935 resultados para Hypersonic planes


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Experiments were conducted to measure the heat flux in the vicinity of a three-dimensional protuberance placed on a flat plate facing a hypersonic flow at zero angle of attack. The effects of flow enthalpy and height of the protuberance on the interference heating in its vicinity were studied. Evidence of disturbed flow with highly three-dimensional characteristics and heightened vorticity was observed near the protrusion. A parametric study by changing the deflection angle of the protuberance was also made. Correlations exist in the open literature for enthalpy values lower than 2  MJ/kg. This effort has yielded a new correlation that is valid for enthalpies up to 6  MJ/kg. The Z-type schlieren technique was used to visualize the flow features qualitatively for one of the flow conditions studied.


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Heat fluxes around short, three-dimensional protuberances on sharp and blunt cones in hypersonic flow were experimentally measured using platinum thin-film sensors deposited on macor inserts. A parametric study of different protrusion geometries and flow conditions were conducted. Excessive heating was observed at locations near the protrusion where increased vorticity is expected, with the hottest spot being presented at the foot of the protuberance immediately upstream of it. If left unchecked, these hot spots could prove detrimental to hypersonic flight vehicles. Z-type schlieren technique was used to visualize the flow features qualitatively. New correlations to predict the heat flux at the hot spot have been proposed. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A detailed understanding of structure and stability of nanowires is critical for applications. Atomic resolution imaging of ultrathin single crystalline Au nanowires using aberration-corrected microscopy reveals an intriguing relaxation whereby the atoms in the close-packed atomic planes normal to the growth direction are displaced in the axial direction leading to wrinkling of the (111) atomic plane normal to the wire axis. First-principles calculations of the structure of such nanowires confirm this wrinkling phenomenon, whereby the close-packed planes relax to form saddle-like surfaces. Molecular dynamics studies of wires with varying diameters and different bounding surfaces point to the key role of surface stress on the relaxation process. Using continuum mechanics arguments, we show that the wrinkling arises due to anisotropy in the surface stresses and in the elastic response, along with the divergence of surface-induced bulk stress near the edges of a faceted structure. The observations provide new understanding on the equilibrium structure of nanoscale systems and could have important implications for applications in sensing and actuation.


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Heat transfer rate and pressure measurements were made upstream of surface pro-tuberances on a flat plate and a sharp cone subjected to hypersonic flow in a conventional shock tunnel. Heat flux was measured using platinum thin-film sensors deposited on macor substrate and the pressure measurements were made using fast acting piezoelectric sensors. A distinctive hot spot with highest heat flux was obtained near the foot of the protuberance due to heavy vortex activity in the recirculating region. Schlieren flow visualization was used to capture the shock structures and the separation distance ahead of the protrusions was quantitatively measured for varying protuberance heights. A computational analysis was conducted on the flat plate model using commercial computational fluid dynamics software and the obtained trends of heat flux and pressure were compared with the experimental observation. Experiments were also conducted by physically disturbing the laminar boundary layer to check its effect on the magnitude of the hot spot heat flux. In addition to air, argon was also used as test gas so that the Reynolds number can be varied. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Different types of Large Carbon Cluster (LCC) layers are synthesized by a single-step pyrolysis technique at various ratios of precursor mixture. The aim is to develop a fast responsive and stable thermal gauge based on a LCC layer which has relatively good electrical conduction in order to use it in the hypersonic flow field. The thermoelectric property of the LCC layer has been studied. It is found that these carbon clusters are sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore suitable thermal gauges were developed for blunt cone bodies and were tested in hypersonic shock tunnels at a flow Mach number of 6.8 to measure aerodynamic heating. The LCC layer of this thermal gauge encounters high shear forces and a hostile environment for test duration in the range of a millisecond. The results are favorable to use large carbon clusters as a better sensor than a conventional platinum thin film gauge in view of fast responsiveness and stability.


