104 resultados para Hyperbranched


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Hyperverzweigte Polymere erfuhren in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Beachtung, da sie im Vergleich zu ihren linearen Analoga besondere Eigenschaften besitzen. Im Jahre 2002 wurde die erste enzymkatalysierte Darstellung hyperverzweigter Poly(epsilon-caprolacton)e (hb-PCL) beschrieben. Hier ermöglichte das Konzept der konkurrierenden ringöffnenden Polymerisation und Polykondensation die Kontrolle der Eigenschaften des dargestellten Polymers. Detaillierte Untersuchungen in Hinblick auf Grenzen und Möglichkeiten, aber auch die Synthese im Technikumsmaßstab sind wesentliche Aspekte dieser Arbeit. Außerdem wird ein neues Konzept eingeführt, das Reknitting genannt wurde. Ziel desselben ist das Recycling kommerziellen, linearen PCLs mittels Umesterung zu hb-PCL durch Enzymkatalyse. Diese hb-PCLs zeigen vergleichbare Eigenschaften zu den aus den Comonomeren dargestellten. Ausgehend von hb-PCL sollte eine geeignete Route zu methacrylierten Vernetzerverbindungen entwickelt werden. Aus Mischungen derselben mit 2-Hydroxyethylmethacrylat wurden komplexe Netzwerkarchitekturen durch Copolymerisation erhalten. Diese Netzwerke wurden in Hinblick auf ihre mechanisch physikalischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Zuletzt wurden Screeningexperimente an anderen zyklischen Estern durchgeführt, da ein Transfer des oben vorgestellten Konzepts angestrebt wurde. Zwei neue hyperverzweigte Polymerklassen, hb-Poly(delta-valerolacton) und hb-Polytrimethylencarbonat wurden detaillierter untersucht und in Ihren Eigenschaften mit hb-PCL verglichen.


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The present thesis deals with the development of new branched polymer architectures containing hyperbranched polyglycerol. Materials investigated include hyperbranched oligomers, hyperbranched polyglycerols containing functional initiator-cores at the focal point, well-defined linear-hyperbranched block copolymers and also negatively charged hyperbranched polyelectrolytes.rnHyperbranched oligoglycerols (DPn = 7 and 14) have been synthesized for the first time. The materials show narrow polydispersity (Mw/Mn ca. 1.45) and a very low content in cyclic homopolymers. 13C NMR evidences the dendritic structure of the oligomers and the DB could be calculated (44% and 52%). These new oligoglycerols were compared with the industrial products obtained by polycondensation which exhibit narrow polydispersity (Mw/Mn<1.3) butrnmultimodal distribution in SEC. Detailed 13C NMR and Maldi-ToF studies reveal the presence of branched units and cyclic compounds. In comparison, the hyperbranched oligoglycerols comprise a very low proportion of cyclic homopolymer which render them very interesting materials for biomedical applications for example.rnThe site isolation of the core moiety in dendritic structure offers intriguing potential with respect to peculiar electro-optical properties. Various initiator-cores (n-alkyl amines, UVabsorbing amines and benzophenone) for the ROMBP of glycidol have been tested. The bisglycidolized amine initiator-cores show the best control over the molecular weight and the molecular weight distribution. The photochemical analyses of the naphthalene containingrnhyperbranched polyglycerols show a slight red shift, a pronounced hypochromic effect (decrease of the intensity of the band) compared with the parent model compound and the formation of a relative compact structure. The benzophenone containing polymers adopt an open structure in polar solvents. The fluorescence measurements show a clear “dendritic effect” on the fluorescence intensities and the quantum yield of the encapsulated benzophenone.rnA convenient 3-step strategy has been developed for the preparation of well-defined amphiphilic, linear-hyperbranched block copolymers via hypergrafting. The procedure represents a combination of carbanionic polymerization with the alkoxide-based, controlled ring-opening multibranching polymerization of glycidol. Materials consisting of a polystyrene linear block and a hyperbranched polyglycerol block exhibit narrow polydispersity (1.01-1.02rnfor 5.4% to 27% wt. PG and 1.74 for 52% wt. PG) with a high grafting efficiency. The strategy was also extended to materials with a linear polyisoprene block.rnDetailed investigations of the solution properties of the block copolymers with linear polystyrene blocks show that block copolymer micelles are stabilized by the highly branched block. The morphology of the aggregates is depending on the solvent: in chloroform monodisperse spherical shape aggregates and in toluene ellipsoidal aggregates are formed. On graphite these aggregates show interesting features, giving promising potential applications with respect to the presence of a very dense, functional and stable hyperbranched block.rnThe bulk morphology of the linear-hyperbranched block copolymers has been investigated. The materials with a linear polyisoprene block only behave like complex liquids due to the low Tg and the disordered nature of both components. For the materials with polystyrene, only the sample with 27% wt. hyperbranched polyglycerol forms some domains showing lamellae.rnThe preparation of hyperbranched polyelectrolytes was achieved by post-modification of the hydroxyl groups via Michael addition of acrylonitrile, followed by hydrolysis. In aqueous solution materials form large aggregates with size depending on the pH value. After deposition on mica the structures observed by AFM show the coexistence of aggregates andrnunimers. For the low molecular weight sample (PG 520 g·mol-1) extended and highly ordered terrace structures were observed. Materials were also successfully employed for the fabrication of composite organic-inorganic multilayer thin films, using electrostatic layer-bylayer self-assembly coupled with chemical vapor deposition.


