398 resultados para Humphrey, Alecia
自60年代出现软件危机以来,世界各国政府、计算机软件研究机构和组织在软件工程化方法、技术和工具的研究、开发和实践方面投入了大量的人力、物力和资金。人们认识到,要高效率、高质量和低成本地开发软件,必须以改善软件生产过程为中心,实施过程指导的软件生产与质量管理。个体软件过程(PSP)是由卡内基·梅隆大学软件工程研究所的Humphrey领导开发的。它是一种可用于控制、管理和改进个人工作方式的自我持续改进过程。随着软件工业界对软件过程改进需求的日益增长,PSP的研究成为了软件组织为达成完全(从宏观到微观)量化过程管理研究中的一个热点课题。研究表明高水平的个体软件过程能力是软件项目成功的关键,如何进行有效的个体软件过程能力度量是PSP中的一个核心问题。 软件过程能力度量的准确度依赖于历史数据的积累,只有积累了大量客观充分的历史数据,软件过程度量所得到的结果才会更准确,对未来的过程改进才有指导意义。然而,工业生产中常见的协同软件开发,使得PSP能力指标的收集十分困难,例如,当一个软件系统由多人编码实现时,PSP能力的度量就面临着如何识别其中每个开发者所贡献的代码量,所引入的缺陷率以及所带来的程序复杂性等问题。同时,PSP能力度量问题本身具有多指标输入输出、规模收益可变以及需要考虑决策者偏好的特点,因此亟需一种面向PSP能力度量的量化分析方法,用于解决具有这类特点的量化度量问题。 由于软件仓库 (版本控制系统及缺陷跟踪系统等) 已经被广泛应用于大多数的软件项目开发之中,同时其中蕴含了丰富且极具价值的历史开发数据,这些数据和整个项目开发周期中开发人员的行为紧密相关,是个体软件活动的最直接反映,为PSP能力度量研究提供了大量客观的数据支持。因而本文提出了一种基于软件仓库的个体软件过程能力度量的新方法。该方法可分为两个步骤:基于软件仓库的PSP能力指标挖掘,以及支持PSP度量的量化分析模型。 首先本文通过充分研究当前常用的软件仓库数据挖掘技术,重点分析针对版本控制系统和缺陷跟踪系统的数据挖掘方法,提出了一种在协同工作环境中,基于软件仓库的PSP能力指标挖掘方法,并定义了四组指标进行详尽的分析,从理论和实践的角度,保证了PSP指标数据集的准确、客观和合理性 其次本文提出了一种基于数据包络分析(DEA)和层次分析法(AHP)的混合模型—PSPADA—用于PSP能力的度量分析,更进一步,还从理论上证明了PSPADA模型的正确性和可行性,并建立了与之相关的三个核心算法(综合决策者偏好,建立参考集和估计规模收益)。该模型能够同时解决多目标决策、可变规模收益以及主观决策者偏好的问题。应用该模型进行PSP指标数据的度量分析,其反馈的量化结果更为客观、更易理解,能有效地指导个体开发者实施个人软件过程改进。 然后,本文还实现了该度量方法的原型工具PSPstat。PSPstat实现了PSP指标收集和PSP能力度量分析的功能。它支持从软件仓库中自动挖掘多种PSP能力指标数据,使用PSPADA进行评价计算,并提供丰富的图形界面,展示指标数据和度量结果。PSPstat易于扩展,在设计上考虑了对多种版本控制系统、多种缺陷跟踪系统、多种程序语言、多种度量指标以及多种量化方法的支持,为进一步的研究和工作准备了必要的基础。 最后,在实例研究中,通过两个实验对本文提出的PSP能力度量模型及方法进行了验证。实验一的研究对象是一个标准的PSP数据集,侧重于从理论角度对PSP能力度量模型中的PSPADA方法进行有效性验证,证明PSPADA方法在结合决策者偏好的前提下,能有效度量个体软件过程的能力。实验二则以一个开源软件项目jEdit 为实验对象,获得了一个包含近百名个体开发者的大型工业数据集,因此在实验中,着重展示了该方法从工业软件仓库中挖掘个体软件过程能力指标的优势。 从本文的研究中可以看出,该基于软件仓库进行PSP能力指标挖掘的方法,可以保证度量指标的客观公正性,且将指标收集过程自动化,节省了大量的人力物力。同时其中的PSPADA度量模型能够在考虑决策者偏好的同时,有效的进行多指标、规模收益可变的量化评估,给出合理的度量结果,并指导未来的改进方向。因此该PSP能力度量方法对度量个体软件过程的能力,帮助软件企业建立IPRP薪资策略将有着显著的推动和促进作用。
个体软件过程(PSP)是由卡内基?梅隆大学软件工程研究所的 Humphrey 领导开发的.它是一种可用于控制、管理和改进个人工作方式的自我持续改进过程.随着工业界对软件过程改进需求的日益增长,PSP 成为了软件组织为达成完全(从宏观到微观)量化过程管理研究中的一个热点课题.软件过程研究表明,高水平的个体软件过程能力是软件项目成功的关键,如何进行有效的个体软件过程能力度量是 PSP 中的一个核心问题.现有方法不能同时有效处理个体软件过程能力度量中的可变规模收益、多变量输入/输出以及决策者偏好问题.提出了一种综合了数据包络分析(DEA)和层次分析法(AHP)的个体软件过程能力评价方法——PSPADA,介绍了 PSPADA 的个体软件过程能力评价模型和核心算法(集成决策者偏好和估计规模收益).实验结果显示,PSPADA 能够在考虑决策者偏好的同时,有效地进行多指标、规模收益可变的量化评估.
Colecao ativa de germoplasma - antecedentes e atualidade; Atividades de recursos fitogeneticos; Colecao nucleo de milho.