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Three kinds of forebody model of hypersonic vehicles were studied with numerical simulation method. It shows that the two- order compressive ramp model is the best selection among the three for its good evaluative parameters value at the cowl of the inlet . This model can provide higher value of flux coefficient and total pressure recovery coefficient and lower average Mach number compared with those of the other two models . Simultaneously different compressive angles may have different effects . The configuration which the firstorder of compressive angle is 4°and the second 5°is the optimum combination. Furthermore factors such as attack angle were concerned. Better result may be obtained with a range of attack angles . Based on the work above the integrated design for forebodyPinlet of a hypersonic vehicle was performed. The numerical result shows that this integrated model provides good flow field quality for inlet and engine work.


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Direct numerical simulation of transition How over a blunt cone with a freestream Mach number of 6, Reynolds number of 10,000 based on the nose radius, and a 1-deg angle of attack is performed by using a seventh-order weighted essentially nonoscillatory scheme for the convection terms of the Navier-Stokes equations, together with an eighth-order central finite difference scheme for the viscous terms. The wall blow-and-suction perturbations, including random perturbation and multifrequency perturbation, are used to trigger the transition. The maximum amplitude of the wall-normal velocity disturbance is set to 1% of the freestream velocity. The obtained transition locations on the cone surface agree well with each other far both cases. Transition onset is located at about 500 times the nose radius in the leeward section and 750 times the nose radius in the windward section. The frequency spectrum of velocity and pressure fluctuations at different streamwise locations are analyzed and compared with the linear stability theory. The second-mode disturbance wave is deemed to be the dominating disturbance because the growth rate of the second mode is much higher than the first mode. The reason why transition in the leeward section occurs earlier than that in the windward section is analyzed. It is not because of higher local growth rate of disturbance waves in the leeward section, but because the growth start location of the dominating second-mode wave in the leeward section is much earlier than that in the windward section.


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A high-order shock-fitting finite difference scheme is studied and used to do direction numerical simulation (DNS) of hypersonic unsteady flow over a blunt cone with fast acoustic waves in the free stream, and the receptivity problem in the blunt cone hypersonic boundary layers is studied. The results show that the acoustic waves are the strongest disturbance in the blunt cone hypersonic boundary layers. The wave modes of disturbance in the blunt cone boundary layers are first, second, and third modes which are generated and propagated downstream along the wall. The results also show that as the frequency decreases, the amplitudes of wave modes of disturbance increase, but there is a critical value. When frequency is over the critial value, the amplitudes decrease. Because of the discontinuity of curvature along the blunt cone body, the maximum amplitudes as a function of frequencies are not monotone.


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Hypersonic vehicles represent future trends of military equipments and play an important role in future war. Thermal protection materials and structures, which relate to the safety of hypersonic vehicles, are one of the most key techniques in design and manufacture of hypersonic vehicles. Among these materials and structures, such as metallic temperature protection structure, the temperature ceramics and carbon/carbon composites are usually adopted in design. The recent progresses of research and application of ultra-high temperature materials in preparation, oxidation resistance, mechanical and physical characterization are summarized.


