218 resultados para INTUBAÇÃO, Traqueal
Descrevemos as principais complicações das vias aéreas relacionadas à intubação endotraqueal, por meio de revisão da literatura e apresentação dos resultados de pesquisas clínicas e experimentais realizadas pelo nosso grupo de estudo. Procuramos alertar os profissionais de saúde quanto à alta incidência de complicações secundárias à intubação, as quais podem ser reduzidas com a adoção de medidas profiláticas simples e de cunho prático, estabelecidas após a compreensão da fisiopatologia das lesões.
Comparação entre dois fios de sutura não absorvíveis na anastomose traqueal término-terminal em cães
Doze cães sem raça definida, com idade variando entre 1 e 6 anos e peso de 6 a 20kg, foram submetidos a ressecção traqueal e anastomose término-terminal, na qual foram testados os fios poliéster trançado não capilar e náilon monofilamento. Seis animais, cada três com um mesmo tipo de fio de sutura, sofreram a excisão equivalente a três anéis traqueais. Com 15 dias foi executada uma nova intervenção onde se ressecou o equivalente a mais seis anéis, perfazendo um total de nove. Ao final de outros 15 dias foram sacrificados. Os outros seis animais, cada três com um mesmo tipo de fio, foram submetidos à excisão equivalente a três anéis traqueais e mantidos por 43 dias. As traquéias foram avaliadas por exames clínicos, radiográficos, macroscópicos e histopatológicos. O fio de náilon monofilamento apresentou menos reação tecidual do que o poliéster trançado não capilar, promoveu uma anastomose segura e com menor chance de formação de granuloma.
Background and Objectives - Pulmonary aspiration of gastric content during induction of anesthesia for emergency surgical procedures is a serious complication; fast endotracheal intubation under these circumstances is of vital importance to secure the airways. Despite its numerous side effects, succinylcholine is used for this purpose. Rocuronium is the most recently introduced aminoesteroid neuromuscular blocking drug with short onset. The objective of this study was to compare the onset time and intubating conditions of rocuronium and succinylcholine. Methods - After informed consent, forty-five patients were randomly allocated into three groups of 15: Group I (GI) = succinylcholine 1 mg.kg-1; Group II (GII) = rocuronium 0.6 mg.kg-1; Group III (GIII) = rocuronium 0.9 mg.kg-1. Every patient was premedicated with midazolam 15 mg per os and induction of anesthesia was made with fentanyl 10 μg.kg-1 and etomidate 0.3 mg.kg-1. The neuromuscular block was monitored with the TOP-Guard neuromuscular transmission monitor. The TOP-Guard neuromuscular monitor uses an accelerometer to measure the response to nerve stimulation. The stimulating electrodes were placed close to the course of the ulnar nerve at the wrist. The onset time was considered as the time between the end of neuromuscular drug injection and the twitch height (T1) decrease to 10%. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure were registered at 6 moments before and after induction of anesthesia. Results - The onset time results were: Group I, 71 s; Group II, 120 s and Group III, 70 s or GI = GIII < GII (F = 8.862; p < 0.01). There were 43 patients exhibiting excellent intubating conditions and 2 with good intubating conditions. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure showed alterations due to induction of anesthesia and intubation. Conclusions - Rocuronium 0.9 mg.kg-1 can be used in rapid sequence induction because it has a short onset time which is similar to that of succnylcholine. It is likely that rocuronium would be a good indication in patients with high intracranial pressure, burns and neuromuscular diseases.
Objective: to assess the efficacy and safety of the use of nebulized L-epinephrine associated with dexamethasone in post-intubation laryngitis. Method: we carried out a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study with two cohorts of patients with postintubation laryngitis graded 3 to 6 by Downes and Raphaely score and during two years. Our population was divided into two groups: A and B; both groups received intravenous dexamethasone and nebulized saline with (group B) and without (group A) L-epinephrine. The efficacy was assessed by Downes and Raphaely's score. The side effects of epinephrine were evaluated according to occurrence of arrhythmia, to increased blood pressure, and to average heart rate of group B in comparison to group A. Results: twenty-two patients were included in group A (average score = 4.8) and 19 in group B (average score = 5.2). During treatment, 3 patients in group A presented a score of 8 and were reintubated. This group also showed higher clinical scores than group B during the first two hours of the protocol; these results were not statistically significant. No side effects were observed due to epinephrine. The gasometric parameters were adequate in both groups, but better in the control group. Conclusions: we did not observe increased efficacy for the treatment of post-intubation laryngitis when nebulized L-epinephrine was used simultaneously with intravenous dexamethasone. Some indicators, however, did present a favorable trend when combined therapy was used and should be submitted to further evaluation.