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Polycarbosilanes are a class of polymers at the interface between organic and inorganic chemistry. They are characterized by a high thermal and chemical inertness and high flexibility, especially pronounced for branched structures. Linear polycarbosilanes are well known as precursors for the preparation of SiCx ceramics. Additionally, more sophisticated architectures like dendrimers, hyperbranched polymers or block copolymers have been the subject of research for more than a decade. The scope of this work was to expand the properties and fields of application for polycarbosilane-containing structures. Thus, the work is divided in two major parts. The first part covers the synthesis and characterization of hyperbranched polycarbosilanes containing organometallic moieties. Hyperbranched poly-carbosilanes were synthesized using hydrosilylation of diallylmethylsilane and methyldiundecenylsilane. The degree of branching for polydiallymethylsilane was determined using standard 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The functional building blocks ferrocenyldimethylsilane and diferrocenylmethylsilane were synthesized which contain an isolated ferrocene unit or two ferrocenes bridged by silicon, respectively. Hyperbranched polycarbosilanes functionalized with ferrocenyl moieties were synthesized by modification of preformed polymers or by copolymerization of AB2 carbosilane monomers with AX-type ferrocenylsilanes. Polymers with Mn = 2500-9000g/mol and ferrocene contents of up to 67wt% were obtained. Electrochemical characterization by cyclic voltammetry revealed that polymers functionalized with isolated ferrocene units showed a single reversible oxidation wave, while voltammograms for polymers functionalized with diferrocenyl silane exhibited two well-separated reversible oxidation-reduction waves. This shows that the polymer bound ferrocenes bridged by silicon are electronically communicating and thus oxidation of the first ferrocene shifts the oxidation potential for the adjacent one. The polymers were utilized successfully for the preparation of modified electrodes with persistent and reproducible electrochemical response in organic solvents as well as in aqueous solution. The presented work has proven that ferrocenyl-functionalized hyperbranched polymers exhibit similar electrochemical properties as the analogous dendrimers. In a further approach it was shown that hyperbranched polymers containing organometallic moieties can be synthesized by polymerization of a new ferrocene-containing AB2 monomer - diallylferrocenylsilane. The second part of this work is dedicated to the preparation of core-functional hyperbranched polycarbosilanes. Low molecular weight ambifunctional molecules were synthesized that contain double bonds for the attachment of a polycarbosilane polymer as well as a second functionality available for further reaction and modification. Reactive vinyl groups in the core molecule allow an efficient attachment of hyperbranched polycarbosilane which was proven by MALDI-ToF and GPC. In combination with slow monomer addition techniques molecular weight and polydispersity of the polymers were controlled successfully. Core-functional polymers were characterized by NMR-spectroscopy, MALDI-ToF and GPC. Polymers with polydispersities <2 and molecular weights up to 5300g/mol were obtained. Transformation of the double bonds of the carbosilane was demonstrated with various silanes using hydrosilylation reaction or hydrogenation. Additionally, the core-functionality was varied resulting in polymers with bromo-, phthalimide-, amine- or azide moieties. Thus, a versatile synthetic strategy was developed that allows the synthesis of tailor-made polymers.A promising approach is the application of the polymer building blocks in copolymer synthesis. Bisglycidolization of amine-functional polycarbosilanes produces macro-initiators that are suitable for the multibranching-ring opening polymerization of glycidol. This experiments lead to the first example of hyperbranched-hyperbranched amphiphilic block copolymers, hb-PG-b-hb-PCS. Furthermore, the implementation of copper-catalyzed cycloaddition between azide-functional polycarbosilane and alkyne-functional poly(ethoxyethyl glycidylether) resulted in linear-hyperbranched block copolymers. The facile removal of acetal protecting groups provided convenient access to lin-PG-b-hb-PCS.


