The present study aimed to study the effects of exercise training (ET) performed by rats on a 10-week high-fructose diet on metabolic, hemodynamic, and autonomic changes, as well as intraocular pressure (IOP). Male Wistar rats receiving fructose overload in drinking water (100 g/L) were concomitantly trained on a treadmill for 10 weeks (FT group) or kept sedentary (F group), and a control group (C) was kept in normal laboratory conditions. The metabolic evaluation comprised the Lee index, glycemia, and insulin tolerance test (KITT). Arterial pressure (AP) was measured directly, and systolic AP variability was performed to determine peripheral autonomic modulation. ET attenuated impaired metabolic parameters, AP, IOP, and ocular perfusion pressure (OPP) induced by fructose overload (FT vs F). The increase in peripheral sympathetic modulation in F rats, demonstrated by systolic AP variance and low frequency (LF) band (F: 37±2, 6.6±0.3 vs C: 26±3, 3.6±0.5 mmHg2), was prevented by ET (FT: 29±3, 3.4±0.7 mmHg2). Positive correlations were found between the LF band and right IOP (r=0.57, P=0.01) and left IOP (r=0.64, P=0.003). Negative correlations were noted between KITT values and right IOP (r=-0.55, P=0.01) and left IOP (r=-0.62, P=0.005). ET in rats effectively prevented metabolic abnormalities and AP and IOP increases promoted by a high-fructose diet. In addition, ocular benefits triggered by exercise training were associated with peripheral autonomic improvement.
The high demands for sugars and the development of enzymatic technology have increased the production of sweeteners, especially for glucose and fructose syrups. This work describe a technology for glucose and fructose syrups from Brazilian cassava starch using enzymes produced by soil microrganisms isolated from the Brazilian Cerrado soil. Firstly, Aspergillus niger and Streptomyces sp. were isolated from the soil and used as glucoamylase (GA) and glucose isomerase (GI) producer sources. After characterization, GA and GI exhibited optimum pH 4.5 and 8.0, respectively. GA showed maximum activity at 60 ºC and GI at 85 ºC. GA and GI retained 65 and 80%, respectively, of initial activity after 180 minutes of incubation at 60 ºC. The kinetic parameters Km and Vmáx were 0.476 (mg.mL-1) and 8.58 (µmol/minute) for GA and 0.082 (M) and 48.20 (µmol/minute) for GI. The maximum glucose syrups production occurred after 24 hours of reaction with a 98% yield. The production of fructose syrups with 42% (w/v) was reached after 96 hours of reaction.
Résumé La prédominance de l'obésité qui touche les enfants et les adultes a augmenté dans le monde entier ces dernières décennies. Les différentes études épidémiologiques ont prouvé que l'obésité est devenue une préoccupation profonde de santé aux États-Unis et au Canada. Il a été montré que l'obésité a beaucoup d’effets sur la santé ainsi il serait important de trouver différentes causes pour le gain de poids. Il est clair que l'obésité soit la condition de multiples facteurs et implique des éléments génétiques et environnementaux. Nous nous concentrons sur les facteurs diététiques et particulièrement le fructose où sa consommation a parallèlement augmenté avec l'augmentation du taux d'obésité. La forme principale du fructose est le sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose (HFCS) qui est employé en tant qu'édulcorant primordial dans la plupart des boissons et nourritures en Amérique du Nord. Il a été suggéré que la prise du fructose serait probablement un facteur qui contribue à l’augmentation de la prédominance de l'obésité. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer s'il y a un rapport entre la consommation du fructose et le risque d'obésité. Nous avons travaillé sur deux bases de données des nations Cree et Inuit. Nous avons eu un groupe de 522 adultes Cree, (263 femmes et 259 hommes) dans deux groupes d'âge : les personnes entre 20 et 40 ans, et les personnes de 40 à 60 ans. Nous les avons classés par catégorie en quatre groupes d'indice de masse corporelle (IMC). L'outil de collecte de données était un rappel de 24 heures. En revanche, pour la base de données d'Inuit nous avons eu 550 adultes (301 femmes et 249 hommes) dans deux groupes d'âge semblables à ceux du Cree et avec 3 catégories d’indice de masse corporelle. Les données dans la base d'Inuit ont été recueillies au moyen de deux rappels de 24 heures. Nous avons extrait la quantité de fructose par 100 grammes de nourriture consommés par ces deux populations et nous avons créé des données de composition en nourriture pour les deux. Nous avons pu également déterminer les sources principales du fructose pour ces populations. Aucun rapport entre la consommation du fructose et l’augmentation de l’indice de masse corporelle parmi les adultes de Cree et d'Inuit n’a été détecté. Nous avons considéré l’apport