133 resultados para ILR


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"This paper analyzes how expenditures of the city of San Francisco were altered in response to changes in municipal labor costs over the period 1945 through 1976. A hybrid of the "demands" and the "organizational" models of budgeting is used to measure the budgetary response to changes in the relative prices of labor inputs. Descriptive and econometric evidence reveals significant adjustments both among and within departments in reaction to changes in relative labor costs. The empirical evidence demonstrates that the city's budgetary process is guided by simple allocative rules modified by price-responsive adjustments."


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"Ever since the present political boundary separating Mexico and the United States was established in 1848 by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and partially amended in 1853 by the Gadsden Purchase, there has been migration of Mexican citizens into the United States. In fact the border between the two nations was completely open until, with the passage of the Immigration Act of 1924, the Border Patrol was established and it became a felony to enter the United States illegally. No quota, however, was applied to immigration from Mexico until 1968. During that year legislation became effective which restricted total annual immigration from all Western Hemisphere nations to 120,000, with a maximum of 40,000 from any one country. Both these figures are regularly exceeded. In 1973, for instance, there were 173,123 legal immigrants from all Western Hemisphere nations, including 70,141 Mexicans. That the real flow exceeds the quotas is explained by the numerous exemptions allowed. With the exception of only three years since 1960, legal immigration from Mexico to the United States has exceeded that of every other nation in the world."


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"Since the founding days of the Republic, the relationship between American unionism and mass immigration has been contentious. No issue has caused the labor movement more agony and irony. It is no surprise, therefore, that throughout its history the American labor movement has sought to influence U.S. immigration policy."


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Fifth annual Trafficking in Persons Report prepared by the Department of State and submitted to the U.S. Congress on foreign governments' efforts to eliminate severe forms of trafficking in persons.


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[From Preface] The Consumer Expenditure Survey is among the oldest publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. With information on the expenditures, incomes, and demographic characteristics of households, the survey documents the spending patterns and economic status of American families. This report offers a new approach to the use of Consumer Expenditure Survey data. Normally, the survey presents an indepth look at American households at a specific point in time, the reference period being a calendar year. Here, the authors use consumer expenditure data longitudinally and draw on information from decennial census reports to present a 100-year history of significant changes in consumer spending, economic status, and family demographics in the country as a whole, as well as in New York City and Boston.


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[Excerpt] The effects of framing on decisions has been widely studied, producing research that suggests individuals respond to framing in predictable and fairly consistent ways (Bazerman, 1984, 1990; Tversky & Kahneman, 1986; Thaler, 1980). The essential finding from this body of research is that "individuals treat risks concerning perceived gains (for example, saving jobs and plants) differently from risks concerning perceived losses (losing jobs and plants)" (Bazerman, 1990, pp. 49-50). Specifically, individuals tend to avoid risks concerning gains, and seek risks concerning losses.


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“Educational reformers and most of the American public think that teachers ask too little of their pupils. These low expectations, they believe, result in watered-down curricula and a tolerance of mediocre teaching and inappropriate student behavior. The prophecy of low achievement thus becomes self-fulfilling.”


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[Excerpt] Martha Smith said goodbye to her long withstanding career as Associate Director of ILR’s Office of Career Services. Smith earned a B.S. in Business Administration from California State University, Hayward in 1969. In 1976, she came to Ithaca when her husband was a Ph.D. student at Cornell, and in 1978 Smith became a temporary assistant to Professor Larry Williams. Shortly after, Smith was offered a permanent position in the Office of Career Services where she advised and befriended students for over 26 years. After retiring, Smith plans to devote more time to her community and her church. When reflecting upon her career of assisting and nurturing in the development of ILR students, Smith said, "They come in as caterpillars; they evolve, and then they leave as butterflies. They have to learn to be students, it isn’t always easy Martha Smith but they always manage. As they open up we all learn that we are more alike than we are different and together we learn to appreciate the likenesses and the differences."


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New Internet and Web-based technology applications have meant significant cost and time efficiencies to many American businesses. However, many employers have not yet fully grasped the impact of these new information and communication technologies on applicants and employees with certain disabilities such as vision impairments, hearing problems or limited dexterity. Although not all applicants and employees who have a disability may experience IT-access problems, to select groups it can pose a needless barrier. The increasing dominance of IT in the workplace presents both a challenge and an opportunity for workers with disabilities and their employers. It will be up to HR professionals to ensure that Web-based HR processes and workplace technologies are accessible to their employees with disabilities. .


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The catalog contain listings for BLS publications from 1972-77. Numerical listings for BLS Bulletins and Reports as well as subject indexes for these and other BLS publications are included.


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The Catherwood Library, which serves Cornell's School of Industrial and Labor Relations, houses a complete set of the studies either published by or produced under the auspices of the Work in America Institute, Inc. These volumes were donated to the Catherwood Library by the Institute's Board of Directors through the initiative of Jay W. Waks, ILR '68, who succeeded Mr. Rosow as Chair of the Institute and who, for many years, sat on the Institute's Executive Committee with Mr. Rosow and Thomas R. Donahue, former Secretary-Treasurer and Interim President of the AFL-CIO. Each volume bears a bookplate with this message: "This volume was donated by the Work in America Institute, Inc. in honor of its founder, Jerome M. Rosow, 1919-2002." For additional information or to check on the availability of a document, please contact the Reference Department at 607-255-2277 or email us at ilrref@cornell.edu.


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[Excerpt] Because federal receipts are determined to a great extent by taxes collected on individual and business income, this background paper focuses on how CBO projects income earned by individuals and businesses. It concentrates primarily on CBO's methodology as it pertains to those categories of individual and business income that are encompassed within the framework of the national income and product accounts, or NIPAs (see Appendix A for explanations). Using that framework for projecting income helps to ensure consistency with CBO's projections of the overall economy.


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[Excerpt] It is projected that between 2001 and 2007, 47 percent of community college presidents will have left their positions. At a time when challenges are growing more complex, the senior administrators who typically moved into presidencies are also "aging out," leaving fewer qualified individuals in the pipeline. The Institute for Community College Development (ICCD), a partnership between the State University of New York (SUNY) and Cornell, was founded by a group of community college presidents to respond to this leadership crisis. ICCD has been part of ILR since 2001.


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[Excerpt] This book is about restoring the upward mobility of U.S. workers. Specifically it is about the one workforce-development strategy that is currently aimed at exactly that goal – the strategy of creating (or re-creating) not just jobs but also career ladders. Career-ladder strategies aim to devise explicit pathways of occupational advancement.