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Among hyperbranched polymers, polyglycerol is one of the most promising and commonly used macromolecules due to its biocompatibility and versatility. However, the synthesis of high molecular weight polyglycerols still involves many intricacies and has only been understood to a limited extent. Furthermore, only few complex structures like star or block copolymers incorporating polyglycerol have been realized so far. Particularly biocompatible block copolymers are considered promising candidates for biomedical applications.rnThe scope of this thesis was the enhancement of the synthetic process leading to polyglycerol derivatives which implies improved molecular weight control for a broad molecular weight range as well as the assembly of more complex structures like amphiphilic block copolymers. Further insight into the relation between reaction solvent, degree of deprotonation during the ring-opening multibranching polymerization of glycidol and the characteristics of the obtained polymers were achieved within the scope of this work. Based on these results, a novel concept for the preparation of hyperbranched polyglycerols with molecular weights up to 20,000 g/mol was developed, applying a two step synthesis pathway. Starting from a partially deprotonated TMP core, low molecular weight hb-PGs were prepared using the known synthetic protocol that has been established since the late 1990ies. In a subsequent reaction sequence, these well defined polymers were used as hyperbranched macroinitiator cores in order to obtain high molecular weight hb-PGs with remarkably low polydispersity (Mw/Mn < 1.8). Molecular weight control was shown to be excellent and undesired low molecular weight side products were absent. Furthermore, the technique of continuous spin fractionation has been discovered as an efficient method for polyglycerol work-up to remove quantitatively residual monomer- and oligomer traces from hb-PG compositions to result in samples with significantly reduced polydispersities. Based on these results the synthesis of amphiphilic block copolymers containing hydrophilic hyperbranched polyglycerol blocks and linear, apolar poly(propylene oxide) blocks has been significantly improved and augmented to hb-PG-b-l-PPO-b-hb-PG ABA block copolymers. The influence of different polyglycerol-based amphiphiles on the fibril formation was studied by Thioflavin T Fluorescence showing remarkable increasing lag times which is promising in order to enhance the stability of this protein. In addition the first synthesis of poly(glyceryl glycerols) (PGG), introducing a new solketyl glycidyl ether monomer (IGG) was shown. It was furthermore demonstrated that core-functional carbosilane wedges allow application in block copolymer synthesis. Bisglycidolized amine functional polymers were successfully employed as macroinitiators for glycidol polymerization. This resulted in the first example of amphiphilic hyperbranched-hyperbranched polymer structures. Finally, it has been shown that the previously reported synthetic pathway to carboxylated hyperbranched polyglycerol polyelectrolytes can also be applied for the amphiphilic linear-hyperbranched block copolymers. These novel biocompatible and highly amphiphilic polyelectrolytes offer great potential for further investigations. rnrn