O conhecimento do ponto de maturidade fisiológica é de fundamental importância para orientação dos produtores na obtenção de sementes de alta qualidade. Esta é uma informação essencial para nortear o planejamento das operações de colheita, secagem e processamento das sementes. É sabido que a maturidade fisiológica da semente é específica da cultivar e pode ser determinada por diversos parâmetros, tais como: número de dias da emergência até as espigas tornarem-se amarronzadas; soma térmica; matéria seca; teor de água dos grãos; formação da camada negra; desaparecimento da linha de leite nas sementes. Para os milhos normais, esta característica é bem conhecida. Já para o milho doce as informações são escassas e, de uma maneira geral, não têm atendido aos anseios dos produtores. O programa de melhoramento genético do milho da Embrapa Milho e Sorgo mantém ações para a obtenção de cultivares de milho superiores com ampla adaptação e melhoria na qualidade dos grãos. As sementes de milho doce apresentam maiores problemas relacionados à qualidade quando comparadas com as dos milhos normais. Isto é refletido, na média, para o nível de germinação das sementes, que fica em torno de 20% abaixo da germinação das sementes do milho comum. O que se propôs com este trabalho foi estudar a maturação fisiológica de sementes de cultivares de milho doce desenvolvidos pela Embrapa Milho e Sorgo e estabelecer parâmetros que possam auxiliar sua colheita, secagem e processamento, com o objetivo de se obter sementes de alta qualidade.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo organizar a Coleção Núcleo de Milheto da Embrapa Milho e Sorgo.
This commentary links Humphrey and Sui’s proposed Self-attention Network (SAN) to the memory advantage associated with self-relevant information (i.e., the self-reference effect). Articulating this link elucidates the functional quality of the SAN in ensuring that information of potential importance to self is not lost. This adaptive system for self-processing mirrors the cognitive response to threat stimuli, which also elicit attentional biases and produce characteristically enhanced, episodic representations in memory. Understanding the link between the SAN and memory is key to comprehending more broadly the operation of the self in cognition.
This thesis is focused on the synthesis and solid state analysis of carbohydrate derivatives, including many novel compounds. Although the synthetic chemistry surrounding carbohydrates is well established in the literature, the crystal chemistry of carbohydrates is less well studied. Therefore this research aims to improve understanding of the solid state properties of carbohydrate derivatives through gaining more information on their supramolecular bonding. Chapter One focuses on an introduction to the solid state of organic compounds, with a background to crystallisation, including issues that can arise during crystal growth. Chapter Two is based on glucopyranuronate derivatives which are understudied in terms of their solid state forms. This chapter reports on the formation of novel glucuronamides and utilising the functionality of the amide bond for crystallisation. TEMPO oxidation was completed to form glucopyranuronates by oxidation of the primary alcohol groups of glucosides to the carboxylic acid derivatives, to increase functionality for enhanced crystal growth. Chapter Three reports on the synthesis of glucopyranoside derivatives by O-glycosylation reactions and displays crystal structures, including a number of previously unsolved acetate protected and deprotected crystal structures. More complex glycoside derivatives were also researched in an aim to study the resultant supramolecular motifs. Chapter Four contains the synthesis of aryl cellobioside derivatives including the novel crystal structures that were solved for the acetate protected and deprotected compounds. Research was carried out to determine if 1-deoxycellodextrins could act as putative isostructures for cellulose. Our research displays the presence of isostructural references with 1-deoxycellotriose shown to be similar to cellulose III11, 1-deoxycellotetraose correlates with cellulose IV11 and 1-deoxycellopentose shows isostructurality similar to that of cellulose II. Chapter Five contains the full experimental details and spectral characterisation of all novel compounds synthesised in this project and relevant crystallographic information.
The majority of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are crystalline solids in their pure forms. Crystalline solids have definable morphologies, i.e. shape and size. Crystal morphology is determined by both the internal structure of the crystals and external factors during growth from solution. The morphology of a crystal batch can affect key processes during manufacturing. Companies generally accept whatever morphology the manufacturing process provides and deal with any subsequent problems by costly trouble‒shooting. Rational design of optimised morphologies for crystalline pharmaceutical solids would be a very significant technical and commercial advance. Chapter one introduces the concept of crystal nucleation and growth. The phenomenon of polymorphism alongside the causes and impact is discussed. A summary of the scope of instrumentation used in the investigation of crystal polymorphism and morphology, including crystal size distribution (CSD), is also included. Chapter two examines the research carried out during an exploration of the optimum crystallisation parameters of phenacetin. Following a morphological study, the impact this induces on particle density and flow properties is examined. The impact of impurities on the crystallisation properties of phenacetin is investigated. Significantly, the location of impurities within individual crystals is also studied. The third chapter describes an industrial collaboration looking at the resolution and polymorphic study of trometamol and lysine salts of ketoprofen and 2‒phenylpropionic acid (2‒PPA). Chapter four incorporates a solid state study on three separate compounds: 2‒chloro‒4‒nitroaniline, 4‒hydroxy‒N‒phenylbenzenesulfonamide and N‒acetyl‒D‒glucosamine‒6‒O‒sulfate. 2‒Chloro‒4‒nitroaniline and 4‒hydroxy‒N‒phenylbenzenesulfonamide both produced interesting, extreme morphologies which warranted further investigation as part of a collaborative study. Following a summarisation of results in chapter five, chapter six contains the full experimental details, incorporating spectral and other analytical data for all compounds synthesised during the course of the research.
Science Foundation Ireland (05/PICA/B802/EC07, 07/SRC/B1158 and 12/RC/227505); Irish Research Council (Enterprise Partnership Scheme (IRSCET-Clarochem-2010-02)); University College Cork (UCC 2013 Strategic Research Fund); Clarochem (Ireland) Ltd
Freeze-dried (lyophilised) wafers and solvent cast films from sodium alginate (ALG) and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) have been developed as potential drug delivery systems for mucosal surfaces including wounds. The wafers (ALG, CMC) and films (CMC) were prepared by freeze-drying and drying in air (solvent evaporation) respectively, aqueous gels of the polymers containing paracetamol as a model drug. Microscopic architecture was examined using scanning electron microscopy, hydration characteristics with confocal laser scanning microscopy and dynamic vapour sorption. Texture analysis was employed to investigate mechanical characteristics of the wafers during compression. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate polymorphic changes of paracetamol occurring during formulation of the wafers and films. The porous freeze-dried wafers exhibited higher drug loading and water absorption capacity than the corresponding solvent evaporated films. Moisture absorption, ease of hydration and mechanical behaviour were affected by the polymer and drug concentration. Two polymorphs of paracetamol were observed in the wafers and films, due to partial conversion of the original monoclinic to the orthorhombic polymorph during the formulation process. The results showed the potential of employing the freeze-dried wafers and solvent evaporated films in diverse mucosal applications due to their ease of hydration and based on different physical mechanical properties exhibited by both type of formulations.