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Polímeros de coordenação têm atraído a atenção de pesquisadores na última década por conta de sua incrível versatilidade e virtualmente infinito número de possibilidades de combinação de ligantes orgânicos e centros metálicos. Estes compostos normalmente herdam as características magnéticas, eletrônicas e espectroscópicas de seus componentes base. Entretanto, apesar do crescente número de trabalhos na área, ainda são raros os polímeros de coordenação que apresentem condutividade elétrica. Para este fim, utilizou-se a N,N\'-bis(4-piridil)-1,4,5,8-naftaleno diimida, ou NDI-py, que pertence a uma classe de compostos rígidos, planares, quimicamente e termicamente estáveis e que já foram extensamente estudados por suas propriedades fotoeletroquímicas e semicondução do tipo n. O primeiro polímero de coordenação sintetizado, MOF-CoNDI-py-1, indicou ser um polímero linear, de estrutura 1D. O segundo, MOF-CoNDI-py-2, que conta com ácido tereftálico como ligante suporte, é um sólido cristalino com cela unitária monoclínica pertencente ao grupo espacial C2/c, determinado por difração de raios-X de monocristal. A rede apresenta um arranjo trinuclear de íons Co(II) alto spin com coordenados em uma geometria de octaedro distorcido, enquanto os ligantes NDI-py se encontram em um arranjo paralelo na estrutura, em distâncias apropriadas para transferência eletrônica. Com o auxílio de cálculo teóricos a nível de DFT, foi realizado um estudo aprofundado dos espectros eletrônicos e vibracionais, com atribuição das transições observadas, tanto para o MOF-CoNDI-py-2 quanto para o ligante NDI-py livre. A rede de coordenação absorve em toda a região do espectro eletrônico analisada, de 200 nm a 2500 nm, além de apresentar luminescência com característica do ligante. Dispositivos eletrônicos fabricados com um cristal do MOF-CoNDI-py-2 revelaram condutividades da ordem de 7,9 10-3 S cm -1, a maior já observada para um MOF. Além de elevada, a condutividade elétrica dos cristais demonstrou-se altamente anisotrópica, sendo significativamente menos condutor em algumas direções. Os perfis de corrente versus voltagem foram analisados em termos de mecanismos de condutividade, sendo melhores descritos por um mecanismo limitado pelo eletrodo to tipo Space-Charge Limited Current, concordando com a proposta de condutividade através dos planos de NDI-py na rede. A condutividade dos cristais também é fortemente dependente de luz, apresentando fotocondução quando irradiado por um laser vermelho, de 632 nm, enquanto apresenta um comportamento fotorresistivo frente a uma fonte de luz branca. Estes resultados, combinados, trazem um MOF em uma estrutura incomum e com elevada condutividade elétrica, modulada por luz, em medidas diretas de corrente. Não existem exemplos conhecidos de MOFs na literatura com estas características.


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[3H]Inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) binds with a heterogeneous distribution to frozen sections of unfixed rat brain and is displaced by unlabelled InsP6. The pattern of binding correlates with binding to neuronal cell bodies. [3H]InsP6 binding to cerebellar membranes has been further characterised, is reversible, and saturable, and exhibits high specificity for inositol polyphosphates. The IC50 for competition by unlabelled InsP6 is approximately 100nM, whereas inositol 1,3,4,5,6 pentakisphosphate (Ins(13456)P5), inositol 1,3,4,5 tetrakisphosphate (Ins(1345)P4), and inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate (Ins(145)P3) bind with an affinity at least one order of magnitude lower. [3H]InsP6 binding is clearly distinct from previously characterised Ins(145)P3 (ref. 1, 2) and Ins(1345)P4 (ref. 3) binding, both in terms of pharmacology and brain distribution.


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Natural myo-inositol phosphate antioxidants containing the 1,2,3-trisphosphate motif bind Fe3+ in the unstable penta-axial conformation.


