992 resultados para INDUCED CONDITIONED FEAR


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Several pharmacological targets have been proposed as modulators of panic-like reactions. However, interest should be given to other potential therapeutic neurochemical agents. Recent attention has been given to the potential anxiolytic properties of cannabidiol, because of its complex actions on the endocannabinoid system together with its effects on other neurotransmitter systems. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cannabidiol on innate fear-related behaviors evoked by a prey vs predator paradigm. Male Swiss mice were submitted to habituation in an arena containing a burrow and subsequently pre-treated with intraperitoneal administrations of vehicle or cannabidiol. A constrictor snake was placed inside the arena, and defensive and non-defensive behaviors were recorded. Cannabidiol caused a clear anti-aversive effect, decreasing explosive escape and defensive immobility behaviors outside and inside the burrow. These results show that cannabidiol modulates defensive behaviors evoked by the presence of threatening stimuli, even in a potentially safe environment following a fear response, suggesting a panicolytic effect. Neuropsychopharmacology (2012) 37, 412-421; doi:10.1038/npp.2011.188; published online 14 September 2011


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The fact that there is a complex and bidirectional communication between the immune and nervous systems has been well demonstrated. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a component of gram-negative bacteria, is widely used to systematically stimulate the immune system and generate profound physiological and behavioural changes, also known as sickness behaviour (e.g. anhedonia, lethargy, loss of appetite, anxiety, sleepiness). Different ethological tools have been used to analyse the behavioural modifications induced by LPS; however, many researchers analysed only individual tests, a single LPS dose or a unique ethological parameter, thus leading to disagreements regarding the data. In the present study, we investigated the effects of different doses of LPS (10, 50, 200 and 500 mu g/kg, i.p.) in young male Wistar rats (weighing 180200 g; 89 weeks old) on the ethological and spatiotemporal parameters of the elevated plus maze, light-dark box, elevated T maze, open-field tests and emission of ultrasound vocalizations. There was a dose-dependent increase in anxiety-like behaviours caused by LPS, forming an inverted U curve peaked at LPS 200 mu g/kg dose. However, these anxiety-like behaviours were detected only by complementary ethological analysis (stretching, grooming, immobility responses and alarm calls), and these reactions seem to be a very sensitive tool in assessing the first signs of sickness behaviour. In summary, the present work clearly showed that there are resting and alertness reactions induced by opposite neuroimmune mechanisms (neuroimmune bias) that could lead to anxiety behaviours, suggesting that misunderstanding data could occur when only few ethological variables or single doses of LPS are analysed. Finally, it is hypothesized that this bias is an evolutionary tool that increases animals security while the body recovers from a systemic infection.


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Systemic administration of cannabidiol (CBD) attenuates cardiovascular and behavioral changes induced by re-exposure to a context that had been previously paired with footshocks. Previous results from our group using cFos immunohistochemistry suggested that the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is involved in this effect. The mechanisms of CBD effects are still poorly understood, but could involve 5-HT1A receptor activation. Thus, the present work investigated if CBD administration into the BNST would attenuate the expression of contextual fear conditioning and if this effect would involve the activation of 5-HT1A receptors. Male Wistar rats with cannulae bilaterally implanted into the BNST were submitted to a 10 min conditioning session (six footshocks, 1.5 mA/3 s). Twenty-four hours later freezing and cardiovascular responses (mean arterial pressure and heart rate) to the conditioning box were measured for 10 min. CBD (15, 30 or 60 nmol) or vehicle was administered 10 min before the re-exposure to the aversive context. The second experiment was similar to the first one except that animals received microinjections of the 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY100635 (0.37 nmol) 5 min before CBD (30 nmol) treatment. The results showed that CBD (30 and 60 nmol) treatment significantly reduced the freezing and attenuated the cardiovascular responses induced by re-exposure to the aversive context. Moreover, WAY100635 by itself did not change the cardiovascular and behavioral response to context, but blocked the CBD effects. These results suggest that CBD can act in the BNST to attenuate aversive conditioning responses and this effect seems to involve 5-HT1A receptor-mediated neurotransmission.


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This work was supported by FAPESP (P.N. 04/02859-0)


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The hypothalamus is a forebrain structure critically involved in the organization of defensive responses to aversive stimuli. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic dysfunction in dorsomedial and posterior hypothalamic nuclei is implicated in the origin of panic-like defensive behavior, as well as in pain modulation. The present study was conducted to test the difference between these two hypothalamic nuclei regarding defensive and antinociceptive mechanisms. Thus, the GABA A antagonist bicuculline (40 ng/0.2 µL) or saline (0.9% NaCl) was microinjected into the dorsomedial or posterior hypothalamus in independent groups. Innate fear-induced responses characterized by defensive attention, defensive immobility and elaborate escape behavior were evoked by hypothalamic blockade of GABA A receptors. Fear-induced defensive behavior organized by the posterior hypothalamus was more intense than that organized by dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei. Escape behavior elicited by GABA A receptor blockade in both the dorsomedial and posterior hypothalamus was followed by an increase in nociceptive threshold. Interestingly, there was no difference in the intensity or in the duration of fear-induced antinociception shown by each hypothalamic division presently investigated. The present study showed that GABAergic dysfunction in nuclei of both the dorsomedial and posterior hypothalamus elicit panic attack-like defensive responses followed by fear-induced antinociception, although the innate fear-induced behavior originates differently in the posterior hypothalamus in comparison to the activity of medial hypothalamic subdivisions.


