982 resultados para Hyperelliptic curves


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The study of recession flows offers fundamental insights into basin hydrological processes and, in particular, into the collective behavior of the governing dominant subsurface flows and properties. We use here an existing geomorphological interpretation of recession dynamics, which links the exponent in the classic recession curve -dQ/dt - kQ(alpha) to the geometric properties of the time-varying drainage network to study the general properties of recession curves across a wide variety of river basins. In particular, we show how the parameter k depends on the initial soil moisture state of the basin and can be made to explicitly depend on an index discharge, representative of initial sub-subsurface storage. Through this framework we obtain a non-dimensional, event-independent, recession curve. We subsequently quantify the variability of k across different basins on the basis of their geometry, and, by rescaling, collapse curves from different events and basins to obtain a generalized, or `universal', recession curve. Finally, we analyze the resulting normalized recession curves and explain their universal characteristics, lending further support to the notion that the statistical properties of observed recession curves bear the signature of the geomorphological structure of the networks producing them. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Precise information on streamflows is of major importance for planning and monitoring of water resources schemes related to hydro power, water supply, irrigation, flood control, and for maintaining ecosystem. Engineers encounter challenges when streamflow data are either unavailable or inadequate at target locations. To address these challenges, there have been efforts to develop methodologies that facilitate prediction of streamflow at ungauged sites. Conventionally, time intensive and data exhaustive rainfall-runoff models are used to arrive at streamflow at ungauged sites. Most recent studies show improved methods based on regionalization using Flow Duration Curves (FDCs). A FDC is a graphical representation of streamflow variability, which is a plot between streamflow values and their corresponding exceedance probabilities that are determined using a plotting position formula. It provides information on the percentage of time any specified magnitude of streamflow is equaled or exceeded. The present study assesses the effectiveness of two methods to predict streamflow at ungauged sites by application to catchments in Mahanadi river basin, India. The methods considered are (i) Regional flow duration curve method, and (ii) Area Ratio method. The first method involves (a) the development of regression relationships between percentile flows and attributes of catchments in the study area, (b) use of the relationships to construct regional FDC for the ungauged site, and (c) use of a spatial interpolation technique to decode information in FDC to construct streamflow time series for the ungauged site. Area ratio method is conventionally used to transfer streamflow related information from gauged sites to ungauged sites. Attributes that have been considered for the analysis include variables representing hydrology, climatology, topography, land-use/land- cover and soil properties corresponding to catchments in the study area. Effectiveness of the presented methods is assessed using jack knife cross-validation. Conclusions based on the study are presented and discussed. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The nonlinear behavior varying with the instantaneous response was analyzed through the joint time-frequency analysis method for a class of S. D. O. F nonlinear system. A masking operator an definite regions is defined and two theorems are presented. Based on these, the nonlinear system is modeled with a special time-varying linear one, called the generalized skeleton linear system (GSLS). The frequency skeleton curve and the damping skeleton curve are defined to describe the main feature of the non-linearity as well. Moreover, an identification method is proposed through the skeleton curves and the time-frequency filtering technique.


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Applying the scaling relationships developed recently for conical indentation in elastic-plastic solids with work-hardening, we examine the question of whether stress-strain relationships of such solids can be uniquely determined by matching the calculated loading and unloading curves with that measured experimentally. We show that there can be multiple stress-strain curves for a given set of loading and unloading curves. Consequently, stress-strain relationships may not be uniquely determined from loading and unloading curves alone using a conical or pyramidal indenter.


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The effects of indenter tip rounding on the shape of indentation loading curves have been analyzed using dimensional and finite element analysis for conical indentation in elastic-perfectly plastic solids. A method for obtaining mechanical properties from indentation loading curves is then proposed. The validity of this method is examined using finite element analysis. Finally, the method is used to determine the yield strength of several materials for which the indentation loading curves are available in the literature.


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Generalized planar fault energy (GPFE) curves have been used to predict partial-dislocation-mediated processes in nanocrystalline materials, but their validity has not been evaluated experimentally. We report experimental observations of a large quantity of both stacking faults and twins in nc Ni deformed at relatively low stresses in a tensile test. The experimental findings indicate that the GPFE curves can reasonably explain the formation of stacking faults, but they alone were not able to adequately predict the propensity of deformation twinning.


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Using dimensional analysis and finite-element calculations we determine the functional form of indentation loading curves for a rigid conical indenter indenting into elastic-perfectly plastic solids. The new results are compared with the existing theories of indentation using conical indenters, including the slip-line theory for rigid-plastic solids, Sneddon's result for elastic solids, and Johnson's model for elastic-perfectly plastic solids. In the limit of small ratio of yield strength (Y) to Young's modulus (E), both the new results and Johnson's model approach that predicted by slip-line theory for rigid-plastic solids. In the limit of large Y/E, the new results agree with that for elastic solids. For a wide range of Y/E, some difference is found between Johnson's model-and the present result. This study also demonstrates the possibilities and limitations of using indentation loading curves to extract fundamental mechanical properties of solids.


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The joint time-frequency analysis method is adopted to study the nonlinear behavior varying with the instantaneous response for a class of S.D.O.F nonlinear system. A time-frequency masking operator, together with the conception of effective time-frequency region of the asymptotic signal are defined here. Based on these mathematical foundations, a so-called skeleton linear model (SLM) is constructed which has similar nonlinear characteristics with the nonlinear system. Two skeleton curves are deduced which can indicate the stiffness and damping in the nonlinear system. The relationship between the SLM and the nonlinear system, both parameters and solutions, is clarified. Based on this work a new identification technique of nonlinear systems using the nonstationary vibration data will be proposed through time-frequency filtering technique and wavelet transform in the following paper.


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