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Isolated interstitial ("pacemaker") cells from rabbit urethra were examined using the perforated-patch technique. Under voltage clamp at -60 mV, these cells fired large spontaneous transient inward currents (STICs), averaging -860 pA and >1 s in duration, which could account for urethral pacemaker activity. Spontaneous transient outward currents (STOCs) were also observed and fell into two categories, "fast" (1 s in duration). The latter were coupled to STICs, suggesting that they shared the same mechanism, while the former occurred independently at faster rates. All of these currents were abolished by cyclopiazonic acid, caffeine, or ryanodine, suggesting that they were activated by Ca(2+) release. When D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3))-sensitive stores were blocked with 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, the STICs and slow STOCs were abolished, but the fast STOCs remained. In contrast, the fast STOCs were more nifedipine sensitive than the STICs or the slow STOCs. These results suggest that while fast STOCs are mediated by a mechanism similar to STOCs in smooth muscle, STICs and slow STOCs are driven by IP(3). These results support the hypothesis that pacemaker activity in the urethra is driven by the IP(3)-sensitive store. PMID: 11287348 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Experiments were performed to determine whether capacitative Ca(2+) entry (CCE) can be activated in canine pulmonary and renal arterial smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) and whether activation of CCE parallels the different functional structure of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in these two cell types. The cytosolic [Ca(2+)] was measured by imaging fura-2-loaded individual cells. Increases in the cytosolic [Ca(2+)] due to store depletion in pulmonary ASMCs required simultaneous depletion of both the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3))- and ryanodine (RY)-sensitive SR Ca(2+) stores. In contrast, the cytosolic [Ca(2+)] rises in renal ASMCs occurred when the SR stores were depleted through either the InsP(3) or RY pathways. The increase in the cytosolic [Ca(2+)] due to store depletion in both pulmonary and renal ASMCs was present in cells that were voltage clamped and was abolished when cells were perfused with a Ca(2+)-free bathing solution. Rapid quenching of the fura-2 signal by 100 microM Mn(2+) following SR store depletion indicated that extracellular Ca(2+) entry increased in both cell types and also verified that activation of CCE in pulmonary ASMCs required the simultaneous depletion of the InsP(3)- and RY-sensitive SR Ca(2+) stores, while CCE could be activated in renal ASMCs by the depletion of either of the InsP(3)- or RY-sensitive SR stores. Store depletion Ca(2+) entry in both pulmonary and renal ASMCs was strongly inhibited by Ni(2+) (0.1-10 mM), slightly inhibited by Cd(2+) (200-500 microM), but was not significantly affected by the voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel (VGCC) blocker nisoldipine (10 microM). The non-selective cation channel blocker Gd(3+) (100 microM) inhibited a portion of the Ca(2+) entry in 6 of 18 renal but not pulmonary ASMCs. These results provide evidence that SR Ca(2+) store depletion activates CCE in parallel with the organization of intracellular Ca(2+) stores in canine pulmonary and renal ASMCs.


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Measurements were made (using fast confocal microscopy) of intracellular Ca2+ levels in fluo-4 loaded interstitial cells isolated from the rabbit urethra. These cells exhibited regular Ca2+ oscillations which were associated with spontaneous transient inward currents recorded under voltage clamp. Interference with D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) induced Ca2+ release using 100 microm 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, and the phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitors 2-nitro-4-carboxyphenyl N,N-diphenylcarbamate and U73122 decreased the amplitude of spontaneous oscillations but did not abolish them. However, oscillations were abolished when ryanodine receptors were blocked with tetracaine or ryanodine. Oscillations ceased in the absence of external Ca2+, and frequency was directly proportional to the external Ca2+ concentration. Frequency of Ca2+ oscillation was reduced by SKF-96365, but not by nifedipine. Lanthanum and cadmium completely blocked oscillations. These results suggest that Ca2+ oscillations in isolated rabbit urethral interstitial cells are initiated by Ca2+ release from ryanodine-sensitive intracellular stores, that oscillation frequency is very sensitive to the external Ca2+ concentration and that conversion of the primary oscillation to a propagated Ca2+ wave depends upon IP3-induced Ca2+ release.


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Rationale: Histone deacetylase (HDAC)7 is expressed in the early stages of embryonic development and may play a role in endothelial function.

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the role of HDAC7 in endothelial cell (EC) proliferation and growth and the underlying mechanism.

Methods and Results: Overexpression of HDAC7 by adenoviral gene transfer suppressed human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) proliferation by preventing nuclear translocation of ß-catenin and downregulation of T-cell factor-1/Id2 (inhibitor of DNA binding 2) and cyclin D1, leading to G1 phase elongation. Further assays with the TOPFLASH reporter and quantitative RT-PCR for other ß-catenin target genes such as Axin2 confirmed that overexpression of HDAC7 decreased ß-catenin activity. Knockdown of HDAC7 by lentiviral short hairpin RNA transfer induced ß-catenin nuclear translocation but downregulated cyclin D1, cyclin E1 and E2F2, causing HUVEC hypertrophy. Immunoprecipitation assay and mass spectrometry analysis revealed that HDAC7 directly binds to ß-catenin and forms a complex with 14-3-3 e, ?, and ? proteins. Vascular endothelial growth factor treatment induced HDAC7 degradation via PLC?-IP3K (phospholipase C?–inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate kinase) signal pathway and partially rescued HDAC7-mediated suppression of proliferation. Moreover, vascular endothelial growth factor stimulation suppressed the binding of HDAC7 with ß-catenin, disrupting the complex and releasing ß-catenin to translocate into the nucleus.

Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that HDAC7 interacts with ß-catenin keeping ECs in a low proliferation stage and provides a novel insight into the mechanism of HDAC7-mediated signal pathways leading to endothelial growth


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Clathrin-mediated endocytosis involves cargo selection and membrane budding into vesicles with the aid of a protein coat. Formation of invaginated pits on the plasma membrane and subsequent budding of vesicles is an energetically demanding process that involves the cooperation of clathrin with many different proteins. Here we investigate the role of the brain-enriched protein epsin 1 in this process. Epsin is targeted to areas of endocytosis by binding the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P(2)). We show here that epsin 1 directly modifies membrane curvature on binding to PtdIns(4,5)P(2) in conjunction with clathrin polymerization. We have discovered that formation of an amphipathic alpha-helix in epsin is coupled to PtdIns(4,5)P(2) binding. Mutation of residues on the hydrophobic region of this helix abolishes the ability to curve membranes. We propose that this helix is inserted into one leaflet of the lipid bilayer, inducing curvature. On lipid monolayers epsin alone is sufficient to facilitate the formation of clathrin-coated invaginations.


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Opsismodysplasia (OPS) is a severe autosomal-recessive chondrodysplasia characterized by pre- and postnatal micromelia with extremely short hands and feet. The main radiological features are severe platyspondyly, squared metacarpals, delayed skeletal ossification, and metaphyseal cupping. In order to identify mutations causing OPS, a total of 16 cases (7 terminated pregnancies and 9 postnatal cases) from 10 unrelated families were included in this study. We performed exome sequencing in three cases from three unrelated families and only one gene was found to harbor mutations in all three cases: inositol polyphosphate phosphatase-like 1 (INPPL1). Screening INPPL1 in the remaining cases identified a total of 12 distinct INPPL1 mutations in the 10 families, present at the homozygote state in 7 consanguinous families and at the compound heterozygote state in the 3 remaining families. Most mutations (6/12) resulted in premature stop codons, 2/12 were splice site, and 4/12 were missense mutations located in the catalytic domain, 5-phosphatase. INPPL1 belongs to the inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase family, a family of signal-modulating enzymes that govern a plethora of cellular functions by regulating the levels of specific phosphoinositides. Our finding of INPPL1 mutations in OPS, a severe spondylodysplastic dysplasia with major growth plate disorganization, supports a key and specific role of this enzyme in endochondral ossification.


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Although glucocorticoids are widely used as antiinflammatory agents in clinical therapies, they may cause serious side effects that include insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. To study the potential functional adaptations of the islet of Langerhans to in vivo glucocorticoid treatment, adult Wistar rats received dexamethasone (DEX) for 5 consecutive days, whereas controls (CTL) received only saline. The analysis of insulin release in freshly isolated islets showed an enhanced secretion in response to glucose in DEX-treated rats. The study of Ca2 2+ signals by fluorescence microscopy also demonstrated a higher response to glucose in islets from DEX-treated animals. However, no differences in Ca2 2+signals were found between both groups with tolbutamide or KCl, indicating that the alterations were probably related to metabolism. Thus, mitochondrial function was explored by monitoring oxidation of nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate autofluorescence and mitochondrial membrane potential. Both parameters revealed a higher response to glucose in islets from DEX-treated rats. The mRNA and protein content of glucose transporter-2, glucokinase, and pyruvate kinase was similar in both groups, indicating that changes in these proteins were probably not involved in the increased mitochondrial function. Additionally,weexplored the status of Ca2 2+-dependent signaling kinases. Unlike calmodulin kinase II, we found an augmented phosphorylation level of protein kinase Cα as well as an increased response of the phospholipase C/inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate pathway in DEX-treated rats. Finally, an increased number of docked secretory granules were observed in the β-cells of DEX animals using transmission electron microscopy. Thus, these results demonstrate that islets from glucocorticoid-treated rats develop several adaptations that lead to an enhanced stimulus-secretion coupling and secretory capacity. Copyright © 2010 by The Endocrine Society.