énergétique comme facteur confondant potentiel et après ajustement, nous avons constaté que l'indice de masse corporelle a été associé à l’apport énergétique total et non pas à la consommation du fructose. Puisque dans les études qui ont trouvé une association entre la consommation de fructose et l’obésité, le niveau de la consommation de fructose était supérieure à 50 grammes par jour et comme dans cette étude ce niveau était inférieur à cette limite (entre 20.6 et 45.4 g/jour), nous proposons que des effets negatifs du fructose sur la masse corporelle pourraient être testés dans des populations à plus haute consommation. Les essais cliniques randomisés et éventuelles études cohortes avec différents niveaux de consommation de fructose suivis à long terme pourraient aussi être utiles. Mots clés : fructose, sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose (HFCS), obésité et poids excessif
La tagatose-1,6-biphosphate aldolase de Streptococcus pyogenes est une aldolase qui fait preuve d'un remarquable manque de spécificité vis à vis de ses substrats. En effet, elle catalyse le clivage réversible du tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate (TBP), mais également du fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), du sorbose-1,6-bisphosphate et du psicose-1,6-bisphosphate, quatre stéréoisomères, en dihydroxyacétone phosphate (DHAP) et en glycéraldéhyde-3-phosphate (G3P). Aldolase de classe I, qui donc catalyse sa réaction en formant un intermédiaire covalent obligatoire, ou base de Schiff, avec son susbtrat, la TBP aldolase de S. pyogenes partage 14 % d’identité avec l’enzyme modèle de cette famille, la FBP aldolase de muscle de mammifère. Bien que le mécanime catalytique de la FBP aldolase des mammifères ait été examiné en détails et qu’il soit approprié d’en tirer des renseignements quant à celui de la TBP aldolase, le manque singulier de stéréospécificité de cette dernière tant dans le sens du clivage que celui de la condensation n’est toujours pas éclairci. Afin de mettre à jour les caractéristiques du mécanisme enzymatique, une étude structurale de la TBP aldolase de S. pyogenes, un pathogène humain extrêmement versatile, a été entreprise. Elle a permis la résolution des structures de l’enzyme native et mutée, en complexe avec des subtrats et des inhibiteurs compétitifs, à des résolutions comprises entre 1.8 Å et 2.5 Å. Le trempage des cristaux de TBP aldolase native et mutante dans une solution saturante de FBP ou TBP a en outre permis de piéger un authentique intermédiaire covalent lié à la Lys205, la lysine catalytique. La determination des profils pH de la TBP aldolase native et mutée, entreprise afin d'évaluer l’influence du pH sur la réaction de clivage du FBP et TBP et ìdentifier le(s) résidu(s) impliqué(s), en conjonction avec les données structurales apportées par la cristallographie, ont permis d’identifier sans équivoque Glu163 comme résidu responsable du clivage. En effet, le mode de liaison sensiblement différent des ligands utilisés selon la stéréochimie en leur C3 et C4 permet à Glu163, équivalent à Glu187 dans la FBP aldolase de classe I, d’abstraire le proton sur l’hydroxyle du C4 et ainsi d’amorcer le clivage du lien C3-C4. L’étude du mécanimse inverse, celui de la condensation, grâce par exemple à la structure de l’enzyme native en complexe avec ses substrats à trois carbones le DHAP et le G3P, a en outre permis d’identifier un isomérisme du substrat G3P comme possible cause de la synthèse des isomères en C4 par cette enzyme. Ce résultat, ainsi que la decouverte d’un possible isomérisme cis-trans autour du lien C2-C3 de la base de Schiff formée avec le DHAP, identifié précedemment, permet de cerner presque complètement les particularités du mécanisme de cette enzyme et d’expliquer comment elle est capable de synthétiser les quatres stéréoisomères 3(S/R), 4(S/R). De plus, la résolution de ces structures a permis de mettre en évidence trois régions très mobiles de la protéine, ce qui pourrait être relié au rôle postulé de son isozyme chez S. pyogenes dans la régulation de l’expression génétique et de la virulence de la bactérie. Enfin, la résolution de la structure du mutant Lys229→Met de la FBP aldolase de muscle en complexe avec la forme cyclique du FBP, de même que des études cristallographiques sur le mutant équivalent Lys205→Met de la TBP aldolase de S. pyogenes et des expériences de calorimétrie ont permis d’identifier deux résidus particuliers, Ala31 et Asp33 chez la FBP aldolase, comme possible cause de la discrimination de cette enzyme contre les substrats 3(R) et 4(S), et ce par encombrement stérique des substrats cycliques. La cristallographie par rayons X et la cinétique enzymatique ont ainsi permis d'avancer dans l'élucidation du mécanisme et des propriétés structurales de cette enzyme aux caractéristiques particulières.