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El patrón del desarrollo económico- social de Nicaragua está determinado en gran medida por los recursos naturales; suelo, agua, bosque y clima: la bibliografía indica que la distribución y cuantía de los recursos condicionan el desarrollo de las fuerzas productivas, hay más desarrollo económica y social en aquellas zonas donde se concentran los recursos naturales, específicamente donde la cantidad del entorno natural en términos de suelo y clima es superior. 2.- el territorio nacional, en cuanto a ambiente natural, es extremadamente inestable. Esto se deriva del hecho de tratarse de un territorio geomorfológicamente reciente (específicamente el pacifico) y las características edafológicas y del clima. La productividad de los ecosistemas se basa en un balance o equilibrio muy delicado. El clima es agresivo, la precipitación es abundante y muy desigualmente distribuida en el territorio y en el tiempo, lo que implica exceso de agua en una parte del año y sequía y vientos intensos y turbulentos por otra parte. El suelo, dada la presencia de materiales piro clásicos y sedimentos aluviales, presenta una alta susceptibilidad a la degradación, erosión (tanto hídrica como eólica), calificación, sellado superficial, extractos duros (talpetate), pie de agrado etc., principalmente en el pacifico y parte de la zona central. La cantidad del entorno físico, dado principalmente por el clima y la edafología, indican que la intervención del hombre en la naturaleza con miras a su aprovechamiento tiene que ajustarse a la capacidad y potencialidades de los recursos, La revisión de los antecedentes, al respecto, revelan que hay tato sobreutilización de los antecedentes, al respecto revelan que hay tanto sobreutilización como subutilización de los recursos suelo, aguas y bosque. Seguramente la situación presente es más grave de lo que aparenta ser a la luz de los antecedentes brindados por la bibliografía consultada, dada la carencia de información actualizada y simple ausencia de la información en muchos aspectos. El conocimiento de la aptitud y uso potencial recién se inicia, la infraestructura material, recurso humano y experiencia en matera de estudios básicos es aun débil y esta lejos de responder a las necesidades presentes a mediano y largo plazo. Las apreciaciones que se derivan del diagnóstico general de los recursos naturales, presentados en 2.. parecen confirmarse plenamente en los resultados de las encuestas que se realizan con el fin de auscultar en pensamiento de los profesionales relacionados directamente en el aprovechamientos y manejo de estos recursos, laborando a diferentes niveles jerárquicos en instituciones relacionadas tanto con la producción, la planificación, la investigación y la enseñanza. Mayoritariamente los profesionales opinan que: Existe una peligrosa tendencia con la degradación de los recursos, el aprovechamiento que se hace de estos es incipiente, que no existen en el país las capacidades humanas para hacer frente a este situación y que en la perspectiva del desarrollo agropecuario es necesaria la formación de un profesional orientado en este sentido. Estos planteamientos y el contenido del diagnóstico en general fueron respaldados por los puntos de vista de los participantes en el seminario taller: PERFIL DEL INGENIERO AGRONOMO ORIENTADO EN SUELOS Y AGUAS celebrado con el propósitos exclusivo de evaluar la necesidad de crear una orientación de suelo y aguas en el ISCA, como se puede verificar en las siguientes conclusiones del seminario. Proponer a las autoridades del ISCA, continúe con la elaboración de los documentos que conduzcan a la creación, para 1990, de la orientación de suelos y aguas dentro de la carrera de ingeniería Agronómica. No existe ninguna contraposición entre el perfil del ingeniero Agrónomo con orientación en suelos y aguas y otros perfiles existentes, por el contrario se complementan. Con base a estos antecedentes el ISCA ha formulado la propuesta de creación de la orientación de suelos y aguas y elevarla a consideración de las autoridades de la enseñanza superior: En los capítulos siguientes se presenta detalladamente los diversos componentes del modelo del profesional, del plan de estudios (debidamente) organizado en disciplinas y en bloques) y resumen de los programas de asignaturas, partiendo de una conceptualización general de cada uno de ellos.


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Wall pressure fluctuations and surface heat transfer signals have been measured in the hypersonic turbulent boundary layer over a number of compression-corner models. The distributions of the separation shock oscillation frequencies and periods have been calculated using a conditional sampling algorithm. In all cases the oscillation frequency distributions are of broad band, but the most probable frequencies are low. The VITA method is used for deducing large scale disturbances at the wall in the incoming boundary layer and the separated flow region. The results at present showed the existence of coherent structures in the two regions. The zero-cross frequencies of the large scale structures in the two regions are of the same order as that of the separation shock oscillation. The average amplitude of the large scale structures in the separated region is much higher than that in the incoming boundary layer. The length scale of the separation shock motion region is found to increase with the disturbance strength. The results show that the shock oscillation is of inherent nature in the shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction with separation. The shock oscillation is considered to be the consequence of the coherent structures in the separated region.


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Hypersonic viscous flow around a space shuttle with M(infinity) = 7, Re = 148000 and angle of attack alpha = 5-degrees is simulated numerically with the special Jacobian matrix splitting technique and simplified diffusion analogy method. With the simplified diffusion analogy method the efficiency of computation and resolution of the shock can be improved.


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Este trabajo ha sido presentado en la Universidad del País Vasco y en el VII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada.