106 resultados para INCOMPLETENESS
A ciência psicológica é historicamente atravessada por conflitos inter teóricos, decorrentes de enfoques diferenciados com relação a conhecimentos produzidos pelos fundamentos epistemológicos, teóricos e metodológicos, pelas hegemonias e pelo próprio recorte sobre o objeto em estudo, realizado por pesquisadores. Contemporaneamente, a epistemologia da complexidade chama atenção para a incompletude de cada tipo de conhecimento científico produzido, o que tem gerado ressonâncias nos fazeres de pesquisadores e propiciado novos diálogos entre perspectivas diversificadas em cada enfoque, ou entre enfoques. O presente artigo propõe diálogos entre aspectos do behaviorismo radical e do construtivismo crítico formal, ressaltando relações de complementaridade, a partir da unidade de contrários, que podem implicar numa nova síntese: uma teoria geral do significado. Nessa direção enfocar-se-á a proposição de nova síntese, a qual configura uma compreensão teórica sobre o desenvolvimento do significado e reinterpreta o papel do reforçamento na construção e ampliação dos significados.
O presente trabalho nasceu das inquietações oriundas da escuta na clínica psicanalítica e consiste em um estudo sobre a identificação da criança com seus pais na filiação por adoção. Com o intuito de compreendê-la, realizou um percurso teórico investigando a identificação e a filiação na obra freudiana. Assim, chegou a Narciso e Édipo enquanto importantes mitos tomados pela psicanálise freudiana como fundadores do “Eu”. E, em função de que estes revelam que o ego se constrói através do vínculo afetivo inicial entre a criança e seus pais, adentrou também nas relações entre alteridade, cultura e identificação. A análise destas relações levou à constatação de que a cultura castra, põe limites à pulsão. Portanto, que o humano, tal qual Freud nos apresentou, é condenado a carregar consigo a angústia da incompletude e do desconhecimento de si. Deste modo, este estudo chegou à clínica psicanalítica, partindo de seu aspecto crucial, a saber, a transferência, tendo sempre como fio condutor o conceito de identificação. Então, apresentou esta mesma clínica no que se refere à análise de crianças de um modo geral e a de crianças perfilhadas em adoção mais especificamente, utilizando como método de pesquisa o Estudo de Caso Clínico. Para a análise da questão da identificação na construção do eu da criança na filiação por adoção, expôs fragmentos do atendimento clínico de uma criança perfilhada por um casal que não a gerou biologicamente. Esses fragmentos foram interpretados à luz dos aportes teóricos aqui descritos. As considerações finais deste estudo de caso indicaram que, se o percurso identificatório pelo qual o ego se constrói é absolutamente singular por um lado, por outro há aspectos peculiares às questões da identificação na filiação por adoção. Sobretudo os que se referem à herança genética e à existência de outros pais com os quais também a criança se identifica e precisa elaborar sua filiação.
This study, performed under a linguistic-discoursive prism, aimed to: (1) describe the moments in which occurred hesitations in the utterances of a psychotic child diagnosed with Language Disorder; and (2) determine the extent to which these moments (also) can indicate aspects of a subjectivity trying to emerge in this child. Data were extracted from a speech therapy session with a ten year old female child. Concerning the fi rst goal, from a total of 362 utterances produced by the child, only 74 (20%) had hesitation traces, while 288 (80%) did not. Concerning the second goal, the utterances with hesitation traces occurred in situations of: topic development, especially in the form of complementarity; introduction of new topic; return to the previous topic; refuses to the topic; enunciative incompleteness. The high percentage of utterances without hesitation traces (80%) is explained because they are highly predictable from the context, mostly in situations of ritualized adjacent pairs, oftentimes in situations of immediate specularity. The reduced percentage of utterances with hesitation traces are explained precisely by the fact that, unlike those without traces, in these ones, signs of a subjectivity that tries to emerge and show itself in the discourse production are detected. With the development of this study, we tried to emphasize the view at the hesitations as marks of subjectivity – in other words, evidences of confl icting relationships between the subject and the others that constitute the utter. The concern was also about bringing to the fi eld of Speech Pathology discoursive linguistic refl ections based on data extracted from symptomatic contexts of language.
This work has by main objective revisit the dichotomy speech/writing from the perspective of scholars in the field of linguistics in relation to the communicative and interactional aspects of language. The research is based on the study of traditional dichotomies that classically distinguish between the oral form and the written form of the language. It is noted here the importance of the study of communication and interaction of individuals, as language being the main aspect responsible for the organization of society, and, of course, also being indispensable for the development of human being. This study shows that the distinctive peculiarities between speech and writing are not of the characteristics of a particular procedure, but differences that are necessary due to the specific moment of creation of an utterance or text, because both the oral and the mode writing may have traces of formality/informality; completeness/incompleteness, among other things. In other words, there is not a distinctive feature that is present only in speech or writing. Thus, this research shows that, by the numberless technological advances, the communication between people has gone through changes and crossed barriers. Therefore, it is clear that with the collaboration of the media, the old dichotomies recommended for speech and writing are being overcome and can no longer be treated strictly to any of the modalities
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This article has as a purpose to make a theoretical reflection on the experience of helplessness in the recent days. It starts from the Freud’s concept of helplessness, and compares it with analyses and reflections from contemporary authors on models of subjectivation which have risen at the present time. In the first experiences of life helplessness comes out as a result of an incompleteness of the organism, its need to perform exchanges with the world, and the extreme dependency on help from others. On the one hand, the contemporary culture highlights the individualism, which indicates good possibilities for granting desires. On the other hand, it makes bonds and relationships ephemeral and fragile. At the absence of a solid, safe and stable continent for affective and emotional experiences a feeling of helplessness appears. It activates primary defense mechanisms, contributing to the intensification of regressive forms of subjectivation and the decline of the symbolic sphere.
This text is in theoretical study, with consideration of the authors of the critical perspective of education and training of science teachers. We indicate a set of principles and concepts of some philosophers, like Habermas and Gramsci and theoretical education in a critical bias, as Freire, Saviani, Giroux and Duarte, which can enrich the discussions in the field of science teacher education. Some of these concepts: organic intellectual philosophy of praxis, inconclusiveness, incompleteness, dialogue and problematization, communicative action, critical pedagogies of learning to learn, dialectical relationship between theory, culture and depth psychology. Thus, we intend to explain the richness of the dialogue among this perspective and its implications for the training of science teachers.
A substantial number of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) report compulsions that are preceded not by obsessions but by subjective experiences known as sensory phenomena. This study aimed to investigate the frequency, severity, and age at onset of sensory phenomena in OCD, as well as to compare OCD patients with and without sensory phenomena in terms of clinical characteristics. We assessed 1,001 consecutive OCD patients, using instruments designed to evaluate the frequency/severity of OC symptoms, tics, anxiety, depression, level of insight and presence/severity of sensory phenomena. All together, 651 (65.0%) subjects reported at least one type of sensory phenomena preceding the repetitive behaviors. Considering the sensory phenomena subtypes, 371 (57.0%) patients had musculoskeletal sensations, 519 (79.7%) had externally triggered "just-right" perceptions, 176 (27.0%) presented internally triggered "just right," 144 (22.1%) had an "energy release," and 240 (36.9%) patients had an "urge only" phenomenon. Sensory phenomena were described as being as more severe than were obsessions by 102(15.7%) patients. Logistic regression analysis showed that the following characteristics were associated with the presence of sensory phenomena: higher frequency and greater severity of the symmetry/ordering/arranging and contamination/washing symptom dimensions; comorbid Tourette syndrome, and a family history of tic disorders. These data suggest that sensory phenomena constitute a poorly understood psychopathological aspect of OCD that merits further investigation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Preferences are present in many real life situations but it is often difficult to quantify them giving a precise value. Sometimes preference values may be missing because of privacy reasons or because they are expensive to obtain or to produce. In some other situations the user of an automated system may have a vague idea of whats he wants. In this thesis we considered the general formalism of soft constraints, where preferences play a crucial role and we extended such a framework to handle both incomplete and imprecise preferences. In particular we provided new theoretical frameworks to handle such kinds of preferences. By admitting missing or imprecise preferences, solving a soft constraint problem becomes a different task. In fact, the new goal is to find solutions which are the best ones independently of the precise value the each preference may have. With this in mind we defined two notions of optimality: the possibly optimal solutions and the necessary optimal solutions, which are optimal no matter we assign a precise value to a missing or imprecise preference. We provided several algorithms, bases on both systematic and local search approaches, to find such kind of solutions. Moreover, we also studied the impact of our techniques also in a specific class of problems (the stable marriage problems) where imprecision and incompleteness have a specific meaning and up to now have been tackled with different techniques. In the context of the classical stable marriage problem we developed a fair method to randomly generate stable marriages of a given problem instance. Furthermore, we adapted our techniques to solve stable marriage problems with ties and incomplete lists, which are known to be NP-hard, obtaining good results both in terms of size of the returned marriage and in terms of steps need to find a solution.
Structure characterization of nanocrystalline intermediates and metastable phases is of primary importance for a deep understanding of synthetic processes undergoing solid-to-solid state phase transitions. Understanding the evolution from the first nucleation stage to the final synthetic product supports not only the optimization of existing processes, but might assist in tailoring new synthetic paths. A systematic investigation of intermediates and metastable phases is hampered because it is impossible to produce large crystals and only in few cases a pure synthetic product can be obtained. Structure investigation by X-ray powder diffraction methods is still challenging on nanoscale, especially when the sample is polyphasic. Electron diffraction has the advantage to collect data from single nanoscopic crystals, but is limited by data incompleteness, dynamical effects and fast deterioration of the sample under the electron beam. Automated diffraction tomography (ADT), a recently developed technique, making possible to collect more complete three-dimensional electron diffraction data and to reduce at the same time dynamical scattering and beam damage, thus allowing to investigate even beam sensitive materials (f.e. hydrated phases and organics). At present, ADT is the only technique able to deliver complete three-dimensional structural information from single nanoscopic grains, independently from other surrounding phases. Thus, ADT is an ideal technique for the study of on-going processes where different phases exist at the same time and undergo several structural transitions. In this study ADT was used as the main technique for structural characterization for three different systems and combined subsequently with other techniques, among which high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), cryo-TEM imaging, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and energy disperse X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).rnAs possible laser host materials, i.e. materials with a broad band emission in the near-infrared region, two unknown phases were investigated in the ternary oxide system M2O-Al2O3-WO3 (M = K, Na). Both phases exhibit low purity as well as non-homogeneous size distribution and particle morphology. The structures solved by ADT are also affected by pseudo-symmetry. rnSodium titanate nanotubes and nanowires are both intermediate products in the synthesis of TiO2 nanorods which are used as additives to colloidal TiO2 film for improving efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The structural transition from nantubes to nanowires was investigated in a step by step time-resolved study. Nanowires were discovered to consist of a hitherto unknown phase of sodium titanate. This new phase, typically affected by pervasive defects like mutual layer shift, was structurally determined ab-initio on the basis of ADT data. rnThe third system is related with calcium carbonate nucleation and early crystallization. The first part of this study is dedicated to the extensive investigations of calcium carbonate formation in a step by step analysis, up to the appearance of crystalline individua. The second part is dedicated to the structure determination by ADT of the first-to-form anhydrated phase of CaCO3: vaterite. An exhaustive structure analysis of vaterite had previously been hampered by diffuse scattering, extra periodicities and fast deterioration of the material under electron irradiation. rn
BACKGROUND: Histopathologic features of the capsule may have an impact on the recurrence rate of pleomorphic adenomas. METHODS: Retrospective (n = 154) and prospective (n = 64) histologic analysis of the capsular characteristics such as incompleteness, tumor penetration, pseudopodia, and satellite tumors of 218 pleomorphic adenomas. RESULTS: In 160 of the 218 (73%) pleomorphic adenomas, 1 or more capsular characteristics such as incomplete capsule (33%), capsule penetration (26%), pseudopodia (40%), and satellite nodules (13%) were detected. Incomplete capsule and satellite tumors were most frequently seen in the stroma-rich (myxoid) subtype. Capsular penetration and pseudopodia were significantly more common in the prospective group than in the retrospective group (p < .05/<.05). CONCLUSION: Pseudopodia and satellite tumors were more common than reported in the literature. If left in the surrounding salivary gland tissue at surgery, they can lead to recurrences of pleomorphic adenomas of the parotid gland.