Differential protein expression analysis based on modification of selected amino acids with labelling reagents has become the major method of choice for quantitative proteomics. One such methodology, two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE), uses a matched set of fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimidyl (NHS) ester cyanine dyes to label lysine residues in different samples which can be run simultaneously on the same gels. Here we report the use of iodoacetylated cyanine (ICy) dyes (for labelling of cysteine thiols, for 2-D DIGE-based redox proteomics. Characterisation of ICy dye labelling in relation to its stoichiometry, sensitivity and specificity is described, as well as comparison of ICy dye with NHS-Cy dye labelling and several protein staining methods. We have optimised conditions for labelling of nonreduced, denatured samples and report increased sensitivity for a subset of thiol-containing proteins, allowing accurate monitoring of redox-dependent thiol modifications and expression changes. Cysteine labelling was then combined with lysine labelling in a multiplex 2-D DIGE proteomic study of redox-dependent and ErbB2-dependent changes in epithelial cells exposed to oxidative stress. This study identifies differentially modified proteins involved in cellular redox regulation, protein folding, proliferative suppression, glycolysis and cytoskeletal organisation, revealing the complexity of the response to oxidative stress and the impact that overexpression of ErbB2 has on this response.
Differential protein expression analysis based on modification of selected amino acids with labelling reagents has become the major method of choice for quantitative proteomics. One such methodology, two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE), uses a matched set of fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimidyl (NHS) ester cyanine dyes to label lysine residues in different samples which can be run simultaneously on the same gels. Here we report the use of iodoacetylated cyanine (ICy) dyes (for labelling of cysteine thiols, for 2-D DIGE-based redox proteomics. Characterisation of ICy dye labelling in relation to its stoichiometry, sensitivity and specificity is described, as well as comparison of ICy dye with NHS-Cy dye labelling and several protein staining methods. We have optimised conditions for labelling of nonreduced, denatured samples and report increased sensitivity for a subset of thiol-containing proteins, allowing accurate monitoring of redox-dependent thiol modifications and expression changes, Cysteine labelling was then combined with lysine labelling in a multiplex 2-D DIGE proteomic study of redox-dependent and ErbB2-dependent changes in epithelial cells exposed to oxidative stress. This study identifies differentially modified proteins involved in cellular redox regulation, protein folding, proliferative suppression, glycolysis and cytoskeletal organisation, revealing the complexity of the response to oxidative stress and the impact that overexpression of ErbB2 has on this response.
Changes in glycolytic metabolites, nucleotide degradation products, free amino acids and other amino compounds were monitored in beef muscle (M. longissimus lumborum), stored for 21 days at 4 degrees C, in order to evaluate how post-mortem conditioning may affect flavour formation in beef. The major effects observed in sugar-related substances were the dephosphorylation of the phosphates of glucose, fructose and mannose, to yield their free sugars, as well as the breakdown of inosine 5'-monophosphate, to give a sixfold increase in ribose. Total reducing sugars increased by only 15% during conditioning, while glycogen levels remained unchanged from 2 days post-slaughter. Free amino acids increased during conditioning, particularly between days 7 and 14. Phenylalanine, methionine, lysine, leucine and isoleucine were the amino acids showing the greatest increase with conditioning time, with methionine, in particular, showing a sevenfold increase during the conditioning period. The effects of these precursor changes on cooked beef flavour are discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We report an investigation of the site specificity, extent and nature of modification of bovine serum albumin (BSA) incubated with fructose or glucose at physiological temperature and pH. Sites of early glycation (Heyns rearrangement products (HRP) from fructose; fructoselysine (FL) from glucose) as well as advanced glycation (N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine; CML) wereanalyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The major site of modification by fructose, like glucose, is Lysine-524 and this results in, respectively, 31 and 76% loss of the corresponding unmodified tryptic peptide, Gln525-Lys533. In addition, total lysine, HRP, FL, CML and N-epsilon-(carboxyethyl)lysine in the incubations, was quantified. Almost all of the loss of lysine in the fructose-modified BSA was attributed to the formation of CML, with the yield of CML being up to 17-fold higher than glucose-modified BSA. A mechanism for the formation of CML from the HRP is proposed.