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An immunohistochemical examination of guinea-pig taste buds in vallate papillae revealed gustducin-immunoreactive cells in the area of von Ebner’s glands, minor salivary glands. Since there have been no reports describing those cells in these locations for other species, we investigated these glands in order both to localize the cells and compare their immunoreactive characteristics with corresponding cells in the vallate taste buds. The gustducin-immunoreactive cells coincided with cells containing no secretory granules in the end portion of the glands, which was supported by the electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. Double immunofluorescence microscopy confirmed these cells to be entirely immunopositive to type III inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (IP3R-3), phospholipase Cβ2 (PLCβ2), and villin and also partly immunopositive to neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and calbindin D-28K. The gustducin-immunoreactive cells in the vallate taste buds exhibited completely the same immunoreactivities for these five molecules. Accordingly, the present results give credence to a consideration that the gustducin-immunnoreactive cells in both locations are identical in function(s) e.g., chemo-reception.


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The synthesis of a photolabile derivative of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) is described. This new caged second messenger (6-ortho-nitroveratryl)-IP3 (6-NV-IP3) has an extinction coefficient of 5000 M(-1) cm(-1) at 350 nm, and a quantum yield of photolysis of 0.12. Therefore, 6-NV-IP3 is photolyzed with UV light about three times more efficiently than the widely used P(4(5))-1-(2-nitrophenyl)ethyl-caged IP3 (NPE-IP3). 6-NV-IP3 has a two-photon cross-section of about 0.035 GM at 730 nm. This absorbance is sufficiently large for effective two-photon excitation in living cells at modest power levels. Using near-IR light (5 mW, 710 nm, 80 MHz, pulse-width 70 fs), we produced focal bursts of IP3 in HeLa cells, as revealed by laser-scanning confocal imaging of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. Therefore, 6-NV-IP3 can be used for efficient, subcellular photorelease of IP3, not only in cultured cells but also, potentially, in vivo. It is in the latter situation that two-photon photolysis should reveal its true forte.


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Two distinct classes of neurons have been examined in the nervous system of Aplysia. The membrane properties of these neurons are regulated by intracellular signalling molecules in both a short-term and a long-term fashion.^ The role of the phosphatidylinositol cycle in the control of neuronal properties was studied in a class of bursting pacemaker cells, the left upper-quadrant bursting neurons (cells L2, L3, L4, and L6) of the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia. These cells display a regular burst-firing pattern that is controlled by cyclic changes of intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$ that occur during the bursting rhythm. The characteristic bursting pattern of these neurons occurs within a range of membrane potentials ($-35$ to $-50$ mV) called the pacemaker range. Intracellular pressure injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP$\sb3$) altered the bursting rhythm of the bursting cells. Injection of IP$\sb3$ induced a brief depolarization that was followed by a long-lasting (2-15 min) hyperpolarization. When cells were voltage-clamped at potentials within the pacemaker range, injection of IP$\sb3$ generally induced a biphasic response that had a total duration of 2-15 min. An initial inward shift in holding current (I$\sb{\rm in}$), which lasted 5-120 sec, was followed by a slow outward shift in holding current (I$\sb{\rm out}$). At membrane potentials more negative than $-40$ mV, I$\sb{\rm in}$ was associated with a small and relatively voltage-independent increase in membrane conductance. I$\sb{\rm in}$ was not blocked by bath application of TTX or Co$\sp{2+}$. Although I$\sb{\rm in}$ was activated by injection of IP$\sb3$, it was not blocked by iontophoretic injection of ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether), N, N$\sp\prime$-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) sufficient to block the Ca$\sp{2+}$-activated inward tail current (I$\sb{\rm B}$).^ Long-term (lasting at least 24 hours) effects of adenylate cyclase activation were examined in a well characterized class of mechanosensory neurons in Aplysia. The injected cells were analyzed 24 hours later by two-electrode voltage-clamp techniques. We found that K$\sp+$ currents of these cells were reduced 24 hours after injection of cAMP. The currents that were reduced by cAMP were very similar to those found to be reduced 24 hours after behavioral sensitization. These results suggest that cAMP is part of the intracellular signal that induces long-term sensitization in Aplysia. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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In the cytoplasm of cells of different types, discrete clusters of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ channels generate Ca2+ signals of graded size, ranging from blips, which involve the opening of only one channel, to moderately larger puffs, which result from the concerted opening of a few channels in the same cluster. These channel clusters are of unknown size or geometrical characteristics. The aim of this study was to estimate the number of channels and the interchannel distance within such a cluster. Because these characteristics are not attainable experimentally, we performed computer stochastic simulations of Ca2+ release events. We conclude that, to ensure efficient interchannel communication, as experimentally observed, a typical cluster should contain two or three tens of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ channels in close contact.