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BACKGROUND: Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is frequently associated with psychiatric conditions, particularly anxiety. Deficits in contingency learning during fear conditioning have been hypothesized to increase anxiety and, consequently, pain sensation in susceptible individuals. The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between contingency learning and pain experience in subjects with FMS and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: Fourteen female FMS subjects, 14 age-matched female RA subjects and 14 age-matched female healthy controls (HCs) were included in a fear-conditioning experiment. The conditioned stimulus (CS) consisted of visual signs, the unconditioned stimulus (US) of thermal stimuli. CS- predicted low-temperature exposure (US), while CS+ was followed by low or high temperature. RESULTS: In the FMS group, only 50% of the subjects were aware of the US-CS contingency, whereas 86% of the RA subjects and all of the HCs were aware of the contingency. CS+ induced more anxiety than CS- in RA subjects and HCs. As expected, low-temperature exposure was experienced as less painful after CS- than after CS+ in these subjects. FMS subjects did not show such adaptive conditioning. The effects of the type of CS on heart rate changes were significant in the HCs and the aware FMS subjects, but not in the unaware FMS subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Contingency learning deficits represent a potentially promising and specific, but largely unstudied, psychopathological factor in FMS. Deficits in contingency learning may increase anxiety and, consequently, pain sensation. These findings have the potential to contribute to the development of novel therapeutic approaches for FMS.


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Otto-von Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Dissertation, 2016


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Objective. Previous studies have shown the influence of subchondral bone osteoblasts (SBOs) on phenotypical changes of articular cartilage chondrocytes (ACCs) during the development of osteoarthritis (OA). The molecular mechanisms involved during this process remain elusive, in particular, the signal transduction pathways. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro effects of OA SBOs on the phenotypical changes in normal ACCs and to unveil the potential involvement of MAPK signaling pathways during this process. Methods. Normal and arthritic cartilage and bone samples were collected for isolation of ACCs and SBOs. Direct and indirect coculture models were applied to study chondrocyte hypertrophy under the influence of OA SBOs. MAPKs in the regulation of the cell–cell interactions were monitored by phosphorylated antibodies and relevant inhibitors. Results. OA SBOs led to increased hypertrophic gene expression and matrix calcification in ACCs by means of both direct and indirect cell–cell interactions. In this study, we demonstrated for the first time that OA SBOs suppressed p38 phosphorylation and induced ERK-1/2 signal phosphorylation in cocultured ACCs. The ERK-1/2 pathway inhibitor PD98059 significantly attenuated the hypertrophic changes induced by conditioned medium from OA SBOs, and the p38 inhibitor SB203580 resulted in the up-regulation of hypertrophic genes in ACCs. Conclusion. The findings of this study suggest that the pathologic interaction of OA SBOs and ACCs is mediated via the activation of ERK-1/2 phosphorylation and deactivation of p38 phosphorylation, resulting in hypertrophic differentiation of ACCs.


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The preparedness theory of classical conditioning proposed by Seligman (1970, 1971) has been applied extensively over the past 40 years to explain the nature and "source" of human fear and phobias. In this review we examine the formative studies that tested the four defining characteristics of prepared learning with animal fear-relevant stimuli (typically snakes and spiders) and consider claims that fear of social stimuli, such as angry faces, or faces of racial out-group members, may also be acquired utilising the same preferential learning mechanism. Exposition of critical differences between fear learning to animal and social stimuli suggests that a single account cannot adequately explain fear learning with animal and social stimuli. We demonstrate that fear conditioned to social stimuli is less robust than fear conditioned to animal stimuli as it is susceptible to cognitive influence and propose that it may instead reflect on negative stereotypes and social norms. Thus, a theoretical model that can accommodate the influence of both biological and cultural factors is likely to have broader utility in the explanation of fear and avoidance responses than accounts based on a single mechanism.


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Facial cues of racial outgroup or anger mediate fear learning that is resistant to extinction. Whether this resistance is potentiated if fear is conditioned to angry, other race faces has not been established. Two groups of Caucasian participants were conditioned with two happy and two angry face conditional stimuli (CSs). During acquisition, one happy and one angry face were paired with an aversive unconditional stimulus whereas the second happy and angry faces were presented alone. CS face race (Caucasian, African American) was varied between groups. During habituation, electrodermal responses were larger to angry faces regardless of race and declined less to other race faces. Extinction was immediate for Caucasian happy faces, delayed for angry faces regardless of race, and slowest for happy racial outgroup faces. Combining the facial cues of other race and anger does not enhance resistance to extinction of fear.