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The prologue of this thesis (Chapter 1.0) gives a general overview on lactone based poly(ester) chemistry with a focus on advanced synthetic strategies for ring-opening polymerization, including the emerging field of organo catalysis. This section is followed by a presentation of the state-of the art regarding the two central fields of the thesis: (i) polyfunctional and branched poly(ester)s in Chapter 1.1 as well as (ii) the development of new poly(ester) based block copolymers with functional methacrylates (Chapter 1.2). Chapter 2 deals with the synthesis of new, non-linear poly(ester) structures. In Chapter 2.1, the synthesis of poly(lactide)-based multiarm stars, prepared via a grafting-from method, is described. The hyperbranched poly(ether)-poly(ol) poly(glycerol) is employed as a hydrophilic core molecule. The resulting star block copolymers exhibit potential as phase transfer agents and can stabilize hydrophilic dyes in a hydrophobic environment. In Chapter 2.2, this approach is expanded to poly(glycolide) multiarm star polymers. The problem of the poor solubility of linear poly(glycolide)s in common organic solvents combined with an improvement of the thermal properties has been approached by the reduction of the total chain length. In Chapter 2.3, the first successful synthesis of hyperbranched poly(lactide)s is presented. The ring-opening, multibranching copolymerization of lactide with the “inimer” 5HDON (a hydroxyl-functional lactone monomer) was carefully examined. Besides a precise molecular characterization involving the determination of the degree of branching, we were able to put forward a reaction model for the formation of branching during polymerization. Several innovative approaches to amphiphilic poly(ester)/poly(methacrylate)-based block copolymers are presented in the third part of the thesis (Chapter 3). Block copolymer build-up especially relies on the combination of ring-opening and living radical polymerization. Atom transfer radical polymerization has been successfully combined with lactide ring-opening, using a “double headed” initiator. This strategy allowed for the realization of poly(lactide)-block-poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) copolymers, which represent promising materials for tissue engineering scaffolds with anti-fouling properties (Chapter 3.1). The two-step/one-pot approach forgoes the use of protecting groups for HEMA by a careful selection of the reaction conditions. A series of potentially biocompatible and partially biodegradable homo- and block copolymers is described in Chapter 3.2. In order to create a block copolymer with a comparably strong hydrophilic character, a new acetal-protected glycerol monomethacrylate monomer (cis-1,3- benzylidene glycerol methacrylate/BGMA) was designed. The hydrophobic poly(BGMA) could be readily transformed into the hydrophilic and water-soluble poly(iso-glycerol methacrylate) (PIGMA) by mild acidic hydrolysis. Block copolymers of PIGMA and poly(lactide) exhibited interesting spherical aggregates in aqueous environment which could be significantly influenced by variation of the poly(lactide)s stereo-structure. In Chapter 3.3, pH-sensitive poly(ethylene glycol)-b-PBGMA copolymers are described. At slightly acidic pH values (pH 4/37°C), they decompose due to a polarity change of the BGMA block caused by progressing acetal cleavage. This stimuli-responsive behavior renders the system highly attractive for the targeted delivery of anti-cancer drugs. In Chapter 3.4, which was realized in cooperation, the concept of biocompatible, amphiphilic poly(lactide) based polymer drug conjugates, was pursued. This was accomplished in the form of fluorescently labeled poly(HPMA)-b-poly(lactide) copolymers. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) of partially biodegradable block copolymer aggregates exhibited fast cellular uptake by human cervix adenocarcinoma cells without showing toxic effects in the examined concentration range (Chapter 4.1). The current state of further projects which will be pursued in future studies is addressed in Chapter 4. This covers the synthesis of biocompatible star block copolymers (Chapter 4.2) and the development of new methacrylate monomers for biomedical applications (Chapters 4.3 and 4.4). Finally, the further investigation of hydroxyl-functional lactones and carbonates which are promising candidates for the synthesis of new hydrophilic linear or hyperbranched biopolymers, is addressed in Chapter 4.5.


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Thermosetting blends of an aliphatic epoxy resin and a hydroxyl-functionalized hyperbranched polymer (HBP), aliphatic hyperbranched polyester Boltorn H40, were prepared using 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM) as the curing agent. The phase behavior and morphology of the DDM-cured epoxy/HBP blends with HBP content up to 40 wt% were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The cured epoxy/HBP blends are immiscible and exhibit two separate glass transitions, as revealed by DMA. The SEM observation showed that there exist two phases in the cured blends, which is an epoxy-rich phase and an HBP-rich phase, which is responsible for the two separate glass transitions. The phase morphology was observed to be dependent on the blend composition. For the blends with HBP content up to 10 wt%, discrete HBP domains are dispersed in the continuous cured epoxy matrix, whereas the cured blend with 40 wt% HBP exhibits a combined morphology of connected globules and bicominuous phase structure. Porous epoxy thermosets with continuous open structures on the order of 100-300 nm were formed after the HBP-rich phase was extracted with solvent from the cured blend with 40 wt% HBP. The DSC study showed that the curing rate is not obviously affected in the epoxy/HBP blends with HBP content up to 40 wt %. The activation energy values obtained are not remarkably changed in the blends; the addition of HBP to epoxy resin thus does not change the mechanism of cure reaction of epoxy resin with DDM. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This project was a preliminary step towards the development of novel methods for early stage cancer diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic imaging agents with high Raman signal enhancement were developed based on tailored assemblies of gold nanoparticles, which demonstrated potential for non-invasive detection from deep under the skin surface. Specifically designed polymers were employed to assemble gold nanoparticles into controlled morphologies including dimers, nanochains, nanoplates, globular and core-satellite nanostructures. Our findings suggest that the Raman enhancement is strongly dependent on assembly morphology and can be tuned to adapt to the requirements of the diagnostic agent.


