, SR emission typically results in the generation of a high-power optical pulse or pulse train, where the pulse duration can be much less than 1 ps, under optimised bias conditions. Advantages of this technique over mode locking in semiconductor laser structures include potentially shorter pulsewidths and much larger peak powers. Moreover, the pulse repetition rate of mode-locked pulses is fixed by the cavity round trip time, whereas the repetition rate of SR pulses is controlled by the current bias and can be varied over a wide range. © 2012 IEEE.