Timing divergence events allow us to infer the conditions under which biodiversity has evolved and gain important insights into the mechanisms driving evolution. Cichlid fishes are a model system for studying speciation and adaptive radiation, yet, we have lacked reliable timescales for their evolution. Phylogenetic reconstructions are consistent with cichlid origins prior to Gondwanan landmass fragmentation 121-165 MYA, considerably earlier than the first known fossil cichlids (Eocene). We examined the timing of cichlid evolution using a relaxed molecular clock calibrated with geological estimates for the ages of 1) Gondwanan fragmentation and 2) cichlid fossils. Timescales of cichlid evolution derived from fossil-dated phylogenies of other bony fishes most closely matched those suggested by Gondwanan breakup calibrations, suggesting the Eocene origins and marine dispersal implied by the cichlid fossil record may be due to its incompleteness. Using Gondwanan calibrations, we found accumulation of genetic diversity within the radiating lineages of the African Lakes Malawi, Victoria and Barombi Mbo, and Palaeolake Makgadikgadi began around or after the time of lake basin formation. These calibrations also suggest Lake Tanganyika was colonized independently by the major radiating cichlid tribes that then began to accumulate genetic diversity thereafter. These results contrast with the widely accepted theory that diversification into major lineages took place within the Tanganyika basin. Together, this evidence suggests that ancient lake habitats have played a key role in generating and maintaining diversity within radiating lineages and also that lakes may have captured preexisting cichlid diversity from multiple sources from which adaptive radiations have evolved.
This project examines fundamentalism understood as an everyday way of living poorly with difference. It demonstrates that the fundamentalist is not reducible to stereotypes of the terrorist, extremist, irrational madman, or religious zealot. All of these characterizations--common in mainstream media--depict the fundamentalist as them, and rarely, if ever, as us. Rather, this project understands fundamentalism in terms of fundamental interpretive constructs that constrain our ways of being-with others, skew our interpretive and responsive possibilities, distort our perceptions of difference, and affirm our poor treatment of others. Following Martin Heidegger's conception of the hermeneutic structure of existence, this dissertation calls attention to the ways in which such fundamentalisms filter our interpretation. Yet the hermeneutic character of existence also highlights the incompleteness of any particular frame of interpretation and indicates the possibility of alternative interpretive responses. The project turns to a feminist theological hermeneutic in order to indicate more hopeful and liberating ways of living with difference, ways that point beyond everyday fundamentalism toward invitational communication. Through new readings of familiar biblical narratives, this dissertation revisits the fundamentalisms that trigger these narratives in order to draw out an alternative feminist theological hermeneutic, or what is termed here an invitational hermeneutic. Each story offers unique ways of making sense of being-with and sharing the world with others of difference that redress the impoverished and fundamentalist forms of self-preserving care and understanding. By examining the well-loved stories of the Good Samaritan, Ruth and Naomi, Queen Esther, and the Apostle Paul and Lydia, the dissertation identifies interpretive and responsive possibilities that together issue an alternative hermeneutical invitation: to understand difference compassionately, to engage strangers and family members alike with rehabilitative care and concernful reticence, and to extend graceful hospitality to others. In these ways, the dissertation indicates possibilities beyond the horizon of fundamentalism, invitational possibilities of living and communicating with difference.
Health needs assessment is an essential step before planning for a new program or evaluating an existing program. The methodology applied follows principles that might differ from one country to another. The purpose of this study was to determine if the methodology applied to assess health needs in the developing nations, particularly Albaqa Refugee Camp in Jordan, differed from the methodology used to assess health needs in developed nations.^ In this study, a method for health needs assessment was developed using the developed countries published literature and was applied to a developing country, Jordan. However, the method did not apply exactly as expected for several reasons. Some of the problems were the incompleteness and unavailability of the health data, and its poor quality in terms of validity and reliability. Thus, some adaptations were needed and a new health needs assessment methodology specific for a particular developing country is proposed. This method depends on utilizing the primary, secondary, and tertiary data, as well as conducting surveys to collect all the data that could not be found in those data sources.^ In general, it was concluded from this study that there is a difference between methodology of a developed country's health needs assessment and a developing country's, specifically Jordan's, health needs assessment. ^