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Theranostics offers an improved treatment strategy for prostate cancer by facilitating simultaneous targeting of tumour cells with subsequent drug delivery and imaging. In this report we describe the synthesis of hyperbranched polymers that are biocompatible, can specifically target and be internalised by prostate cancer cells (through targeting of prostate-specific membrane antigen – PSMA) and ultimately facilitate controlled delivery of a model drug. The theranostic also incorporates a far-red fluorescent dye that allows tracking of the polymer via optical imaging. Controlled synthesis of the polymer is achieved via reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerisation of polyethylene glycol monomethyl methacrylate, with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as the branching agent. Incorporation of 20 mol% of an hydrazide-methacrylate monomer allows post-ligation of a model drug, fluorene-2-carboxaldehyde, through a hydrolytically-degradable hydrazone linkage. The rate of degradation of this particular linker was enhanced at endosomal pH (pH = 5.5) where [similar]95% of the model drug was released in 4 hours compared to less than 5% released over the same period at physiological pH. The theranostic showed high uptake into prostate cancer cells expressing prostate-specific membrane antigen, while minimal uptake was observed in PC3 cells negative for PSMA, highlighting the enhanced efficacy of the targeting ligand.


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Targeted nanomedicines offer a strategy for greatly enhancing accumulation of a therapeutic within a specific tissue in animals. In this study, we report on the comparative targeting efficiency toward prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) of a number of different ligands that are covalently attached by the same chemistry to a polymeric nanocarrier. The targeting ligands included a small molecule (glutamate urea), a peptide ligand, and a monoclonal antibody (J591). A hyperbranched polymer (HBP) was utilized as the nanocarrier and contained a fluorophore for tracking/analysis, whereas the pendant functional chain-ends provided a handle for ligand conjugation. Targeting efficiency of each ligand was assessed in vitro using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy to compare degree of binding and internalization of the HBPs by human prostate cancer (PCa) cell lines with different PSMA expression status (PC3-PIP (PSMA+) and PC3-FLU (PSMA−). The peptide ligand was further investigated in vivo, in which BALB/c nude mice bearing subcutaneous PC3-PIP and PC3-FLU PCa tumors were injected intravenously with the HBP-peptide conjugate and assessed by fluorescence imaging. Enhanced accumulation in the tumor tissue of PC3-PIP compared to PC3-FLU highlighted the applicability of this system as a future imaging and therapeutic delivery vehicle.


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The polyamidoamide (PAMAM) class of dendrimers was one of the first dendrimers synthesized by Tomalia and co-workers at Dow. Since its discovery the PAMAMs have stimulated many discussions on the structure and dynamics of such hyperbranched polymers. Many questions remain open because the huge conformation disorder combined with very similar local symmetries have made it difficult to characterize experimentally at the atomistic level the structure and dynamics of PAMAM dendrimers. The higher generation dendrimers have also been difficult to characterize computationally because of the large size (294852 atoms for generation 11) and the huge number of conformations. To help provide a practical means of atomistic computational studies, we have developed an atomistically informed coarse-grained description for the PAMAM dendrimer. We find that a two-bead per monomer representation retains the accuracy of atomistic simulations for predicting size and conformational complexity, while reducing the degrees of freedom by tenfold. This mesoscale description has allowed us to study the structural properties of PAMAM dendrimer up to generation 11 for time scale of up to several nanoseconds. The gross properties such as the radius of gyration compare very well with those from full atomistic simulation and with available small angle x-ray experiment and small angle neutron scattering data. The radial monomer density shows very similar behavior with those obtained from the fully atomistic simulation. Our approach to deriving the coarse-grain model is general and straightforward to apply to other classes of dendrimers.