Hyperglycemia, which increases O-linked beta-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) proteins, leads to changes in vascular reactivity. Because vascular dysfunction is a key feature of arterial hypertension, we hypothesized that vessels from deoxycorticosterone acetate and salt (DOCA-salt) rats exhibit increased O-GlcNAc proteins, which is associated with increased reactivity to constrictor stimuli. Aortas from DOCA rats exhibited increased contraction to phenylephrine (E(max) [mN] = 17.6 +/- 4 versus 10.7 +/- 2 control; n = 6) and decreased relaxation to acetylcholine (47.6 +/- 6% versus 73.2 +/- 10% control; n = 8) versus arteries from uninephrectomized rats. O- GlcNAc protein content was increased in aortas from DOCA rats (arbitrary units = 3.8 +/- 0.3 versus 2.3 +/- 0.3 control; n = 5). PugNAc (O- GlcNAcase inhibitor; 100 mu mol/L; 24 hours) increased vascular O- GlcNAc proteins, augmented phenylephrine vascular reactivity (18.2 +/- 2 versus 10.7 +/- 3 vehicle; n = 6), and decreased acetylcholine dilation in uninephrectomized (41.4 +/- 6 versus 73.2 +/- 3 vehicle; n = 6) but not in DOCA rats (phenylephrine, 16.5 +/- 3 versus 18.6 +/- 3 vehicle, n = 6; acetylcholine, 44.7 +/- 8 versus 47.6 +/- 7 vehicle, n = 6). PugNAc did not change total vascular endothelial nitric oxide synthase levels, but reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase(Ser-1177) and Akt(Ser-473) phosphorylation (P < 0.05). Aortas from DOCA rats also exhibited decreased levels of endothelial nitric oxide synthase(Ser-1177) and Akt(Ser-473) (P < 0.05) but no changes in total endothelial nitric oxide synthase or Akt. Vascular O-GlcNAc-modified endothelial nitric oxide synthase was increased in DOCA rats. Blood glucose was similar in DOCA and uninephrectomized rats. Expression of O- GlcNAc transferase, glutamine: fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase, and O- GlcNAcase, enzymes that directly modulate O-GlcNAcylation, was decreased in arteries from DOCA rats (P < 0.05). This is the first study showing that O-GlcNAcylation modulates vascular reactivity in normoglycemic conditions and that vascular O- GlcNAc proteins are increased in DOCA-salt hypertension. Modulation of increased vascular O-GlcNAcylation may represent a novel therapeutic approach in mineralocorticoid hypertension. (Hypertension. 2009; 53: 166-174.)
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance and carcass yield of broilers at 55 days of age fed diets with different levels of metabolizable energy and lysine. Evaluated data of performance were weight gain, feed intake, energy intake, lysine intake, caloric conversion and feed conversion. Carcass assessment was performed based on data from carcass yield, breast weight, whole wings, whole legs, back, head + neck, feet and abdominal fat. A 3 x 3 factorial arrangement was used, with 3 levels of metabolizable energy (3,200; 3,400 and 3,600 kcal ME/kg) and 3 lysine levels (0.95%; 1.05% and 1.15%). There was no interaction between the two factors. Nevertheless, increasing levels of metabolizable energy improved weight gain (745 g; 841 g and 910 g, respectively) and feed intake was higher in broilers receiving the diets with 3,200 and 3,600 kcal ME/kg. Overall performance was not affected by lysine levels. Feed conversion values were 2.69, 2.42 and 2.14 for birds fed diets with 3,200; 3,400 and 3,600 kcal ME/kg, respectively. Carcass yield and breast weight increased with higher levels of energy and lysine in the diets.
Introduction: Fructose is a simple carbohydrate that should be ingested in a restricted manner. However, current data suggest increased daily consumption of fructose which may lead to an increased incidence of diseases such as obesity, diabetes and co-morbidities associated with excess weight. Thus, the objective of the present study was to assess the effect of the ingestion of different fructose sources on weight gain, glycemia and serum triglyceride levels in rats.Methods: The study was conducted on male Wistar rats divided into 5 groups according to the source and concentration of fructuse (ingested ad libitum in liquid form).Results: Drink intake was increased and chow consumption was reduced in all groups compared to control (p<0.05). The animals of the groups receiving 10 and 20% fructose solutions showed increased triglyceride levels and the 20% group also showed weight gain. The exaggerate consumption of fructose promotes a reduced consumption of chow, an increase in serum triglyceride levels, and weight gain in some animals.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)