Aspirado traqueal de cavalos clinicamente sadios da raça quarto de milha após prova de três tambores
The aim of the present study was to evaluate through endoscopy the tracheal aspiration cytology in twenty seven Quarter Horses from Curitiba and surroundings, following the Three Barrel Competittion. Upper respiratory tract secretion was obtained by tracheal aspiration using a polyethylene catheter introduced through the endoscopic fiberoptic working channel, at the level of tracheal bifurcation. Cytologic slides were prepared by smear and stained by diff-quick technique and the differential was performed in 500 cells counting by 1,000X optic microscopy. None of the horses presented abnormality, including epixtasis, at the clinical examination. However, hemosiderophages were detected at cytology in three animals, suggesting that some may be suffering of subclinical pulmonary hemorrhage. Differential cell counting of tracheal aspiration results were, in average: 44.09 ± 35.68% of epithelial cells; 1.10 ± 2.18% of Globet cells; 23.10 ± 35.93% of neutrophils; 0.13 ± 0.37% of lymphocytes; 0.91 ± 2.81% of eosinophils; 30.57 ± 23.62% of macrophages and 0.13 + 0.93% of hemosiderophages. In conclusion, based in the present study, the evaluation of cellular populations with the tracheal aspiration may offer important additional information to the clinician, particularly about the inflammatory processes of lower respiratory tract and pulmonary bleeding.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Patients that are mechanically ventilated in ICUs are constantly exposed to different pathogens, which present multiantibiotic resistance. Among these microorganisms, is MRSA (Meticillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) considered to be a therapeutic challenge due to its resistance to β-lactam antibiotics. Therefore, this study proposed to identify species of Staphylococcus spp. isolated from mechanically ventilated patients in ICU, the gene mecA detection and the genes of the enterotoxins A (sea), B (seb), C (sec-1) and D (sed) in samples of S. aureus, as well as the phenotypic resistance determination to oxacillin using the disc-diffusion method with discs of oxacillin and cefoxitin. The samples collection occurred during in a period of 19 months, obtaining samples from 232 patients. A percentage of 39% (70) of Gram-positive cocci were found; which 82,8% (58) were identified as Staphylococcus spp,. among these, 75,8% (44) corresponded to S. aureus species and 47,7% were identified as MRSA. It was found resistance to both drugs in 31,8% of the S. aureus samples, 16 (36,3%) had the gene sea and 11 (25%) had the sec-1 gene. Among the coagulase-negative staphylococci obtained, the species most found was S. epidermidis, corresponding to 43% (6). The results revealed that one of the most important etiologic agents of VAP amid the Gram-positive cocci is the species S. aureus, with special attention to MRSA. The presence of enterotoxins genes in S. aureus did not showed determinant role in VAP, but the presence of these superantigens can contribute worsening the patient’s prognosis, since they are associated with intense inflammatory response
Introduction: The mandibular injuries account for about 20% to 50% of cases of facial fractures. Some consider the jaw the second most commonly fractured bone of the skull, and is the only mobile bone of the facial framework, which results in decreased stability compared to the trauma. When one takes into account the degree of airway obstruction in patients with facial fractures, the problem becomes much more serious since it is one of the most troubling complications of trauma. Objective: the relevance of the topic is aimed to report a case of a patient victim of mandibular fracture associated with trauma to the trachea. Case report: Case report: Patient 24 years old patient with tracheal trauma concomitant mandibular fracture surgically treated in conjunction with the thoracic surgeon. After 5 months postoperatively, the patient is in good condition general, no complaints. Final comments: This form is observed that the key to proper treatment of tracheal trauma associated with facial fractures is the knowledge of the type of injury, and an accurate diagnosis multidisciplinary.
Objetivamos testar um novo modelo de endoprótese traqueal autoexpansível para que esse possa ser futuramente disponibilizado para o uso clínico. As endopróteses de nitinol revestidas de poliuretano foram alocadas no terço médio da traqueia de 25 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia sob laringoscopia direta. Após um período de observação médio de 26 dias, avaliou-se a migração da prótese, grau de dilatação, incorporação, aderência, formação de tecido de granulação, presença de infiltrado inflamatório, envolvimento parietal e revestimento epitelial. Os resultados demonstraram completa expansibilidade radial, pouca aderência à mucosa traqueal e baixa incorporação tecidual, assim como alta taxas de formação de granulomas e de migração. Esse novo modelo demonstrou ser biocompatível e teve comportamento semelhante ao de outras próteses disponíveis no mercado.
Es un estudio clínico controlado se incluyeron 100 pacientes adultos, ASA I-II de ambos sexos, en dos grupos de 50 pacientes cada uno seleccionados aleatoriamente: grupo A recibió 10 mcg.Kg-1 de fentanil y grupo B) recibió 15 mcg.kg-1 de fentanil. Se aplicó un formulario durante los 12 min de la inducción y a las 6 horas de posanestésico para valorar el recuerdo del procedimiento y de la intubación endotraqueal. No hubieron diferencias entre los grupos en cuanto a edad, sexo, procedencia, instrucción y tipo de cirugía. El procedimiento de inducción fue recordado por menor porcentaje de pacientes de grupo B. La intubación endotraqueal registró el 88 por ciento de olvido en el grupo A. y el 96 por ciento en el B [P mayor 0.05]. El recuerdo de la intubación endotraqueal no fue traumático y hubo un 4 por ciento de euforia transitoria en el grupo B. Las variaciones hemodinámicas en cuanto a pulso, TA y SpO2 medidas en cuatro momentos: basal, 4 min, 8 min y 12 min no fueron estadísticamente signigicativas