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Radical catalyzed thiol-ene reaction has become a useful alternative to the Huisgen-type click reaction as it helps to expand the variability in reaction conditions as well as the range of clickable entities. Thus, direct generation of hyper-branched polymers bearing peripheral allyl groups that could be clicked using a variety of functional thiols would be of immense value. A specifically designed AB(2) type monomer, that carries two allyl benzyl ethers groups and one alcohol functionality, was shown to undergo self-condensation under acid-catalyzed melt-transetherification to yield a hyperbranched polyether that carries numerous allyl end-groups. Importantly, it was shown that the kinetics of polymerization is not dramatically affected by the change of the ether unit from previously studied methyl benzyl ether to an allyl benzyl ether. The peripheral allyl groups were readily clicked quantitatively, using a variety of thiols, to generate an hydrocarbon-soluble octadecyl-derivative, amphiphilic systems using 2-mercaptoethanol and chiral amino acid (N-benzoyl cystine) derivatized hyperbranched structures; thus demonstrating the versatility of this novel class of clickable hyperscaffolds. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 49:1735-1744, 2011


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A new class of dendrimers, the poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimer, has been shown to be a novel hyperbranched polymer having potential applications as a drug delivery vehicle. Structure and dynamics of the amine terminated PETIM dendrimer and their changes with respect to the dendrimer generation are poorly understood. Since most drugs are hydrophobic in nature, the extent of hydrophobicity of the dendrimer core is related to its drug encapsulation and retention efficacy. In this study, we carry out fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to characterize the structure of PETIM (G2-G6) dendrimers in salt solution as a function of dendrimer generation at different protonation levels. Structural properties such as radius of gyration (R-g), radial density distribution, aspect ratio, and asphericity are calculated. In order to assess the hydrophilicity of the dendrimer, we compute the number of bound water molecules in the interior of dendrirner as well as the number of dendrimer-water hydrogen bonds. We conclude that PETIM dendrimers have relatively greater hydrophobicity and flexibility when compared with their extensively investigated PAMAM counterparts. Hence PETIM dendrimers are expected to have stronger interactions with lipid membranes as well as improved drug encapsulation and retention properties when compared with PAMAM dendrimers. We compute the root-mean-square fluctuation of dendrimers as well as their entropy to quantify the flexibility of the dendrimer. Finally we note that structural and solvation properties computed using force field parameters derived based on the CHARMM general purpose force field were in good quantitative agreement with those obtained using the generalized Amber force field (GAFF).


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超支化聚合物是一类高度支化的具有三维椭球状立体构造的大分子。由于具有传统线形聚合物所没有的低粘度、高流变、良好的溶解性及大量末端官能团等物理化学特性,近年来已成为高分子科学界研究的一个热点。十多年来,人们在合成方法、表征手段、应用及理论研究等方面取得了可喜的成就。但是,目前超支化聚合物的发展还存在着合成方法和所合成的聚合物种类有限,成本较高及结构可控性差等问题。设计合成了五个系列的新型ABx单体,二经基苯氯代苯酞亚胺、二乙酞氧基苯甲酸苯酞亚胺、三乙酞氧基苯酞胺酸,二经基苯基联苯酰胺酸和多轻基烷基联苯酞胺酸,再分别通过缩聚反应一步成功制备了新型芳香超支化聚醚酞亚胺、芳香超支化聚酷酰亚胺,可降解的超支化聚酷酞胺、芳香和半芳香超支化聚酯酞胺。通过傅立叶红外光谱(FT)、核磁共振波谱(NMR)凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)、热差(DSC)和热重(TGA)等分析手段,详细研究了它们的结构和性质,这些聚合物都具有较低的粘度、良好的溶解性和热稳定性。末端基团的种类和性质在很大程度上影响聚合物的性质。通过小角X一射线散射仪和紫外一可见光谱研究了由天然原料制备的超支化聚酷酞胺的降解行为。设计了由商品化原料,二梭酸酐(AAA,型)与二乙醇胺归32型)、脂肪二梭酸配与多经基伯胺(CBx型)和二酸(Az型)与多轻基伯胺一步合成超支化聚合物的新方法,成功地合成了二十四种不同结构的新型超支化聚酷酰胺。通过FTIR、NMR和DEPT NMR、GPC、基质辅助激光解析时间飞行质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)、DSC和TGA等分析手段,详细研究了它们的结构和性质。这些聚合物都具有较低的粘度、良好的溶解性。